We Hate Sharing But For You T...

By trashlifeisthebest

13.7K 384 264

You don't get it, do you y/n. You really do know how to make a man weak. Never in our life have we been so in... More

My readers I have a question!
Y/n Background
chap 1 Meeting the frightened old man
Chap 2 An Artist need of inspiration
Chap 3 Old man again? A game with Yuno
Chap 4 Ni-San I want a new pet please!
Chap 5 Yuno goes towards the swordsmith village.
Chap 6 The swordsmith village and the encountering another uppermoon.
Chap 7 A chase/race to escape upper 4
Chap 8 Came home to more drama
Chap 9 Your not getting away this time
Chap 10 Trapped
Chap 12 Stressful and Confusion
Chap 13 Be cautious
Chap 14 Who's the real number 6?
Chapter 15 The Act Of Betrayal
Chap 16 Youth Days pt1
Chap 17 Youth Days pt 2

Chap 11 Rethinking thoughts

327 15 3
By trashlifeisthebest

Yuno: Shhhhh

Tae: Mhm

Both of the kids glace at your pass out self while sneaking out of the room, careful not to wake you up. It was morning, and you continued to sleep like a baby enjoying the comfort of your bed.

Yuno: Do you know how to cook?

Tae: No, I was never taught, do you?

Yuno: Yes, ni-san taught me. Do you want me to teach you?

Tae: Yes, please.

Yuno: Okay, let's go!

So they both made their way towards the upper house, but as they were running, tae suddenly stopped in awe of the cave.

Tae: This place is so pretty. I've never seen anything like this.

Yuno: It is, right? Ni-san has amazing skills, so she built it, but as for the house, well, that was because of Mr.Oba and Ms.Sana.

Tae: Oh, that's cool, everyone so caring... like a family.

Yuno: You can be part of our family, don't you want that?

Tae: I would love too Does that mean I get play here with you and get hugs from y/n-ni?

Yuno: Yeah!

Tae: Yaaaaaay!

Yuno: Now let's go to make food.

So they both playfully run and jump around as they get up to the house running to the kitchen as yuno grabs a chair to stand on, and so does Tae as they grab whatever ingredients and prep breakfast.

Yuno: Today we'll make ... Blah

Tae: Okay, let's start!

The end results

Tae: It looks pretty

Yuno: And yummy. Let's eat.

So they both ate, then talked while cleaning their place and started to clean the house while playing. They didn't feel safe going outside despite it being daytime, so they stayed indoors in the house now drawing.

You were still sleeping along with lily.

Back at the restaurant

Liliana: Where are my men?

Kiko: How would we know we haven't even talked to these men or met them.

Feya: Perhaps they either got lost or ran into trouble. Should we notify the chief?

Liliana: I just might, although he may just send more men to search y/n. But it's obvious y/n hasn't been found unless if she was, then she did something to my men.

Kiko: Either way, you have no proof of what happened. We can't conclude anything yet, just hope for the best for both.

Oba: I would go search for them but were about to open soon so kiko or feya if you want you both can search for everyone. We'll take over from here.

Kiko: No, I won't leave most of the work for both you and Ms. Sena to do. Besides, I'm sure y/n fine, but as for the other man, I'm sorry, liliana, you can go search for them yourself or get someone else. I'm not leaving them behind.

Feya was just quiet as kiko continued preparing the restaurant along with Oba as liliana stayed quiet, staring at kiko, but she then glanced at feya as feya looked to the side, shaking her head.

Liliana: Well then, I guess I'll just wait. Carry on with your preparation for the opening. I'll return later.

So she left, walking back towards the chief building.

Sena: I don't know what to make of us situation. Thank you for staying with us, though, but It just feels weird with liliana acting more-

Kiko: Nice

Feya: Perhaps she has a change of heart. Something might have happened for her to see things differently now, or she's came to a realization on how she should treat people better.

Oba: Well, whatever it is, I hope she can remain friendlier with other residents as well. This will definitely tone down the stress, for it is all at least.

