My Dear Botanist [ Ser Aymeri...

By SamTheSith

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As a member of the Botanist Guild, you and your team make headway to the land of Coertha's in an endeavor to... More

I. Children of the Land
II. Safe Haven
III. The Hand that Gives the Rose
IV. Two Souls Intertwined I
V. Two Souls Intertwined II
VI. Homestead
VII. Nobility Obliges I
VIII. Nobility Obliges II
IX. Contention
X. Hallowed Halls
XI. The Reach of Darkness
XII. The Silent Regard of Stars
XIII. Echoes of Truths That Once Rang Clear
XIV. Roar of the Wyrm
XV. Shelter
XVI. Sins of the Son
XVII. Sins of the Father
XVIII. In Darkness, There Is One I
XIX. In Darkness, There is One II
XX. Unbreakable
XXII. Lost in the Clouds
XXIII. Heroes
XXIV. Heroes Never Die
XXV. Coming Home

XXI. A Cold Wind

115 8 0
By SamTheSith

"You aren't wearing your armour today?" You inquired to Aymeric as he walked to your side, setting a personal plate of the most mouthwatering meal by far before you on the dining room table.

To much of your surprise, he was wearing every day clothes: slick off-black pants that hugged his long legs and a brownish-grey coat with a warm blue shirt underneath. Still fit for the harshness of the cold. Honestly, he wears his usual armour-cladded attire so much, it takes you a moment to adjust to his contemporary choices. Almost as if he's a brand new man. You weren't complaining in the slightest, it was simply just nice to see him all dressed up for a change. Like to how luxuriously handsome he looked at the Ballroom of Stars. And in the back of your mind, you guessed his reason for his rare look maybe had something to do with you. Just maybe.

He set another plate aside for Ork Kha at the seat next to you. He side-eyed you with a smile, "In truth, my armour can prove to be inconvenient and heavy most of the time. I find this more comfortable, especially when I am merely unwinding with you. Plus, tis' not every day I get the chance to put the attire gathering dust in my closet onto display." He walked over to his seat on the opposite end and sat. He grabbed and looked down to the cup of tea in his hand, "In particular, my armour gives me a sense of consciousness as if I am about to be called to battle at moment's notice, so with this plain look I get to focus wholly on you."

You blinked. There was absolutely nothing plain about him. If this was your first time seeing him without knowing an inkling about the man, with these fancy clothes and good looks, you would have suspected he makes frequent visits to the Gold Saucer. He makes you seem as if you're so humble, he doesn't even see it in himself. "You look.. handsome," You held your breath, trying to abate the rising demure "Should I maybe have worn something else that is.. well.. more in style to go along with you?"

As if you didn't wear the same messy Botany-adorned vests and slops every damn day. You wavered away in thought to Ork Kha who was trying to steady herself on the chair beside. She was too big to fully sit on the chair now — she had to manage her front legs just on the seat to get enough leverage to lift her to the table properly. She scarfed down a series of sausages and breads in a matter of seconds in that toothy maw. Until Aymeric's voice brought you from your dragon distraction of your self-deprecation about personal choices of getup. 

"You look lovely, my dear. There is nothing unpleasant about your wear," He eyes softened across the way as your eyes met. "In all sincerity, it suits you quite nicely."

You pursed your lips, trying your best not to grin. Truth be told, it was odd of you to hear such a thing. Fufucha was your main influence, being she's been dressing you since you were a child. And the only other person to say you looked good was Renji. Yet he always made it a nonchalant habit to suspiciously prod you into wearing something at a dress shop every time you happen to pass one. With how unclear he was, you shrugged it off as him being playful and messing around as usual. And.. Emmanellain was just an entirely different breed of a soul. You figured he thought every woman to cross paths with him was pretty.

"Thanks.." You replied as you stared down at your leggings and boots. Not at all in appearance as if you were ready to roll around in the dirt. You cleared a nervous throat, then began working on the food before you. Your tastes buds melting as you took the first bite of an Ishgardian Muffin doused in birch syrup. There were so many matters of pastries, figs, and tarts — you figured the man had some sort of sweet tooth. You were already full just looking at it all!

Finishing about half the meal, you set your silverware down. You looked to the blue eyes of the man seemingly enjoying the fact you were delighting in his homemade cooking. His attentive eyes never tearing from your way. For a moment, you considered at how happy and at peace he appeared. And the very idea that he was staring at you with such admiration. Such deviation from the amount of darkened turmoil you have both been through the past fortnight. This was.. refreshing. No rushing. No work. No fear. You needed this. Both of you needed this.

What have you done to deserve this man? How did it wonderfully come to this? What future awaited you today — with him? 

As he looked to you, and you to him, you both seemed to open your mouth in unison to speak further, however your voice rang out first, "Is there anything  in particular you want to do—"

Without notice, you were cut off from a rising shiver picking at your skin, originating from an odd sensation touching your leg. Your eyes immediately darted to your feet, witnessing the strangest sight to this date in this manor.

"There's—" Your voice was filled with daze as you listened to the grumbling purr. "—a cat."

You never tore your eyes from the fluffy animal as you heard Aymeric make a slight groan. "Ah.. Quite strange of him to linger here. Perhaps because of the renovations."

You glanced back up at the Elezen giving you an apologetic look. Your brows rose, "What.. What do you mean him?"

His brows rose in a similar reply to your shock, "Hmm? My cat."

"You've had a cat this whole time!? I've never seen him.. until now," You stared back down to the pair of cat eyes staring back up at you. The cat had such a fluffy mane and face. It took all your strength not to reach down and rough him up in pets.

"Truly?" He huffed a laugh. "In all honestly, that does not strike me as odd. He rather enjoys the solitude of my quarters and rarely meanders around the manor. With my room repairs, the noise and activity might have scared him off to other confines. Moreover, Mirallaux and I try not to let him roam around outside too often."

