My Dream

By OneArtsyGamer03

55.7K 2.2K 762

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies.... Republishing of "My Dream" :) All his life, Faunus hsa gazed through the w... More

The Sundrop
When Will My Life Begin
The Reluctant Thief
Father Knows Best
Into the Woods
Our Journey Begins
The Snuggly Duckling
Crashing Down
Secrets and Doubt
The Kingdom Dance of Corona
I See the Light
Trickery in the Night
The Lost Prince
One Last Miracle
My Dream is You
Ever After

The Deal

2.8K 120 93
By OneArtsyGamer03


I get it though-- it's a beautiful crown owo Honestly wish we could just wear tiaras and crowns in public without society caring. It's a crime we can't honestly 😤





Faunus slowly approaches the closet with his frying pan ready, though he didn't want to use it again unless he had to. He grabs under the seat of the chair with one hand, lowering the back away from the handles of the closet and pulling the chair away. The chair scrapes loudly on the floor, Faunus turning it around and using it as defense as he takes a deep breath.


He walks around the chair slowly as he eyes the cabinet, walking back up to it with small, hesitant steps. Reaching forward, his hand grabs the cold metal of the closet door handle, and he braces himself as he opens the doors.

Flinching away as they fully open, Faunus peeks an eye open and relaxes when he sees she was still unconscious. (Y/N)'s body begins to fall forward, making him exclaim in surprise as he drops his frying pan and rushes forward.

The pan clatters loudly on the ground as Faunus catches (Y/N) with his arm around her shoulders, the side of her head slumped against his chest.

Faunus blinks owlishly down at her, face becoming a bright shade of red as his eyes awkwardly dart around the room.

"Definitely... shouldn't have used the pan on her," he murmurs with a wince of sympathy, supporting her arm over his shoulder as he approaches the green chair with her limp body. "But, to be fair, you shouldn't of broken in."

He glares down at her in an accusatorial manner as he mumbles with a hint of playfulness, sitting her in the chair and stepping back quickly as he dusts his shirt off while clearing his throat. Faunus cringes as he looks over her unconscious form, rubbing the back of his neck. Taking a deep breath, he sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair.

Pascal gives him a raised eyebrow ridge look as he croaks a few times in question and alarm, Faunus frowning as he looks from him to (Y/N).

"I know, I know! But-- I... feel... really bad, okay?"

Pascal sighs loudly, rolling his eyes.

Faunus approaches the window, looking down towards the area leading out of the field around the tower. Spotting no sign of Gothel returning, his expression hardens with resolve as he turns back to (Y/N).


"... change the Fates' design..." Faunus quietly and anxiously sings, standing in front of (Y/N) with his arms crossed over his chest as he heals her.

His hair was completely wrapped around (Y/N), her arms strapped to the arms of the chair and her legs to the legs of the chair, her torso wrapped around the back of the chair just as a precaution. Some of his hair was looped around her head as well, his hair glowing gold as he sings. He had also removed her cloak, since it was too awkward to maneuver around, and made sure to take her dagger from her.

"Save what has been lost, bring-back-what-once-was-mine," he rapidly sings the final part in one breath, bracing himself with shut eyes as he waits for her to awaken.

Faunus' hair begins to dull back to its original color, (Y/N) showing no signs of waking up.

His eye peeks open as he relaxes, frowning as he steps closer to her. He waves his hand in front of her face, receiving no reaction.

Faunus reaches up, unlooping his hair from around her head before looking towards Pascal. Pascal croaks as he pads over, climbing up (Y/N)'s leg and up her arm. He eyes her suspiciously on her shoulder, squeaking as he looks to Faunus.

Pascal motions to the beams above, Faunus looking up before slowly nodding with a small frown.


Faunus drags the chair forward into a sun-lit spotlight, remaining in his hiding place as Pascal remains glaring at the side of (Y/N)'s face. He croaks lowly, raising a hand and backhanding her cheek with a soft slap before curling into a ball on her shoulder, changing into the shade of brown her dress was.

He squeaks with an irritated look when she doesn't stir, rising and slapping her cheek with his tail twice. Nothing.

