Our Lost Princess

By nerdywriter88

109K 3.7K 460

This story will show you how in one minute destiny can be so kind and how next moment destiny can be so cruel... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47

Chapter 46

1.4K 67 10
By nerdywriter88

Sofia's pov

"Victoria. I can't wait anymore. I want Evelyn dead".

A tear fell from my eyes when I heard my brother, my own brother Leonardo ordering Victoria to kill my daughter. How can he do that?

I thought he was my wellwisher.

Yesterday, Martin did a deep background check on Leonardo and he found a suspicious number in Leo's contact list and when he checked that number, it turned out to be Victoria's number.

Currently we were listening his call recordings and in one of that recording I heard him wishing death for my daughter. Why? Just because I wanted my daughter to be happy! Just because I gave that pendant to Ev instead of Nancy!

I can't believe it that my brother was hurt because of this petty reason.

Just because I decided to show some love to my own daughter, he got jealous and committed this much sins? How can he do this to me?

Just because his daughter cried for a day or two, he decided to make my daughter suffer for the rest of her life? Is this how he planned to avenge Nancy's tears? Wow. Just wow.

"Sofia" Adrian touched my shoulder to which I looked at him and shrugged my shoulder.

"Adrian, you're free to punish him. H-he has committed a sin and he should be punished" I said looking away from him.

"If you want, we can first talk to your parents, Sofia" Adrian suggested.

"You don't have to, Adrian. I know my parents. They won't support Leonardo after knowing the whole truth. I know they won't. Though I can't say the same about his wife and children but let's not think about them" I sighed and once again looked at him.

"Now we have only two days left. Let's just think about Leonardo. We have to deal with him and Victoria. Only he knows where Victoria is. Ask your people to arrest him s-so that we can find Victoria as well" I said to which Adrian nodded and left to talk Martin.

I looked at other family members who were looking at me with sympathy except for George. He was giving me angry glares.

Of course.

Years ago when Ev was kidnapped, George actually gave the suggestion to check our relatives background as well but I denied because of Leo's manipulation. That time George kept insisting us but we all ignored his words.

Only if I would have considered his suggestion back then, we wouldn't have lost our Ev for such a long time.


Soon Adrian came and looked at me. He gave me a small smile and squeezed my arms a little.

"Martin's men were keeping an eye on Leonardo. They have arrested Leonardo from his home and will take him here soon. If you want, you can talk to your parents and let them know about Leonardo's deeds" Adrian said to which I nodded and stood up from my place and went back to my room to call my mom.

- An hour later -

I have talked to my parents and told them about Leonardo's deeds.

At first they both were shocked and were denying the accusations but I sent them proofs which were enough to convince them. They both were shocked and heartbroken when they got to know that their own son tried to kill their daughter's daughter in jealousy.

However, Nancy and her mother didn't believed us. Mandy, Leonardo's wife kept on screaming at me through phone. She was blaming me for doubting her husband even though I showed her the proofs.

She's being delusional. Let her be. I don't care. I'm done being kind. Now I'll be selfish and punish everyone who is involved in this crime.

If Leonardo doesn't care about relations, why should I? Leonardo will have to endure the punishment and this time noone can save him.

Determined with my thoughts, I walked towards the living room where almost everyone were leaving.

"Adrian, where are you going?" I asked walking towards him to which he looked hesitated.

"Adrian?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"Police station. Leonardo is going to be there. I want to confront him" Adrian said to which I nodded.

"I want to come with you" I said to which he looked at me in shock.

"Don't worry. I won't ask you to leave him neither I will cry for him. I want to confront him as well" I said slowly.

"Are you sure?" He asked to which I nodded.

"Fine" He said to which I smiled a little at him and turned towards Liam.

"I'm leaving. You take care of Evelyn. Make sure she's safe" I said to which he hummed.

"Let's go" Adrian said and caught my hand in his to which I nodded and walked outside the house.

Time to meet and greet my brother.

- At police station -

"Sofia? Adrian?" Leonardo looked at us in shock but when he saw Martin, his eyes widened more and a look of realisation crossed over his face.

"Judging by your facial expressions I can say that now you know that why are you here" I said and took a seat in front of him along with Adrian to which Leonardo gulped.

"Why Leo? Why?" I asked sadly.