I knew there was a creature around here somewhere. I could smell him! Ork Kha even took it upon herself to gaze in awe to the fluffball.

Your willpower failed as you reached down to pat the cat's head until you were met with a great hiss and an angry back arch.

Ork Kha retaliated for you with a dragon-like hiss of her own at the furball.

He scampered away into Aymeric's lap a bit frightened. You stared at somewhat of a smug look the cat gave you as he peered over the edge across from you. Sitting proudly in a how dare you stance on his apparent master.

Nice to meet you too.. You sighed.

"Forgive him. He has never been kind with.. anyone. A grumpy old man, really," Aymeric ruffled the cats ears tenderly earning a purr. "Only ever merciful to some of the servants and I. Not even plants or furniture are safe. Replacing either of them have come to be quite laborious, whether scratches on arm chairs, indoor plants, and trees, or teeth marks on various produce in the gardens. Hence why tis' preferable for him to stay in the safety of my quarters."

Tree. Almost as if a ding in your head was triggered to the word, you stared to the cat then to Aymeric. "Trees."

Aymeric blinked and assumed you were referring to the cat. "Hmm? He tends to chew on any at all leaves he can get these malicious paws on." Assumedly, he pointed at the cat's toe beans under the table.

"Ah.. no. No. My tree! Shit!" You stood up abruptly, rattling the table by accident. "I've forgotten about my tree that I planted before my coma. "The panic of your sudden realization about the tree dying preoccupied your mind from seeming rude. You took one glance at the curious man before bowing to him deeply and hurrying to exit. "I'm so sorry. I-I'll be right back! I promise!"

The breeze was bone-chilling, but it didn't stop you. Out by the back end of the courtyard, you found the small sapling of a tree still alive and well. The Birch seedling you cared for since your first duty at work here was tending to be difficult to look after, especially if you kept neglecting it, but it proved to be doing just fine. Perhaps the snow watered it when you failed to do so.

You're a Botanist. How could you forget such a simple task? You blamed it on the darkness, surely.

With a watering can in one hand and your readying apology for Aymeric in the other, you tended to the plot around the Birch sapling. You sighed at the very idea of delaying your time together. As you knelt in the dirt, you felt as if you should grovel in the same before him. Here you are in your Botany attire doing what you do best, like you agonized over earlier. Admittedly, this tree was important to you. You wanted to see it grow to its totality. At least, that's what you wished for. In time it would. Hoping the day you would see its massive size, you dreamed you might, just might, still be here. At this estate. This possible home.

As you brushed snow and sleet away from your focused workings, you heard footsteps near then disappear. You looked over your shoulder surprised to see Aymeric kneeling in the dirt and attentive to the flora that tore your attention away from breakfast.

He exhaled a cool breath, his eyes dazzling with interest on the soil bed before the both of you "Shall I help?"

"Your.. Your pants are getting dirty," You murmured.

"Tis' only dirt. They can be washed," He replied punctually.

You were completely taken aback by his untroubled words and face. Not that you ever seen him wholly troubled with you, but you didn't imagine him to follow you in eagerness to assist your forgetfulness.

You played along, hoping he wasn't too mad at you for leaving. "I just.. wanted to plant a few more seeds around the sapling. I already watered," You continued from his question. "Just need to dig a few more patches in the soil by you." You paused and looked to your dirtied hands with seeds then to his clean ones, "You don't.. have to. You're dressed so nicely, I'd hate to usher you in getting filthy—"

"It seems important to you," His eyes were polite as he held his hand out for you to place the seeds in his. "So tis' important to me, regardless of the action."

Your heart sprung forth. A small part of you was excited he dared to venture into the art of Botany. Just you and him. Knowing how skilled he was with a blade, you couldn't help but smile at the nature of him taking it upon himself to humbly garden. The way he looked eager to help with a hint of puzzlement to the small duty. You handed the seeds to him and pointed at the dirt before him, "Uhm.. Just a few spots of digging topsoil here, if you want."

He blinked in hesitation but started digging at the ground anyway. He spoke to derive from the muddle of his seed tending techniques, ".. Speaking of importance, what ultimately brought you to rush out into the cold without a coat? Even young Ork Kha retreated inside as soon as she stepped out into the brisk with me."

You stopped digging. Should you tell him? A part of you wanted to keep it secret, so much that even you forgot about it yourself. No.. It's alright. He was already here anyway.

Looking down, you bit your lip, "I planted this tree for you. So I don't want it to die."

He ran a few fingers into the soil before freezing completely to glance at you.

"It's a Birch tree," You exhaled any nervousness. "I imagined you could use the Birch syrup for your tea, and cooking, which I know you like. To have your own personal pickings for it, I suppose? I know it's random and silly of me."

The cold breeze pushed the prickling of your skin. You shuddered to it, as well as to the slight embarrassment of your little hidden gift. You never asked permission to plant any trees on the premise, so it was somewhat of a selfish decision. This wasn't exactly your manor. Mirallaux would be fuming if he found out.

Then, the cutest snort beside you interrupted your internal worry. "Is that not more reason for me to cherish this land more? Time and time again, your efforts are nothing short of adorable," He laughed happily. "Oh, tis' such a blissful mystery knowing every day with you is beautifully unexpected."

It wasn't the cold. Or at least, you knew it wasn't. You would most definitely blame your timid flush on the breeze, if he asked. He was the adorable one. His laugh was so genuine and free. It made you want to chime in with your own smile because of it.

"For reasons such as this, I did not want my grouch of a furry companion to explore the outskirts enough to ruin your gardening. I see my decision is righteous in protecting you and your ambitions. As I always will."

"You're too nice to me, you know that?" You let free a small laugh.

