Ash the Dragon Specialist

By kurenohikari

197K 5.7K 1.1K

"Tell me Ash, would you like me to teach you about pokemon? About how to take care of them? Cure them when th... More

When it all began
Growing up
Life Choices
A new friend
Of best friends and homesickness
There's more to training than just power
Are you ready?
Interlude: Ele's P.O.V
The evolution mystery
Finally, the trio is complete!
Jealousy and Friendship
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part I
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part II
I am back!
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part III
Kalos - Vacation
Back to School
Senior Year - Part I
Senior Year - Part II
Senior Year - Part III
An explosive start
Interlude II: Landon's P.O.V
A Grand Debut
The Rock Gym
Interlude III: Agni's P.O.V
The Encore
A Flame Ignited
The Grass Gym
A Rival Makes an Appearance
Having fun on stage!
New Beginnings
Adventures along the way
Still Standing
Hope and Fear
The Fighting Gym
One Deep Breath
Lake Valor
Nature's Collection
Tiger Lily
The Ghost Gym
Interlude IV: Aeolus' P.O.V
The Steel Gym
One Step Closer
The Ice Gym
The Pyramid
The Water Gym
Twinleaf Festival
The Countdown Begins
Interlude V: Drako's P.O.V
The Electric Gym
The Grand Festival - Part I
The Grand Festival - Part II
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part I
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part II
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part III
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part IV
Home Sweet Home
The Trio Badge
The Journey Continues
The Basic Badge
Interlude VI: Astrape
The Insect Badge
Don't Poke the Sleeping Dragon
Matters of the Heart
Pokemon Club Battle Tournament - Part I
Pokemon Club Battle Tournament - Part II
The Bolt Badge
Interrlude VII: Bruce's P.O.V
The Quake Badge
The Jet Badge
Interlude VIII: Ares' P.O.V
The Freeze Badge
Marigold's Choice
Mom! I'm Home!
The Legend Badge
The Ball of Dreams and Love
Eeveelutions Everywhere!
The Vertress Conference - Part I
The Vertress Conference - Part II
The Vertress Conference - Part III
The Vertress Conference - Part IV
The Vertress Conference - Part V
Dreams Come True
Interrlude IX: Nephele's P.O.V
And This Makes Ten
The Ghost Master
The Fighting Master
The Dark Master
The Psychic Master
Interlude X: Chione's P.O.V
The Champion
The Coronation
Apologies and Challenges
Breaking News!
The Grand Finale

Hoenn Grand Festival

565 23 5
By kurenohikari

The bustling excitement of the Hoenn Grand Festival was in the air as Celeste greeted her cherished friends. Wallace, her dad, was dressed impeccably in his flamboyant outfit. He wore an expression of both pride and love as he embraced his daughter. Steven Stone, Celeste's future stepfather, exuded his characteristic calm and sophistication. A warm smile graced his lips as he hugged her.

Ash and Cilan, her faithful friends, radiated excitement. Ash, always full of boundless energy, offered a hearty bear hug. "I missed you so much Cel!"

"I missed you too Ashy!" Celeste held tightly into her friend and previous journey companion. "I missed you in Hoenn!"

"You've grown Celeste," Cilan greeted her warmly, the little girl he knew was a grown woman now.

Poor Celeste was a blushing mess at the compliment, making her fathers exchange amusing looks. "H-Hi, Cilan. It's been a while."

"Oh, my sweet girl, just look at you!" Delia threw her arms around the girl she loved as a daughter.

"Mrs... Delia, I am so glad you made it," Celeste practically melted into the hug, Mrs. Ketchum always gave the best hugs- a gift her son had inherited. Ash had held her during many anxious nights during their journey through Sinnoh.

Professor Oak was also there. Professor Oak, with his wise and kind demeanor, gave Celeste a mentor's nod of approval. Headmaster Drayden was also in attendance. He offered a proud and encouraging smile, acknowledging the growth and dedication she had displayed. They had watched her mature from a novice Coordinator to a skilled performer.