"I always loved Nancy. I still do. I can never think of hurting her but you? You not just thought of hurting my daughter but you did hurt her with Victoria. How can you do this to me? To your niece?" I asked looking at him with disgust.

"She was a kid, Leo. And you thought that hurting a kid in your jealousy was ok? You really thought that? How can you? How? Not for once you thought about me Leo? Not for once?" I asked and this time my eyes turned teary.

"You always hated my daughter, Leo. You always cursed her. You kidnapped my daughter and handed her to Victoria. You let her hurt my daughter, Leo. You let her. And even that wasn't enough for you so you invited her to kill my daughter once again? How could you?" This time I yelled looking at him.

"Shut up, Sofia. You have no right to shout at me, Sofia. All these happened because of you" Leonardo yelled with red eyes.

"B- because of me?" I asked in disbelief to which he nodded.

"Yes. Because of you" He seethed.

"You were good before meeting Adrian. But once you met him, you changed. His money blinded you. Because of him you started ignoring me, your own brother. But still I kept my silence because I didn't wanted to ruin your relationship with him or me. I kept accepting everything but for how long?" He said in anger.

"Before that Evelyn's birth you always priotised my Nancy over everyone but as soon as you got Evelyn you forgot about my Nancy. How could you? You only wanted a baby girl and that's why you played with my daughter's emotions. You ruined her happiness and the reason was Evelyn that's why I had to do that" Leonardo sighed as if he was in pain.

"You're a horrible person, Leonardo" I said angrily.

"No, you're horrible. You played with my daughter's emotions. Before Evelyn, my daughter was your number one priority but after her you chose your daughter over my Nancy. You changed your priorities so you faced the consequences. It's not my fault" Leonardo said giving me a glare to which I let out a small laugh.

"In that case, before Nancy's birth you used to call me your lucky charm but after her birth you gave that title to Nancy. You snatched that title from me. You changed your priorities as well, Leonardo. But I never got jealous you know why? Because I knew that a father's first priority will always be his child" I said and suddenly his face turned shock.

"You changed after Nancy's birth but I was still happy for you. B-but you? You were not. Y-you snatched my daughter from me, Leonardo. You gave me pain. You promised me to be my savior but you ended up hurting me the most" I said and sobbed a little.

"You wanted your daughter to be everyone's favorite in the cost of my daughter's life? Really Leo?" I asked him.

"Tell me, when I told you that my daughter was beaten everyday, and was sold to the brothel by Victoria, did you not felt even a tiny amount of guilt? Tell me Leo" I asked to which he looked down in shame.

"You didn't hesitated when you were informing these things to Victoria, why now? Tell me" I asked to which he kept silent.

"You wanted best for your daughter and in that greed you ruined my daughter's life. Do you think that you won't get your karma?" I asked wiping my tears.

"You and Nancy were mocking my Ev that she lived all alone despite having such a big family? Jokes on you Leo, your daughter is getting married but you won't be there for her big day" I said and this time Leonardo looked up at me in shock.

"Wrong" Suddenly Adrian interrupted us.

"Not just for her wedding day but from now on you will never ever see your family. Now you will live all your life alone behind the bars. Congrats" Adrian said to which Leonardo's eyes turned big in shock.

"N-no please. Don't do this" He begged looking at us.

"You have bought this upon yourself, Leonardo. Now face the consequences" Adrian said angrily.

"You have dared to backstab us and that too twice. You really think that I'll let you go easily, Leonardo. No, I won't. You will have pay for your sins" Adrian said slamming his hands at the table.

"S-Sofia please no. N- Nancy would be heart broken, please" He said begging but I stood up from my seat.

"I don't care" I said looking directly in his eyes.

"Nancy will be heart broken but my daughter was broken beyond repair. My daughter has suffered way too much because of you and your daughter. She was given pain every freaking day while you and daughter were enjoying the luxurious of my husband in his house. And now I don't care. And you should be grateful that I'm not doing the same thing to Nancy which you did to my Ev because unlike you I'm a human. And that's the only reason you're going to get punished legally or else I would have killed you in the most cruelest way possible" I said griting my teeth in anger.

"S-Sofia please. My daughter is innocent. Don't break her heart" Leonardo pleaded to which I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your daughter is innocent but my two year old Ev was culprit?" I asked looking at him with pure disgust to which he looked down at his lap.

