The broken heart

By EmmaElsher

43.8K 2.6K 530

A little boy who abused in his early childhood meet with his biological brothers, will they able to connect h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Introduction of characters
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 10

909 34 7
By EmmaElsher

Three friends are going to their class through the hallway. Suddenly JK and Eunwoo stop on their way looking front without even blinking. The look on their face is terrified like they see a monster. Kevin go some steps forward feeling no one near he stop on track and look back,

"What happened? We are running late, come fast" still the boys look front, not even glace at the boy. Kevin frowned his eyebrows and look at the front, he see a man coming toward them, but he looks mad. He again glance at the boys, they look terrified. Kevin can't understand why they getting afraid of a random man like this, he can definitely say he is not a professor because all the professors wear a name tag and that a crucial thing. 

"Where are you going young mans?" He asked sternly looking at the boys. Mostly two boys that are little backward to them. Kevin didn't even flinched. He know this man can hit him. But he is not like his monster dad, he can manage him. Therefore he went in front of the man, he is now two steps away from burning man.

"And who the hell are you to ask that?" He asked looking at his eyes directly. The man raised his eyebrows at the boy.

" stop i...t" Eunwoo whispered holding Kevin's hand coming little forward.

"You three are coming with me to the Principal's office" the man again said with his cold and stern voice. Eunwoo and JK nodded without looking at the man. Can they do it? No way, he is not one other than Taehyung, who is JK 's nightmare, when he is angry. JK didn't raise his face after seeing his Hyung's face. He is shivering by now. But Kevin don't know any of this. Kevin gritted his teeth in anger,

"Fucking hell, we are not going to come with you"

"Watch your mouth kid" Taehyung said sternly looking at Kevin.

"What if I not? Who the hell are you to tell us what to do" Kevin rudely snapped at him. Taehyung just want to slap him but he can't. He is furious with Kevin's attitude.

"You are come with me, don't let me drag you by ears" Taehyung said looking at them. 

"Let's go Kevin" Eunwoo said pulling Kevin's arm. Kevin jerked his hand from Eunwoo and look at him.

"Are you mad or what? This shit come from nowhere and tell us what to do. No way I'm going to do that" Kevin snapped at him too. He had enough of this. They do all escape properly and come safely, now a man is going to vanish it. 

"  you don't know who is he, Don't talk to him like that" JK said still looking at floor. No in this life he accept someone disrespect his big brother. Taehyung felt proud about JK behind the fact that he is  angry.

"Are you defending this freak JK" He turned to Taehyung "We are not coming, you are not a prof, therefore, just GET LOST" he shouted the last part.

"You are a brat, don't you know how to talk to elders" Kevin got furious at that, he clutched his fist in anger,

"FUCKING ELDERS, I HATE THAT FUCKERS, Let's go" He grab Eunwoo's hand try to go from there.

"DON'T DARE TO GO, WE ARE GOING TO PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE" Taehyung shouted being furious. his hands are in fists, gritted teeth. JK and Eunwoo know Taehyung is more than furious. That shout sent shiver throughout JK  and Eunwoo. They both flinch badly. JK can't help ,but to feel guilty and scared. Kevin also get little scared at his shout and look toward Taehyung's face, he can see he is angry too. He again get his composure not wanting to let the man in front of him win.


"It's enough Kevin Don't talk to him like that, he is my brother" JK said.

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE...AH what did you say?" He stopped middle of his sentence and look back at the two boys. Eunwoo nodded at Kevin.

"Why the hell you didn't say that earlier" Kevin asked as his all anger got vanished by now. Two boys are still looking down. Kevin again look at front,

" sir I'm sorry, I don't know you are his brother"

"Still you can't talk to elders like that" Taehyung sternly said. He is furious on this kid. He don't let JK to be friends with him. 

"I'm sorry sir" Kevin again said.

"Come with me" Taehyung coldly said and start walking.

"But why sir? we didn't do anything" Kevin said rudely again. He don't care if he's JK's brother. He mostly live like this. this is his way, he is only little good for his friends. Most of his friends are afraid of him, senior friends with him are only for use. Actually JK and Eunwoo are good boys, that's why he doesn't show his bad side. And he feel comfortable around them. it's the reason he talk nicely to them. he feel weird at him. but still he like it from deep down.

"Why didn't you come for health camp?" Taehyung want to see the boys are going to tell truth or not. Who is he kidding.

"We are in the playground playing. We missed the timeline." Kevin lied looking at Taehyung's face. If he is not know the whole seen he surely gonna believe that. That how realistic it sounds. 

"Oh! really Which playground?" Taehyung asked mockingly. JK understand something is wrong only with the tone, but not others. Kevin didn't know playgrounds much, he helplessly signaled others. Eunwoo understand the scene. JK is looking down all the time he is afraid of his brother, more than everything he afraid of injections. His third sense telling him that he is going to get that. He is shivering a little.

"Ahmm...we were playing at the..... outdoor playground" Eunwoo managed to lie.

"yeah, we lost the time line that's the thing happen" Kevin fluently lye looking at Taehyung.

"JK.., Are they telling the truth?" Taehyung asked the boy who look at the floor whole time. JK snapped his head towards Taehyung, he don't like to lie, but he knows other two are doing all the crazy thing because of him. He have to protect them at least. Therefore he stuttered,

"Ye...s hyung-nim" 

"Stop lying you all, All of us know the stunt you done to bunk the school, along with the health camp" Taehyung sternly said. All of there eyes widened. They look at each other. "Come with me fast, You all are wasting my time" Taehyung annoyingly but said sternly. Kevin look at both of their friends. He can feel that they are terrified. Mostly JK. He feel pity for him like first day he see him in the class, actually more than that. He don't have anything to lose. He don't have any problem unless it known by his father. But JK is in more trouble. Therefore,

"Sir, listen to me sir, It's all my plan, they have nothing to do in that" Kevin said while walking along with them. JK's and Eunwoo's eyes widened and look at Kevin.

"I want to bunk the school, not them, I force them sir, Please leave them" Kevin said. "What are you doing Kevin" JK asked holding one of his hand.

"Telling the truth JK, I'm sorry I got you in a trouble" Kevin said. JK is astonished by the way Kevin talking. Taehyung also fell for his lie. Kevin successfully made him believe that plan is his.

"I don't care, if you tell them to jump off a cliff, are they doing it? They have brains to think, Just shut your mouth and follow me" Taehyung said.

"Sir sorry sir, Can't you forgive us, not the Principal's office" Kevin said. He don't know RM and Hobi are JK's brothers. If he knew he never tried, because everything is exposed already. JK is guilty, but he is still thinking about injections. He scared of them a lot.

"SHUT UP KID, you already in a big trouble, don't increase it" Taehyung coldly said. Kevin going to try again,but 

"Kevin don't" JK held his hand and whispered with teary eyes. Kevin felt his heart pierced seen at JK's teary face. He shut the mouth and take his hand gently from his hold and hold again his hand tightly. JK actually feel much secure at his hold. Both brothers follow Taehyung holding each other's hands. One is afraid and other one looking protective.

Eunwoo is also afraid, because now his elder brother, he feared him. He hoping for the best. He doesn't much afraid of needles. but his brother!

The four of them are heading towards the Principal's office. 

                                                                                                           to be continue.

I'm going to upload next part soon. You guys are asked me to upload soon, but I'll not able to do that. sorry for that. Comment and vote guys.

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