The Unwanted Child {1}

Por mmultixaep0

52.3K 1K 180

The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... Más

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

Contents under pressure

1.3K 26 0
Por mmultixaep0

TW: mention of abuse, blood, knifes, etc, please read at your own risk, ty 🤍

The sky is very dark gray and rain is heavily pouring. We see other delinquents holding up some sort of tarp and screaming commands "hold it back!" A delinquent said. More muffled shouting is heard as the camera pans to Clarke, standing at the edge of camp, looking into the storm. We hear Raven's voice in the background. "This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. [her voice becomes desperate] Come in Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Please come in. [Under her breath] please, please. Can anybody hear me?" "Are you sure you have the right frequency" someone asked her. "Yes! I do!" She yelled. "Raven? [Pauses] You can do this. Okay?" She then nodded towards Clarke.

Raven's voice continues to try and contact the station. Clarke walks over to Finn and winces as she tends to his wound. Finn is lying on a makeshift bed, and appears very pale. "Calling Ark Station. Ark station. Please come in. I'm on the ground with the hundred. [says quietly] we need you." She then looked a Finn, she was really worried about him.

Jaycee was sitting against the dropship wall while all this was happening, she didn't know what to says or do because she was in pain from being tortured, she hadn't told anyone yet. Then Clarke walked up to her "hey, you okay?" Jay simply nodded. "What happened to you? Did the grounder that Jasper found you with do this?" Jay shook her head 'no' "tell me about it later okay? We can talk after we save Finn." Jay simply nodded and smiled.

Then the miracle happens "This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself." Someone said over the radio. "This is Raven Reyes. I- I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin. Doctor Abby Griffin. Now." Raven said. "Raven? Are you there?" Abby asked. There was a bunch of static but the radio was working, thank the gods "Mom? Mom, it's me." Abby couldn't believed it "Clarke?" "Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a Grounder." Clarke told her mother. "Clarke. This is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" Clarke looked at Raven the Jay. "Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone."

"Mom, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest." She told her mother with a panicked voice. "Okay, can you patch me through to medical?" Abby asked Sinclair "Clarke. Is my son with you?" The chancellor asked. Clarke looks up sadly and pauses, before speaking into the radio. " I'm so sorry. Wells is- Wells is dead." She told  klqthe chancellor. There was a couple of mumbles but they were now back on track "I'm going to talk you through it, step by step." The shelter begins to creak and wind is heard "Clarke... just... find-" Abby then cut off. "What! Raven what's wrong." She asked the girl. " It's not the radio, it's the storm."

Jay then stood up, "the storm is interfering with the radio, the worse the storm the worse of the connection" then the radio works again "Clarke, we need to hurry." Clarke looks around then stops at Jaycee "is there anyway to try and fix the radio? To at least make it a little more clear?" Jaycee shook her head "no, I- I don't think there is, I mean the storm is interfering with the communication system.. I'm sorry" Clarke just looked around and then Octavia came back with some canines, they were Monty's moonshine. "Here" Octavia said and gave it to Clarke, "Ugh. Monty's moonshine?" Jaycee looked at them "Pretty sure no germ could survive it, we don't have anything else" the storm grows and gets louder outside. Jay, Clarke and Octavia look towards the door. "Storm's getting worse. Monroe, close the doors." Clarke told the girl. "But we still have people out there." She reminded Clarke.

"Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet" Jaycee told Clarke "yeah neither is Bellamy." Octavia said to them. Clarke looked at them both. "It's okay, they'll find somewhere to ride it out." Raven then makes noise to get Clarke's attention then holds out a needle for her, "One stitching needle." The girl told the blonde "Great, I still need something to close the wound." Clarke said as she looked around. "There's so wire on the second level. I used it for the tents." Octavia told the griffin girl. "Let's see it." Clarke told her. "Stay away from the blue wires that run through the ceiling. I rigged it to the solar cells in the roof." Octavia nodded "That means they're hot! You got that?" Raven yelled at the Blake girl. "Yeah, I got that" Octavia walks upstairs.