The pokemon, Dolos and Nyx, bounded joyously to see their human friends again. Their bright eyes and wagging tails were testament to the bonds they shared with Ash, Cilan, and others.

As Celeste looked at this assembly of people who had stood by her, she was filled with a sense of gratitude and joy. Their presence was not only a source of motivation but also a reminder of the shared journey they had embarked upon.

"Tell me all about it!" Ash linked arms with her, as they began making their way to the Contest Hall. "How is this Grand Festival different from Sinnoh's?"

Celeste giggled, radiant in happiness at having her friends and family close. "Well, first of all, there is not one appeal round, but two. Both of them are individuals, that means only one pokemon can be used. However, the battle rounds are mostly the same. Double battles until there's only one standing."

"Which will be you," Cilan replied with confidence.

Celeste forgot all about her shyness, and turned to smirk at a stunned Cilan, cockily. "You bet I will be!"

Cilan blinked a couple of times shocked by her sudden confidence when speaking to him before a warm smile spread through his lips. He was not oblivious, being a Pokemon Connoisseur meant that you had to be observant. So, he knew all about Celeste's crush on him. But he had thought it would fade with time. Now, however, Cilan wished that it would not.

"Would you show us your new contest outfit please? I can't wait for the appeal rounds to start; it must be a work of art as your previous Grand Festival gown!" Delia requested, as they made it backstage and stopped before the changing rooms.

"Of course! I want your opinion after all!" Celeste beamed and entered the changing room, she changed quickly and after doing her hair she was back outside, where her family was waiting for her.

Celeste's new contest outfit was a sight to behold, intricately designed to resemble the elegance of the pokemon world, particularly inspired by the versatile Eevee. The dress was a short kimono-style ensemble with a flowing silhouette that allowed for graceful movement. It was primarily a soft, warm brown, reminiscent of Eevee's natural fur color, with intricate embroidery in various shades, mirroring the vibrant personalities of Eevee's many evolutions.

The ensemble featured a delicate sash that cinched at the waist, not only adding a touch of traditional charm but also showcasing the ribbons that symbolized her journey through the world of pokemon contests. The sash dangled gracefully, accentuating Celeste's waist. The final touch to this enchanting outfit was a hairdress adorned with Eevee-shaped ears, which Celeste wore with pride. The overall design cleverly blended elements of the traditional and the contemporary.

Celeste's excitement about her new outfit was palpable, and her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she twirled and showcased her attire to her friends. She felt like a true Eevee Trainer! As she twirled in her Eevee-inspired dress, her friends couldn't help but express their admiration. Wallace and Steven beamed with paternal pride, nodding in approval of her unique and captivating outfit.

"You look incredible!" Ash exclaimed, beaming at his friend.

"Y-You do," Cilan stuttered, cheeks tinted in red. Not that anyone would blame her, she looked so beautiful.

Delia Ketchum and Professor Oak were equally delighted, and they praised her for her ingenuity in incorporating her journey into her outfit. Headmaster Drayden also offered words of encouragement.

Celeste felt like she was wearing her journey and her dreams, and she couldn't be happier. With her friends and family surrounding her, celebrating her new ensemble, she was ready to face the Hoenn Grand Festival with confidence and grace.

Unfortunately, they had to part ways soon after. Celeste had to go and wait backstage to be called for her turn, while everyone else had to go and look for seats among the stands. Luckily, being with a Top Coordinator and the Hoenn Champion had its perks, they all were invited into the VIP Lounge, where they could watch the Hoenn Grande Festival without the crown descending on them.... because as mentioned above, they were with a famous Top Coordinator and the Hoenn Champion.

"Look! It's Cel's turn!" Ash exclaimed, after the tenth coordinator had finished his routine.

On the grand stage of the Hoenn Grand Festival, Celeste's Loki made a stunning entrance. As the audience held their breath, Loki emerged from the Poke Ball, greeted by a cascade of silverly snowflakes, thanks to Celeste's expert use of a specially designed Poke Ball Seal.