A pause from him as he lovingly looked to the curve of your lips. His voice lowered, "Am I still nice if I have the sudden impulse to embrace you and kiss that adorable mouth until your heart cannot take anymore?"

You shot him a bewildered look, the steam from your face warming through the cold entirely. What!?

"In fact, if my hands were not covered in soil, I would have you in them already."

Your breath hitched.

He gave you a quick sly look before turning his attention back onto planting seeds. His face relaxing as if nothing was said in the first place. The blush on your face was inherently blooming, even if he played his question, turned statement, off. You had to inhale a deep pocket of air at the moment you realized you stopped breathing,

He ran his hands softly through the cold ground once more before starting again, "What say you and I saunter around the city in echo to our first leisure together? Some casual sightseeing may prove to be good for the both of us."

It was difficult to tell whether he was trying to eliminate the tension from his words, or he was trying to hide the pinkish hue from his face. Does he not even know the self-consequence of his phrasing of words?

You tried to abate the goofy smile rising as you wiped your hands together to get rid of the dirt. Are you telling me you're embarrassed after saying that? Silly. Your thoughts lightened at his expression. You meekly replied, "T-That sounds lovely. What should I tell Ork Kha?"

He rose a brow at you, "Tell her the Dragoon's have been looking for her."

"I think she'll like that idea, for sure! Unless she'd rather choose to keep an eye out for me."

"You are within my safeguard. I would not allow even the slightest slither of dark to touch you under my supervision."

You nodded to him, beyond content, as you stood up and put your knuckles at your hip. You looked to your exertion of smooth soil then to his unkempt area. He tried. He really tried, and it was the nicest gesture anyone could have offered you. You poked in, "Right. With you being a notorious Commander and a newly appointed Botanist trainee, nothing can stop you."

He caught onto your play and smirked in good fun as he stood in ready with you. "Ah, yes. The exceptional Master Botanist, I am ever in your care," He dipped his head.

You beamed. "Well! Let's uhh—" You looked to both your hands and his. "—clean our hands first."

"And get you a coat," He pointed at your shirt. "I will not allow you to be shivering around me any longer. Lest you force me to wrap the warmth of my coat around you if you do not oblige."

You stiffened at his hardy eyes on you. He was most definitely serious. Encased in a giant coat walking around the city limits sounds immeasurably embarrassing. It would just put more emphasis on the lingering eyes of the city folk to the very fact that you were being courted by him. It wasn't wholly a bad sentiment. Only it would drive you more bashful than you already were.

He waved a hand out in guidance to follow him. Coat. Right. Not his. You needed to get your coat.

You trailed off beside him, happy as could be of that bond that continued to grow in your heart. Needless to say, along the way, that same heart pressed in apology to him about rushing off from breakfast. Over and over until he silenced that apologetic mouth with a kiss at your cheek.

Another side glance here. Another full stop there. The folk of Ishgard highborn and lowborn alike were ceaseless in their obtrusion to your walk together. If didn't even matter if Aymeric's coat was placed on you or not, these people would have stared in awe regardless. You knew he was beloved by most — that proud and true mien he displays for everyone. However, was it too much to ask for a single day with him to be unbothered? And you weren't alone in that feeling.

Aymeric nearly had to scurry his way past greetings and put on that dignified smile as to not come off as too demeaning. He was too nice to you to begin with. Still and all generous to his people even if he felt their intruding actions were disagreeable.

During the time at the Jeweled Crozier, the crowd was minimal giving you both a chance to breathe — to take small steps as you both took part in admiring items, sales, and food. Yet even in such a relieving space, the merchants spared no small effort to demand an audience of their Speaker. Whether attempting to sell their wares at a discount price, or inquiring about the future state of the city. One pompous-looking woman with a servant at her side even barged into Aymeric's conversation with a jewelry vendor, stating how magnificent her Speaker's reign has been ever since the abolition of the recent Heavensward. Batting her eyelashes at her compliments given to him in troves of how admirably wonderful, absolutely handsome, of a person he was. As you stood awkwardly to the side, you didn't dare mention the ring on her married finger. Figured as much.

Despite the surplus of commendations, Aymeric always made it a habit to simply accept such things without much divulging into the thick of himself. Displaying a hand out before you, introducing you as his most kindly beloved. You were melting at the seams at how he spoke so thoughtfully of you. The sound of beloved on his tongue setting your heart into a frenzy. But you didn't let it distract you from the Fortemp's training of etiquette. A respectful bow of your head in return at the greeting. On the man aside, a modest thank you on that truehearted face, accompanied with a slight soreness from the forgery of a smile. You knew he was trying his best to take himself away, and you with him, without the cost of being rude.

You didn't blame him. You were still enjoying yourself. All the sights and smells, and time spent with him. The way his face and shoulders relaxed as soon as it was just the two of you strolling about — with no one else to bother with. That sincere smile that molded itself back into authenticity as soon as he glanced at you, and solely you. 

He loved his people, it's true. Albeit, your presence brought something out of him entirely. A state where he could be fully Aymeric, and nothing but that. And in the same, his presence portrayed the same effects inside you. Painting a state of you, that was beautifully (F/N).

He made you feel immaculate, like you were the only person in the realm — his person. You only dreamed he felt the same about you. How could it get any better than this?

.. Worse. It could get worse. For a faint moment, you could have sworn you felt spiteful claws digging at the back of your mind like to the one similar at the Ball. From so very far, far away, it's like something was staring — waiting. An all too familiar feeling of maliciousness. You turned your head upright towards the stairs at the phantom bloodlust. Thus, nothing. Not a single thing, or person.

It was already past midday, you have already spent so much time smiling, avoiding prying eyes, and snacking on sweets that Aymeric was insistent on you tasting. Perhaps within all the hustle and bustle, it was difficult to pick out the dark among so much light. Even if the skies were grey.