Raven and Clarke turn to face each other, "Tell me you can do this." Clarke looks at Raven, she did not give her an answer. Then they got interrupted "hey they're back!" A female delinquent said. Bellamy walks in as Octavia lowers herself on the ladder from the second level and says "Bellamy!" Then they see Bellamy in front of his group, with two boys in back dragging Lincoln's unconscious body. Lincoln is dropped on the ground and Octavia walks up so does Jay "The hell are you doing?" She asked her brother. "It's time to get some answers." Jay scoffed and said "Oh you mean 'revenge?" Bellamy looked at the girl "I mean 'intel'." Then he turns to the boys who carried Lincoln "Get him upstairs." Clarke walks up to Bellamy "Bellamy, they're right." Bellamy then looks at her, angry.

There was radio noises are heard in background. "Clarke, okay we're ready. Can you hear me?" Her mother said over the radio. Bellamy then looks up, surprised at the radio noises. Clarke looks away too, with a bothered expression. She then turns back to Bellamy "Look, this is not who we are." Abby was heard in the radio again "Clarke?" Bellamy sighed and told the blonde "It is now." Then he walked to go to the ladder. Clarke went back to the radio and near Finn, "The blade is at a sharp upward angle. Between his sixth and seventh rib." She told her mother.

Octavia and Jay were standing near each other "we can let Bellamy hurt him, he saved me Jay" Jay nodded at the Blake girl "no I agree, he helped me too, I thought I was going to die in the woods but he saved me, and now we're going to save him, no matter what it takes, cmon" she told Octavia. Then they climbed up the ladder to where Bellamy, miller, the other delinquents and grounder were. They could hear Bellamy yell at them "Hey tie him! Tie him! Last thing we need is this bastard escaping because you screwed up!" Octavia and Jaycee see that the grounder tied up and is horrified.

Bellamy noticed the two girls "Octavia, angel, get out of here!" Octavia scoffed "we told you, he was protecting us. You didn't have to do this." Bellamy looked at his sister. "This isn't about you, I'm doing this for all of us." He then turned around. The girls looked at the grounder who saved them, lincoln's bloody and bruised face, they were very sad. Jay scoffed "You did that for all of us?" She asked the older Blake. Bellamy walked up to her "I did that for Finn and Jasper and John and Diggs and Roma." Jay looked at him "keep my brothers name out of this, you didn't even believe that he would make it! On the plus side, it wasn't even him." Jaycee told the idiot Blake.

The older Blake looked at the girl he grew fond of, he didn't want her mad at him but he thinks he's doing the right thing, he then looks at his younger sister "You don't know that! We need to know what we're up again. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us right now." Bellamy then turns around, facing the grounder. Octavia tried to grab Bellamy's arm but he just pushed her away "No, Bellamy, please!" Octavia pleaded. "Drew, Miller take them downstairs."

Jay just stood there, watching the grounder, him being there was reminding her of how the grounders had her, she wished she could do something. Drew and Miller grab Octavia but she wrestles free. Then they grab Jay but she shoves them off and climes down the ladder without trying. "I don't even think he speaks English, he won't understand you." She told her brother. "Oh I think he will." Bellamy whispered to himself as he was looking at the grounder.

After they climbed down the stairs they went to the bottom level to see if they can help anyway. Then they heard clarkes mother on the radio "Steady hand Clarke. You've eviscerated more procedures than this. Once that knife is out the hard part is over." Then lighting was even louder "alright extracting right now" she yelled to the radio. Raven looked at Finn and noticed he was regaining consciousness "he's waking up!" Raven yelled. Finn opens his eyes and starts grunting in pain.

"Jaycee Octavia! Help hold him still. Finn I'm gonna get that knife out of you, ok?" Finn looked at her "good plan" he said as he was in shock. Clarke looked at the boy "    Finn you can't move you got it?" He just nodded. "Hold still. I almost got it. Finn, hold still." Then the storm causes everyone to be thrown from where they are. "Clarke!" Her mother yelled. Clarke stands up and seems relieved, she is still holding the knife. Jay and Octavia looked at each other with happy faces "Clarke! Clarke! What's happening? Clarke, can you hear us? Clarke?" Her mother yelled worriedly "she did it! It's out!" Jaycee told the women.

