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By Leyah_eroticstories

527K 14.1K 7K

โTalk to me while I eat you out, honey baby.โž Her fingers tightens around my hair as she shoves me deeper bet... More

๐“Ÿ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ฐ๐“พ๐“ฎ & ๐“˜๐“ท๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ญ๐“พ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ทยฉ
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Ch. โท
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[BOOK TWO] sequel๐Ÿ’ฅ

Ch. โต

15K 436 296
By Leyah_eroticstories

{Recap from previous chapter}

"Done." Sander's voice brought me back as he walked towards the door. "Thank you for your generosity, m'lady." He bowed dramatically.

I giggled, rolling my eyes at him— but that smile on my face soon turned into panic when I heard the front door being pulled open with a bang.

Holy shit.

Hell's about to break loose, literally.

{End of recap}

Honeysia P.O.V

The door slammed open as Sander and I froze like statues.

Yeah, I definitely want a silver and pink casket.

I wonder how many people will attend my funeral just to eat some food.


Okay, don't mind me. I might be half Jamaican, but the only thing I know how to say is their curse words and nothing else.

My dad was fully Jamaican so he would usually curse them a lot and sometimes I wish he had taken me there before he died.

Maybe I would've learn a thing or two.

I came out of my thoughts and my jaw dropped open when I saw who came through the door.

That's definitely not Joshua.

Just not who I expected.

What the hell?

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

He looks like someone who got caught in deer light at the moment with both eyes wide open and his mouth slightly hanging.

"Shit." He cursed. "Well you see, I just came to see you. I haven't heard from you the entire day!" He stomped his feet dramatically.

How weird, I've never given anyone my house location and as bad as it sounds, I've never had any of my friends over because Joshua didn't want it.

"Seriously Kaden?" I grimaced at my bestfriend.

I also forgot that I didn't text anyone today, so I guess he's worried.

"How did you know where I live?" What a weird question to ask your bestfriend.

He frowns. "Your location, duh. I can't believe you've been keeping me away from this gorgeous home."

Why do I forget how dramatic Kaden can be? Maybe that's why we click so well.

Forgetting that Sander was still here, I looked over at him and he raised a brow before leaning down to my ear.

"Blink twice and I'll get rid of him, love." Sander whispers, making me choke out a laugh.

"Oh my oh my, who do we have here." Kaden smirks looking at Sander as he finally turned to face him. "Wait, aren't you—"

Before he could finish, Sander cuts him off. "I'm Aleksander, nice to meet you."

"I know! But you're the one who—"

"And what's your name?" Sander cuts him again with a stern look.

What's going on with these two?

"Oh right, I'm Kaden. Nice to meet you too Sander." He stated.

Sander frowns, "It's Aleksander."

"But Sia calls you Sander." Kaden huffs.

"Well you're not her."

I blushed.

Did they forgot I'm still here? "I'm still here you know." I wave my hand around.

"My apologies pretty girl, I'll be on my way now hm?" Sander kisses my forehead, lingering for a few seconds before making his way to the door.

"Bye!" I squealed, still feeling his hot lips on my forehead.

I've never had a forehead kiss before.

He stops at Kaden before whispering something in his ears. Kaden eyes widened as he gulped and only then did Sander finally leaves.

"What did he tell you?" I ask Kaden curiously.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously, "That's not important. Pretty girl and love huh? Oh lets not forget that forehead kiss." He changed the subject making my face heats up.

I rolled my eyes, "It's nothing, he just loves calling me nicknames and its just a normal forhead kiss."

I can't tell him I actually liked it.

That's cheating, right?

"Does my bestfriend have a crush?" Kaden laughs jumping up and down.

"No!" Lies.

Yes, I most definitely do.

"Come on Sia, you're blushing." He smirks.

I am? Oh dear God.

"You know that's impossible, I still have a loving husband." I pointed out.

Loving husband my ass, that bitch can burn in hell for all I care. Now I'm stuck with him because of the stupid contract that my naive self signed qithout reading.

Dumb me.

Kaden rolled his eyes, "Speaking of, where's that loving husband of yours?"

Just as he said that, Joshua came walking inside the house with a frown when he saw Kaden.

"I missed you babe." Joshua stated as he came over hugging me.

I felt his arms wrapped around me and I immediately wanted to puke.

Wait, is he really hugging me right now?

He never hugs me before and I curse Kaden for being here which is making him act like this.

"M-Me too." Lies.

I pulled away early just to see Kaden watching us with a weird look on his face, but I dismissed that as Joshua speaks up.

"Hello Kaden."

I watch as a blush came on Kaden's face as he cleared his throat. "Hey Josh."

Really Kaden? I almost rolled my eyes at him.

He always thinks Josh is cute which is hilarious. I mean, he's not bad looking with his blond hair, blue eyes, 6'0 figure and no tattoos.

He always hated tattoos and people with them which I find odd. That's one of the reasons I haven't gotten one before.

I love them and I love seeing people with them. Thinking back on Sander's tattoos made me smile and hopefully one day I could get one of my own.

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick?" Kaden asks us and I nod.

Joshua also nods, "Sure, any friend of my wife is a friend of mine. Let me show you where it is and afterwards you can also stay for dinner."

Before he walked off, he whispers in my ears. "Get dinner ready, slut."

Breaking new; a man got poisoned by his wife just two hours ago and was now pronounced dead.

I wish.

I watch as he walked off to go show Kaden the bathroom and I sighed going to the kitchen.

