Necessary (BTS X JJK)

By Friday_Writer

82K 2.8K 45

COMPLETE: They have been searching for the final member of their pack for years, their omega. Only when they... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Thank you

Chapter 31

1.1K 40 1
By Friday_Writer

As the evening turned into night each of the alphas gathered around Jin while he prepared to return to Jungkook. The entire pack agreed that Jin should be focused fully on their omega but did ask that he remember to take his phone so he could at least text to let them know that he made it safely into the omegas space. Each of the alphas peppered him with last minute requests and instructions as he prepared to go.

"Remember not to scent him no matter how much he asks."

"Please be careful to not get caught. You and Jungkook's safety and ability to be together is the top priority."

"If you end up somewhere else, call right away and we'll come and get you."

"Remember to take a picture of you and our omega together and send it to us. We just want to see he is doing ok."

"Make sure you tell our pup we love and miss him and we'll see him soon. Please give him a snuggle for all of us."

Namjoon finally encouraged everyone to quiet and gave Jin one last rub on his shoulder. "Thank you for doing this for all of us. We'll be here waiting to hear from you or see you in the morning."

With that Jin disappeared.

Never had the alpha been so thankful to find himself trapped in a small room with a guard outside and only the smallest of windows to let in light. He could see their omega in almost the same position he found him the previous night, on the bed, covered with sweat, curled up in a little ball. This time he was on top of the blankets with only his boxers to cover him.

His feet had barely touched the ground when Jin took off for the poor pup, immediately scooping the omega into his arms and holding him tight against his chest.

"I'm here baby, I'm here. I've got you. You are so brave to make it through the day without me but I'm going to take care of everything now ok?"

Jungkook softly nodded into his alpha's shoulder, unable to speak with all of the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Alright baby boy, let's get you cleaned up and fresh bedding again and then we can snuggle to help you feel better. Same as last night, does that sound good?"

Another soft nod into his shoulder confirmed the omega's agreement and Jin once again found himself carrying the soft boy into the attached bathroom to run a tub full of cool water.

"Everyone misses you so much pup, so so much. They wish they could be right here with us helping you feel all better. They are so proud of you for how good you are doing and they want you to know how much they love you. Did you know that?" Jin filled Jungkook's ears with words of encouragement and affirmation as he gently washed the sweat off his skin and then carefully massaged his hair with shampoo.

While Jungkook was once again settling under Jin's careful touches, the alpha couldn't help but notice that the boy seemed hotter than yesterday. When he saw the omega yesterday he hoped the pup was at the peak of his heat and it would get easier from there. Based on what he was seeing that wasn't very likely. At this point he could only hope it wouldn't get even worse.

After the omega was cleaned the alpha gently lifted him from the tub, carefully drying him off and slipping on a clean pair of boxers he'd brought into the bathroom with him. He wanted to change the omega's sheets again but not until they'd had more time in each other's arms so the alpha went to the small chair in the corner of the room and gently sat down, shifting the omega so he was straddling his lap and pressed tight against his chest. The alpha returned to offering soothing rubs on the omega's back and loving whispers in his ear, hoping Jungkook would settle further before he needed to disrupt him to make the bed.

The alpha did occasionally interrupt their quiet time with encouragement to drink water. He imagined the omega wasn't really eating anything based on his condition but he at least needed to keep hydrated.

While the previous night Jungkook had spent all of his awake time scenting the alpha, now he was more subdued, largely just collapsing his weight about the alpha's chest and listening to his heart beat. He was simply too exhausted to do anything else.

When Jin was certain the omega was deep asleep he shuffled to see if he could possibly remake the bed while holding the omega in his arms. A quick look in the closet confirmed there were no more clean sheets or bedding, it seemed the elder council had largely abandoned the omega to manage himself during his heat. He seriously doubted the weakened boy in his arms could possibly advocate for more. This was not a good situation.

Jin couldn't leave the omega in a dirty bed so he shifted to put his sweatshirt onto the omega and carefully laid him on one of the cleaner blankets on the floor. As quickly as possible he stripped the bed and found the previous day's sheets, washing them in the tub and then hanging them up to dry. He likely wouldn't be able to remake the beds before he left in the morning, but at least it would be a possibility the following day.

After he was finished washing the bedding Jin shifted the one relatively clean blanket on the bed. Removing his sweatshirt from the omega, Jin laid him directly on his chest, nuzzling the pup against his scent gland in an effort to offer him any little bit of additional comfort. Jungkook quickly resettled and dozed off again, finally able to truly rest in his alpha's strong hold.

Jin hated to wake Jungkook back up again in the morning but it must be done. It wasn't possible to stay all day like he wanted. He wasn't sure if he should be thankful or worried that the omega didn't try to fight him on it this time. He seemed far too tired to argue for the alpha to stay so after covering his face with gentle kisses Jin whispered one final "I love you" and disappeared.


Jin was more anxious to get back to Jungkook than ever the following night. He was worried he may have gone even further into his heat which undoubtedly would leave the omega terribly distressed. The entire pack could pick up on his anxiety so they spent the day trying to keep Jin calm, reminding him that it wasn't safe to just magically pop in throughout the day because they never knew when a guard might be checking on their mate.

Each minute passed agonizingly slowly for the whole pack. Based on what they had heard from Jin their omega was suffering, something they promised they would always protect him from. Unfortunately there simply wasn't much they could do. The elder council really had a lot of options to exert influence on them. On top of that, being apart from their omega for an extended period of time had seriously dulled any of their abilities. With the exception of Jin most of their unique gifts had all but disappeared, not even as strong as they were prior to the mating. The moon goddess really did intend to draw them close to their omega while it seemed the elder council was trying to pull them apart. It was a point of endless frustration and discussion among the pack but they simply did not know what to do beyond hope that Jungkook's training would be done soon and he would be returned.

When Jin arrived in Jungkook's room the third night he could tell that if anything the pup's heat had only gotten worse. The omega was openly weeping, his whole body shaking with pain and loneliness.

Jin immediately pulled the omega close trying to calm him so he could at least confirm what was wrong. The omega simply would not be consoled even though he clutched onto Jin like he was the only thing keeping him from burning from the inside out.

Soul wracking sobs came from the omega with the few quieter moments filled with the omega whispering "alpha, alpha, alpha". Jin was finding it increasingly difficult to manage his own emotions while trying to comfort his sweet little mate.

"Please baby boy, please, I need you to calm down for me." Jin was nearly begging the omega unsure what else he could do to convince the pup to calm down.

Feeding on each other's upset, both of them became increasingly anxious, by now each of them shaking as tears streamed down their faces. Jin's heart was breaking, feeling like there was nothing left to do for the sweet boy he promised to take care of. This was the lowest he had ever felt, crushed under the weight of his love, his responsibility, and his promise. Unable to imagine what else he could possibly do Jin had only one thought.

He disappeared.

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