"(F/N)?" Aymeric called as he noticed your stall, looking up at the same stairs you feared.

You shook your head, realizing you might just be overthinking. At least, you wanted to be. You reassured, "I'm alright. It was.. nothing."

He craned his head in thought as he looked to you then back up to the stairs.

Almost immediately, he reached out to grab your hand, pulling you to follow him. No words, just his focus. You studied his surprised face as he looked to those steps, then those darkened blue orbs settled on yours. Without turning back, you trusted that look in his eyes so you began in a rush with him back down the path you entered. All the repeating eyes concerned at the two of you making a run for it. In an almost jog with his hand interlaced with yours, you ran as quick as your legs allowed you with him pulling you along. Down towards the lower reaches of the city, across the Brume bridge, past the aetheryte, and ending the panic in your heart at an isolated alley.

Your chests heaved almost in unison as you rested your backs against the alleyway brick wall. Your hands still never breaking from that tether. That was far more running than you imagined. Subconsciously as your heartrate mellowed out, you tightened the clasp of your hand in his.

You shivered at the battle between heat and cold at your brow, "W-What did you see?"

Out of breath, he stressed, "Our insufferable nightmare."

The skin on your arm began to rise as your stress levels began to peak. The darkness of your mind beginning to swell in like a storm. Was it Renji? Or..  furthermore, Kalameet? So the dark was that off-putting feeling. If he was that much in a hurry to get away, then it had to have been. Your heart couldn't possibly pound any more. What were you going to do? Would Kalameet really try something so bold in broad daylight, and in front of others?

He looked to you, a bit shocked at the immense cloud of dread in your eyes. Then, he continued, his voice calmer this time, "Christine may be that frightening, but I assure you, I would not so much as allow her to gaze upon you, let alone say another curt word your way."

Like the frosting of an icicle in the distance, your body went rigid. After all the wind you've witnessed today, it was oddly indistinct at the given moment. The puffs of air between the two of you from dwindling breaths soothed you. His words somehow soothed you. It was calm as you took in his statement. You went from panic, to dread, now to complete chagrin, that was also meshed with some relief.

Never in your assumptions had you imagined that the thing he saw above the stairs was that woman — Aymeric fleeing to the ends of the city as if he saw death itself. Which was ashamedly hilarious to you.

Your lips couldn't take the thought anymore as you burst out into laughter, covering your mouth to hide your shame, "C-Christine.. You said.. Christine.." Truthfully, you were more poking fun at your honest mistake than to his sudden escape.

A moment went by of just your pure bliss of giggling until you looked over to him to find him smirking at you. He squeezed onto your hand as your eyes met. "Are you teasing me?" He rose a judging brow, that smart smirk never ceasing.

"N-No!" You returned with a laugh. But actually, yes.

He gave you a questioning look.

You swallowed your laughing breath. "I thought you saw.. Renji, or something along those lines. Not her!"

He let go of your hand and rose it to prop his chin up in thought, "If it were Renji, I might have been so bold to approach him. Granted that it was merely Christine.. well—" He trailed off up into the darkening sky. "—Twould' be rather unsightly of such a person were to impede on my wonderful evening with you. I would not have it. Just you and I, a promise I intend to keep."

He was beautiful. Ever more as he looked to those dusk filled clouds. Every instance today was more than you could have hoped for, way more. The way you laughed together, smiled, humbly talked, ate everything, and so much to come. Moreover, persisted through the cold of today.

Everything that he was, is, and will be. You were going to love it all. You were going to carry on through everything he threw your way because you wanted to. You wanted to be with him, as much as he wanted to be with you. You wanted to be there for him, just as he to you.

.. You wanted to love him.

Just as he loved you.

And in this moment, as you held your breath. You didn't think. You didn't try to reason with the timing. You just spoke. Spoke your truth with that beating of your chest to the man you were completely in love with.

With your heart on your sleeves, you mumbled, "I—"

His blue eyes met yours, and with that, your heart flared insatiably.

"I love you, Aymeric."

As fast as the breeze whispered by, you didn't even have time to study what expression he wore. You were just met with hands on either side of your face, pulling you into a crash of his lips against yours. His lips felt a bit cold at first touch but soon warmed as they entwined with you. The night feeling more bearable now as he leaned into your small self. That sweet tang characteristic of his lips leaving its traces on you as you both parted in a breath. Although he didn't pull too far as he caressed a tender thumb on your cheek, admiring you in the limited light the alleyway had to offer. You admired him back in the same with such tenderness.

He answered with his own longing truth, "I love you, my dear. Oh, how I have loved you near and far."

The butterflies swirled as you simply lifted a hand to cup it to his cheek, pulling him back into a small, sweet kiss.

You knew already. You knew all of it. However, the reciprocation was beyond a feeling you couldn't even recognize yourself. A feeling greater than euphoria and happiness. Like the very incoming dusk stars were dazzling around you.

You were happy. You both were.

He smiled into yours lips as he pulled you into him further. Those stars dancing around you once more.

That is, all at once you were met with those invigorating lips leave you as a great smack of snow ricocheted off Aymeric's side, hitting you with a flurry of soft frost.

You both turned to see a few children giggling and hiding behind a bank of snow and city rubble as they looked towards the alley. The playful faces they wore as they peered their little heads over the snows edge in observation. And the more you looked to them, the more you realized, it was the same soot-covered children to when you first arrived here in Ishgard. One in particular being similar to the child crying alongside his mother as she tended to him before Renji came to your rescue. Lowborn and Brume folk always looked to you in disdain especially at the beginning of your retreat here, like the outsider you were. Were. But.. perhaps, no longer. Somehow, the bright small eyes were enough to ring that as true.