"Leonardo, my Ev was a two year old kid when you kidnapped her and handed her to Victoria. She was beaten and burned by Victoria almost every day. She was just three when she was sold to brothel where she could have been raped" I yelled in anger.

"Rape. My daughter could have been raped, Leonardo. Because of you and your daughter's tears but your daughter is innocent and my daughter is culprit, right?" I spat at him and banged my fist in table.

"You are the most disgusting person I have ever seen, Leonardo. You are even worse than Victoria" I completed to which he looked up at me in shock.

"And one more thing Leonardo, if I got to know that your wife or daughter are involved in this crime as well then don't expect me to leave them. They will face the consequences as well. No one will be spared this time" I said with finality.

"They have nothing to do with this. Only I was involved" Leonardo said almost immediately.

"You think I'll believe you?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I'm not lying" Leonardo said slowly.

"I don't trust you" I said with a straight face and was about to walk away from the room but stopped hearing his lame excuse.

"Sofia please.. I did that for Nancy. Forgive me" I stopped hearing this and once again turned towards him.

"No. You did that for yourself, Leonardo. Nancy was just an excuse for you. The real reason is you were happy when Adrian and I were sponsoring Nancy's bills. Almost everytime I paid for Nancy's school and other bills. Nancy was your daughter but you were free from taking her responsibility financially. But after Ev's birth when I started to show some love to my daughter and you were forced to pay for Nancy's bills, you got jealous and angry. You didn't wanted to take Nancy's responsibility and decided to blame my daughter for your selfishness. And when Nancy got upset, you got the perfect chance to blame my daughter. Now tell me if I'm wrong?" I said breathing heavily to which everyone in the room looked shocked especially Leonardo.

"S-Sofia y-you..how?" Leonardo asked in shock.

"You really thought that I won't realise your real reason. You might have fooled Victoria but you can't fool me. The real reason for this revenge was your greed, not Nancy's tears" I said shaking my head in disgust.

"Sofia please-".

" You're still trying to defend yourself? Really Leonardo?" I asked raising my one eyebrow at him to which he sighed and looked away from me.

I shook my head in disappointment and sighed sadly.

"I came here as a mother and I'll be leaving from here as a mother as well. Years ago you chose your selfishness over my daughter and today I'm choosing my daughter over you. Either you accept it or not but you were my favorite person. But now I don't even consider you as a human. So yeah, I'm officially breaking my relation with you. From now on, I don't have any brother" I said slowly but sternly.

"Wow Sofia. Wow" Leonardo clapped for me and gave me a mocking smile.

"Thank you for proving me right. Thank you for proving me that my decision to snatch Evelyn from you was right" Leonardo said with a smirk.

"You know what, you are right. Your daughter was the culprit and she will always be the culprit. Because of her birth, everything happened. She ruined everything" Leonardo seethed to which I clenched my jaw in anger.

"Yes, you're right. Nancy was the second reason, first was my own greed. My greed was that I wanted the luxurious life for my daughter and when Evelyn came in the picture my dream got ruined. She ruined my dream so I ruined her life. And guess what, I don't have any regrets. Your daughter is a curse for me and I'll forever hate her. And do you really think you can save her from Victoria? No Sofia you can't. No one can save her. Victoria will kill your daughter. Your daughter will get the cruelest death from Victoria, like the way she deserves. That motherfucking bitch- oww" Adrian punched Leonardo right on his nose to which Leonardo let out a scream.

"Shut the fuck up" Adrian shouted angrily and once again punched him.

"Adrian calm down" Martin stopped him and pulled him away from Leonardo.

"The only thing I regret is that I won't be there for my daughter's big day. But I definitely don't regret the things which happened to your daughter because of me" Leonardo shouts angrily at us.

"Martin" I turned towards him and looked at him sternly.

"Check all the information. If his daughter, wife, son or any other people are involved, arrest them and make sure they live the rest of their life in behind the bars. And don't forget to interrogate Nancy's fiance or in laws as well" I said and glared at Leonardo who is now in shock.

"What? No. Nancy is going to get married and you're planning to humiliate her fiance and in laws?" Leonardo asked in disbelief to which I smirked at him and left the room.

Once I was away from his sight I started crying loudly.

He isn't guilty for his deeds. He isn't.

I cried more when I realised that he's only upset because he won't be there for Nancy's big day and not because he did horrible things to Ev. He isn't guilty.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I quickly hugged that person knowing that it's Adrian.

