Courtside Confession

By IWannaBeViVi

1.8K 88 17

[Bluesy-Jenrina Fanfic] Disclaimer: The actions and habits of the characters in this story are mostly product... More



98 5 0
By IWannaBeViVi

The familiar scent of home enveloped Jeno as he stepped through the threshold. The living room was bathed in the soft glow of the television screen. There sat Jisung, engrossed in whatever program had captured his attention, a pack of snacks nestled comfortably at his side.

Without a word, Jeno made his way over, deftly snatching the pack from Jisung's grasp.


The younger boy let out a playful whine, his protests drowned out by the hum of the television.

Jeno retreated to the sanctuary of his bedroom, the door clicking softly shut behind him. The familiar sights and sounds of his personal space embraced him.

He moved through the motions of a nightly routine with practiced ease. A quick shower washed away the remnants of the day, leaving him refreshed and revitalized. Finally, he lay on his bed, the soft embrace of his sheets a comfort he cherished.

Jeno couldn't help but smirk as he scrolled through social media, stumbling upon a particularly cute photo of Jimin.

He tried to brush it off as just another image in the sea of posts, but there was an undeniable appreciation that lingered beneath the surface.

"Not bad," he mumbled to himself, a reluctant acknowledgment of the girl's appeal. Closing his eyes, he tossed his phone aside, the image of her still lingering in his mind as he settled into the quiet of his room.

As the minutes ticked by, Jeno found his thoughts drifting to one particle girl.

Her laughter echoed in his mind, the way her eyes lit up when they spoke, the delicate flush that painted her cheeks when their hands brushed. It was these moments that seemed to play on a loop in his mind, each one a testament to the effect she had on him.

He couldn't help but smile to himself. Shaking off his trails of thoughts, he finally decided to sleep.


As the day waned, the school gymnasium buzzed with the energy of the cheer team, their movements synchronized and spirited. Jimin and her teammates were focused on perfecting their routine for an upcoming event.

With the practice stretching late into the evening, Jimin knew she'd be at school for a while longer. She was dedicated to giving her all to the team, even if it meant staying back late.

As the cheer leader led her team through their routine, there was a gracefulness to her movements. Her every step was precise, every gesture deliberate, and it was clear that she took her role as a leader seriously.

Jeno has been watching in quiet admiration as she offered guidance to her teammates, her words a source of encouragement and support. There was a certain magnetic quality about the way she carried herself, an air of confidence mixed with genuine kindness.

Jimin's feathers, as Jeno observed, held a certain luminosity. They seemed to catch the light in a way that accentuated their natural beauty. Each one seemed to flutter with a rhythm of its own, mirroring the rhythm of the routine.

Her eyes sparkled with determination, her smile infectious. There was a fire within her, a passion that burned bright, and it was impossible for Jeno to look away.

He found himself drawn to her, captivated by the way she moved and the energy she brought to the room. 

As the practice continued, Jeno's gaze remained fixed on Jimin. He couldn't deny the pull he felt towards her, a magnetic force that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

As the cheer practice wrapped up, Jimin was caught off guard when one of her teammates approached her, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Leader-nim, guess who's waiting for you?" her teammate teased, a playful smirk on her face.

Jimin's brow furrowed in confusion. "Who are you talking about?"

Her teammate nodded towards a spot in the gymnasium, and when Jimin turned her gaze, she was met with the sight of Jeno standing there, a smirk playing on his lips.

Surprise and a hint of delight washed over Jimin. She hadn't expected to see him there.

Her teammates, sensing the shift in atmosphere, couldn't resist seizing the opportunity to tease her.

"Jimin-ah, I didn't know you had a secret admirer!" one of them chimed in, a playful glint in her eye.

Another added, "You two would make such a cute couple!"

Their leader's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. She shot her teammates a playful glare, but couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips.

Jeno, sensing the teasing atmosphere, couldn't help but join in. "Well, well, leader-nim~. I heard you're quite the star of the cheer team."

Jimin playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You're just trying to butter me up."

"You must be thirsty after all that hard work. Here, have some drink."

The girl's eyes softened, touched by Jeno's thoughtfulness. 

With a deft motion, Jeno opened the energy drink for her, a small gesture that held a touch of intimacy. He watched as she took a sip, the cool liquid a welcome relief against the lingering warmth of their exertions.

As she drank, Jeno's gaze drifted, his eyes drawn to the graceful line of her neck. It was a simple observation, a fleeting appreciation of a feature that he found unexpectedly alluring. He couldn't help but acknowledge the subtle undercurrent of attraction that seemed to thrum between them.

She finished her drink, a sigh of satisfaction escaping her lips. She turned to Jeno, a contented smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, Jeno."

Jeno met her gaze, a quiet intensity in his eyes. "Anytime."

The atmosphere in the gymnasium shifted as Mark, Jaemin, and Haechan joined the small gathering. Their presence brought with it an easy camaraderie, a lighthearted banter that filled the air.

Haechan couldn't resist a teasing grin. "So, Jeno, you're moving on quickly, huh? Just broke up with someone, and now you're already finding a new someone?"

Jeno's friends were unaware of the subtle shift in the atmosphere, the way Jimni's expression shifted ever so slightly. It was a moment of unease.

The said girl, then excused herself with a soft smile. "I should go, now. I have something I need to take care of."

As she turned to leave, Jeno's gaze followed her. 

Mark, Jaemin, and Haechan exchanged glances, the teasing banter falling away to a more subdued understanding. They watched as the cheer leader disappeared from view.

The gymnasium seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with unspoken tension. Haechan's teasing words hung in the air, a moment of playful banter that had taken an unexpectedly sharp turn.

As Jeno turned to face Haechan, his gaze was sharp, his expression unreadable. There was a flicker of frustration in his eyes.

Haechan, sensing the weight of his words, immediately, his usual playfulness replaced by a more earnest demeanor. "Jeno, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry, okay? It was just a joke. I didn't think it would..."

Jeno's silence hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension between friends. Without a word, he turned away.

Jeno's friends watched him go, with a confused expression on each face. "Why so sensitive, today?," Mark wondered.

"Just a Jeno thing.", Jaemin shrugged off. 


Hope you'd enjoy reading!


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