Allah Help me- (JJK x OC)

Autorstwa XxAzulxXel

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The silence stretched all across the place as the woman stared blankly at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room... Więcej

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

722 57 43
Autorstwa XxAzulxXel





-He observed her with something akin to fascination as her eyelids fluttered slowly, and the haze of drowsiness clouded her gaze. Her attention was fixed on something beyond his presence, even though he stood directly before her. It was as if her eyes had become a void, oblivious to his imposing presence.

His curiosity was piqued, and the passing of time became a blur as he waited for a spark of concentration to finally ignite in her eyes.

Then, like a sudden burst of light, her focus rekindled, and she blinked.

Their eyes locked in a mesmerizing encounter, where his deep, probing gaze met her captivating golden stare. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of amusement as he tightened his grip on her clothing, ever so slightly. Her lips hesitated, parting slightly before closing, a sudden spark of recognition igniting in her eyes.

His lips curled into a wicked, triumphant grin. She knew of him, it seemed.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself sprawled on his back, on the other side of the forest, a throbbing ache in his jaw resonating through his being. It took him a few seconds to realize what had just transpired.

Had he...

Had he just received a punch...?-


Waking up with a pounding headache was definitely not part of the plan, but she knew how to kick that discomfort to the curb. What did throw her for a loop, though, was the memory gap from the previous night, and the fact that her phone resembled anything but a phone. Hell, she didn't even remember going to sleep at all.

Oddly enough, she sensed an unsettling undercurrent, like a feeling of wrongness she couldn't quite pinpoint. Strangely, it was as if something long-lost had resurfaced, and those oddly familiar sensations were stronger than ever - though surprisingly not as bothersome as expected.

She chalked it up to her powers acting up, thinking the Higher-Ups were probably messing with her again - a common occurrence in her life at this point. Somehow, her feelings were being played with, not that she could do anything about it. She fixed her phone and glanced at the time. Seemed she had plenty of time before meeting up with Nobara; maybe whipping up breakfast was in order today.


Megumi found himself thoroughly puzzled.

The day had started like any other - the usual morning drill of waking up, brushing his teeth, and hitting the shower. Those quiet early hours at school were a rare escape from Gojo-sensei's nonsense, offering a moment of peace. Today was even better because he'd successfully dodged his teacher and was in a pretty good mood as he headed for the cafeteria.

As he got closer, a mouthwatering smell grabbed his attention. It was weird since the second years were all out on a month-long mission, and Okkotsu-senpai was overseas. The delicious and salty aroma in the air pretty much ruled out Gojo-sensei's involvement. Intrigued, Megumi quickened his pace and was taken aback by the sight of the foreigner, Colith-san, standing by the stove, busy cooking.

He blinked in surprise, and a wave of memories from the previous day suddenly flooded back. Looks like he hadn't imagined it at all.

"Ah, looks like you're up. Good morning. Get a good night's sleep?" She greeted him, bringing him back to reality.

"Good morning," he replied, his eyes locked on the spread of dishes on the counter. Without even thinking, his stomach let out an audible growl.

Colith-san seemed to pick up on his hunger and let out a chuckle. "I bet you're starving. C'mon, help yourself," she urged, pointing to the plates.

Megumi wasn't really into munching on grub made by people he didn't know, except if it was at some restaurant. So, it was kind of a shock when he said yes to her offer. It wasn't until he had scarfed down a plate that it hit him-what he was doing and who he was sharing a meal with. She'd taken a seat while he was too wrapped up in savoring the unexpectedly tasty food.

"Doesn't it get lonely here?" she asked, breaking the silence.


"I haven't seen anyone else around. Where are the other students?"

"They're on a mission. They won't be back for another month,"

"I see. Am I to conclude that this situation doesn't bother you?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "Not really, I'm used to it." He couldn't help but notice that she had been observing him the entire time, though he couldn't fathom why.

"How's the food?" she asked, pushing a cup of water toward him. He eagerly gulped it down.

"It's good," he admitted quietly, feeling a bit awkward for wanting more.