Clarke is finishing stitching up Finn's wound. "Okay, I'm done." Clarke told her mother "good, do you have anything to cover the wound?" She asked her daughter. "We'll make do, like always." She said coldly to her mother. Jay stood up and walked to Finn "hey, should he be this pale?" Clarke walked to him and noticed "He's lost a lot of blood Ms. Jordan, but if ravens boyfriend is anywhere near as tough as all of you I'm sure he'll be fine." Jaycee just rolled her eyes. "Wait, mom, she's right. He's feverish and his breathing is uneven." Abby spoke again. "You need to give him some time to recover. Let me know if he gets any worse but I think he might just be out of the woods."

"Well down here there's nothing but woods. I need a break." She was going to walk away then her mother spoke again "Clarke. Clarke, wait. Raven, Jaycee, could you give us a few minutes?" Jaycee looked at Clarke, Clarke didn't want to speak to her mother, not after she had found out she was the reason why her father was floated. Raven then was going to speak but was cut off by Clarke "No, no. Stay with Finn. I'm going to check on the grounder situation." Jaycee looked at her "I'll come with you"

Up on the level where the grounder was Bellamy and the others were looking at his journal, then Clarke walked up to see miller in her way "Get the hell out of my way." Bellamy spoke "It's ok. Let her through." Clarke then looked at the grounder, so did Jay. She couldn't believe it. Seeing him gave her flashbacks of the way she was. "Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now." Clarke finally spoke. "Who cares? How's Finn?" He said as he looked at the Jordan girl. "Alive." Jaycee said "His people will care! How long until they found out where we're keeping him? And what happens when they do, I mean when they come looking for him. They will, Bellamy." Clarke yelled at him.

"Relax, Princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the whole time and thanks to the storm you couldn't see a soul on the way back." He stared at Jaycee again. He then opens the grounder's journal. "In case you missed it. His people are already killing us. How many more of our people need to die before you realize we're fighting a war." Bellamy told the girls. Jay finally had enough and butted in "We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him, we can't win." He looked at the girl "You're right we can't, if we don't fight." They stared at each others eyes, then they were interrupted "Clarke! He's seizing!" Raven yelled, then Jay started to panic, she didn't want anyone else to die, it was her fault that they came looking for her, maybe if she hadn't split up with Octavia, he would be okay then Clarke yelled. "On my way!" Clarke leaves and goes down the ladder, Bellamy closing the hatch behind her. She climbs down to where Finn and Raven are. Finn is violently seizing.

While they were dealing with Finn, Jay was still in the upper level, she looked around, then her eyes layer on the grounder. She felt terrible about what happened, Bellamy noticed and grabbed her arm violently. The grounder saw that and started to grunt and move as he was trying to get free, trying to help the girl. Bellamy noticed and looked at him, then he looked at her. "Miller take angel here back to the lower level." Millie looked at him and nodded as he then grabbed Jaycee by the arm carefully, then he guided her back down there. Then Bellamy and the others continued with terrorizing the grounder.

She then went to the second level and sat next to Octavia. "Can I ask you something?" Octavia asked her friend, Jay nodded. "What happened... after we split up?" Jay looked ahead of her. Then she sighed. Then she told Octavia everything that happened. Well everything she remembered. "I was so scared Tavia... I didn't know if I was going to die or live.. I- I was terrified. I didn't think that they would do this.." Octavia noticed the tears coming down on her best friend's face, she then hugged Jay and she just started to cry.

After a while she calms down but then they see Clarke begins to climb the ladder. "What's going on?" The young Blake girl asked. Clarke had just ignored her and kept climbing with the knife in her hand. "Clarke they locked the hatch" Jaycee spoke. Clarke continues climbing and bangs on the hatch
"Hey! Open the door!" She yelled loudly. The banging continues and Miller opens the hatch.