Croaking, Pascal pokes his tail aggressively against her cheek. Still nothing.

With confusion, Pascal turns to face her once more, eyes narrowing as he angles his head upwards. His mouth opens, his tongue swiftly launching into her ear.

(Y/N)'s eyes snap open as she wakes with a startled yelp as she jumps, Pascal screaming as he was bounced off her shoulder.

"What the?! Huh-- I..." (Y/N) blinks rapidly as she looks around the tower. "Where..."

She trails off, attempting to rise with confusion clear on her face as her eyebrows furrow.

(Y/N) looks down in alarm when she was unable to move, her limbs straining against her binds before she pauses, deeply frowning at the sight of what seemed like human hair keeping her restrained.

"Wait..." she squints as she leans forward a bit, her eyes trailing along the golden hair as she tries to follow it to the source. "Is... this... hair...?"

The hair chaining her to the chair led upwards, some residing on an inside balcony and leading up to the wooden beams above, the area dark with shadows.

"Struggling-- Struggling is pointless!"

(Y/N)'s expression hardens a bit when a male voice firmly speaks, though there was a slight hint of fear to it as it wavers. (Y/N) follows the dark figure with her eyes as Faunus clambers down the beams, hiding behind a bundled curtain.

"I know why you're here, and I'm not afraid of you!" Faunus tries to yell confidently, voice wavering just a bit.

(Y/N)'s face softens with confusion, her eyes squinting. "Huh?"

Faunus steels his nerves, taking a few deep breaths as he slowly walks forward into the light. (Y/N) was caught off guard at the sight of him, her mouth parting a bit in awe as she looks over his face. He had fair skin with faded freckles littering his nose, his hair a bright shade of blond and, obviously, long. But what stood out to her were his eyes; they were filled with fear, yet confidence. Fascination, but hesitance.

She also notices the frying pan in his hand, making her brow raise.

"Ah, so you hit me on the head with that," she murmurs to herself, pleasantly surprised to find she was experiencing no head pains at all.

"Who are you... and how did you find me?" Faunus slowly demands, taking a step forward as he glares at her with sharp eyes.

"Uh..." (Y/N) drags the word, blinking slowly.

Faunus steps forward once more, enunciating his words as he wields the frying pan in a threatening manner. "Who are you, and how did you find me?"

"Okay!" (Y/N) lifts her fingers to imitate raising her hands in surrender. "Okay, no need for violence here. But to be honest with you, good sir, I have no idea where here even is, or who you are. And... sorry," she turns her head, looking away. "I don't give my name out so easily."

Faunus' brows furrow a bit at her words, jaw tensing in thought.

"All right," Faunus quietly says, lowering his frying pan slowly. "Then... who else knows my location, uh... my Lady?"

"My Lady!" (Y/N) barks out a short laugh of surprise at the nickname, leaning her head back. "Never been called that, before. But, uh, listen, sunshine--"

Faunus' gaze hardens, face flushing a light shade of red at the nickname. "Faunus."

(Y/N) stares at him for a moment, her eyebrow lifting. "... Bless you? Anyway, look, I know I broke into your tower and everything, but I was in a bad situation, and I need to get out of here and back to return the..."

Her face falls, eyes widening in horror as she quickly looks around the chair area, her satchel no where.

"Okay-- funny! Very funny," (Y/N) laughs anxiously, looking back up at Faunus. "Okay, where's my satchel?"

Faunus smirks as he crosses his arms, shrugging. "I've hidden it! Somewhere you'll never find it."

"Give me ten seconds," (Y/N) boredly smacks her lips together as she glances around the room, her eyes scanning over the shelves before trailing up the stairs.

She hums softly for a moment, clicking her tongue as she looks to her left, her eyebrow raising as she nods.

"Oh, come on. In the pot? You could've done better than that," she muses with a snicker, nodding towards the pot a few feet from her.

Faunus' body freezes, (Y/N)'s vision going dark as the sound of a pan hitting her goes off.


(Y/N)'s eyes slowly open as she wakes, feeling something in her ear. Her eyes flick to her shoulder, Pascal on her shoulder with his tongue attached to her ear.