I decided to look after some creamy shrimp curry with coconut milk and some white rice.

After I was finally finished, I took out the plates and get the table set.

Both Kaden and Joshua hasn't been back yet, but I did here the game system being turned on which means they're busy playing games.


Soon after, I called them down and they came at the sametime.

I raised a brow when I saw Kaden with a busted lip.

"What's wrong with you?"

Kaden groan, "Your dear husband hit me with the controller just because he can't take loses."

Joshua just rolled his eyes carelessly as he started eating without waiting on anyone.

"Sorry about him." I whisper to Kaden who just shrugged.


Aleksander P.O.V

I can't believe what I'm watching right now.

Is that?

Holy shit.

I did a good job in putting up that one camera. I wouldn't have known that this was happening.

Never in my years of living did I ever felt nauseous, but now I do.

I knew something was weird about him.

I can't believe he's cheating on her and that too in their own house. He's such an idiot, he has the most beautiful angel as his wife and he's cheating?

Who would even think about cheating on her?

She's so precious and deserves the best.

I'm gonna give it to her one day.

"What you watching?" Rome came bursting into my room and I glared at him.

"Porn." I chuckle as he blinked at me.

He has been staying at my house for three weeks now because he had just moved here.

Well, more like I threatened him to move here.

He had been living in Italy and for the past three years I've been asking him to move here with me but he was too stubborn.

Now he's finally doing it, but instead of finding a house for himself, he's here in my house— taking up my space.

Now I regret everything.

He's rich, I don't get why he can't get his own house.

"Nothing." I say as I moved the phone away but he already had a grip on it as he pulled it out of my hands.


I watch as he looked at the phone with his mouth hang open.

"Holy shit, how did we not know this?" Rome eyes widened.

"Bitch you're the worst private investigator I've ever seen." I joked.

He glares, "You didn't say that I should investigate his se—"

"Okay, okay shut it." I grin evilly. "We just need to get rid of that contract he manipulate her into signing."

I sighed remembering the contract stating that they can't ever get divorce.


There has to be a loophole in that damn contract and I'm gonna find it even if I have to go to the depth of hell to find it.

She's mine.

Now I know that idiot is just using her for his own selfish reasons.

Rome clapped my back in support, "I'll find a way out, but for now— get your girl."

I chuckled, "I thought you didn't like my ideas, hm?

He groans, "What I don't like is you acting like a damn obsessive stalker."

"For her I'll always be that."

I grab my phone from his hands and save the video on my phone, maybe it'll be useful one day.

After Rome left my room, I laid on the bed thinking about my pretty girl.

That ring I gave her was my grandfather's ring that he gave me before he died. He was the only family that cared for me, that loved me.

He meant the world to me, so therefore that ring is pretty precious to me and with me giving it to her means she's more than special to me.

I always wonder how such a kind hearted man gave birth to such a despicable man.

My grandfather was a gem and my father was a piece of shit.

Since the moment I turned six years old, my life started going downhill because of him.

Imagine being a helpless six year old and having a father who teaches you that what he's doing to you isn't a bad thing.

Having a mother who stood there watching without a care in the world and not fighting for her child as she watched me being touched by the man who was suppose to protect me.

Instead of getting the protection I should've gotten from him from both of them, I got assaulted.

My thoughts were cut short from a scrape on my leg.

This bitch.

I looked down at the orange and white cat that I name Milo. He hissed at me as I glared at me.

We're both having a glaring contest at this point and he doesn't plan on backing down it seems.

Why did I even have him here?

Because of her.

I got a damn cat because her favorite animal is a cat. I think I've gone completely insane these days.

"Don't worry bud, you'll see your mom soon." I grimace at what I just said as the cat meowed at me.

I find him on the streets a week after finding out that my pretty girl loves cat. I swear I wasn't driving around searching for a homeless one.

Okay, maybe I was.

But that's besides the point.

I got up and gave him some food as I watched him eat away happily.

Soon I'm gonna take Honey over here and let she meet Milo. I just know she'll be happy to see him and vice versa.

I went back to bed and on my laptop as I decided to message her again.

I can't do without them.

To: ferreirahoney@gmail.com
From: sandee477@gmail.com
Subject: Goodnight Love.

Dream about me tonight, my love.


I waiting impatiently for her reply and by the seventh minute a ping came through.

From: ferreirahoney@gmail.com
To: sandee477@gmail.com
Subject: You again?

I'll definitely dream about you........ being murdered.
What do you want?


I let out a loud laugh as I read her message. This girl will be the death of me.

To: ferreirahoney@gmail.com
From: sandee477@gmail.com
Subject: Yes me again.

The more you're rude to me, the more obsessive I get over you.
I want you, love.


She took a longer time to reply but I tried keeping my eyes open waiting for her to message back.

After a couple minutes the laptop notification sounded.

From: ferreirahoney@gmail.com
To: sandee477@gmail.com
Subject: You're weird.

You want me?
Then come and get me.... unless you're just a pussy.


My eyes widened at what she just sent. This girl is something else I swear. Who tells the person who's stalking them to come get her?

Don't worry, pretty girl— I'm definitely gonna get you soon enough.

Then I'll ruin you for everybody else.

Hm, so Joshua is cheating? But with who?👀

What exactly do you think Sander saw on the camera?💀

Awe! Sander got a cat for Honey.💓

Lets just talk about how Honey is acting careless with the person who's stalking her..🤣😭


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