The Silence

By jagodaaaaaaaaa

5.5K 174 500

It's an enemies to lovers Larry Stylinson fanfic. Harry has just changed schools but he made an enemy on the... More

"To my Harry"~Letters


171 6 3
By jagodaaaaaaaaa

I enter the school tired and sit down in an empty seat.

When I woke up, my mom was still not home. I have a feeling this will happen a lot more often than I think.

I'm sitting in class now with a hood over my head and earphones in my ears. There's no one here except me because the bell hasn't rung yet, but I'm not complaining about that. I don't have the energy for people today and I want to spend as little time with them as possible.

Someone throws books on my desk. I flinch and look up.

"Hello emo boy. How's your ankle?" Louis is standing over me.

I lower my head again and whisper under my breath. "Fuck off"

"What did you say? I can't hear you when you mumble something to yourself like a fucking psycho."

I'm still looking down and scratch my hand under the desk.

He hits the desk with his hand. "Look at me while I'm talking to you dickhead."

I look at his hand full of signet rings and I shift my gaze to him.

"Jesus you look like shit."

"You too." I say quietly.

He sighs.

"Before you even say anything I want you to fuck off. I don't have time for this." I say straight to his face without any emotions.

"Oh but princess..." He leans closer. "...I seriously don't care if you have time for me or not." He pulls the cable of my earphones.

"Hey! It's mine!"

"So what our princess is listening too?" He puts my earphones in his ears. He chuckles. "Of course. You even look like you're listening to Britney Spears. Pathetic." The brunette snatches my wired earphones from me, throws them to the ground and crushes one of them with his shoe.

I look at my crashed earphone and then at Louis. "What the fuck dude?! Why did you do this?"

"For fun I guess." He shrugs like it was nothing.

I pick up the remains of my earphones and put the working one into my ear. There are some remains of a destroyed earphone on the ground.

He just destroyed my earphone. It's not even 8 a.m. and Mrs. Louis Tomlinson is already pain in my ass.

I look at my desk trying to ignore him so maybe he'll leave me alone.

I couldn't be more wrong. Instead of leaving me alone, Louis sits down in the chair next to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Sitting? Are you seriously that stupid Britney?"

"Don't call me that. Don't even talk to me."

"Or what Britney? Are you going to Hit me one more time?"

And now he's making fun of my music taste. Great.

"And what if I will?" I turn my head to Louis.

"Oh baby, you won't. And you know why? Because..." He starts to talk very slowly to make sure I'll understand. Additionally, he takes my earphone out of my ear so that I can focus only on him. "...if you do I will beat the shit out of you but you are not going to know when or where." He grabs my shoulder very hard and gets closer. "So if you even try to raise your hand at me again, I promise you on my mother's life that you will regret that it didn't just end with a damaged ankle." He kicks my left ankle.

I bite my lower lip and exhale air quickly. "Fucker"

"What did you say?"


"That's what I thought."

Is he serious about sitting with me?

The bell rings and students starts to walk into the classroom.

"Hey man. Why are you sitting with Harry?" Niall asks his friend after he walked into the class.

"I thought that you were probably right and I need to be nicer to him." Louis puts his arm around me and pulls me closer. "Isn't that right Britney?" Brunette boy looks at Niall again. He laughs innocently, if I knew he wasn't making fun of me, maybe I would find his laugh pleasant."It's just Harry's and mine little inside joke. Isn't it right Harry?" Louis smiles at me. I hate this man.

"You know I love you man, but even when you try to be nice, you still act like an asshole, Lou." The blonde guy says.

Louis pushes me away and rolls his eyes. "Whatever Nialler."

The blonde guy takes a step forward and we can hear a crunch.

Niall looks on the floor. "What is it?"

"Britney dropped her earphone and it broke. She's so clumsy." Louis shakes his head in mild amusement. "Our little, clumsy Britney."

Niall looks at me for the last time with sadness and goes to sit somewhere behind us.

I see Amy enter the room. She looks at me and Louis with surprise on her face. She doesn't come closer and just sits on her place.

"Stupid emo girl..." Louis mumble. He looks at me. "Oh shit Styles, from the way you're dressed today, I can see that Amy has dragged you to the dark side. Like seriously, aren't you hot in this hoodie? Or is it maybe some sort of emo ritual?" He chuckles.

"Yes it is, I'm trying to kill you with my emo powers." I say sarcasticly.

"You think you're funny?"

I roll my eyes at him. This boy irritates me so much.

Finally the teacher walks in. "Okay guys, book on page 183 and start reading the text and do all those 6 tasks below."

I start reading the text when suddenly I hear a lighter. I look at the guy next to me. "Are you crazy?!" I whisper to him and I pull the cigarette out of Louis' mouth.

"What the fuck Britney?!" Girl in front of us turns toward us. "Not you Britney..." The brunette boy sighs. He looks back at me. "Give me that."

"No way."



"Give me this fucking cigarette or it will end bad for you."

I roll my eyes.

"Oh you think you're brave huh?" Louis raises his hand while still looking at me.

"What are you doing?" I sound a little bit scared and confused at the same time. What is he planning?

"Yes Louis?" The teacher asks.

"Harry has a..."

Before he could finish the sentence, I kick him in the shin and give him his cigarette under the desk.

"...doesn't matter." Louis is still looking and me and smirking.

"Get back to work Tomlinson." Teacher sighs.

"Good boy." Brunette whispers to me.

"Don't smoke in here. And don't call me a "good boy". Don't even talk to me." I speak through gritted teeth.