Loki's performance began with the grace of Aurora Veil, a veil of enchanting auroras wrapping around the Glaceon, setting a magical mood for what was to come. Celeste's commands were fluid and confident, guiding Loki through the intricate routine.

"Now use Rain Dance!" Celeste ordered dramatically. Droplets of pure water, sparkling like diamonds, fell gently around the stage. The combination of rain and auroras created a breathtaking atmosphere as Loki moved gracefully.

Icy Wind followed, Loki dispersing a chilling breeze that danced through the falling raindrops. The elegance of Glaceon's movements perfectly captured the ethereal beauty of the routine.

As Loki gained momentum, Celeste's commands kept the audience spellbound. "Blizzard! Give it your all!"

The climax of the performance featured a mesmerizing Blizzard, ice crystals spiraling around in a captivating display. The Glaceon's icy breath transformed the rain into shimmering ice, freezing the last vestiges of the falling droplets.

"Now, into the hard part," Wallace grimaced from where he is sitting on the VIP Lounge.

"Hard part?" Cilan turned to him worriedly.

"The pinnacle of their performance and the combination that fails more times than not," Steven answered for his husband, who was too focused on their daughter's performance.

"She will achieve it!" Drayden replied with confidence. "It is Celeste after all! Opelucid Academy's Coordinator Track Top Student!"

"Loki! It's time!" Celeste announced on the stage with bravado. "Shadow Ball and Frost Breath! Go!"

But it was the bravado that marked the pinnacle of their performance. A combination of Shadow Ball and Frost Breath created a midnight-dark sphere enveloped in a thin layer of sparkling frost. Loki played with the frost-kissed sphere, weaving intricate patterns with his body, and culminated in a mesmerizing display by spiking up his frozen fur and shattering it with his graceful tail. The ensuing explosion of glittering ice left the audience in awe.

The choreography and precision Celeste and Loki demonstrated were a testament to their dedication and tireless practice. The Shadow Ball, particularly challenging to trap within a thin layer of ice, was executed with a level of mastery that astonished the judges and spectators alike.

"Wow..." Delia was speechless. "So beautiful..."

"A true Winter Wonderland," Professor Oak agreed with a proud smile.

As Celeste and Loki concluded their mesmerizing routine, the audience burst into applause, and the grand hall resounded with cheers and awe. The crowd was a sea of captivated faces, each one wearing expressions of amazement, admiration, and joy. Spectators young and old were on their feet, clapping and cheering, caught up in the magic of the performance.

Wallace watched it all with pride shining in his eyes. His daughter had come so far in her journey as a coordinator, and this performance was a testament to her talent and hard work. By his side, her stepfather was equally elated. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for the young woman she had become.

Among the spectators were her dear friends, Ash and Cilan, who cheered with unbridled enthusiasm. Ash couldn't contain his excitement, and he pumped his fist in the air, acknowledging Celeste's triumph. Cilan, ever the Connoisseur, nodded appreciatively, recognizing the artistry and creativity in her routine.

Delia, Ash's mother, and Professor Oak exchanged proud glances. Delia had seen Celeste grow up alongside Ash, and she felt a maternal affection for her. Professor Oak, who had mentored Celeste as a Field Researcher, recognized the immense progress she had made.

"There are some students that come to Opelucid Academy, and you just know that they will achieve great things," Drayden murmured under his breath, smiling down as he watched Celeste and Loki bowed to the still cheering crowd.

The collective emotions of the spectators—admiration, amazement, and pride—washed over Celeste as she and Loki took their final bows. The warm and enthusiastic response from the crowd was an affirmation of the bond they had formed and the artistry she had brought to the stage. When every other coordinator had finished their first round of appeals, Celeste had managed to outshine everyone and kept her place at the top. It was well worth every second of practice, leaving her with a profound sense of accomplishment and pride.