Kiko: Maybe so, but I still won't let my guard down around her, and neither should the rest of us. I'm almost done with the kitchen. Everything looks good over here.

Feya: Same here. The dining area is clean.

Sena: Well then, shall we open up?

Oba: We shall.

And so they did as customers started coming in as the laughter of joy and smell of fresh cooked meals filled the air. Making customers, especially the locals at ease, not seeing liliana or anyone else from her family their to bash the employees or customers.

Back with liliana

Liliana: So I've updated you on. Do you think we should send more men since we haven't heard from them or wait a little longer?

Chief: Hmm, yes, I can send more, although before I do, I'm curious to see how the employees at Mr.Oba restaurant are taking y/n disappearance.

Liliana: Kiko seems to be somewhat either in denial or hold hope for y/n to be alive. The couple as well but as for feya... well, you know.

Chief: I see. Well then, I shall make my way to the restaurant then.

The chief left the building, leaving liliana and a couple of armed men behind in discussion.

Liliana: Someone go fetch me our demon friend outside.

Random man: We can't, Ms. liliana, he's no longer with us, we believe.

Liliana: What do you mean no longer with us?

Random man: Well ma'am a couple of days ago, when we went to get rid of a few civilians, we didn't see the demon at all. He usually approaches us when we throw new people towards him, but all we saw was dried blood.

Liliana: So you're saying he got killed? Impossible he's a demon who could have killed him? Demon slayers don't approach this village since no one can notify them. Y/n is dead. I take It right?

Random man: Most certainly both her and the demon were never found, so they're both dead. Perhaps they killed each other, or another demon came and killed them both.

Liliana: Perhaps my men got killed by the demon... or y/n managed to run away, and my men caught her and brought her back to the demon, leaving y/n to injure some of my men but still get caught by the demon. However, our demon partner still may of killed our men, but the demon could have been heavily injured, leaving him to die then.

Random man: Well, since their both presumably dead do you want us to pretend we got back from checking all over from y/n and report to the people at the restaurant that y/n is dead so that they think we've hold our end of the bargain of actually taking the time to search for her.

Liliana: Yes, inform them because we did help them after all. But now I'm afraid our village is without protection. We lost our strongest resource, which was our demon.

Random man: You still have us, madame! Do you want us to try and bring back another demon under our conditions like last time.

Liliana: Yes, when night comes, try to reason with a demon. Until then, I will stay here for now.

Back with the chief

He admired the village he truly did as he grew up with it, watching the place get expanded and rebuild throughout time. Despite today's drama with his people, he does want the best for everyone it's just his lackeys, have a way of using force and violence to the extreme and he knew he's just as guilty for proceeding with everyone actions.

Yet he felt it was right to keep everyone within his grasp, though, to make sure the village as a whole could profit. Despite the some horrible sitting that could be seen if new comers were to fully inspect the place, but if so, they would also face the consequence just like the rest who dared rebel or venture too far in.

He knew y/n was right he did, but he also wanted to give her a chance like everyone else before ending her. In other words, those who were not surrounded and gave up what was being asked choose to live the struggling life like Oba and Sena for an example. They couldn't cast aside their morals like some others did. The couple refused to give up their priority and work with them since it meant obeying any rules or labor given, which the chief thought it was a good exchange, yet they didn't accept.

But what chief didn't know is the fact that the couple do help those who are struggling, and they assist, especially the homeless. Y/n does too she mainly retrieving different food or shelter resources and Oba and Sena usually with some other locals help put stuff together so others will be provided with these resources and not feel left out or starved to death. The same could be said with kiko, although he was helped but more in the medical field, and as for feya, well, whatever she was asked or plead to, she responded.

Suddenly, the chief found himself at the couples restaurant door staring at it, then proceeded to enter, and everyone got quiet shocked to see the chief away from his office coming out this far perhaps he really wanted the food here or was he after something else.

Chief: Don't mind me, everyone, please carry on. I'll have some tea, please. I'm not really hungry, and it's been allowed, Mr. Oba and Ms.Sena how's business?

Sena:...Same as usual. Is there something wrong?

