Trueblood Couple

Door ian-jeonkim

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In this werewolves world trueblood alpha have the highest rank they are the most powerful and dominant amon... Meer



231 8 1
Door ian-jeonkim

Y/n and jhope rushed to jimin
Now they know how to cure him..
But after reaching there

They found yoongi being worried sick

Y/n - "yoongi why are you outside you should be with jimin "

(scared almost breaking down)
"Jimin.. he.. ran.. he is not here "

Y/n - "what!!
Yoongi what the fuck are you doing man.. didnt i said dont leave him.. "

Yoongi - "iam sorry he told me that he was hungry so i thought of getting him something to eat.. but when i return he was not there "

Y/n - "Did you search everywhere"

Yoongi - "i do.. he is not here.. "

Hope - "guyss stop wasting time lets search him outside.. iam sure he must be near only "

Y/n - "lets split up and search "


Mrs kim had already planned to punished jungkook...

But still one thing was making her terrified

It was about the explosion incident

Did that explosion has any relation with jhunsun
What should i do
I cant wait for the royal witches
I have to do something

She was shaken up with the thought of jhunsun being free

Now she couldn't wait for royal bitches

Being desperate she decided to approach any witch who can give her information

Night time

Luna called a witch inside the park house secretly not even telling his mate about it

Mrs kim (luna )
"Whatttt the seal.. is.. broked.. (shocked)
Thats means jhunsun "

?? - "He is free "

Mrs kim - "are you sure you are not mistaken right "

?? - "what do you mean mistaken
Listen mrs ... i came here because you requested me
But now you are insulting me
Iam NICOLA.. the strongest witch ever Did you hear that "

Luna - "sorry i was just shocked because of this news
I know you the strongest witch
Thats the reason i called you.. "

Nicola "i forgive you after all you are the luna of this park "

Mrs kim "nicola you just said the seal is broken but how , i mean.. only his son can "

Nicola - "you are right.. its his son..jungkook ,He is the one who has done this... "

Luna- "i agree he is jerk but i dont think he will do this "

No doubt mrs kim hate jungkook because of his father but she dont think jk is behind this
why would he(jk) help his father who wants to killed him

Nicola - "did you notice something weird in jungkook behaviour recently "

(Remembering how jk was shouting holding his head.. )

"I do have notice his strange behaviour.. he was holding his head and shouting insanely... it was very weird.. this happen when he tried to kill me ... "

Nicola- " His father has taken control over him luna.. its not my assumption. . Iam 100 % sure about it"

Luna -
(speachless this is what she fear about)

Nicola - " be careful .. because its not jk , its his father who is making him do everything...
And about the explosion ... again
jk is behind this.. "

Luna - (fuming in anger )
"That traitor i will not leave him "

Nicola-"luna he himself dont know what he is doing so its waste of time to interrogate "

Luna - "what should I do now "

Nicola- "(smriked )
jk is been living here..
Thats for jhunsun will target everyone until and unless he get what he want...
So if you want your park and your son to be safe then throw him out .. or else be ready to face his wrath.. he will not be silent.. "

Luna - "he only want jk right..
if jungkook is in his control , he can easily get him then why he is not taking jk away "

Nicola - " jk is already mated...
Its must be there mate bound stoping him
You have to do something asap..
Before jhunsun harm anyone..
And from my experience his first target will be jk's mate "

Mrs kim (wide eyes in fear )
"No.. my son.. i will not let him hurt my son again "

"If you want to save your family and son then break their bond..
Or atleast make it weak ..
Once jhunsun let jungkook away from this park... your family will be safe "

Nicola smriking feeling happy ,
how easily she fool the luna..

By the way it was not her plan..

She never thought that luna will approach her..

Once she knew that luna was calling her for help

She was so happy thinking that she can manupulate her

How easily she put the blamed of explosion on jungkook when she is was the one who has done this....