"Come on!" (Y/N) exclaims in disgust, jumping and flinching her chair away. "Please stop doing that! And you!"

She looks to Faunus, who stands a few paces away.

"Stop hitting me with that! I'm seriously impressed I haven't gotten a concussion yet!"

"Sorry, but had to be done," Faunus shrugs a shoulder, looking up to the ceiling as he mutters. "And I wouldn't... worry about getting a concussion, but..."

"What'd you say?" (Y/N) genuinely questions, making him jump a bit as he looks down at her. "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Mind repeating?"

Faunus was taken aback by her apology, half-expecting to hear her scold him for muttering.

Clearing his throat, he shakes his head, expression becoming serious.

"Nothing. Don't think I don't know you're trying to distract me!" Faunus firmly speaks, making her eyebrows raise upward in disbelief. "So. What do you want with my hair?"

"What?" (Y/N) sputters as she shakes her head, Faunus walking around her as his hair trails behind him.

"To cut it? Sell it?" Faunus demands in an accusatory tone, aiming his frying pan under her chin as she tilts her head back a bit.

"No! Why-- What? Why would I want your hair?!" (Y/N) flicks her chin away from him as he backs up a step, "The only thing I really want with your hair is to get out of it. And I mean that in a literal sense."

"You--!" Faunus starts, caught off guard as he makes eye contact with her, not seeing a trace of malice. "You... wait."

His voice softens a bit with confusion, "You... don't want my hair?"

"As majestic and surprisingly strong as it is, no. I really don't," (Y/N) responds bluntly, shaking her head. "Why would I?! Look, the gist is, I was being chased through the woods, came across the hidden entrance, saw a tower, and climbed it. That's all."

"You're..." Faunus stammers weakly, tilting his head as he blinks rapidly while raising the pan pointed back at (Y/N). "You're telling... the truth?"

(Y/N) sighs heavily with exasperation, meeting his eyes with a dramatic nod to emphasize. "Yes!"

Faunus' eyes flick between hers as he frowns thoughtfully, Pascal chirping as he appears on his shoulder. Pascal runs down his arm and onto the pan, (Y/N) leaning back with wide eyes as Pascal seems to stare into her soul.

Pascal looks her up and down with suspicion, looking back at Faunus and pointing with his tail to indicate he wants to talk. He turns back to (Y/N), her eyes flicking away uncomfortably as Faunus slowly pulls the frying pan back, Pascal growling at her.

Faunus holds Pascal in his hand as he walks away a few paces, turning his back to (Y/N) as he whispers to Pascal.

"O--kay... now he's... talking to the chameleon, " (Y/N)'s mumbles to herself, eye twitching a bit as she shakes her head. "I gotta get out of here."


"I know-- but I need someone to take me," Faunus whispers to Pascal, not noticing (Y/N) was attempting to throw the chair onto its side.

Pascal squeaks a bit, tilting his head.

"I think she's telling the truth, too."

Pascal chirps, waving his hand.

"And she doesn't have claws," Faunus points out with a nod.

Pascal lets out a series of disapproving croaks.

"Come on, what choice do I have?"

Pascal croaks once, nodding.


Faunus sighs as he looks up.

"Okay..." he loudly speaks, making (Y/N) pause her antics as he turns to her. "My Lady, I am prepared to offer you a deal."

(Y/N) frowns at this. "Deal? What kind of deal?"

Faunus doesn't respond as he walks past her, tugging the chair. "Look this way."

(Y/N) exclaims in surprise as the chair was yanked to face her left, the chair swaying unsteadily before relaxing as she sighs in relief.

She watches as Faunus climbs onto the fire place, pulling back the curtain to reveal a painting as Pascal sits on his shoulder.

"Do you know what these are?" Faunus questions, gesturing towards the lights painted in the sky.

"Stars? No-- wait," (Y/N)'s eyes squint a bit as she looks the painting over once more. "Is... That's the lantern event they do for the prince."

Faunus perks up as she names the lights, quietly chuckling as he whispers to Pascal. "Lanterns! I knew they weren't stars!"