"Get out of my way, Miller! Now!" The blonde yelled. Clarke walks over the grounder, "what's on this?" She rudely asked the grounder in front of her "what do you mean?" Bellamy asked the girl. "He poisoned the blade! All this time he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did! What is it?! Is there an antidote?" Jay then looked between the two "Clarke he doesn't understand you." Clarke just ignored the girl "You'd have to stupid to have a poison around this long with an antidote. Which one?" Bellamy had yelled "answer the question!" "Please just tell them" Octavia pleaded.

"Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that!" Clarke yelled again. "I'll get him to talk" Bellamy said. Octavia looked at her brother "Bellamy no!" "He wants Finn to die, why can't you see that?" He then turned to Clarke "Do you want him to live of not?" Clarke thought about it for a moment. Then Jaycee walked up to her "Clarke you even said it yourself, this is not who we are! He was protecting us, he saved our life!" She pleaded with the girl. Bellamy butted back in "we're talking about Finn's life!" He yelled at the 3 Clarke finally nodded "do it" Jaycee and Octavia shook their heads 'no'

Octavia then went in front of the grounder "No. Just tell us!" She begged him, she didn't want to see him get hurt. Bellamy then uses a knife to rip the grounder's shirt. "Show us the antidote or you'll wish you had." He told him. The grounder stood his ground and didn't say anything. "Bellamy, no. Please." His sister begged. Bellamy then had enough and whips the grounder with the torn seatbelt. Clarke was begging the grounder to tell them which one was the antidote. Bellamy said her name. "Which's one the antidote?" She begged. "Just tell them!" Octavia pleaded again. Bellamy said the blondes name again. He places a hand on her shoulder and she stands up and walks away. Bellamy whips the grounder again.

"That's enough! Clarke! Please! Stop this! By tormenting him more! It's just going to make things worse." Jay told the girl. "He's killing Finn," the blonde told the brunette, Bellamy continues, he is still whipping the grounder. "Enough" Octavia yelled at them all. "Clarke! He's getting worse!" Raven said from the lower level. "We're running out of time. Which one? Which one is it? If you tell us they'll stop! Please, tell us which is the antidote and they'll stop this!" Clarke said. "If that doesn't work, maybe this will." Before he did the in speakable he looked at the girl. "Clarke you don't have to be here for this." She just shook her head "I'm not leaving until I get that antidote." Bellamy steps towards the grounder holding the knife. "Last chance" he looked the grounder dead in the eyes. The grounder had just lifted his chin up, not saying a thing. Then Bellamy stabs him through the hand.

"What's taking so long?" Raven said from the lower level, then he climbed up the ladder "He stopped breathing." Clarke looked at her with a shock expression "what?!" "He started again but next time he might not." Raven told the girl. "He won't tell us anything." Raven looked at the grounder "wanna bet?" Raven takes some electrical wires, Bellamy looked at the girl "What are you doing?" Raven smirked and looked at the grounder "showing him something new." She then shocks the grounder with the wires. "Which one is it?! Come on!!" She yelled at him with anger in her eyes. "He's all I have left!" She screamed loudly "no!" Octavia yelled "he's letting Finn die!" Raven yelled at the Blake girl.

Octavia takes the knife and cuts her arm. "Tavia no!" Jay had yelled for the girl. "He won't let me die" she then looks at the grounder and so does Jay. Octavia got on her knees and pointed to each vial until the grounder nodded and then Octavia gave Clarke the antidote. Clarke thanked the girl and went down to where Finn was and Bellamy reaches for his sister "don't touch me" she pulled away from her brother and climbed down the ladder. Jay just stood there. Bellamy looked at the girl "you know I had to do it" before he could say anything else she looked at him then the grounder and shook her head "no you didn't, you only did that, for yourself. Because you're mad, mad at them, and mad at yourself" she then scoffed and looked at the ground once more and mouth 'I'm sorry' and walked away.

Bellamy was hurt, was he doing this for himself? He didn't know, then he went back to the grounder.