"I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry" I said crying hard in his chest.

"Shh. Don't cry. Everything is fine" Adrian said rubbing my back.

After crying for some more minutes I finally stopped and looked at him.

"W- what about Victoria?" I asked wiping my tears.

Adrian sighed sadly.

"Martin asked him about Victoria's whereabouts but Leonardo has a condition" I frowned at Adrian.

"What condition?" I asked slowly.

"Leonardo is saying that he will reveal Victoria's adress only if we free him and promise to not to take any action against him" Adrian sighed to which I frowned.

"Now what?" I asked slowly.

"Don't worry. Martin's men are trying to get in touch with everyone who is close to Leonardo. And he has also alerted his other men. We will find her soon" Adrian said to which I nodded.

"He is disgusting" I said about Leonardo to which Adrian nodded.

"I want him to rot in hell" I said again.

"He will. He will have to" Adrian said softly.

"Adrian" Suddenly we heard Martin's voice to which we turned towards him.

"Leonardo isn't opening his mouth. I'm thinking of calling his whole family here for the interrogation" Martin said to which we both nodded.

"Your parents as well, Sofia" Martin said slowly.

"It's ok. My parents will cooperate you. Though I can't say the same about Leonardo's wife, daughter or son" I said to which he nodded.

"You can interrogate Nancy's fiance and in laws as well. I won't mind" I said to which he nodded and left to call someone.

"Let's go home" Adrian said to which I nodded.

Soon we came out of police station but outside the police station a lot of reporters with their cameras were present, probably waiting for us.


"Mrs parkar, is this true that your own brother kidnapped your daughter?"

"Are you going to punish your brother or not?"

"Were you having an affair with Victoria Quinn?"

"Is this true that Evelyn parkar isn't Mr parkar's daughter and that's why you planned to send her away via your brother?"

"Who's Nancy? Is she involved in the crime as well?"

"Who leaked that video where your brother was committing his crimes with Victoria?"

"Did you leaked that Video?"

Video? What video? What are they talking about?

Adrian and I looked at each other in confusion when all of a sudden Martin came to us and dragged us inside the police station.

"Martin, what's happening? Who told them about Leonardo and what video are they talking about?" I asked with a frown.

"About that, someone from our department have leaked that news about Leonardo's involvement when we were talking to Leonardo. And as soon as media got to know about that, they started to telecast that news on tv and social media. And that's when a random twitter account suddenly posted a video" Martin said and showed us his phone.

We looked at that video in shock. In the video, Victoria was pursuing Leonardo to reveal his real intentions and Leonardo ended up speaking the truth that how much he was jealous and angry after Ev's birth and how much he hated my daughter and wanted to kill her.

And just like that my hate for Leonardo increased a little more.

"I have asked my best man to trace that account and to check if this video is real or fake" Martin said to which Adrian nodded.

"This video is real" I said with a straight face to which they both looked at me in shock.

"This video is taken from our basement. Also Leonardo is wearing the same tux which I gifted him on his birthday fifteen years back. This video is made on the same day when my Ev was kidnapped" I said bitterly.

"Do you think that Victoria has leaked this video herself for saving herself?" Adrian asked Martin to which he shrugged.

"Only Victoria can answer this question" Martin said to which we both nodded.

"But don't worry. My team is already working-"

"Sir" Suddenly a young officer came towards us.

"Yes, John?" Martin looked at him.

"Sir we have got Victoria Quinn's location. She is living in a flat owned by Leonardo's friend. This is the address" The officer, John said to which I mentally thanked the God.

"Sir" Another young officer came with an ipad in his hand.

"I have traced the location from where this video was leaked" He said showing the location to Martin.

"Same address" Martin muttered looking at us to which we all smiled.


"Oh shit" The second officer suddenly yelled in frustration.

"What happened?" Martin asked him in shock.

"Someone has switched off the phone" He said rubbing his forehead.

"What the fuck? Victoria must be running away. Get your team ready. We are leaving right now" Martin yelled to which they both nodded and left the place.

"You guys, leave. I'll get back to you guys later" Martin said urgently and left the place.

Adrian and I looked at each other in sadness and decided to go back to our place.

God, please help us.


One more chapter to go :)

I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment. And do share this story with your friends and family and check my other book 'His replaced bride' too.

Thank you (❁´◡'❁)

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