After getting free he ran from yoonmin house to the place where he met Nicola earlier

jimin reached the place waiting for Nicola. .

That place was far from the city.. a small and old penthouse was there

This is the same place where Nicola has locked yana...

Jimin went inside..

Being lock up she was thinking how can she help jungkook... Nicola has put spells here.. even if she want she cant escaped...

Jungkook is just like her son.. in her whole life , she regret only one thing i.e
'Not giving motherly love to his sister's son '

she always maintain distance with him

Because she didn't wanted any witches to know about him...

She wished she can hug him one day tell him how much she care for him..

She was scared for jungkook..

She still remember how tae came to meet her asking about jungkook power and her sister's letter..

She felt so happy
Seeing jk's mate caring so much for him...

Taehyung at that time doesn't knew that he is jungkook's mate.. nor did yana told him...

She just smile greeting tae as jungkook's bestfriend

She know that she can trust taehyung
So she tell him that only jungkook's fated mate can control it by marking and making him submitted

She chuckle noticing tae being jealous when she talk about jk's mate

Did tae knew that he was getting jealous from himself

Yana get alerted when she feel someone entering..

With the sudden shock seeing jimin
y/n's friend here

What he is doing here

"Jimin what are you doing here dear
Go away this place is not safe for you "

She shouted not wanting nicola to caught him

Jimin was statue standing in the same place not reacting maintaing his blank face

Yana didn't know what happen why jimin is not listening

What happen to him.. did nicola has done something to him too

Thinking all the possibility she came to the conclusion that jimin is possesed

Trying to moved her hand

She started chanting her spell trying to break Nicola's spell

Why this spell is so strong that bitch

Cursing nicola she again started chanting

Feeling happy seeing jimin getting affected and shouted

She continue chanted till jimin fall down in pain..
After 15 minutes

She shouted when she feel jimin moving

"Jimin !!!!
Get up and run... before she came here "

Jimin being dose up didn't realise where was he....

Feeling weak and worn out he notice y/n mothers being tied up

Not knowing

what happen

He some how manage to stand

"Aunt.. what are you doing here.. who tied you "

Jimin speak in his weak tone holding his head

"Jimin dear nicola she is evil she tied me.. go away..
she will hurt you again "

"Nicola.. " (confused )

His eyes widen when he remember the last time he met Nicola after that he dont know what happen

"Aunt.. let me help you "

Jimin reacted suddenly

"No dont..
Dont come closed to me.. you will hurt yourself.. its been spell by her.. you cant do anything.. "

"Let me try atleast "

"No dont.. just do as i say.. go away and tell them that jhunsun is been free from caged by nicola
Tell them to be careful and alert.. and take care of jungkook..
Inform my daughter to send others witches to help me
Now just go before she came "

"But aunt how can i leave you here "

. "I will be fine please hurry up "


Jungkook woked up out of sudden getting a night mare

Wiping his sweats

He look at taehyung who was sleeping beside him..

Taking a deep breath and drinking water nervously he tired to calm his breathing

It was the worst dream he have ever had..

He saw that monster again beating his mate mercilessly.. killing him...

Should i wake him up..
No he is already very tense
What should i do..


Mindlinking with jay

"Jk.. relaxx... "

"That dream. ... it was horrible
That monster was beating tae..
I have seen him.. in my previous dreams too .... "

"Calm down if you dont want to wake him (tae) up "

" I "

" Jk breath in ... breath out "

Jk does as jay said

"You are ok "

"No "

"lets go outside then "

(Getting up he moved out from room
Sitting in the garden inhaling fresh air )

"Jay... "

"Why are you so worried its just a dream right "

" Its not an ordinary dream jay...
You remember i had dream of that monster grabbing my hand..
I got this mark from him in real...
He warned me that if i didn't came..he will killed my mate..
And today he was.... "

Jungkook being disturbed by the dream was crying

He was scared

It felt like dying when he saw taehyung being beaten...