Regardless of Aymeric at your side, throughout the day, most folk appeared delighted to meet you — to talk to you as well as him. And these children were no exception as they pointed your way, big grins on their faces.

Ishgard was indeed becoming a home away from home.

Another snowball mixed with laughter headed straight for Aymeric. He dodged away effortlessly and grinned at the now awestruck little faces. An Au Ra girl stood up with another caked ball of frost in her hands, then flung it at Aymeric's way. Only it curved and missed. And it missed right into your face.

A wave of joyful cold pierced through you as you wiped a hand down your nose. The gasps of the children adding to your embarrassment, followed by a huff of a man's laugh at your side. You side-eyed the Elezen, who was attempting his best to conceal that deviant face.

You smiled back to play along. You squinted slyly, "Hey, come here, There's something on your face." At least, there was going to be.

He unknowingly leaned down to you and pointed at his face, "Where?"

You quickly grabbed a tiny piece of snow resting on your wet shoulders and reached up to squish some snow against his cheek. You grinned, "Got you!"

He didn't flinch, which you did not expect. In fact, his demeanor changed from playful to outright confrontational as he stalked in a step towards you.

You played off the rising smile, "No! Aymeric! No! Bad!"

He reached down and fluffed up a snowball that suited his large hand, his eyes never tearing from yours, "Ah, ah. Come. You provoked me first. Tis' only justified for me to—"

Before he had a chance to finish, you scurried off in a bright smile towards the children around the bank of snow. They welcomed you with their hands beckoning to kneel in safety. Only it wasn't safe soon after another fly of a snowball skimmed past the top of your head.

All together, the children screamed and shouted in fun and began to make snowballs as they threw it at the hostile Paladin. He dodged and weaved to avoid the onslaught, throwing back his own flying raids of cold. You made your own and threw it all around. Everyone beginning to turn on each other in one big fight, but mainly at the taller lot. The cool began to be filled with the twinkling of faces, and steam of breath's hovering into the sky above. Distant lamps begin to fill with fires as darkness fell onto the mini battlefield. But it didn't stop the children from landing killing strikes on their Speaker, and you. Some children even smacking and giggling at his long legs, wanting him to fall down in defeat. All the while, they cheered mister Speaker, mister Speaker! to push it further. He playfully put a hand on his heart in a fake dramatized death and fell onto his knees, then onto his butt as if he was down for the count. Two of them tumbled onto him as he joined in on their laughter, and made sure the children didn't slip on their feet. The others jumping in victory to their triumph of the boss being defeated.

Happiness. Pure happiness.

Casually, you walked to him with some specks of snow left in your hand and trickled it on his raven hair for added measure. He grinned up at you from your action. You softly concluded, "Got you again."

Your teeth were chittering irrationally compared to when you first left the estate this morning. You and Aymeric arrived in the entryway, brushing off the harshness of the outside — and of your small-scale skirmish. It was nearly midnight, and the only warmth you've attained after saying goodbye to the children was a cup of hot chocolate on the way home.

Home. You looked around the manor you have come to love then to the Aymeric and Mirallaux, who promptly assisted his master in removing his wet jacket. Aymeric met your eyes and beamed with that gallant mien. Oh, this was definitely home.

"Is Ork Kha here, Mirallaux?" You asked.

"Ah, yes. She arrived before dusk. You will find her before the fireplace, warming those dragon scales, as she has ever-so indulged me of her exploits with the local Dragoons," Mirallaux nodded to you, and pointed towards the comfortable den.

"I'm going to go check on her," You stated, then looked to Aymeric. "I'll wait for you in my bedroom in a few." Those last words sounding obscene on your tongue with Mirallaux around. Although, he apparently didn't seem to mind with that proper smile on his face. Those cheeks of yours still flushed anyways.

Aymeric nodded to you, "Pray, dress in warm clothes when you can. I have no desire to see you with a fever."

"I will. And you too. Your trousers have been dirty since this morning. Even more now!"

With a lighthearted shrug, Aymeric couldn't help but to agree. He headed up the stairs, and you towards the den. Some maids and servants excused themselves for the night as they passed by you. You bid them goodnight and wished them safe travels towards their homes against the ghastly breeze. The sound of the storm riling outside — whistling throughout the halls. To your not-so-surprise, you opened the door to the den to find a slumbering dragon with her feet up comfortably towards the ceiling as she cuddled on the rug at the fires edge. She must have had a long day. You hoped she did find entertainment with the Dragoons. You didn't dare wake her, lest your met with an upset, groggy face. You let her be.

You found your way up towards your quarters, towards the comfort at your bedside, then to your armoire. There was still no Aymeric to greet you, so you figured he was thawing out just as much as you were. A bath would be nice right now, but it was much too late. Perhaps tomorrow. Your teeth chit together thrice until you had an idea before dressing. You meandered in the dark over towards the mini fireplace in the room. You'd only used it once, and now of all times seemed perfect. 

Using a flint and steel device, you lit the fireplace then the few candles on your nightstand. Now that you could see, you sifted through your armoire, picking out warmer clothes per Aymeric's request. Just the chill of your naked skin against the frigid manor air, as you undressed your day slops, made you want to jump into your blankets and curl into a ball. Thinking of Aymeric again made you blush, pondering on all your joyful experiences today. You looked to your night clothes in hand as you stood with your free skin in undergarments still against the cold — the fires slowly but surely soothing the cool. You finally told him. Those three words you wanted to set free. As well as having the most marvelous time with him. You needed to thank him — for everything. In truth, you hoped he would be done with his nightly routine soon. You wanted to see him.

