My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff)

By epitomixoxo

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"I thought I healed myself, until you came, treating the wounds I didn't know I had" When an unfortunate acc... More

1. Appointment
2. You Are...!!
3. Boiling Noodles
4. Cut
5. The Eyes
6. Interest
7. Ringing
8. A Date?
10. Tteokbokki
11. Unwanted Message
12. Watching You
13. I.C.U
14. Feelings
15. Hometown
16. part i: Blush
16. part ii. Seaside
17. Waves
18. Behind Your Eyes
19. Official?
20. A Trip
21. Lost
22. Imposter
Author's Note
23. Into His Den
24. The Last Fight
25. Healing him
New Story!
26. 'Stay Alive'
27. Warmth
28. A Year with You
29. Luke Warm
30. Gift!
31. Confronted
32. Demeaned
33. The Preparation
34. Under The Stars

9. Closer View

41 4 0
By epitomixoxo

Yoongi's POV,

"Do you like night time?"

I asked her. If she says no, it will be really awkward cause, then she's definitely uncomfortable to be out of her comfort zone.

"I'm kinda a night owl. *soft chuckle*"

She answered, and honestly I feel relieved..

We are sitting on a bench near the vast lake in front of us. The cold breeze sometimes touching our faces. But unless that, it's warmer than the deep garden area. The moon is up. A crescent one. The main reason is, it's peaceful. Not much people come here at night. Even though it's pretty beautiful here. The soft yellow night-light posts are adding to the ambience well.

I look at her being amazed. Just an hour ago I was craving for this meet up and now she's beside me. Life's pretty unexpectedly good these days...

Yoongi: It's my favorite spot.

Yn: Hmm, I guessed it.

Yoongi: Cool.

Yn: what? That I guessed it?

Yoongi: Nope.

Yn: ?...then?

Yoongi: That you like this place.

Yn: I didn't say I love here even once! *frowning playfully*

Yoongi: You look much comfortable sitting here, hands in your hoodie pockets. And you're not anxious, like you were in the car initially...*looking at her* You're enjoying this place, isn't it?

Yn: Woah! You noticed a lot!

Yoongi: I always do. It's an instinctive behaviour now.

Yn: Why is that?

Yoongi: Dealing with many many people requires some guard from my side too, to save my private life,to save my loved ones....Sometimes people get nosy enough.'s a habit now, to study people.

Yn: Mmmm, then you know alot about body-language, right?! °ㅁ°

Yoongi: *chuckle* I can't say that. But maybe a little, yup! I know!

Yn: Can you...umm teach me? If you don't mind!

Yoongi: You wanna?

Yn: Hmm!! >:]

Yoongi: There are countless videos for specifically woman's Body-language, elegancy and all in the social media.

Yn: But I wanna read the language, not write in it!.....Okay, I'll give it a try and show to you?

Yoongi: Show me? *frowning playfully*

Yn: I mean, I'll learn it, and then you can test it.

Yoongi: Okay *shrug*

Yn: *smiling*

Yn: Ummm, Mr. Min!

Yoongi: Yes?

Yn: I don't know if it's okay to ask but..

Yoongi: you're free to ask anything. *fond smile*

Yn: Isn't it a bit...weird, that...we're meeting here like this?

Yoongi: Why? What's wrong about it?

Yn: Nothing Wrong!! No no! I mean we met literally as a Doctor and Patient. There weren't any point in our conversations too. Why a doctor and her patient should meet up like this?

Yoongi: They shouldn't.

Yn: Then?? o.o?

Yoongi: I'm not calling you Doctor Yn anymore. You didn't notice it?

Yn: (in mind) Right! He's calling me, normally. Yn-sshi! Then...It's....what's is this? I've to clarify it first.

Yn: That doesn't answer the question though, what's this meeting for!

Yoongi: To spend a peaceful night, watching the moon, and maybe having dinner, if you're hungry *looks at her smiling*

She looks at me softly. Her eyes are raditaing some kind of placid rays while glistening under the moonlight. Her face is glowing and reflecting the yellow hue of the nightlamps. Her gaze is just like how I imagined would be like of a woman in love in the poetries.

"What?" Although I'm not at all uncomfortable her devouring me with those eyes. But still, I asked her with a playful frown...

I caught her off-guard again. And it's probably the fifth or sixth time I've done this. I love the way she chooses to let her guard down, even for a bit.

She just looks down at her feet and starts fidgeting with her fingertips, saying, "Nothing."

I can't help but just look at this view in front of me. The view of not a girl, but seemingly a woman, slowly and deeply falling in love with me, while I'm doing the same.

Though she maybe developed it a bit faster than me...

Yn: So you like it here. Do you come here often?

Yoongi: Nope *still watching her*

Yn: You told, it's your favorite spot?

Yoongi: Using something too much that you like, slowly fades the attachment or the feeling of liking it.

Yn: Then it's not your favorite! It's just a liking.

Yoongi: Huh?


Yoongi: Why's that?

Yn: We're taught in our psycology classes, that liking something always carries a reason behind it, without which the attachment breaks and you slowly get bored of it.

Yoongi: That's what I said!!

Yn: It.....often comes from trauma.

Yoongi: ???!

Yn: Not ALWAYS, I SAID OFTEN!!!.....But in your case, what you told, can be a fear of loosing something or someone. You should focus on appreciating what you like, or love more. Cause anyway, life's too short to not love the things you do.