The woman beamed a friendly smile, and he couldn't help but feel an odd but warm feeling surround him. With a graceful finger wave, his empty plate magically switched to a fresh one.

Given his track record with all things jujutsu-related, the plate switch didn't really faze him. What did pique his interest, though, was her answer to his next question.

"You're not using cursed energy?"

"Nope!" she replied cheerfully.

He furrowed his brows, genuinely puzzled and growing more curious by the second. "So, what's the deal?" he probed further, captivated by her effortless mastery of these strange abilities he'd witnessed. Was she an esper?

Her presence didn't seem forced at all, making him wonder what role she played in all of this. Itadori had described her as kind and sort of motherly, and her current gaze did reflect those traits. Still, he couldn't shake the nagging questions that had been bugging him since their first meeting. Why had she teared up at the sight of him? Why did it feel like she somehow recognized him? And her eagerness to interact with him left him with a twinge of unease.

She flashed a sly grin, sending a ripple of apprehension through him.

"Magic~," she replied cryptically, leaving him to wonder if she had any intention of explaining further.

He sighed inwardly, not another Gojo-sensei...

"Your teacher might or might not spill the beans on what he's found," she added, sounding reflective. "Just so you know, I've always thought cursed energy was a bit of a drag, not worth my time. It's good to keep in mind that beyond Japan, there are other kinds of energy out there."

Her words stirred up his curiosity and a whirlwind of questions, but he never had the chance to voice them. Gojo-sensei barged into the cafeteria, bringing along a disheveled Itadori who appeared like he hadn't slept at all. When Gojo-sensei spotted them, he couldn't resist a dramatic comment.

"Well, well, Megumi-chan, didn't know you had a thing for older women! You sneaky little sea urchin!" he exclaimed, leaving Itadori wide-eyed and dumbfounded.

Megumi's fists clenched instinctively; the idea of giving his teacher a good punch was oddly tempting at that moment. Yet, a strange feeling of discomfort washed over him upon hearing those words.

Colith-san shot a scrutinizing look at the pair of new arrivals, not bothering to acknowledge Gojo's comment. Still, he couldn't help but spot the furrow in her brows, suggesting she might be a bit perturbed. She shifted her focus to Itadori, who appeared rather uneasy under her scrutiny. She checked in with him, asking if he was okay, to which he mumbled a hesitant 'yes' while steering clear of eye contact. Megumi exchanged a puzzled look with her, not quite sure what to make of the situation.

Definitely Gojo's doing, there's no doubt about it.

She waved Itadori over, and the boy, a bit hesitant, shuffled forward. Megumi watched with interest as she planted a quick peck on Itadori's forehead, and to his amazement, he saw the weariness vanish from his eyes. Realizing the familiar technique, he couldn't resist asking, and she confirmed it was the same healing trick she'd used on him that night.

Honestly, he was stumped for words.

The rest of breakfast felt more than a tad awkward. They both threw occasional curious glances at the pair, but his teacher appeared unfazed by the whole thing, while Itadori seemed increasingly uncomfortable. Eventually, they left for the new student, wrapping up the strange morning.


He hit a frustrating roadblock. Taking the unconventional route of, well, "kidnapping" his new student to dig deeper into the mystery of Otaku-chan, he had little to show for it. What he uncovered was far from substantial, just bits and pieces like her military background, which seemed to fit her demeanor and the visible scars.

Yet, she remained pretty tight-lipped about her true self, casually dropping hints about abilities that left him scratching his head. And his instincts seemed spot-on about the whole Ryomen Sukuna situation; it was becoming clear they had some history or connection, judging by how Yuji reacted to his questions.

Try as he might, his attempts to provoke the curse into responding only earned him a few venomous glares and nothing more. The king of curses remained frustratingly uncooperative.

Telling Yuji that she came from a whole other world had the boy utterly baffled.

Oh well, not his problem.



His jaw nearly dropped to the ground, and Fushiguro's head whipped toward them, his eyes wide in disbelief. Gojo-sensei cackled.

"Wait, what?"

"You're really from another wo-?!" He started to shout but was swiftly silenced when Colith-sensei grabbed his face, plucking his lips.

