Necessary (BTS X JJK)

By Friday_Writer

82K 2.8K 45

COMPLETE: They have been searching for the final member of their pack for years, their omega. Only when they... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Thank you

Chapter 36

1K 43 0
By Friday_Writer

Everyone groaned when Namjoon's phone started to ding incessantly from incoming texts. Eventually the head alpha shifted back to his human form so he could turn his phone off, considering just throwing it out the window and hoping it broke so nobody could ever contact him again. The last thing he needed was another notice from the elder council that they needed to report so they could be chastised again. What was the point anyway?

When he first saw the text he was confused. GPS coordinates. The following texts told him to get there with the pack as quickly as possible. Was it a trick? By now it seemed everyone hated them and knew they were weak and defenseless. What good could possibly come of going?

Then another text.

Your omega will be there

Wait, what? Their omega? Jungkook would be there?

Suddenly it felt worth the risk. Namjoon immediately burst into the sleeping den, rousing the rest of the wolves.

"We have to go now. I just got a text. We have to get Jungkook."

It was only moments before everyone was awake and questions were being shouted his way.

Ignoring them all he headed toward the office. Grabbing a big stack of cash he threw it into a backpack with his cell phone in case they received more instructions. If this turned out, if they actually got their omega back that was all they needed. Some money to run away, recover, possibly start a new life. Time was of the essence. They had to get there, and fast.

Everyone was already at the front door by the time Namjoon came back with his small backpack. "Leave everything, we're getting our omega and we're running. We don't need anything else that they can use to track us."

With that they were out the door. They would drive part way there and go the rest of the distance by foot. It was a difficult journey through deep underbrush, crowded trees, and prickly briars. Even so, nobody was willing to fall behind. The hope of finding their omega was enough to keep them going no matter what the risk or discomfort.

Namjoon eventually stopped everyone. "We're here."

"What now?" Jimin couldn't help but ask.

"I guess we wait." Namjoon had no idea if it was a trap but he'd willingly accept it if it even offered the remotest chance of reuniting with their omega. They simply had to do whatever they could at this point to get back their final mate.

The wait was agonizing. On more than one occasion Namjoon had to silence one of the alphas who began expressing their anxiety. They felt so exposed.

"I smell something." Hobi was the first to mention it, but as soon as he did Jimin confirmed it.

"It smells like our omega, we should go."

Before anyone could hold him back Jimin had shifted into his wolf form and was sprinting away, desperately chasing the scent of their final packmate. The remainder of the pack immediately took off after him in a mix of wolf of human forms, desperate to get to their omega as quickly as possible.

Within a few minutes they found him. Their poor omega looked totally beaten down, hardly able to stay upright but he was doing his best to keep going, continuing on until he finally caught up with the rest of his pack.

When he first saw Jimin, Jungkook was too disoriented to know if he was a friend or foe. He could hardly remember what his mate's wolf forms looked like. Exhaustion, emotional strain, and sorrow overcame him as he fell to his knees. If this was the end it was the end. He'd simply accept it if the torture of the last six months was over. He simply didn't have any ability to continue on.


It only took a few minutes for the rest of the pack to wake the omega up, anxious to ensure he was ok after he collapsed on the ground.

"Wha...? Is this a dream?" The sweet omega was nearly out of his mind, hardly able to focus on the alphas around him.

Namjoon had the omega in his arms immediately, pressed tight against his chest, encouraging the boy to wrap his legs around the larger wolf's waist. "No baby boy, we're here, we're here and you're here and we're never going to let you go again. I promise."

Jungkook was unable to answer, immediately breaking into deep soul shaking sobs as he buried his face in the alpha's neck, desperately seeking his scent gland in an effort to find any comfort.

"Please...please don't leave me. I can't go back there. I won't survive."

"I know pup, I know. We're all here now and we're never letting them have you again no matter what. But we really need to get out of here, can you walk for a little bit?"

Even before he asked, Namjoon knew the answer. Asking the omega to walk would seriously slow them down and they needed to move fast.

"My love, my beautiful mate, if I shift will you hold on tight and ride on my back? I'm afraid we need to move quickly. It probably won't be very comfortable but I need you to trust me, can you do that?"

Jungkook gently nodded but his tears increased as soon as the alpha set him down so he could shift.

Jimin held the omega in a tight hug as Namjoon shifted, only pulling away after he was convinced the omega was latched on tight to the huge wolf. Jungkook laid on the silver wolf's back, legs wrapped around his midsection and arms wrapped tight around his neck.

"We're going to run pup so please hold on tight. If you need help just shout ok?"

Jungkook nodded, already beginning to relax in the comforting soft fur of his alpha, his mate.

Almost immediately the rest of the pack shifted. Yoongi ran in advance of the pack scouting for trouble. The rest of the pack ran in a wide circle around Namjoon. Jimin in the front, Jin and Taehyung taking up the two sides, and Hobi taking up the rear keeping careful watch while Namjoon carried the omega on his back.

They'd only made it about 15 minutes when they needed to stop. Clearly the comfort of finally being with his pack and in direct contact with one of his alphas was breaking through and Jungkook was hardly able to stay awake after over a week of almost no sleep. The alphas made quick work of using sweatshirts and other clothes to tie the omega to the wolf under him, ensuring he'd stay tightly pressed against the alpha even if he dozed off. As soon as they were confident in their efforts they shifted back and began running again.

It was hours. The pack had never run so far. Never even imagined they could run so far. Eventually Yoongi slowed and the rest of the pack behind him. He'd found a cave where they could rest for the night.

As the alphas shifted back to their human form they carefully relocated their omega, creating a small pile of soft clothes in the middle of the cave and immediately crowding around the sleeping boy.

They wanted to offer him something good to eat, something to drink, but right now that wasn't an option. Under any circumstances he seemed much too tired to possibly take in any sustenance. At this point the best they could do is curl up close with their omega, hoping each of them would begin to heal as they spent the night tight in each other's embrace, their bodies and souls warmed by the pack with the hope of a new day in the morning.

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