"That's my daughter!" Wallace cheered, tears of pride in his eyes.

Steven smiled at his husband and held his hand in comfort. "Now all we need to wait for is the second and last appeal round. Then the battles start tomorrow."

"She will sweep us all off our feet again! I just know it!" Ash announced confidently.

And sweep them off their feet she did.

Titania, Celeste's elegant Sylveon, made a mesmerizing entrance onto the grand stage. Her slender form was graced by the long, flowing ribbons that trailed behind her, shimmering like moonlight. A soft, ethereal melody filled the air as she gracefully danced into the spotlight.

"Titania the stage is yours!" Celeste said with flourish. "Let's start with Fairy Wind!"

Using her Fairy Wind move, Titania summoned a sparkling breeze that enveloped the stage, setting a magical ambiance. Her ribbon artistry was a sight to behold as she coordinated her movements with the ribbons, creating intricate, enchanted designs in the air. Swift and Fairy Wind combined to make the ribbons move with a fluid grace that seemed to defy gravity.

As Titania moved with the elegance of a prima ballerina, her ribbons became extensions of herself, moving in perfect harmony. She commanded them with expert precision, transforming them into liquid silk, and they danced through the air in spirals and twirls.

"Echoed Voice! You've got this!" Celeste commanded with confidence.

With a flick of her ribbon-adorned ears, she conjured the sparkling breeze, and the audience inhaled the magic, transported to a realm of beauty. Her melodious voice joined the performance, singing a hauntingly beautiful tune with her Echoed Voice move. The audience was spellbound as her ethereal melody filled the grand hall.

To enhance the auditory and visual experience, Titania used Dazzling Gleam to create a radiant light show, with multicolored beams of light arching through the air in sync with the rhythm of her song. The stage transformed into a dreamscape bathed in a rainbow of colors.

"Let's finish this! Moonblast!" Celeste's smile was full of pride and happiness, she was having so much fun.

The performance reached its climax as Titania summoned the power of Moonblast. With an elegant twirl, she released radiant spheres that burst into brilliant fairy lights, filling the stage with enchanting luminescence. The audience was enraptured as the fairy lights sparkled and danced, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

Concluding the routine, Titania gracefully curtsied, a gesture of appreciation to the captivated spectators. Holding her ribbons aloft, she created a shimmering curtain of silken threads. As she twirled one last time, a shower of glittering fairy dust rained down, leaving a trail of sparkling stardust in her wake.

The grand hall erupted into thunderous applause, a chorus of admiration and delight. Celeste and Titania exchanged a loving glance, their hearts intertwined through the enchantment they had woven. As they gracefully left the stage, it was evident that their bond, like the magic of their performance, was truly enchanting.

As the final note of Celeste and Titania's enchanting routine drifted away, the grand hall erupted into an explosive crescendo of applause. The audience was on its feet, a sea of beaming faces, captivated by the magical performance that had just unfolded before them. Once more Celeste had captivated the Contest Hall with her incredible talent and ingenuity.

Wallace, like the proud dad he is, could hardly contain his emotions. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he clapped fervently. Watching his daughter's performance was a moment he would cherish forever. He felt an overwhelming surge of pride. "Did you see that, Steven? She was wonderful! Our girl is a gift to the coordinator world! A true gift!"

By his side, Steven shared the sentiment. "That she is. My parents will be so disappointed they cannot make it because of work. She just made history with those routines."

"I can't believe Titania only evolved a month ago," Professor Oak commented. "Her mastery over her Fairy-type energy was outstanding. That is without mentioning all the new moves she had to learn for that routine."

"Cel is an eeveelution expert after all," Delia commented with maternal warmth.

"Not to mention, she is an Opelucid Academy graduate," Drayden made sure to mention. "We only train the best of the best. Mark my words, she will make it to the finals without breaking any sweat."

The following days showed Drayden's words to be true. Celeste blazed through the battle rounds, as if they were nothing. Which would have been embarrassing as this was supposed to be the creme of the crème of pokemon contests in Hoenn. However, this was Celeste Mikuru, she was not ordinary, she was exceptional.