"No need to shout it to the world, boy," she scolded, her expression suddenly weary. She then turned her attention to Gojo-sensei, who flinched when her other hand moved toward his nose, pinching it slightly.

"Ow Ow Ow Ow-"

Ignoring his teacher's plight, Yuji nodded quickly, prompting her to release him.

Fushiguro was left utterly baffled, his brow furrowing as he turned to him. "Hold on, I'm not sure I'm following. What did you mean by 'Are you from another world?' What kind of dumb question is that?!" he asked in a more measured tone.

He scratched his cheek sheepishly, "Well, Gojo-sensei said that she was from another world, so I had to ask her to make sure."

"And you believed him?" Fushiguro flatly said, throwing a dubious glance towards the white haired man who was rubbing his reddened nose after she let go.

He didn't use his infinity to counter this?

"She did say yes," he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming as he looked at Colith-sensei. It couldn't be true, could it? Colith-sensei was really from another world! "So, does that mean you're like, an alien or something?!" he exclaimed with excitement.

"Wait, wait, wait, this doesn't add up!"

"What part isn't clear? Otaku-chan's an alien, it's not that complex."

"It's not that-Do you even realize what you're saying, sensei?!"

"Now, now, boys, let's not make a scene. Your uniform is already hard to miss, and we surely don't need to draw the entire town's attention," she admonished.

True to her words, a few passersby were already giving them puzzled looks, probably due to Gojo-sensei's blindfold, or his distinctive hair, or his towering height, or his everything actually.

"By the way, Yuji, is that why you seemed all jittery earlier? You could've just asked me back at school, you know?"

His excitement took a nosedive as memories from the previous day washed over him, leaving him feeling drained. Unfortunately, the change in his mood didn't escape their notice. Colith-sensei turned to Gojo-sensei, looking curious.

"What? Don't give me that look; he's been keeping this under wraps. Who knew he could zip it when needed?" Gojo-sensei grumbled.

"Yuji, what happened?" she asked with genuine concern, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Y-You don't remember?" he stuttered.

She scrunched her face up for a moment, like she was trying to remember something, and then shook her head. He gulped; should he spill the beans about what went down? Thankfully, Sukuna had been uncharacteristically quiet during their chat, but he couldn't shake the feeling of the curse's intense focus ever since Colith-sensei pulled off that spell to perk him up back in the cafeteria.

"Well, I, huh-"


They all jumped in surprise at the sudden new voice and turned to see an orange-haired girl. She eyed them skeptically, and he quickly recognized her uniform-it was the same as his!

Turns out, she was the new student, Kugisaki Nobara, and boy, did she seem like a country bumpkin-

"You've only been in Tokyo for a short while, Yuji. Be kind," Colith-sensei gently chided as she tapped his head in reprimand.

He chuckled but winced when the girl shot him a sharp look in response to his comment, causing him to gulp involuntarily. Yep, she was definitely scary. Still, he couldn't help but notice her persistent and curious glances directed at Colith-sensei throughout the introductions.

After the introductions were over, Gojo-sensei announced their plan to tour Tokyo, and despite having been to some places before, Yuji couldn't help but feel a little excited. And that Kugisaki girl? She was absolutely OVERJOYED!

So, there they were, standing in front of an ominous abandoned building in Roppongi.

His disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined.

Fushiguro mentioned there were curses inside.

A surge of excitement washed over him as he suddenly recollected his current situation. He was a sorcerer now, okay, maybe just an apprentice, but that's beside the point. He was about to kick some curses' asses!

It didn't feel so bad anymore.

"Ne, I didn't know there were so many gaijins in Tokyo! I mean, I've only seen them on YouTube till now, so that's about it," Kugisaki remarked casually.

He perked up, "Are you talking about Colith-sensei?"

"Sensei?" Kugisaki glanced back at him, clearly surprised. "She's our sensei? I mean, that would make sense since she's here," she mused before furrowing her brow and stopping in her tracks. "Then why isn't she wearing a uniform?" she wondered aloud, clearly puzzled.

