Courtside Confession

By IWannaBeViVi

1.8K 88 17

[Bluesy-Jenrina Fanfic] Disclaimer: The actions and habits of the characters in this story are mostly product... More



116 7 0
By IWannaBeViVi

Jeno's heart raced as he witnessed the brutal assault unfold before him. Without a second thought, he burst out of the concealment he had sought, his phone clutched tightly in his hand, its camera activated. His voice rang out, filled with a mixture of urgency and authority. "Hey! We've got this all on video. You really want to go down this path?"

The bullies, momentarily taken aback by the sudden intervention, turned their attention towards Jeno, their faces twisted with a toxic combination of surprise and aggression. The phone in Jeno's hand captured every moment, the evidence of their cruelty etched in digital clarity.

Then the expressions of the bullies turned to a dangerous mix of defiance and rage. "Mind your own business, punk," one of them spat, taking a step forward.

But Jeno stood his ground, his eyes filled with steely determination. "I won't let you hurt him. Not today." 

Before he could react, a fist connected with Jeno's nose, sending him stumbling back. Seeing Jeno's nose bridge cut by the metal ring worn by the one who punch Jeno, Mark and Haechan leapt into action, charging forward to defend their friend.

The warehouse erupted into chaos as fists flew and voices echoed in shouts and grunts. The rain continued to fall, washing away the evidence of the skirmish.

As the brawl continued in the old warehouse, the echoes of shouts and grunts grew louder. It wasn't long before the distant wail of sirens pierced the night, drawing nearer with each passing second.

The police arrived, their flashing lights cutting through the darkness. They swiftly assessed the situation, moving in to separate the brawling teenagers.

As the chaos settled, the bullies were apprehended, their defiant glares now replaced with expressions of regret and fear. Jeno, Mark, and Haechan stood together, their faces bruised and clothes soaked, but their spirits unbroken.

Inside the police station, the atmosphere was tense. Jeno, along with Mark and Haechan, sat on one side, their faces a mix of weariness and apprehension. On the other side, the bullies sat, their expressions sullen and defeated. The wounds of the bullied student being treated by a policewoman.

The police officer in charge of the case moved efficiently, ensuring that proper procedures were followed. Statements were taken, evidence was collected, and the necessary paperwork was filled out.

As the process continued, word reached Mr. Lee and his wife about the incident. They were contacted to come to the police station to sign for Jeno's release. (Same thing to Mark and Haechan's parents who were quick to come and sign for their respective son's release.)

When they arrived, their expressions were stern. Mr. Lee's face was etched with displeasure, his eyes narrowed in disapproval. He was well aware of the impact incidents like this could have on his reputation and career.

"Jeno," he said tersely, "we'll discuss this when we get home."

Jeno's heart sank, knowing that a scolding from his father was imminent. He exchanged a worried glance with his friends, who offered him silent support.

Once the necessary paperwork was completed, Mr. Lee signed for Jeno's release, his signature bold and decisive. The atmosphere remained tense as they left the police station, the weight of the situation settling heavily on them.

In the car, the ride was silent, the tension palpable. Jeno knew that the lecture waiting for him at home would be harsh, but he also understood the gravity of the situation.

As they arrived home, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. The door closed behind them, sealing Jeno's fate for the evening.

As they stepped into the Lee family home, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Mr. Lee's stern gaze bore into Jeno, his disapproval palpable.

"Lee Jeno," he began, his voice low and commanding, "this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Do you realize the implications it could have on our family's reputation? You need to think before you act."

For what felt like an eternity, Mr. Lee scolded his son, his words carrying the weight of disappointment and concern. 

However, his bratty nature couldn't help but rear its head. He raised an eyebrow, meeting his father's gaze with a hint of defiance.

"Look, Dad," Jeno began, his tone slightly cheeky, "I get it. But you know how those HYBE guys are. If I let them walk all over us, they'll never stop."

Mr. Lee's expression remained firm, though there was a glimmer of acknowledgment in his eyes. He was well aware of the dynamics and rivalries among the well-known schools in Seoul.

"Jeno," he sighed, "I understand the importance of standing your ground. But there are better ways to handle such situations. You must learn to use your intelligence and influence wisely."

Jeno listened, his gaze fixed on the floor, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. Mr. Lee placed a hand on Jeno's shoulder. "You're the eldest, Jeno. You carry a responsibility not just for yourself, but for our family name. Remember that."

Jeno nodded, recognizing the truth in his father's words. "Alright, Dad. I'll keep that in mind." He sighed softly.

With that, Mr. Lee turned and left Jeno to his thoughts. The weight of his words lingered in the air. A short while after, a soft voice came from Mr. Lee, "Now, go to your room."

He retreated to his room, the weight of his father's words heavy on his shoulders.

A short while later, there was a gentle knock on his door, and it opened to reveal Mrs. Lee, her face marked with concern. She held a first aid kit in her hands.

"Jeno," she said softly, "let me take care of those bruises for you."

Jeno nodded, grateful for his mother's presence. She carefully tended to his injuries, her touch gentle and comforting.

"You're a bright young man, Jeno," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "But you must also learn to navigate the world with wisdom and restraint. Your actions have consequences, and it's important to consider them."

As she finished, she met his gaze with a soft smile. "Behave well, my dear. Your father only wants the best for you, Jeno. He sees great potential in you, and he believes in your ability to lead."

With a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Mrs. Lee left Jeno to rest, the room bathed in a comforting, soft light. Jeno nodded, gratitude and determination swelling within him. He knew he had a responsibility to uphold the legacy of the Lee family.


Author's Note:

Such a boring chapter? All about Jeno's family.

Anyways, that's it for this Wednesday. 2nd Semester is starting next week. I'll try to update every Wednesday and Sunday.

Thanks a lot for reading!


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