The worst part is he was standing there only

But he could not do anything

He felt so helpless

"Shhh.. stop crying "

" he said if i didn't come he will do it in real
The monster in my dream have the similar voice which we heard that day.. That unknown voice getting on our nerves "

" jungkook its a serious matter we shouldnt take it lightly.. i dont think i should hide anymore "

"Whatt " (confused)

"Jungkook... iam.. iam"

"Just tell me "

"The voice was of your father's.. "

Jungkook was too young thats for he didn't remember anything but jay as a werewolf identify his voice

"Myyy... faa..ther... (shocked ) You are joking... right... jay.. "

"I didn't wanted to share.. but after knowing about the explosion.. I decided to tell you this.. I think he break the seal.. "

"No.. but... how ... i mean.. only i can..Break.. that... right "

"Dont know how he did it.. i just hope iam wrong
One more thing jk...
that monster and your father seem to be the same person "

"You are scaring me jay..
I never.. (crying )
I dont want to meet him again in my life.... "

"Jk.. relaxxx... iam not sure yet "

"I dont.. jay... i dont want ... i dont want..
I dont want to see him again..
I hate him..
He is the reason behind my pain..
He killed my mom..
Now he wants to killed my mate
I do..nt... wan.. "

(Sitting in the floor supporting a pillow
Jk hide his face crying in his knee and sobbing
continuosly bubbling.. )

Mrs kim

Going back to her room she was thinking of her next move..

She will go to any extend to save her family.. she saw a glimpses of jk jungkook in the garden areas

Their bond is very strong it will not be easy for me..
But for my tae i will try my best..

Feeling anger roased she decided to approach him

(Jungkook is still in the same position hiding his face )

Luna - "you traitor what are you doing here
Are u planning something else ..
You can never be succeed in your plan "

(she shouted )

Jk - "iam here for my personal space getting some fresh air
whats your problem..
I want to be alone
Please leave "

(shouted frustrately not in the mood to deal with her )

Luna - "who are you to order me.. its my park.. iam luna here
Who are you dammit.. its not your park just fucking get lost "

Jk - " why you hate me so much
Iam your son's mate for god sake"

(broken voice )

Luna - "y9u want to know why i hate you because you are nothing just a curse..
Your father, he destroyed our park because he wanted you..
Your mother died just to save you..
And now because of you if anything happens to my son i wil arrhhh "

Jk shouted getting up aggressive


Luna - "you cant fool me with this act jungkook.. i know everything you are doing... why..
why did you get your father out of that seal.. "

Jk - "what nonsense i haven't done anything "

Luna -"then who did this... only you have the power to break that right "

Jk - "its not me " (whispered )

Luna -" (chuckle)
royal bitches will come here and they will reveal everything.. no one can save you then.. you are the only suspect who can do this..
Everyone will blame you
even your mate will doubt at you.. "

Jk - " taehyung will never believe this shits "

Luna - "i will be the most happiest person to prove you wrong..
Very soon you will be in prisoners
Be ready for tommorrow assembly "


Returning to the room

Looking at his mate sleeping peacefully

"Dont take her seriously you know how she is "

"I know.. dont worry "

"He look so cute right "

Jay said drolling over tae

" i wish i can connect to V too... he is not talking to me.. "

Jay again said feeling sad as V is been mute since his rage

Jungkook pov

I know you are tense because of me...
Dont worry i will not create more trouble
I love you

Jk said perking his forehead

Wiping his tears he went to the washroom

Continuosly washing his face

He is not ready to go in tommorrow's assembly

He know how others are going to behave with him. .

They already hate him enough..

All of sudden his eyes fall on his wrist

He look at his wrist

Rubbed it more

But the mark was still there confusing him...

He took a deep breath trying to calm him...

He cant create more problems for tae..

. .