He quickly corrected himself, "Ah! Actually, no, not really. I mean, she was my sensei back then, which is why I keep calling her that. I don't think she's a teacher anymore," he said, scratching his cheek.

"You said you were from Sendai, right?"

After nodding at her question, a contemplative expression briefly crossed her face, then it turned blank as she regarded him with a hint of curiosity.

"What?" he asked, tilting his head. She turned around and started heading for the stairs.

"Nothing, just can't believe that you ate a cursed object out of all things," She gagged. He felt a vein throb on his forehead, "Anyway, I'll go upstairs, you start from the bottom, I want sushi, so let's make this quick."

He wanted to smack her.


"Any future-sight related shenanigans you'd like to share with us, Otaku-chan?"

Megumi's head snapped in their direction, a bewildered look etched across his face.

"Is blurting out things about me going to be a recurring theme now?" Colith responded dryly, casting an annoyed glance in Gojo's direction.

He smirked, unabashed. "You never told me not to. Are you mad?" he teased.

Rolling her eyes, she ignored his provocations and focused on the building in front of her. "Unless those old geezers are foolish enough to try something, there's nothing to worry about."

Megumi couldn't contain his curiosity. "Wait, you can see the future?"

Her attention immediately shifted to him, and she nodded. "It's more like 'I know about the future,' I'm not a seer," she replied softly.

Megumi's shoulders suddenly relaxed as he felt the same warm and protective sensation enveloping him for the second time that day. Perplexed, he blinked rapidly and then turned his gaze towards Colith, who appeared lost in thought. "Are you doing this?"

"Hmm? Doing what?" Gojo inquired curiously.

This drew the woman's attention back, and the protective feeling instantly dissipated. A frown creased her face. "Sorry, I don't know why I did that," she apologized.

"What? What happened? What did I miss?" Gojo, feeling out of the loop, asked once more.

Before he could explain, they were all pulled out of their discussion as a sudden commotion overhead caught their attention. A cursed spirit had hurled itself into view, its face marked with panic. But before anyone could react, spikes abruptly protruded from its body, instantly ending its existence.

Gojo whistled, "Looks like they didn't need any help after all."

A few moments later, the two students emerged from the building, now accompanied by a little boy whom Colith and Gojo sent home after the woman had tended to his injuries. In celebration of their first successful mission, Gojo treated them to sushi. As they arrived at the sushi place, their new addition couldn't help but resume the curious stares directed at Colith.

"Is something on your mind, dear?" she smiled, catching Kugisaki off guard.

"Ah, no, I was just..."

"Is this your first time meeting a foreigner?" Kugisaki nodded in response, and Colith smiled, "I see, what would you like to know?"

Kugisaki didn't waste a second. Her eyes lit up as she fired off questions, full of curiosity. "So, how long have you been here? Your Japanese is so good! Are you American? Are you a sorcerer too? What's your grade? Will you be our teacher? Oh, and I love your outfit! Can you tell me where you got those?"

The three guys couldn't help but think in unison, 'Talk about getting right to the point!' and decided to sit back and watch the show.

Colith chuckled, "I've been around long enough to pick up the language, and thanks! As for the other stuff, nope, not American. I'm from Mali, a country in West Africa. I'm not a sorcerer, but I can deal with curses. As for the ranking, let's keep it simple and go with 'special grade.'"

"Bit presumptuous, don't you think?" Gojo quipped, but his comment got cut off when a piece of sushi flew right into his mouth. He choked in surprise, making Yuji snicker and wince before apologizing to the chef for the spectacle. Megumi wisely took a sip of his drink, trying to hide a laugh. Colith just carried on as if nothing had happened.

"This dude's your main teacher for the year, but don't worry, I'll jump in when he's busy, and you know just how crucial his role is..." She let that hang, her tone carrying a whole lot more. "And about the outfits, I whipped them up myself."

From then on, they dove deep into a conversation that ventured way over their heads. Judging by the way Kugisaki's eyes sparkled as they chatted, it was clear she was warming up to her.

Yuji turned to Gojo with curiosity etched across his face, his eyes gleaming with intrigue.