Oba: Is this about liliana men going missing? We know they went to go find y/n but their not back yet.

Chief: I'm fully aware of the situation however not even I know what happened to them all we can suspect is if an demon killed all of them.

But the couple new y/n being half demon so they would only assume y/n was either killed by a stronger opponent or injured and decided to rest laying low for now. The chief words are somewhat believable, though, since neither of them seen yuno in a while. Usually if y/n didn't show up at all or leave some type of message yuno being the social boy he is always made his appearance somewhere around the couple this being proof that y/n is somewhere near or perhaps taking care of business while trusting yuno to behave and go where she allowed him.

Oba: That might be true, but I can only hope that wasn't the case at all. Not to mention, I have seen the boy tae here in a while. You don't suppose he...

Chief: I couldn't tell you much about the boy. I've only seen him once, but I never interacted with him nor the lady who used to take him here.

Sena: I don't want to jump to conclusions their's no way something would happen to him as well he doesn't deserve any harm, neither does, yuno.

Chief: What about y/n?

Kiko: She welcomes any challenge to a degree, but it's not like she goes around harming others intentionally. My apologies for getting in the conversation, but she is my friend, so I thought I would say something.

Chief: I see.

Kiko: To be honest with you chief I don't know what has happened in the last couple of days but I have to ask did you instruct liliana to send these men to look for y/n or was that really her doing out of... care?

Chief: That was her decision she just informed me on her doings.

The sun began to fade as night began to rise

Kiko: So she really is trying to help.

Feya: But what are you doing here, sir, beside coming for food?

Chief: Can't an old man chat with some old acquaintances? *sighs* To be real with you, I think y/n is dead, but let me explain. We predicted that she ran into a demon either on the way to us or on the way back home.

(Chief doesn't know that the village demon is dead )

Sena:... No, this can't be

Feya: He killed her...

Kiko: He who?

Feya: No, I mean it can be a female too. I just assume the demon is a male.

Kiko:... yeah

Oba: You said she could have run into a demon on the way towards you all. Are you implying their could be a demon in the village? If so, we must warn everyone-

Chief: Unecessary, we are controlling the situation. Don't worry. Just trust us on this. We plan on advancing our security as well. ( Tryna recruit demons 💀)
But in the meantime, please understand that in order for this to happen, debts should be repay-

Kiko: No, this will not do, and besides Chief, can't you see that we're not in a great mental state right now. Not only do we feel like we might have lost a friend, but some of us did get back from the swordsmith village attack, and we're regaining ourselves from that I know at least I am. Beside their's also liliana and other higher authorities who work with or below you, making it difficult for us already. So please give us some time to just rethink and gather ourselves.

The chief nodded as he continued to drink, switching up the topic with the couple as they then seemed a little more at ease as they talked among each other.

Kiko and feya took over serving everyone else as the restaurant began to close as customers bid their farewells leaving.

Feya: Do you think y/n really dead? I feel like this would of been too easy in a way.

Kiko just stood quiet as he was putting the dishes up slowly, turning to feya with a questioning but slight glare.

Kiko: Too easy? Feya what do you mean like to easy for her to get killed easily by a demon that's perhaps in our village or maybe the fact that she could of been killed by a stronger demon near her home since she lives outside of the village but still within the village walking distance.

Feya: No, never mind.

Kiko: Feya?

Feya: It's been a long day. Let's go home and get some rest. See you later, kiko, be safe.

Kiko: Yeah, you too night.

Meanwhile liliana scouting group

Random man: I think I hear a demon nearby. You guys are right it was best to wander farther away from the village to find a suitable demon to hopefully befriend and bring back in exchange for safety.

Rest of the group: Yeah

Karaku: Eh, how bold of you to walk through the woods at night like this right acting as if you own the place right sekido?

Sekido: How infuriating get rid of them!

Karaku: Gladly, the fact that their's even more of them makes it better.

Random man: Wait, we have a proposal. Hear us out... you um upper 4 I take It.

Karaku: That's what our eyes says yep.

Sekido: I have no interest in small talk!

