The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

94.7K 3.8K 436


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
The Four Dragons
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
Port Awa
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
Taking Action
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
A Royal Encounter
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out
The Weak And Helpless


1.6K 78 7
By Shizuko-Chan

Where am I? I looked around all I saw was blackness. Fear build up in my throat. I felt around me. Rock. I left above me. Rock. I felt under me. Rock. I then remembered. The boulder. It crushed me, I had pushed the villager out of the way.

But if that's what happened where as I now? Gosh, Gija's gunna kill me! I had just promised him I wouldn't do something like this. Honestly though, where am I? Then an idea hit me. "No way." I mutter in disbelief. "I'm in a hole. A hole inside the boulder." I utter under my breath not believing my luck. But one thing struck me. Air. This is a large hole but it's a rock it can't have any air flow.

I might have survived being crushed by a large boulder and not matter how impressive that sounded the real test was about to begin. I tsk my tongue. I really don't feel like playing a game of how long can you hold you breath.

Yona's P.O.V

I watched as the worst part of the earthquake comes over. Boulders were falling from the roof and people began to run around screaming and shouting.

I felt Gija's breath against my cheek as he shielded me with his body. I looked passed him and spotted May. May! How could I have forgotten May! She looked around worriedly as a rock it her head.

She mumbled something as she rubbed her head. Dust began to rise from the floor and the May turned her head toward something. I followed her line of sight to see a growing pile of boulders. But May wasn't looking at the pile of rocks instead she looked at a village man.

May's eyes widen and she ran toward him it took me a second to realize that the man was about to be crushed my a falling boulder and May was attempting to save him.

May reached the man and pushes him out of the way. She them looked up her mouth opened about to scream but no noise left her mouth as the boulder landed on top of her. "May!" I screamed.

The earthquake stopped and the dust cleared. Gija moves away from me. I ran toward the pile of boulders that now blocked the tunnel trapping us.

I didn't care though. All I cared about at the moment was May. No one else reacted but me to this. Yun didn't say anything and neither did Gija. I realized that they, unlike me, had been to busy protecting themselves or me in Gija's case to really look around.

Gija and Yun walked over to me as I lay on my hands and knees staring at the pile crying. "What's wrong, Princess?" Yun asked worriedly. I looked at Yun then to Gija. "M-May." I muttered load enough for the two to hear.

Gija and Yun begin to look around for the little girl and frown as the two don't see her anywhere. "Where is she?" Yun asked in a horse whisper as if he was afraid if he talked any loader something worse might happen.

I cried harder. A village man approached us and tapped my shoulder. I looked up at him. He was pale, and trembling. "What's was her name." He asked looking at the pile of rubble mournfully.

I then noticed that the man before was the man May had pushed out of the way. "What's going on? Where's May!" Yun demanded looking at the Man.
The man frowned. "May, the little girl right?" He asked. Yun gritted his teeth as if the conversation was causing him to lose brain cells. "Yes." Yun said through his gritted teeth.

"S-She pushed me out of the way....." The man explains. Looking back at the pile of rocks. "She got hit by a boulder." The man finished. Gija's and Yun's eyes widened.

"Which boulder!" Gija shouted walking towards the pile. The man pointed to the single boulder Yona lay in front of. Gija willed his dragon arm to grow and began to claw at the boulders surface already whipping a chunk of it off. "Hang in there, May!"

May's P.O.V

The air is getting shallow.Very shallow. I suddenly heard a thunk on the side of the boulder. I crawled to the other side of the boulder away from the the thunking. My eyelids began to get heavy.

No! Don't fall asleep May! The thunking grows louder. My eyelids grew heavier. A small hole appeared on the side of the boulder that the thunking came from. I stared to fall asleep, I tried to fight the fatigue that washes over me.

"Something's inside the boulder!" A familiar voice cried. A few tears trailed down my cheek. "!" I crocked as my vision grew darker and darker until I was swallowed into the darkness.

Yona's P.O.V

I stare at Gija as he vigorously clawed at the boulder. A crowd of villagers had gathered around to watch. "Something's inside the boulder!" Gija announced. "!" Pleaded the small voice of May.

My eyes widened. "May!" I cried. Gija gave the rock one more big slash and a large hole appeared revealing that the boulder had a hole inside it. May lay in the middle of the hole her eyes closed.

Gija bends into the hole and picks her up rushing her over to Yun as he gets out some medical supplies from his bag. Gija lays May in front of Yun. Yun places two fingers on May's wrist. "She's alive." Yun sighs in relief.

I rush over to May's side and hold her hand. Yun examines her and places an ear to her chest. His eyes widen. "What!" I say knowing something was wrong. Yun reluctantly pulled his ear away.

"Her breathing, it's shallow and raspy. She'll sound fine after she gets more air but I'd imagine she was asleep because of the lack of oxygen in the boulder. She probably took some damage to her lungs." Yun says nervously looking at May in the corner of his eyes.

I grip May's hand harder. "Will she have trouble breathing then?" I ask as my hand trembles. Yun looks away from May to me. "She'll have a harder time breathing but her lungs were healthy before hand too. It shouldn't damage her breathing enough were we should be worried. The only thing I'm concerned with his water. I don't know if we can trust her lungs to pull through well swimming if she accidentally inhales to much water." Yun informs.

I heard a sudden slam. I jumped at the sound and looked toward the sudden sound to see Gija had hit the wall. "Gija...." I called. For once he ignored my call. "Damn it!" Gija yelled . "I was suppose to watch after her! I told her I would protect her!" Gija continued.

May's P.O.V

" Damn it!" I heard Gija yell. "I was suppose to watch after her! I told her I would protect her!" Gija continued angrily.

I began to get up. "May!" Yun and Yona cried in unison. "May!" Yun repeated relieved as he pulled me into a hug. "You idiot, you should of just told the guy to move. Don't go trying to be a stupid hero." Yun said holding me tight.

I smiled and rapped my hands around Yun and hugged him back. Yun let me go. I went over to Gija. "I'm ok." I reassured placing a hand on his arm. He looks away at the wall we had punched and turns to me. "I'm sorry, I broke my promise." I mutter lightly a tear dripping down my face.

I wipe it away and smile. I quickly hug Gija and turn to Yun. "What's my condition, doc?" I joke as I look around me to see various ointments scattered around the floor around me.

Yun's eyes lost their excited shine. I frowned. "Your lungs. They're damaged, it shouldn't be that big of a problem but if you go swimming in water...... I doubt your lungs will be able to keep going it you inhale to much water." Yun admits. I nod my head processing the news. It was bad, yes. But it could of been worse, right now though we have bigger problems.

"Now that I've survived a deadly game of how long can you hold your breath. I'm not gunna let a whole bunch of over sized pebbles stop me from getting out of here."

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