Pascal excitedly squeaks, looking up at Faunus.

"Well!" Faunus clears his throat, regathering his thought process. "Tomorrow evening, they will light the night sky with these... lanterns."

"So...?" (Y/N) waves her fingers in a circular motion, face showing confusion.

"You," he points down at her with his frying pan. "Will act as my guide, take me to these lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you."

Faunus releases the curtain, allowing it to drape back over his painting.

"That is my deal."

(Y/N) hums loudly, drumming her fingers on the chair arm. "Yeah... Not really sure about that, sunshine. I'm sad to say the kingdom and I aren't really best friends at this moment, and that's where the lanterns are released, so... I'm not taking you anywhere near there."

Faunus looks to Pascal, who growls as he punches his hand in a threatening manner. Inhaling through his mouth, Faunus sighs through his nose with a determined expression as he steps off the fireplace, landing gracefully on his foot.

"My Lady, something brought you here," he starts, grabbing his hair as he begins to approach her.

(Y/N) deadpans. "Nothing brought me here. I was being chased by a horse."

"Call it what you will," Faunus waves her off, "Fate, destiny..."

"No, it was a horse," (Y/N) says in a monotone.

"So! I have made the decision to trust you," he continues, continuing to approach in long, smooth strides.

"Trusting someone you've just met is really never a good idea," (Y/N) bluntly responds to this, shaking her head with a blank expression.

"But trust me when I tell you this," Faunus tugs his hair towards him, (Y/N) exclaiming a bit as the chair tilts forward.

She looks up apprehensively, coming face to face with Faunus as he looks down at her with narrowed eyes, his hand on the chair behind her shoulder and keeping the chair from falling forward completely.

"You can tear this tower apart brick by brick," he speaks lowly, lowering his head to her level as his grip tightens on the chair. "But without my help, you will never find your precious satchel."

(Y/N) feels the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose, sadly unable to, as her hands were still tied down. "Just to be clear. If I took you to see these lanterns and bring you back home, you'd give me my satchel? With everything still in tact in it?"

Faunus nods once. "I promise."

She gives him a doubtful look. "Lots of people promise me stuff, doesn't mean they go through with it."

"But when I promise something... I never, ever break that promise," Faunus adds with a firm confidence.

(Y/N)'s brow arches, doubtful expression otherwise not changing.


Pascal squeaks in agreement with a nod, a smile on his face.

"All right, look," (Y/N) sighs heavily as she looks down for a moment. "This whole tough guy act-- I can see right through it. You know that, right? In fact, I think you're a bit afraid of me."

(Y/N) lifts her gaze up to meet Faunus', Faunus blinking in alarm at their close proximity and leaning his head back as his ears and cheek turn a bit red.

"I respect it-- you standing up to me despite your fear. But come on, do you really expect me to believe you'd just give back my satchel?" she demands with a shake of her head. "You're asking me to take a lot on faith, sunshine."

Faunus' face falls as his eyes dart away from hers, a sad frown forming on his face as he quietly sighs. Pascal croaks in a comforting manner as he frowns, peering up at the side of Faunus' face.

(Y/N)'s eyes dart between the two a few times, her expression softening at Faunus' disappointed and heartbroken look. Her mouth parts in surprise at the sight of actual tears forming in Faunus' eyes, Pascal attempting to console him by laying down and hugging his shoulder. She begins to feel a tinge of guilt in her gut, her hands grasping the chair arms tightly as her foot bounces lightly.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this," (Y/N) quickly mutters under her breath as she rolls her eyes, Faunus looking to her in question with his big, tearful eyes. "Fine! Fine-- I'll take you to see the lanterns! Now no more of that!"

Faunus' eyes widen he gasps joyfully, releasing the chair in his shock. "Really?!"

(Y/N) braces herself with wide eyes as her chair falls forward, landing roughly on the ground as Faunus winces.

"... Oops?" he nervously laughs, cringing.

"I... hate you," (Y/N) groans in pain from the floor.





being motivated is an amazing thing I tell ya

Thanks so much for reading! Until the next chapter, lovelies! ❤️

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