He rolls his eyes and hides the cig and the lighter in his backpack.


After class, I go straight to the bathroom.

Now I'm sitting in a closed cabin.

"Oh c'mon man, it wasn't that bad"

"Louis you literally destroyed this boy's earphone"

Louis and Niall. I hear them talking about me, so I try to be even quieter so I can listen.


"Niall is right. You know I love you Lou but man, you can't destroy someone's things. Especially when it's more expensive then some stupid pencil or something." I think it's Zayn's voice.

I can hear a lighter. Someone is inhaling smoke from cigarette. And I think I even know who.

"You should support me. What kind of friends are you?"

"Are you fucking serious Tomlinson?! Don't act like a fucking kid. We were all there for you when that man tried..." Irish boy stops when someone, probably Louis, hits the wall.

I've never heard Niall being this mad. I wouldn't want to be the one he shouts at. What is going on out there? And who is this man Niall was talking about?

"Shut up you stupid fuck! We. Don't. Talk. About. This. Are we clear?" Louis says to his blonde friend, venom evident in his voice. Suddenly something, or someONE, hits the wall hard.

Even though I can't see him he's scary as fuck. I literally have chills right now.

"Jesus man leave him alone." I don't recognise this voice. Is it Liam?

"For fuck's sake Tomlinson leave me alone you stupid fucker!" Niall says and after it I hear a slap.

"Did you just fucking slapped me?!" Now I hear a loud bang.

Before I could cover my mouth, gasp came out of me.

"Guys! Guys! For fuck's sake! We're not alone in here."

Fuck. Zayn is definitely talking about me.

"What?" Louis bangs on the cabin's door. "Get out fucker!"

I sit still. I don't know what to do.

"Didn't you hear me? Get out or me and the boys will drag you out by force and you certainly don't want that."

I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat and slowly walk out of the cabin with my hood over my head and I try to keep my head low.

Louis grabs my hood and pulls it down, also pulling my hair hard as he does so. I hiss in pain.

"Jesus. Of course it had to be fucking Styles." Tomlinson rolls his eyes.

I immediately look for Niall. I see him sitting against the wall and Liam kneeling in front of him, watching the Irishman's face. I look back at Niall and I see blood on his cheek. I look and Louis' hands, his signet's are in blood. Jesus, what's wrong with him...

"Fuck off or you will end like our blondie. Or even worse." Louis spits on my shoes.

I'm speechless. I immediately run out of the bathroom and run, hoping to bump into one of my friends.


I look at Jasmine.

"Jesus Harry why are you crying?" She walks closer to me and hugs me.

I didn't even realize I was crying.

"What? Harry's crying?" I hear Jake's voice. After a while I see him and Katie in front of me.

"What happened kiddo?" Jake asks, and even though he's probably trying to sound calm I can feel that his angry.

I try to catch my breath. Man, I'm not made for runs. "I... I..."

"Shhh, calm down." Katie smiles at me softly. "What happened?"

"Louis. He..."

"Fuck. Again him?" I can hear Jake is annoyed already.

"He had a fight with Niall over something and he punched him. If Louis is capable of hitting his friend this hard, imagine what he could do to me..."

"He's a fucking psycho." Jasmine gasps.

"He won't do anything to you Harry. Don't worry." Katie tries to calm me down.

"He's already damaged my ankle, so..."

"Harry he won't do anything to you ever again. Do you understand me?" Jake puts his hand on my shoulder. I just nod in response.


For the next 3 days Louis left me alone. It were really 3 peaceful days.

And also my ankle looks better, which makes me very happy.

It's Friday now so it's means that next Saturday is my birthday.

"Mom I need to talk to you."

"What is it Harry?"

"Can I invite some of my friends for my birthday?"

She smiles. "Sure darling."

"And could you also... Could you go to some friend's house for the night? I really want my party to be perfect..."

"Hmm, I think I could. But don't drink any alcohol and don't do drugs. I'll call Samantha to ask if I can stay at her place."

I hug her tightly. "Thank you mom, you're the best."

I run to my room and take my phone.

"Hi Niall! Next Saturday will be my birthday party. Be at my place at 7p.m. I'll send you the location!
P.S. you can bring some alcohol if you want;)"

After I sent all the necessary information to Niall, I send the same to my friends.

I can already feel that it's going to be awesome. I just feel it.

After like 2 minutes I got a text from Jake on our group chat.

Jake: "Sick! Can't wait! It will be awesome! We'll get so drunkkkk"

Sarah: "Jesus Jake calm down"

Okay so they are also exited. Very good. I also got a text from Niall.

"I'll be there! And also I'm very, very sorry about Louis and that you had to see the situation between me and him few days ago."

I feel bad for him. Why is he still friends with this dickhead? I've never seen Louis being nice.

"It's okay Niall, you seriously don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault. How's your face?"

"It's way better now, just a little bruise. I'm sure it will heal by your birthday."

"I'm glad to hear that. Can't wait to see you next week!"

I put on my one earphone that has left me and I turn on some music. Since it's Friday evening I don't have to wake up early for school so I can draw something.

I take my sketchbook and some pencils out of under my bed.

I start drawing a dark figure. It has large, skinny arms and legs, sharp claws, and this figure is leaning over the boy wearing headphones. The boy is colourful but the place where the monster is touching him is dark and it looks like it's spreading all over boy's body and he seems like he's melting because of the touch except for head because he's wearing headphones.

The notes above his head show that he is listening to music and it is the only thing that saves him from his problems and helps him to focus on life.

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