"What's the deal with these grades?" he asked, prompting Gojo to offer a mischievous smile.

"Our ranking system is quite fascinating," Gojo began, his voice filled with a hint of mystery. "It's a hierarchy from grade-4 to grade-1 for regular exorcists, where four is the weakest and one is the strongest. But here's the real kicker: special grades, they're in a league of their own. They can obliterate an entire country with ease, although they're incredibly rare."

Yuji's eyes widened in awe, his interest piqued. "Whoa...!" So Colith-sensei...

Gojo leaned in closer, as if sharing a well-kept secret with Yuji. "You know what's even cooler?" he teased.

Yuji, now thoroughly captivated, nodded eagerly. Nearby, Megumi couldn't help but roll his eyes, used to his teacher's theatrics by now. The two women paid them no mind, too engrossed in their discussion.

Gojo's grin widened. "Well, Yuji-kun, I happen to be one of those special grades! In fact, I'm the strongest of them all. So, you'll be learning from the absolute best!" This revelation left Yuji gasping in astonishment, his eyes darting to Megumi, seeking confirmation.

The teenager huffed, then nodded. Yuji's eyes lit up, filled with wonder.

This was going to be so cool!!


"...So that's how I got into exorcising curses."

" your grandma was a sorcerer?! That's pretty cool!"

"Yeah, at first, she didn't want me to enroll, not sure why, but I went for it anyway."

"'cause you wanted to move to Tokyo, right?" Yuji drawled, a hint of judgement in his tone.

"You got a problem with that?"

"I've got one question," another voice chimed in, which halted her just before she nearly whacked Yuji. Both of them shifted their attention to the third person in the room - a peeved Megumi. "What are doing in my room?"

They blinked in surprise, and Yuji shrugged, "Gojo-sensei said we should bond."

Megumi wasn't having it. "And you couldn't have found a better place than my room for this?" He grumbled in annoyance.

"Duh! There's no way I'm letting boys into a young maiden's room!" Nobara fluttered her eyelashes, earning dubious glances from the boys. "Plus, your room is a major upgrade from Itadori's! No half-naked girls in sight!" she complimented.

"I'm a guy, what did you expect?" Yuji deadpanned, raising an eyebrow. Just as Nobara was about to retort, Megumi cut in.

"Ugh, never mind, just get out of my room," he sighed, then furrowed his brow. "What now?"

"You haven't told us anything about yourself," Nobara pointed out, with Yuji nodding in agreement.

"Why should I?" Megumi asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Are you dumb? We've got to know something to function as a team, or whatever sensei said," she waved a hand dismissively. "You and Itadori are already familiar with my techniques, and we know he's a newbie who hasn't mastered cursed energy yet-"


"-That leaves you. What's your deal?"

Yuji suddenly exclaimed, "Dogs!"


"He can summon dogs! I think! Am I right? They were so cool, like whoosh! Swish! Pah! Ate a whole curse on their own!" He couldn't contain his excitement.

"Really? I wanna see, I wanna see!"


"Come on!" They both whined.

"We wanna see the doggies! Don't be so selfish!"

"Sooner or later, you're gonna bring 'em out, might as well be now, right?"

"Yep yep!!"

Megumi eyed them with a mix of acceptance and a dash of resignation, realizing he'd be stuck with these two for the next three years. With a hint of reluctance, he summoned the divine dogs, and the duo immediately pounced to give them some love. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight of those wagging tails; it was clear the dogs were eating up the attention.

"A ten shadows user, huh?"

The room suddenly fell silent at the new, ominous voice, and all eyes focused on Yuji's cheek, where a mouth and an eye had appeared. The dogs started growling.


Yuji slapped the mouth by reflex.

They sat there in silence, clearly rattled by what had just transpired. Nobara swallowed nervously, her composure shaken.

"Was that...Sukuna?" Yuji slowly nodded, one hand still on his cheek. She winced. "Damn, that was creepy. Does that happen often?"

"No clue. He's unpredictable," Yuji groaned. "And annoying."