Next morning
Tae spread his hand searching for jk, not finding his mate warmth he woke up

" Bun.. where are you "

He called jungkook checking the time

Did he went somewhere
Am i dreaming my sleepy bunny is awake that too early in the morning

Tae get up confusely craving for his mate warmth searching the whole room he found jk sleeping in the bathroom floor

(Chuckle )

This bunny boy.. such a sleepy head..
How can someone sleep in the washroom

Tae thought jungkook must have sleep here mistakely

"Bun... is this a place to sleep "

Jungkook get up with the sudden disturbance

"Tae " he whispered
It took him a minute to remember where he is

" get up and sleep in the bed "

Tae said but strain when he look at his pale face , red and spolen eyes with dark circles

"Bun.. what happendid you cry "

"Why will i cry "

Jk said looking others side

"Stop lying 😬
see your eyes are so red
How much did you cry.. your eyes are spolen too and this dark circles "😔😔

Ignoring him Jk silently passed him but Tae hold his shoulder

"Iam asking you something... stop ignoring me bun..
Wait you have fever too
Fuck "

Checking jk forehead and cheeks having high temperature

"Iam ok tae " (said weekly )

"Shut up and sit there dont stand .. "

Tae rused taking the thermometer checking his mate temperature

He grasp jungkook have high fever

" lay down iam bringing something to eat then you have to take medicine "

"No.. i dont want to eat anything just let me sleep "

"Bun.. stop this "


"I made this soup for you " tae said placing the tray

Jungkook made a irritated face

"Noo.. i will not eat "

"Please just little , come iam feeding you "

Tae said shoving the spoon to feed him but jk moved back

"Tae.. i didn't brush "

"You will not get cavity If you didn't brush one day "

Tae sighed because of his subborn germophobic mate

After a few minute he again came with a toothpaste

"Bun ( shooking )
Come get up and brush your teeth after that i will feed you "

Tae forcefully made jk brush his teeth and then again heat the soup to feed him

"Tae.. dont.. iam not feeling like eating..
Please dont force me "

"Bun how will u take medicine then "

"I dont need medicine.. i will be fine.. you dont have to worry "

Tae get irritated with jungkook behaviour


tae shouted glaring at jk... but he didn't expected his mate to cry..

"Bun.. iam sorryy.. dont cry .. "

Tae panick not knowing what to do
When jungkook brust out crying

He hug him

"Shhh.. shh.. iam sorry iam sorry iam sorry "

Tae chanted sorry soothing him..

After few minutes of hugging him
Jungkook was still sobbing lightly

"Bun.. my love...
look at me ... iam sorry.. dont cry..
I shouted only for you... if you be not eat... then how will you get healthy
Just eat little bit and take medicine ,
You can sleep after this okk "

Jk nodded

Tae cupped his face kissing his mate bambi eyes.. his cheeks.. and then waas going for his lips when jk stop him

"I have fever.. you will get infected "

"I dont care "

Tae said capturing his lips


"How you feeling.. let me see how is your fever "

Tae said again perking him

"This is the tenth time you are checking "
Jk said getting fed up with his over caring mate..

"Thank god your fever is down now let up and change your dress"

Jk whinned

"You are sweaty "

Jungkook extend his arms signaling him to take it out

Tae smile at his cuteness

Removing his clothes wiping him wet cloth.. making him wear different outfit

"You want to eat something "

Jk nodded as no

"Cuddle "

"Come here my baby bun "

"Yahhh iam not baby "

"But you are behaving like one "

"Shut up "

"Feeling better.? "

"Litte headache "

Tae massaging his head

"Let it be " jk said stoping him

"Ok come here bunny let me hold you then "

Tae wrapping him in his embrace

"Bun... i think we should cancel todays assembly ... you are not feeling well though.. dont worry i will convince dad "

"No... iam fine "

"are you sure "

"Hmm "

Jk said even though he dont have any interest to attend.. but he agree
Because he dont want to bother him more..