Of course, that would come sooner than you thought. The door opened softly before you had a moment to reflect on your coming situation. With your clothes still in your hands, your face darted to the door, where Aymeric was looking down at his palm at nothing in particular. He closed the door, his focus still downward, and spoke nonchalantly, "It seems Ork Kha managed to find comfort for the night, has she? As with it appears you have also found relief with the fire—"

Silence. Silence fell as he looked up and your eyes tethered taut. Even though, for just a passing glance, his eyes lingered not at your face. A surge of burning passed through you as you hesitated, the areas where his eyes lingered feeling distinctly hot, forcing you to cover the bare with said clothes. The ambiance beginning to feel a lot like your abrupt encounter at the Springs of Asah again, but with less dragons. Yet.. there was something different in the air now — something much more tolerating. You didn't tear your gaze. The fire flickering throughout the room was the only source of movement. The fire told you enough of Aymeric's expression as his face soon shrunk away, and his head turned.

"Forgive me," Was all he said before turning to exit back through the door. Then spoke again before fully leaving. "Knock on the door when you are finished. I.. shall wait in the hall."

As the door clicked shut, you don't know why, but you somehow wanted to tell him, don't apologize. He wasn't exactly doing anything wrong.

Your heart quickened as you rushed to put your night slops and blouse on. With a sporadic heart and reddening cheeks, you stood idle at the door for the several ticks of a clock before knocking on it. Naturally, it opened — as requested.

Aymeric opened the door then closed it. The popping of the fireplace wood was your only cause of reprieve in the thick tension of air as you two stood.

You cut into that tension first, "O-Ork Kha will probably come back when she wakes up. She's still a bit fearful of leaving me alone."

A small laugh that caressed the tense away, "Is that so? Still fearful even when I am with you every night? Such a protective youngling."

Your heart didn't dare look him in the eye as you headed to the bed. You let out a shaky breath, "Seems.. so." You pulled back the covers as relaxed as you could bear. Yes. You have been sleeping with him every night — platonically. So why was it now of all times you couldn't calm down..? With how shy you were about exposing any ilm of yourself to anyone. Out of all the awkward instances with Renji in the past, in which were just outright humiliating. But if Aymeric were the one to see you in some matter of a sensual display. Was it wrong if you didn't mind if he—

Without any notice, he confidently picked you up in that same cuddling motion and shifted you into bed with him. He took a deep breath as he leaned his head against yours lovingly, his hands around your waist as you both lay on your sides.

By Nophica's Grace, your heart couldn't take this.

You adjusted yourself in his broad arms, and sighed out a small relieving puff. With both the fire scattered around, and him, you figured you could sleep soundly throughout the storm. Although, honestly, that was the least of your concerns right now.

"You are tense," His deep voice echoed through you.

You froze before looking up to meet his level. His eyes were a bit soft yet serious. You weren't actually going to tell him as to why that was. You peeped out a distraction, "I.. just wanted to thank you for today: breakfast, Botany, the wonderful stroll, and so on. And I was—" Your eyes rolled back down to his chest "—I was thinking about what we said.. earlier."

"That I love you?"

Your eyes darted back up to see him smiling. That damning flush on your face never ceased as he reached a hand up to massage a thumb at your cheek. Now that he was so close, there's no way he wouldn't be able to read your expression like an open book.

"Although I rather enjoyed our sudden cold warfare with the little scoundrels. I should inform you that I never got the chance to fully express my adoration for these lips of yours." He brushed his thumb on the corner of your mouth. "Telling me you loved me was a spellbinding ache," He sighed thoughtfully. "One that I cannot rid my mind of."

Somewhere in there — there was courage. And you yanked it out, "T-Then kiss me."

The fire danced off those shocked eyes, then soon fell into bliss as he nuzzled a kiss at your forehead. Where he then angled his head above you and pressed his lips against yours sweetly. Just as you had asked, and he had initially wanted. His breath earlier was filled with sugar, now it was just pure tempting mint.

The pop of the fireplace rang into your ear once more, alongside your Elezen's deep hushed breath as his lips slowly traced against yours, then pulled away. The way he admired you, as he peered down at you; words did no justice. You reached a bold hand up to his chest to feel the same speed of his heart, one that nearly mimicked your own, if not a smidge slower, calmer.

His face darkened at the sentiment. All the while, your gazes locked to one another. You held onto that remaining oxygen as he purred, "What is it about my heart that makes you blush so?"

As anticipated. Your desire was written all over your face. What desire? You weren't exactly sure. But what you did know was that the intensity pumping all through your veins was undeniably ravening to have him near. Never had you expected to feel exhilaration and worry mushed together in one.

Grazing a tremulous hand across his chest, you allowed that heart to reverberate onto your skin once again, "Because it's you."

His face was filled with as much fire as the one blazing in the room, bringing his lips in to graze against the edge of your mouth. Both of you saw fit to close your eyes at the touch, relishing in the heat surrounding simultaneously. He seemed to hesitate as you felt him open his mouth to speak, then close it once more.

Nevertheless, that thought broke through his throat. And by the Twelve, that voice made your body tremble.

"I want to see more of you," He coaxed onto your lips.

The intention made you grip at his sweater. Did he mean more of you than what he saw just moments ago..? Beginning to feel clouded from the high of his wish, you didn't make any room for fret inside that head of yours. Just him. And you. Together.

With respect to one small detail before either of you could proceed, you peeped out a question, "What if I'm.. Kalameet?"

He exhaled a small laugh, "Being as how I am already of a delicate state because of you. If we were playing on the idea that you were Kalameet, you would have infected that dark into me already, correct? Was that not his foremost scheme?"

You bit your lip. Right. I guess you just wanted to ask so he didn't assume anything. Wait.. delicate state..?

He rested his head into the crook of your neck as he explained further, "I have all faith that I am the only one to recognize that reserved yet eager look in your eyes. The same one to when we shared our first kiss at Providence Point. Then to that spontaneous fascination at the den. The curious sight when you allowed me to indulge in you as you baked. And—" His heated breath tickled your throat, earning a shiver from you "—even now."