"Ladies and gentlemen, trainers and pokemon enthusiasts, welcome to the grand culmination of the Hoenn Grand Festival!" Vivian Meridian took the stage, as the crowd cheered. Everyone was excited, this was the finals after all! "We stand here on the precipice of a truly remarkable battle, where the fate of our extraordinary coordinators will be decided. It's a day filled with anticipation, passion, and talent beyond measure!

Today, we have the honor of introducing two exceptional coordinators, both of whom have displayed unparalleled skill and dedication throughout this competition. It is a day when their talent and creativity will shine brighter than ever before!"

In one corner, Celeste stepped forward and released Zeus and Loki in a dazzling display of lightning bolts and snowflakes. The stunning lightning and icy spectacle that accompanies their entrance is but a glimpse of the artistry that awaited them.

And in the other corner, Jonah, Celeste's opponent, stood proudly. His Gallade and Glameow appeared in a weave an enchanting tapestry of ribbons, grace, and power. Their appearance, heralded by a breathtaking display of ribbons.

"Zeus and Loki?" Cilan's eyes widened at the unexpected combination. "That is... different."

"Yeah, she normally plays with opposites, like Fire-Water, or Fire-Grass, or Electricity-Water, or Psychic-Dark," Ash agreed with his best friend. "Ice-Electricity... that is new."

"We were surprised as well when she informed us of her choice," Steven replied, smiling fondly at Wallace who was nervously looking down at the stage. "But we believe in her."

"Of course, we do, she knows what she is doing," Delia nodded in agreement. "Cel, Loki, Zeus, you can do it!"

"In the grand finale of the Hoenn Grand Festival, these two extraordinary Coordinators will go head-to-head, their artistry and skills vying for the championship. They've shown us their heart, and today, they will reveal the culmination of their dedication and passion." Vivian continued, pumping up the crowd. "So, I say to you, let your cheers be their strength! Let your applause be the winds beneath their wings! Are you ready to witness this mesmerizing spectacle, Hoenn? Then, let the finals of the Hoenn Grand Festival begin!"

The stage was set, and the atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation and excitement. Celeste's supporters were on the edge of their seats, their hearts pounding with each twist and turn of the performance.

"Loki Ice Beam! Zeus Thunderbolt!" Celeste's command was precise, and Loki obeyed with absolute precision.

The audience watched in awe as the ethereal gusts danced around the stage, setting the scene for the enchanting performance that was about to unfold. Beside him, Zeus was a striking contrast. As the winds swirled with Loki's Ice Beam, Zeus charged the air with electric energy. A powerful bolt of lightning, his signature Thunderbolt, crackled and surged toward the frozen ice projectile created by Loki's Ice Beam. The ice absorbed the electrifying energy, merging two contrasting elements into a dazzling and unique combination. The frozen lightning bolt shot across the stage, illuminating the arena in an electrifying display.

However, Jonah was not one to back down. Not even as his points were lowered one-fourth. In a quick and impressive countermove, Gallade launched a dazzling Signal Beam at Glameow. With a twirl of his tail, Glameow intercepted the attack, capturing the colorful beams of energy. The spinning energy gave the Signal Beam a mesmerizing spiral effect, adorned with a rainbow of colors. The audience was captivated by the display of skill and creativity.

Jonah's strategy was equally impressive. As the colorful beam spiraled toward the frozen bolt, it shattered the icy projectile into millions of sparkling fragments. The stage was showered in a glittering spectacle, leaving the crowd in awe.

"That will shave quite a bit of her points," Professor Oak winced, and as he said they all looked as Celeste's points were lowered one-fourth as well. "It seems that she had found her match on this Festival."

"She will still win!" Ash stood up and cheered. "You can do it Cel! Give it your all!"