Jungkook being standing in the middle of the assembly as a culpit

Crowd gathering there passing hate comments

He look up when tae squeeze his hand

"Ignore them.. hmm.. i love you "

Jk smile and nodded assuring him

Administrator -

" there is a allegation on jeon jungkook for

breaking park rules
Disrespecting luna and even
attempt to murder her
Killing park guards

True blood alpha jeon jungkook
do u accept this allegations "

Jk- "i do "

Senior park member 1 - " how dare he.. he shouldn't be here in the first place... it was our leader who accepted him and his mother....

2 - "I already told you leader kim
dont trust his mother.. witches like her dont deserve to be trusted
Now see what is happening ..At first his father destroy our park now he... "

3 - "our leader was very generous.. he dont even have any choice
What can he do when her mother was pleading begging for shelter"

They continue insulting jungkook and his mother..

Jk- (angry and fed up with them )

"Dont bring my mother in between this " (shouted )

Senior - " Why can't i bring your mother when she is the reason you are here... you should not be here in the first place... "

Jk - "it is my place too ..
my mate lives here " (he shouted again trying his best to not to brust out only for taehyung sake but they are getting on his nerves now )

Tae -"bun... calm down "

Tae stoping him

jungkook was loosing his calm
He didn't wanted jk to do something which can go against him..

He knew this members are trying to provoked him

Jk - " they are talking nonsense... i will not tolerate this shits.. dont make me lose my calm "

Another senior - " are you threatening us trueblood.. dont forgot where you are standing "

( Mrs kim smriking )

Park member 1 - "i dont think we should called him a trueblood.. he is witch.. didnt you see his powers.. "

Park mem. 2 - "iam concern for our future.. how can we allowed a witch to be our luna "

1 - "i doubt how taehyung is handling him "

2 - "iam feeling bad for taehyung he dont deserve a mate like him "

4 - "taehyung should search for a better mate... "

1 - "he should have rejected him
How can a trueblood alpha can mate another another trueblood "

3 - "you all are right this witch cant be our future luna "

They continue questioning jungkook and taehyung mate bond and
Degrading jungkook... for being their future luna

Jk - "iam a werewolf not a witch "

(Frustrated )

With Tae -

Listening and feeling anger rose
taking a deep breath
He was stoping himself from using his alpha voice
V after so many days was raising up

V mindlinking tae-

V - why you are standing here fucking killed them..
Who are they to decide if our mate deserve us or not

Tae - it will worsen the situation if i speak now just wait

V- they are lucky i dont want to come out ... after hurting my mate i can't face him or else i could have ripe them into pieces

V breaking the mindlink

Mr kim - watching the argument getting heated up
He interfere

all the senior present here please maintain discipline we are in the assembly "

Administrator -

"Is there anything you want to say on your behalf "

Tae - "i wana say something on behalf of my mate "

Mrs kim - " no you are not allowed to do so.. only jk is allowed to speak "

Tae - "sorry luna but "

Jk - "tae.. its ok i can "

Jk said cutting his mate

Tae- "its not ok. . As your mate i have full rights to defend you.. "

Mr kim - " trueblood kim taehyung please proceed "

Mrs kim gritted his teeth in anger

Tae - "first of all i want to opologize to all who suffered because of my rage and Iam thankful for my mate who help me to put my rage down. . .
Putting his own life in danger he not only save my life but others werewolves too.. "

Tae being smart enough trying to gain public trust on jk
Showing his good sides but interepted by luna

Luna -" you are here to defend your mate so dont speak nonsense "

Tae "respected luna its not nonsense
Its truth
My mate jeon jungkook was injured
i almost kill him..
He was in coma for 2 weeks...