You felt the prompt pecks of his lips on your neck that trailed up to your jawline. Per usual, you whimpered under your breath.

He smirked onto you, "How adorable that little whine is of yours. Tis' all irreplaceably you." He angled himself up to get a better view, "Simply you." Some make of a dark craving on that mien of his made your thighs squeeze together.

"Aymeric.." Your heart erupted for him. Your body and soul. There was no uncertainty, just nervousness, battling with impulsive lust.

With that, he continued straightforwardly, "I am going to love all of you."

He leaned into your lips a bit more roughly, making you tug at his shirt even more. Your other hand finding its way to cradle his dark hair and those familiar pointed ears. He didn't stop and neither did you. A mess of both the smacking of your lips and your chest pressed against his made you melt utterly into him. 

Focusing only on the hunger between the two of you, you didn't even see him manage to find his way to put himself in between your knee-knocked legs. It happened so smoothly quick. With one hand steadying himself on the bed, his other decided to softly trail just over breasts and resting in a small knead. Another whimper escaped from your throat, making him smartly grin onto the stalling kiss. An implosion of heat waved through you again, settling with the butterflies at your chest and provoking your knees to knock together.

New. This was all so new, and.. ashamedly sensitive.

His kiss was all comfort as he whispered, "Your wish is my command if at any moment my behavior is far too unrestrained—"

You dived in, "I-I want you to be unrestrained!" You cupped both of your hands on his face to emphasize, "I don't know what I'm doing but.. I know I want you."

His eyes twinkled at your declaration, even a slight blush could be seen on those cheeks of his. No further words. He knew exactly what your fragile heart meant. And he was going to take care of all of it.

Those warm lips took their time leaving traces of kisses across your face, down to your shoulders, then back up as he lined his fingers just under your blouses fabric. You allowed him to effortlessly lift your blouse off you, exposing the flush of it all. Out of all the times you decided not to wear a bra. For some reason, this was it. Cold but on the threshold of blushing heat, your heart shrieked. Alternatively to the man before you who spared no time in warming you right back up. His hand brushed itself on the underside of your back, pulling you to arch yourself up to meet his lips that left heated pulses along the entirety of your breasts. He took his sweet, gentle time. The feeling made you furrow your brows upward and your eyes shut to his mouth engulfing your tender, hardened bud, then carefully biting. The thrill of a moan escaped your lungs into the room, running a hand through his hair to grab onto something — anything. He licked the hurt over and over before licking his own lips, deviously looking up to his handiwork.

To hide from that heart-inducing look, you slapped your hands over your face. Your thighs squirmed at to whatever the Seven Hells that was. And the very fact you were absolutely enjoying it.

You heard a slight shuffling of cloth, then your hands were completely removed from your face as he settled them to lay at your sides. His eyes went soft as he towered over you, "Ever shy, my dear. There is no reason to be. You are absolutely divine." Shirtless and already aiming his lips back down your torso. His entire self trailing downwards, leaving hot kisses in their wake as he settled at your pelvis. His voice caressed onto your center, "Take it as we are even." Those long fingers already tugging at the sides of your silken slops.

By the fucking Twelve, he was the divine one. You grumbled a moan, "I.. I don't think my shirt being off in compared to yours makes us even!"

For a moment, he contemplated as he looked up to you. Considering your words, he diligently moved your legs so you straddled his thighs up and around his waist. Somehow familiar. Only this time, there would be no maid to save you. Not to mention, there would also be no rescue you from the monster that was pressing against the depths of you now.

He leaned back down into your face, eyeing in a hunger for your lips, "And what do you suggest would make us even then?"

Involuntarily, you squeezed your thighs on him as you whined onto his idle lips. How could you respond to that when you weren't exactly sure? What were you even saying? The intoxicating spell he put on you made you speak nonsense.

He made a slight husked groan at your squeeze. As he closed his eyes, he nipped your lip playfully, "Perhaps releasing my torment would suffice in the sense of being even for you?"

You stared up to that glazed look of his, Torment?

His lips began to tenderly kiss yours. An encounter of harsh breaths, teeth, and tongue, but it didn't derive you from the sensation of the hard pushing between your legs. Even you could feel the pressure of his night trousers becoming stretched. Torment. It was probably torment to be confined like that.

The more you kissed, the more the peaks of your nipples brushed against his chest. His fight for dominance over you made you squirm, only worsening the wet and heat forming where your bodies met. Which in turn, only clashed in excitement as you grazed against his swelling hard wanting to break free.

He made notes of your movements on him, inviting him to gingerly reach a few fingers down just over that distinct sensitive nub of yours. Rubbing his thumb on it until your breath started to hitch again and again. You clawed at his neck and back, not knowing elsewhere to grab. Not wanting him to ever stop the explosion of senses he was giving you.

He was taking care of you. Just you. Until you yearned for him to take care of himself, with you, as well. He gripped at your slops hungrily and swiped them, along with your undergarments, in one pulling swoop. Completely exposed to those wanting blue orbs, and the slight chill of the midnight cold. Nothing between you two. Just soul and body harmonized in a love you didn't know existed. Your modest self tried to hide your open flesh but he didn't allow any of it as he simply kissed your palm before he placed it back at your side. Mainly because he wanted to touch you himself. His fingers didn't waver when he slicked through your folds and back up again, inciting you to shudder. You moaned his name, provoking him even further to stop his teasing and gently press his finger into you. Painstakingly slow. Your hips bucked and you grabbed onto his free arm that steadied himself up. The butterflies swirled about endlessly as you looked up to him. The pit of your stomach was burning.

You whined out, "I love you."