She turned to Megumi, her gaze disturbed, and asked, "Is this gonna be a regular thing? And why on earth did you think eating a cursed object was a good idea?"

"Hey, it was that or let my friends die! I didn't have a choice! Besides, it's not so bad, except for..." Yuji's voice trailed off, his expression strained before he shook his head. "But anyway, ten shadows? What's that?" He quickly shifted the conversation.

Megumi sighed, "I shouldn't be surprised that he knows about it. It's my innate technique," and he proceeded to explain how it worked without diving into too much detail, dumbing it down enough for Yuji to grasp.

"So, you've gotta beat 'em first to make 'em calm down, right?" Yuji commented, his hand idly scratching behind the black dog's ears. "Have you tamed them all?"

Megumi shook his head, saying, "Just got five more to go."

"Shikigami, huh. I feel like I've heard that somewhere before..." Yuji pondered for a moment before the lightbulb flickered to life. "Oh, yeah! Colith-sensei mentioned it yesterday!"

Megumi and Nobara exchanged puzzled glances, and she gave him a little nudge to go on. Yuji's face lit up with a beaming grin.


"Yoshino Junpei, you say?" the principal inquired.

"Yes, if possible, I would like to recommend him as a first-year student here. I have been instructing him for several months, and he has made significant progress despite having never exorcised a curse prior to our meeting,"

"I see," Principal Yaga responded, examining the paper she had handed him. "He doesn't appear to come from a family of sorcerers, and your credentials are impressive. However, I'm curious as to why you wish to enroll him here in particular. It seems you possess the expertise to continue teaching him on your own. Why not pursue that route?"

"I'm afraid that isn't a feasible solution. One, my knowledge of sorcery is rather rudimentary, limited to the basics. Two, I lack the necessary qualifications for such an endeavor; that's where you come in," she explained with a smile. "And three, it would be best for him to develop his abilities in a suitable environment alongside peers who share the same abilities as him. Given your apparent shortage of staff, I believe admitting new students wouldn't be that much of a problem, right?"

Yaga emitted a wry chuckle, "This involves a significant degree of risk. What makes you believe he's cut out for this?"

"Well, sir, nothing is preventing you from putting him to the test," she replied, reclining in her chair with a grin. "Moreover, the strongest sorcerer is actively part of the first years' training. It's a golden opportunity to ensure he learns from the absolute best, right?"

He let out an incredulous huff. "I see how it is then." He set the paper aside and leaned in, resting his elbows on the table, his tone growing more serious. "Setting that aside, I would appreciate an explanation as to why you are wandering freely in my school without any form of supervision."

She arched an eyebrow. "Your superiors didn't brief you on my presence?" He shook his head, prompting her to chuckle. "Yeah, that's actually on me, really. To make it short, I'm no enemy here. The stuff I did during the Night Parade should be a pretty clear sign that I'm not out to cause trouble in the jujutsu world. Even though I might not be happy with how some things have turned out. And, as you've seen, your strongest hasn't come for my head. But to be fair, I haven't exactly given him a good reason to."

Yaga grunted, "That's reasonable, but what exactly is your goal in all of this? It's not every day we receive this level of assistance, particularly from an outsider."

She let out a soft hum, understanding his concern. "Before I give you an answer, can you agree to keep it confidential for a few months? After that you will be free to share it with whomever you want."

He raised an eyebrow inquisitively, "Why is that?"

"Mainly to avoid making a mess. Knowing how things work here, it could become more troublesome than it's worth," she sighed, leaving him curious about what she was alluding to. "Anyway, will you?"

"It depends on what you're about to disclose."

"Fair enough," she responded before her demeanor shifted. With a serious expression, she propped her chin on the back of her hand and stared straight at his sunglasses, "So, Mr. Principal, do you believe in gravity?"

Yaga stared incredulously, "...What?"

"Oop, sorry, wrong line!" she laughed, causing the man to deadpan and re-evaluate her whole character. She waved a hand, "But in all seriousness, what are your thoughts on otherworldly deities?"