The battle on the stage had escalated to a breathtaking spectacle. The electrifying moves by Jonah's Gallade and Glameow had created a charged and intense atmosphere, and the crowd was on the edge of their seats, watching the action unfold.

As Glameow held his tail high, Gallade leaped into the air, and in a coordinated display of teamwork. "Thunderrbolt!" Jonah commanded. Glameow unleashed a powerful current of electricity on Gallade. The electricity surged through Gallade's blades, causing them to glow with an intense yellow hue. "Now, Psycho Cut!" With charged blades, Gallade prepared to launch a devastating electrified Psycho Cut at Loki and Zeus.

But Celeste and her eeveelutions were not to be outdone. Even as her point dropped to half, with a quick and precise command, Celeste initiated a combination move called "Polar Thunderstorm." Loki summoned a Hailstorm onto the battlefield. The ice and snow began to fall, creating a chaotic and blustery scene that added an extra layer of complexity to the performance.

As the hailstorm raged, Zeus took advantage of the ensuing confusion. Using his Electro Ball, he hurled electrified orbs into the chaos. The combination of icy hail and electrified orbs resulted in a mesmerizing display of a polar thunderstorm. The stage crackled with energy and was filled with dazzling sparks of electricity.

The audience was awestruck by the display of power and creativity. The versatile combination by Loki and Zeus had managed to neutralize the electrified Psycho Cut from Glameow and Gallade, leaving the crowd in amazement.

As the polar thunderstorm continued to electrify the stage, the cheers and applause from the audience grew even more thunderous as Jonah's points lowered to match Celeste's.

"Who could have thought that Ice and Electricity could be combined like that?" Wallace murmured, in awe of the ingenuity of his daughter, even her opponent was frozen in shock.

A shock, Celeste took well-advantage of. "Let's finish this! Zeus, Charge Beam! Loki, Blizzard!"

The grand finale of the battle was a sight to behold. Zeus was primed and ready, gathering electric energy within himself, preparing for a stunning move. Just as Loki, was poised for the final act, ready to unleash a display of icy power.

Zeus unleashed a powerful Charge Beam, drawing in and storing electric energy, which crackled around the stage. The audience watched with bated breath as the energy swirled around the Electric-type pokemon.

In perfect harmony, Loki followed up with a magnificent Blizzard. The command from Celeste sent an icy storm cascading across the battlefield, creating a whirlwind of snow and ice. The entire stage was transformed into a winter wonderland, a breathtaking and enchanting sight.

What happened next was nothing short of spectacular. The electric energy swirling around Zeus interacted with the ice and snow from Loki's Blizzard. The ice crystals in the Blizzard began to crackle and glow with electric potential. As the storm intensified, the ice crystals absorbed the energy from the Charge Beam.

The result was a shocking and awe-inspiring storm that enveloped the entire battlefield. Gallade and Glameow found themselves caught in the midst of this breathtaking display of elemental power. The electrified ice crystals from the Blizzard collided with the pokemon, creating a shocking storm that was a stunning fusion of ice and electricity.

Gallade and Glameow were simultaneously frozen and electrified, their forms encapsulated in an intricate web of icy electricity. The audience gasped at the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before their eyes. It was a move that not only showcased the incredible power and synergy of Celeste's eeveelutions but also highlighted the dynamic contrast between ice and electricity.

As the final notes of the moves echoed through the grand hall, the audience erupted in cheers and applause. The timer rang, time was over. Both Jonah and Celeste turned towards the screen rapidly, they had not noticed the time had run out. Celeste's eyes teared as she observed the result, while she still had half of her points, Jonah only had one-eighth of them left.

She had won.

She was Hoenn's newest Top Coordinator.

She was the Top Coordinator!

Celeste allowed the tears to roll down as Zeus and Loki jumped in her arms in celebration. They've done it! After their loss in Sinnoh, they've doubled down on their training and spent countless hours brainstorming new combinations. It had all been worth it by the end.

They've won.

They've made it.

They've achieved their dream!

What else could they ask for?

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