She then went to go check on Finn when she heard Clarke speak to her mother "Well that's thanks to you. I'm so proud of you. Clarke, your father would be so proud of you." Jaycee rolled her eyes "Don't talk about him." Clarke told her mother "Clarke. Baby, I know something else is wrong. Please tell me what it is." Jaycee finally walked up to the girl, held clarkes hand, nodding her head "Dad's dead because of you! You turned him in! I know it. Wells told me everything before he-he. He let me believe that he did it. So that'd I'd hate him instead of you." Clarke said with tears in her eyes. "Clarke, Clarke I want you to listen to me. This was never supposed to happen. Jaha was supposed to talk him out of it." Before she could finish Clarke does something "I'm done talking to you!" Then she switches off the radio on their side.

Clarke begins to cry into Jaycee, the girl just rubbed the blonde haired girls back, comforting her. She felt so bad for the girl, her mother was the reason her father is dead, just like how Jaycee is the reason that her mother is dead.

After a while Clarke removes the blade from the grounder's hand. She tries to wash the wound but the grounder closes his palm. "Hey, look I need to clean this." She looked at him, then Octavia came up "here let me try" Clarke hands Octavia the cloth and she begins to clean the grounder's wounds, Jaycee stood up and helped Octavia clean the wounds too "I never wanted him to get hurt. You have to know that. I just wanted to save Finn." Octavia and Jaycee looked at the girl. "For the record, you didn't save Finn that was me and Jaycee, but whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better." Octavia told the girl. Then Clarke leaves while Jay and Octavia are still attending the grounders wounds.

"I'm so sorry. You saved our life and look-look at the things you can-I never wanted any of this to happen to you." Octavia told the grounder "neither did I, I just want us to live in peace, but look where that got us" they both looked down, then they continued cleaning his injuries, then the grounder did something unexpected, he places his thumb on her hand. "Thank you. Both" the grounder had spoken English, the girls look at each other then drew ask him "Hey, he just say something?" "Nope" Octavia and Jaycee told him. "You know your brother doesn't want you here, Octavia, same with your brother Jaycee let's go." Drew told them. Octavia climbs down the ladder and leaves and Jaycee follows her. Until someone calls her name, she turns around and see Bellamy.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Jay looked at him, "talk to me? Or torture me like you did the the grounder that saved me and your sisters life." Bellamy sighed and looked down putting his hands on his hips. "Look, I didn't mean for anything to go wrong, alright? I just wanted answers." Jaycee had scoffed "answers? Listen bere Blake, how are you going to get answers from some guy that doesn't speak English? Huh?! I mean, what did you except him to say?" He sighed again to calm her nerves.

Bellamy looked at the girls face "so your telling me that you were just running around for 2 days? That the grounders didn't do that to you?!" Jaycee looked at him shocked, the only person she told about that was Octavia, but she would never tell Bellamy if she asked to keep it a secret "how'd you know?"

Bellamy stayed quite "were you spying on me?! You have no right to do that! I'm not your sister! Okay! I can take care of myself!" She screamed, and pushed him back, he just looked at her and said "and look where that got you..." Jaycee then had a shocked face. She then took a small step back then looked at him. "Let me tell you something, you don't need to worry about me, so from here on out, I don't want you to speak to me, look at me, I don't want anything! To do with you! You think you care about others? You don't! You don't even care about Octavia," before he could say anything she interrupted him "I heard your conversation as well, I wasn't going to say anything but now you've pissed me off, I just said it" Jaycee just walked away, back into the tent she shares with Octavia.

As she was walking inside she felt pain on her side, she looked at it and saw blood coming out "let me get Clarke." Jaycee shook her head. "I'm fine, I'll just wrap it and have her check it tomorrow." Octavia liked at the injured girl "okay, get some sleep" Jaycee nodded and sat down, it took her a while to fall asleep but she ended up going to sleep.


the tension between the two is crazy!!!
Hope you're enjoying it!
Very long chapter!!
(Word count 4151)

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