The phone's insistent vibrations roused him from his slumber. Junpei yawned, rubbing his eyes, and fumbled with his phone, taking three clumsy attempts before finally answering.

"...hello?" he mumbled, his voice heavy with drowsiness.

"Ah, Jun-kun, didn't mean to wake you up,"


"I've told you to call me Auntie!"

"It's two in the morning, and I have school tomorrow," he grumbled with a frown.

"Ah, about that, I'll come to get you tomorrow. You've got an interview with the principal of Tokyo's Jujutsu High!"

Junpei stared blankly at nothing, "...What?"

"Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll ace it! Alright, sweet dreams!-"




He stared at his screen, utterly bewildered.


"Having 4 first years twice in a row is quite uncommon," Gojo mused.


"Yeah, two, three, hell, even one is the norm. No wonder, given the level of mortality, no responsible parent would ever let their child enter the profession," he added with a wry smile.

"In other words, you're calling your parents irresponsible," Colith quirked an eyebrow, casting a sideways glance at him with a hint of amusement.

"What? No! This doesn't concern me at all! I'm a special and unique case!" he proclaimed proudly.

"Sure you are."


They were both on the stairway of the entry, observing as Yuji energetically introduced the somewhat awkward Junpei to Megumi and Nobara. The interview had gone surprisingly smoothly.

"I must say, for a Shikigami user, he sure knows how to defend himself. I was expecting him to at least get hit in the face once," he mused, his chin held in contemplation.

Shikigami users typically relied entirely on their invocations and were often considered ineffective in close combat. Having a summoner who excelled in both was quite unusual, making it all the more surprising when he witnessed how well the boy held his own against the principal's puppets.

"Yeah, wasn't cut out to be a fighter before and couldn't throw a punch to save his life at first. But when it comes to avoiding, it's a different story," Colith explained, a hint of pride in her voice.

Gojo hummed and then flashed her a mischievous grin. "You sure know a lot about fighting, huh? I'm getting more and more curious to see how you perform in combat."

"You know, you're starting to sound like a battle crazed maniac," she chuckled sarcastically. "Just like my hus-" and stopped abruptly, her gaze drifting off. Gojo noticed the shift.

"You alright?" he asked.

She shook her head, looking a bit puzzled. "Yeah, I think... but I'm not entirely sure," she replied, uncertainty in her tone.

He couldn't help but notice her hand finding the ring without hesitation. It was clear she was doing it unconsciously, but Gojo decided not to bring it up. Just the sight of that ring triggered an odd feeling of petty aversion he couldn't quite put into words.

"You think those old guys will go all-in to eliminate Yuji behind our backs, even after I gave them a warning?"

"Absolutely, you basically told them to fuck off and didn't make any binding vow. I would be more surprised if they didn't try something. " he responded succinctly.

She blinked, turning her attention to the teenagers who were now engaged in an animated discussion, stealing glances at her. They were definitely talking about her. "Ah, so that's what I was forgetting," she made peace sign, prompting a few snickers from Nobara. "Welp, it just means I won't have to shadow you all day then, which works perfectly for me."

"Oï! Just so you know, I'm a joy to be around, and you should consider yourself honored to be in my presence!" he chimed in with a huff, prompting her to snort. "I'm still not sure why you insisted on having him here. It's not that I'm against a new student - the more, the merrier - but I wasn't joking when I mentioned the danger, especially for someone inexperienced in this field."

"As I mentioned to the principal, you're one of the most qualified sorcerer here. I'm sure he'll be in good hands under your guidance."


"Hey, back off-"


"I'm telling you, those two are totally a thing!"

The three boys abruptly turned their heads toward Nobara, looking surprised.

"Huh? What are you even saying?" Yuji asked, puzzled.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Junpei chimed in, needing more context.

Nobara rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Seriously, guys, can't you see the obvious? Men are so oblivious." She shook her head before pointing behind them, where the two adults were deep in conversation on the stairs. "These two, duh! They're always glued to each other. There's gotta be something more to it-"

"You impudent little shi-"

Yuji swatted the mouth on his cheek aside and carried on, paying no attention to the baffled Junpei. "Colith-sensei and Gojo-sensei? Seriously?"