Its not jungkook but its me who dont deserve him..

he is not from our park.. then also he bravely fought with me protecting me and our park members in the southern region... "

(Members who were speaking against him become silent while
Jk being overwhelmed with what tae said.. he wished he could kiss his mate but he hold it )

"he is werewolf but as his mother was a witch , he inheritance some powers from his mother .. "

Tae said looking at those who were pointing out his mate

Mrs kim
"Trueblood alpha kim taehyung did you forgot that
Jungkook is being accused for attempting to kill me and other members
So please stick to that and defend him "

Kim taehyung
"As your wish luna
Leader kim i want to call omega seokjin here..
He was the reason behind my mate behaviour "

"Taehyung was right leader.. i provoked jungkook.. it was unintentional.. i was just making fun teasing him .... going with the flow i didn't realise when i overbound ..Resulting this
Iam sorry luna for bringing you in this "

Administrator -
"Mr kim taehyung will you explain this in briefly "

Tae - "sure... jungkook never knew about his powers.. it was a day when he realised it.. being inexperience he dont have any control over it..
Because of omega jin provoking my mate he get aggressive lossing his control.. which leads to this... "

Senior 1- "if this is the matter then why not you are telling us what did jin said which make jungkook this much aggressive "

Tae - "iam sorry senior but it is quite personal.. and very sensitive to me and mate.. we dont want to discuss it"

Tae said not revealing what his mom has done.. he cant put the blame on his mother... he lover her as he love his mate.. so he is trying to protect both of his lifes

Senior 2 - "taehyung this is not any family meeting... its a assembly meeting and we are hear to give justice
If you didn't speak everything then how we gonna decide "

(Sighed )
"Its something about me being submitted to my mate jungkook ..."

Everyone grasp they never expected this to happened

Tae unbuttoning his first 2 bottom

Jk pov
Whats his doing.. tae..
its my property..

Jk whinned

Tae -

"this is my mate mark... a proof that iam not lying "

He show his mate mark.... very soon jk bottoned it hurriedly not knowing why tae is bring this topic

It was very hard to digest for others
Their future leader a trueblood alpha submitted to his mate
It was something to be ashamed about a trueblood..

Jk looking at others rection its fear him... he doesn't want anyone to degrade his mate

Jk - tae.. dont.. this is not the right time

Jk mindlinking tae

Tae - "shh.. its ok i can handle it "

Jk - handle by foot.. you know what you were doing.. now they will target you..

Tae - let them do what they want

Jk- sorry until now i was listening their shits because it was on me.. but of anyone dare to speak nonsense about you.. i will ripe them here

Tae- dont be childish let them talk i dont care.. and you are not doing anything

Jk- i cant guarantee

Tae - please for me.. dont mess up my plan.. please.. iam doing this for us

Tae has already planned this first he asked jin hyung to help them who gladly accepted this as jin also wanted forgiveness from tae..
And now he is driving the crown attention from jk to himself...
He knows once others knew this.. there focus will be on him making it easy for him to save jk

A wave of astonishment fill the surrounding
Members being whispering not believing what they heared

Their future leader submitted to his mate..

Mr kim
"Everyone please silent "

Senior 4 - "how can we leader after knowing future leader is submitted one "

Jk - bloody dick

Senior 2 -"how can we make allowed a submitted wolf to be our next leader "

Jk - fucking creep

Senior 1 - "such a shame for trueblood alpha "

Jk - asshole

Tae - bun stop cursing them

Tae said jungkook who was cursing everyone.. he tired to stop him as they are elders we should respect them but jungkook didn't listen and continue what he was doing

Senior 2- "iam sorry leader but we are not accepting a submitted wolf to be our next leader "

Jk pov
Who is this bastard to accept my mate as leader.. you senior part 2 ... you will be my next target duckhead

Tae bear.. stop this now.. iam gonna releaved our secret...
See what are they telling. . Iam not selfish iam gonna tell that iam bottom and no one has submitted yet

Tae pov
Stop it bun.. be quiet dont speak.. let them speak what they want..
I will handle it okayy

But its not good.. i cant see this

Tae bun..i told you right.. please trust me okay



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