He plunged the finger deeper and pulsed it carefully. He tapped a kiss on your nose, "I love you, my adorable Botanist."

You smiled. Such a genuine smile. His eyes only sparked at the beauty written on your face. You were beautiful now as you were every moment he caught a glimpse of you.

The single finger became two, and by some lusting mean, it wasn't enough. You wanted him. He was being more kind and gentle than you could ever hope for. His patience was to be mindful of you, and by this you wanted to start being mindful of him. Beginning with his trousers that are way too taut.

"A-Aymeric.." You managed out. "What about you..?"

He kindly smiled, "What about me?"

Your hands trembled to your next brave words, "I want you."

His brows knitted upward to your request, "Mm.. Are you sure?" 

You nodded, tightening your grip on his arm. Whether fighting dragons or darkness, even at times such as this you still needed to be strong. Though the nervousness in your gut labeled you otherwise.

With such agonizing pace, he unbound his hardened proud length. And by all things good in Nophica's blessings, your stomach twisted in a knot for what was destined for you. With your small self, there was no way all of it would—.. You would never tell Tauriel he was right. Not a single word.

He picked up on your surprise, his cheeks shaded a tint redder as he nuzzled into you. His voice was calming, "Relax, my dear. I will go slow. I have no intention of ever hurting you."

And he did just that. Relaxing you with loving kisses at your temple. Word that comforted you until that first contact of his soft skin against yours. His member slid up and down against the tender wet achingly slow. That is, until you begged for him finally in a bashful need for it.

A need for him to experience the same happiness he made you feel — that same desire and heat. The need for him to take all his worries away, in just this moment between the two of you. Two souls intertwined until you could no longer. The dying need to see him smile. To see him completely enraptured by you. And from you to him.

.. A need to love him irreplaceably.

It was difficult to tell if you were in pain or you longed for more. Before you knew it, there were tears in your eyes, from the starting panic that soothed into rapture. That first initial tear of your entrance adjusting to him soon passed. Feeling like your insides were giving you warnings that were overpowered by invitations to all of him. Once again you found yourself gripping at his back, only this time he was moving into you. At some point, he asked if you were alright. To that you nodded, and he relished in a few moments of kissing to allow you to adapt to his size. You don't know when the feeling of having him completely fill you up began. It seemed slow at first when he ventured to start moving his hips but now the intensity of his thrusts drove you mad. You only saw his large shoulders defending you from the chill of the room. His lips out-of-sync against yours from the rhythm of his pelvis smacking into yours. Those deep tempting whispers of your name on his lips as he kissed you over and over. There was sweat beginning to form on his brow, on his body, as your hands grazed everywhere they could against him. You didn't even realize you were beginning to sweat too. You quivered at every deep push he decided to mix in. Then slow ones. Both his groans and your moans were in response to one another. The more you called out his name, the faster it urged him at his pace. His tip was reaching a spot so deep that you didn't even know existed, and that heightened your inclining climax.

He took his time to love you. Even starting a new pose as he angled himself up and straight so he could get a better sight at the mess he was making of you. His power over you only made you squeeze onto him harder. He lifted your butt off the ground, his strong hands holding you against him, so he could dive deeper into that lustful expression, and flesh, of yours. It gave you a good view of his body too. Noticing every curvature of his abs flexing as well as his arms. Even that scar just above his right hip that you were ever too shy to inquire about. And now was not a good time either. Later.

Every now and then a dark smirk would appear on his face when your eyes connected — those eyes devouring that sight laid before him. It only took one more look, biting his lip, as he eyed you, tempting that high that couldn't possibly rise anymore in you. So it exploded.

"Aymeric..!" You screamed out, feeling electricity coarse through every vein, muscle, nerves — your everything.

He leaned down back into you, knowing fully well what that call was for.

Then, every sensation peaking in your head as he ceaselessly pumped into you, your thighs tightening around him in response. Your entrance feeling as though it would cut off his circulation. The climax made you grab onto him as if he was your life support.

He bit his lip, feeling the same high as you. Holding himself back for this very moment. His blue eyes observed your alluring face before fully shutting them in a groan. "Hells.. (F/N).." His breath was harsh, the veins in his arms protruding at the climax as well. He gripped onto the bed underneath. His hips becoming more sluggish but still riding out the zenith until he could no longer.

And as the heated air dwindled, so did the pants that circulated between the two of you. Your chest heaving in what felt like eons to calm down. You held onto him, shaky and defeated, because you wanted to be near him more than anything. He slouched into you, embracing you in the same, but also attentive to his weight on you.

"My dear.." He exhaled a content sigh.


He huffed out a smile before his elbows found their strength again to prop themselves up above you. "Beautiful—" He traced a finger to brush the few strands of hair stuck to your face from sweat. "You are so beautiful."

You sucked in your lips to hide your rising smile, "Even when I'm all sweaty?"

"Even then."

"You're.. silly."

He laughed and tumbled over in a slow steady motion to your side, resting his head on the pillow. Eventually pulling you in close to him, wanting you near. Still wanting to feel your skin on his even if he was tired.

"Was it this cold before..?" You asked, feeling the chills of the room on your body due to the sweat. You were exhausted. Defeated. Nevertheless, cuddling with him sounded wonderful. So you indulged in being held.

"The storm is still in full bloom," He took a deep breath, listening in on the wind gusting against the manor. The fire had darkened but the wood still popped from lingering flames.

"I.. didn't notice." Too busy, clearly.

He rose a brow, cleverly smirking, "Oh?"

You looked off meekly to avoid that further reasoning. Taking it upon yourself to rest your head on his bicep underneath you. Your heart still waning off the frenzy but utterly full from being with him.

His arm pulled you close as he rested his messy hair against yours. He kissed your forehead so affirmingly in love in a beam, "Got you this time."


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