"Seriously, haven't you noticed? They're like an old married couple, always bickering. He's always trying to get her attention and even goes in for hugs. It's plain as day!" Nobara shared, clearly eager for some gossip. Yuji gave her a doubtful look.

"I think he's just like that with everyone. By the way, Fushiguro, you've known him for a while. Is this normal?"

"Leave me out of this," Megumi grumbled.

"Can someone explain why a mouth keeps appearing out of nowhere?" Junpei asked with a hint of anxiety, pointing at the newly formed mouth on the back of Yuji's hand.

"The sorcerer will be the first to go, and then it's your turn, girl-" His words were cut off by yet another slap. Nobara simply blinked and continued.

"Oh, yeah, Itadori ate some cursed thing and turned into a vessel, but that's not important. What's important is that I'm pretty damn sure they're an item!" She chuckled.

"You're delusional," Megumi deadpanned, earning a sharp glare before Nobara's smug expression returned.

"Oh, really? Then explain why Gojo-sensei is practically trying to kiss her right now."

They turned to see that, indeed, Gojo-sensei was leaning in for a kiss, but the woman had firmly grabbed his face, diverting it from her own.

"Itadori, why the constipated look?" Nobara teased.

"...urgh...!" Yuji's face seemed tense, as if he were suppressing something dangerous.

Later that day, Junpei headed back home to pack, and classes were set to kick off the following day with the four first-year students.


-The King of Curses blinked, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected strike. His hand instinctively reached for his jaw, and to his astonishment, he discovered it was shattered. It had been eons since he had endured a blow of such immense force.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing, you two faced shithead?!"

His attention honed in on the foreigner as she strode toward him, her expression seething with rage. Her bridal attire was conspicuously absent, replaced by unfamiliar garments that unveiled a surprisingly muscular physique. It was clear she was more than just a bride - she was a fighter.

"This is all your fucking fault!" she accused.

Sukuna resisted his natural urge to cleave her in two, his mild irritation giving way to intrigue. While he rarely bothered to commit the faces of his victims to memory, it was safe to say he would have recalled if he had ever crossed paths with someone of her kind before. Perhaps it was time to contemplate broadening his horizons with a little journey - who knew, perhaps foreigners had a different flavor.

He swiftly mended his injured jaw and then stood tall.

"Should I know you?" he raised an eyebrow, amused. For a non-sorcerer, she certainly had quite a punch. "I'll give you credit for landing a hit on me, woman. But don't expect me to let it slide without consequence."

"Shut it, you oversized cockroach! I'm going to kick your ass!" She assumed a combative stance.

He stared at her in utter disbelief before a deep, hearty laugh escaped his lips. It had been so long since he'd laughed this heartily, but his instincts were telling him that this mirth was a tad misplaced. And so, he acted on instinct.

With uncanny agility, he dodged just in the nick of time as a bright golden beam of light whizzed past his head, exploding in a fiery spectacle behind him. The unfamiliar energy left him baffled, but the urgency in his instincts was undeniable - this attack was far from trivial.

"Interesting..." he mused, his gaze locking onto her outstretched arm, index finger pointed squarely at him, probably where the beam had originated from. Interesting but not enough. Her arm fell off, cut cleanly. "Did you honestly believe that a mere play of light could defeat me?" he said, his voice tinged with disappointment. "You may have aroused my curiosity, but that doesn't grant you immunity-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a fierce punch to the face silenced him. The impact sent him skidding backward, but he swiftly regained his composure.


His gaze sharpened at once. The return of her arm suggested an intriguing healing ability, an unusual trait for someone lacking cursed energy. Locking eyes with her, he detected her unwavering confidence despite her full knowledge of his identity. Any hint of amusement vanished from his eyes.

His reputation didn't include qualities like patience or tolerance for insolence. Maybe he should've nipped her defiance in the bud, making sure she understood the consequences of crossing paths with him.

"Domain expension."-


HEYA! It's been a while! I'm just curious to know if I was able to keep the characters in character :')!

Other than that, Toodles-

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