She gives a pleasant, caring and sugary smile. Her eyes are getting curved due to the smile. Her hair is clutched up, but the single strand, that's laying on the side of her face....

I gently tuck that behind her ear.

I thought of this possibility of not showing love to what and who I love, can be a fear, that she just told me, but hearing from other person, feels different. It's can I explain! Like someone observed me, Like a fuzzy feeling....


But why it feels like I've just no reason to fall for you, but I'm still gliding through the path, without trying to save myself?

Her face is getting warmer. I didn't move my hand from her hair. She....looks different!

She's beautiful. So like others. But this ambience, is affecting her. Her fluffy cheeks are now reflecting a light bluish effect of the water's reflection. Cause she adjusted herself closer to me...

She feels beautiful. If that's possible!

I cup her face with my hand that was on her hair. She straightend up a bit. Her eyes widened. I guess she sensed it. She sensed my admiration for her, that's now obviously visible cause,

I'm not hiding it anymore...

I can't help it, the moment is so intriguing and teasing me by tingling in both my lower and upper stomach......

Oh! She's blushing again! I can feel the cheeks heating up! *chuckle* I mean, she's hella attractive right now. I don't know for how long I can hold myself back from telling her. But it's a bit too early. I like her. But I don't know if it'll fade away, or even, if she's good for me and I'm good for her! I need to check it off of my head first, before making a move.


Yn: Mr. Min!?

Yn's POV,

It's not helping at all. I was relaxed earlier and was getting used to him being around me. But...

He suddenly cupped my face. And since then he's just staring at me. A glittering stare. Just like..someone admiring a sculpture in a museum or something. My heart is too weak at this point. It's beating so fast.


He suddenly is caressing my cheeck with his thumb...

I'm probably looking really stupid right now cause I lost my ability to control my expressions anymore.

Did I ever thought this day may come when he'll not be able to take his eyes off of me? ~~Yes. But I never thought my silly little night thoughts will ever come true!!?

What did I do to get this fanservice? Or is it a fanservice?...

Yoongi: *staring and smiling at her*

Yn: Mr. Min!?

Yoongi: hmm..

Yn: (๑°°๑)!!

Yoongi: you're cold!

Yn: *shaking head in no*

Yoongi: Is that a.....

He leans closer, checking something on my face. Tha-that is too close!!! I can feel his warm breath on my face... O.O

My breathe gets hinged, it stopped after a shaky inhale. Even though I'm not uncomfortable or anything but, my heart is focusing just on him and pounding so hard on my chest that it forgot how to beat rhythmically....

Yoongi removes a small leaf from my hair, "That's a leaf.

He huckles looking at the leaf, and then shifts his daunting gaze back at me.

Yoongi's POV,

Oh no! That's too close.

I maybe should take the hint of her not so normal heartbeats that is audible from here, that I should let her be at ease.

Both of our heart is beating fast. And it's so silent here. Just the sound of waves from the lake. And our heartbeats.....
So I'm helpless right n...



"It's the first time you call me using my name!!!...and that too...with that..."

My heart rate goes crazily, manipulatively, insanely , godly, skyrocketingly fast....

Yn: with....what? *uneven breathing*

Yoongi: your voice...that just weaverd....with a whisper...(° ° )

Yn: *eyes still widened* really? I thought I called you that when I first recognized you!!?

Yoongi: Your voice was....

Yn: what?

Yoongi: like...honey?

Yn: *soft chuckle* what are you saying?!

Yoongi: hmm?

Yn: hmm?

I move my hand from her cheeks to her chin, grabbing it quietly...

Yn: ?!?

I should move back. We're literally on each other's faces. And I'm loosing control over my body..

Yn: *gulps*

Yoongi: *eyes shifting on her lips*

Her lips are looking so devouring..just like how she was devouring me with eyes few moments ago. The plumpy red tinted curves are calling my name. And...

And I need to taste them!

Her breathing got heavy suddenly. Is she reading my mind? Or my actions are that much telling what I'm thinking?

Yoongi: *leans closer still staring at the lips*......

Yn: *breath stops*

Yn's POV,

He's too close, that if he wants, our lips will be touching any moment. He wouldn't have to move more close!!! I, I lost the ability to talk or breathe.

The intensity is soo much, I'm starting to sweat. And I don't understand if I want our lips to touch or not.

I closed my eyes. Leaving it on him. As a sign of agree to what's gonna happen. I trust what's happening cause...he won't make mistakes right?


Then he suddenly goes back! Leaving me in absolute stutter.
I open my eyes to see him looking at the water being all awkward and fliiping. He starts checking his nails and hands, runs his fingers through his hair, rubs his chin in a manly but anxious way...

I can't think straight. Cause, there's nothing left to think straight.

He likes me!! And that was close kiss situation!!! He decided to move back at the last second!!......

My mind is going blank. He's not good either. I heard his heartbeat. And as a doctor I know what's normal and what's not.

That wasn't normal.

Mine the same....not normal....

At least for me!

I move my body that was facing his, to the lake in front. And I try to feel the cool breeze on my face. Cause, one! My face is burning! Two! I'm sweating!!!

We both seating here like two shy, introvert children trying to talk to each other for the first time cause they have no friends....

Yoongi: Tteokbokki meogo-elo galle?

[A.n : means, "Do you wanna go eat tteokbokki?"]

Yn: *flinches her head to his direction*

To Be Continued......

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