Random man: You eat humans right? What if we work some kind of deal good enough to provide you unlimited access to humans for exchange of your strength protecting our village-

Karaku: What kind of stupid deal is this so you'll be the ones feeding us choosing when we eat.

Sekido: Your asking for our protection. How stupid can you be if you think demons like us will oblige to such terms.

Before anyone could say anything karaku moved swiftly as he torn the heads off of each member out of slight annoyance while sekido did the same before returning to the others informing them of the stupid proposal by the humans.

Back to you

You still continued to sleep as you wake up time to time to check on the boys and lily but you could sense there presence so you didn't bother moving as everyone seem to be staying put in the cave or in the house no one venture outside which you were grateful for.

Yuno and tae were currently taking a bath, you guessed. Based on the laughter and fake screaming, you could hear anytime one of them stated that they could bend water to their will. (Hehe Water bender👀)

But they were safe, and you knew yuno was caple to cooking for both himself and tae If needed, so you just went back to sleep without a care throughout the night😴 (Shit me to)

However, when you did wake up again, you caught the scent of gyokko, making you smile viciously at your sinful thoughts on how you would torment him. So you quickly did a morning routine as you made your way to the demon.

Y/n: Gyokko~

He didn't bother getting out his pot as he knew from your tone he fucked up but what he didn't know was the fact that the vases he left near you were either shattered, scratch up, rolled in dirt, and you even filled some of his vases up with whatever junk you could find so when gyokko was about to appear out of one of his pots he made a questionable noise as he seemed to slowly take in the fact that you actually stuffed his vase but this one with dead fishes and rocks mixed together.

You smiled as he burst through the pot angry and offended that you filled the particular vase with such, and he immediately ducked as you threw one of his pots, shattering it on the wall, making him gasp.

Y/n: So, hantengu has children or something? Four upperanks, how annoying its unfair you left me to deal with them. You knew I couldn't handle that many demons at once, specifically an upperank higher than yourself.

You kicked a pot as you quickly appeared near him, aiming to grab his pot, but he was quick to appear somewhere else within your cave screeching.

Gyokko: Wait! WAAAAIIITTT!

Y/n: Nope

You then started to craw up your crystal shard walls towards gyokko as he reappeared in another vase away from you.

Gyokko: They were going to find out anyways, honestly! At least your alive right? They didn't kill you or your brother.

Y/n: No but they came a little close to do so If I didn't think fast not mention the four of them also have different bda from each other which was difficult to comprehend.

Gyokko: But they didn't kill you immediately that's a good sign y/n honestly ahhhh stop hurting my pots!

Y/n: Good or not they literally wouldn't leave me alone after I desperately was trying to get away they even knew I ran into you yet seem to see me... at least urogi and karaku see me more as a plaything since I managed to fool them back there.

Gyokko: Well no wonder why they were after you!

Y/n: Well what was I suppose to do I didn't really know what their abilities was so I thought I would just mimic one of them so I could control the rest and get them away from us can you blame me.

Gyokko: You do have a point.

Gyokko Slightly slouching as you quickly grab him shoving his head back in the pot as you teleported to a house nearby where a dog was about to raise it leg to piss and you tilted the vase as gyokko aggressively slap the dog away and pulled you into his vase then tossing you back out once he teleported you both in your cave.


Y/n: Apologie accepted thank you

Gyokko:... your so petty you even destroyed my beautiful pots.

Y/n: You'll live and make new ones.

You suddenly just plopped down on the floor as you got comfortable on as you inhaled deeply and exhale out slowly as you began to fall asleep.

Gyokko: Your not dying right? Why is the cave glowing back and forth?

Y/n: I'm okay just tired. It's normal for the cave to react like this sometimes it's kinda like a cause and effect situation the glow of the cave you see that flashes randomly is the effect part though.

Gyokko: Oh. It's like your breathing is in synced with the cave glow patterns that appear.

Y/n: Mhm now go to sleep.

Gyokko: But I don't sleep.

Y/n: Then try... wait why are you here then? Usually it's to stuff my shards into your slayer or something.

Gyokko: Oh right I wanted to inform you that I heard these random group of men talking about confirming your death to someone or something like that a couple of nights ago. But I can only conclude either hantengu clones might of killed you or if those men did but knowing how you fight you'd make an escape of some way so I had a feeling you still be alive.

Y/n: Yeah thanks fish face but I believe I've encountered those men when I was the clones hostage but I used those men in an attempt to get away so their probably-

Gyokko: Dead then yep splendid! But shouldn't you be cautious it sounds like someone out to kill you hmm?

Y/n: I have an idea their are a few probably because I didn't agree to any of their bullshit they talked about.

Gyokko: Well then you could always just kill everyone. Since your tired you probably need to eat that's all.

He smiled shaking his baby hands making you chuckle of the dark thought you knew he meant eat human flesh not human food. Gyokko admire your power and despite declining his proposal of becoming a demon he figured you give in to your demon side one day.

Y/n: I will not and you know that.

He just laughed

Gyokko: Worth a try. I still can't believe your still a halfling I would of thought they would of turn you into a full demon but that's if your body can handle our master blood though which you probably can.

Y/n: Eh is that so well I'm still the halfling you know thankfully. I don't have to worry about any of them no more although I do hope the old man is doing well even if he was scared he seem approachable.

Gyokko started to grow annoyed of his comrade mentioned and started to throw his baby hands up in a circle motion while complaining.

Gyokko: That hantengu is a coward what a useless comrade. Why would master send us I could of carry out the mission myself-

Y/n: You needed help from your superior oof

Gyokko: Your not helping!

Y/n: They are stronger then you apparently...

Gyokko: Look at you boosting about them was that run in with them not enough for you huh?

Y/n: It most definitely was yes I'm good just here dealing with you.

Gyokko: Beside I don't think that would be the last time you see them honestly.

Gyokko got serious as he looked at you still laying on the floor.

Gyokko: I know my comrades we may not be friends but urogi and karaku can be very persistent they don't really stop unless commanded to. As for sekido it depends and same as aizetsu unless he decides to just follow along with the others until he has an actual goal to pursue. Be careful Maiden because based on what you both told me with your run in with each other I feel like there more of a chance you'll run into them even if your not trying one of them will find you regardless.


Gyokko: But I don't think you will die your past that stage with them at least they haven't killed you by now or your brother. Perhaps there's something else they seek without knowing that you have who knows. They are clones afterall they are cable of having more then just the feelings they stand for afterall. Until next time dear friend.

Y/n: Wait gyokko what do you mean these clones basically represent more then one feeling?

You turn to look at him as he began lower himself further in is pot bidding his goodbye 👋

Gyokko: Maybe you'll figure out yourself bye now!

And he's gone leaving you to your thoughts slightly alarmed of his words.
You closed your eyes slowly dismissing the thoughts as sleep once took over.

It was another new day you felt better but slightly warn out but you decided to stay in once more at first and go out later. You didn't want to deal with many people today but you made a mental note to check in on everyone at the restaurant you knew how the couple would become anxious from not seeing yuno or you in a while. You thought cooking a meal and eating together with everyone would be the right choice so you'll go with that but until then you stayed laying across the floor. ( Let her sleep)

Yuno: Oh oni-san

Y/n: Hmm perfect timing yuno why don't we make lunch for everyone at the restaurant since it's been a while since we seen them.

Yuno: Can tae come?

Y/n: ofc he can. He part of our family now.

Yuno: Yaaaay I have a brother. Now ni-san needs someone too right?

Y/n: No not really.

Yuno: But then we could have more fun and ni-san can rely on someone else instead. That's a good thing.

Y/n: Yeah it is but I'll be fine now let's get tae and cook some food together.

Yuno: Okay!

So they both retrieved tae and lily and started preparing a meal for lunch.

But while doing so someone spreaded wisteria petals around the house specifically near the front entrance unnoticed and then they quickly ran away before getting detected.

You finally managed to get revenge on gyokko.

Any thoughts on kiko or feya?

What are your thoughts on the chief?

Who do you think put wisteria petals near your house?

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