Not with a Whimper, But with...

By Sara_Reed

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Emerson Cooper and Christian Clark have both lost and gained a lot in their lives together. As an unknown ene... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Important Author's Note!!
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Author's Note (Yes I know, I'm sorry)
The 2013 Watty Awards

Chapter 2

539 16 5
By Sara_Reed

I'm sipping on a martini as Pearl and Matea gush about being engaged. Cole and Christian both walk in at the same time and head straight for our table. As Christian slips his arms around me and says, "Why didn't anyone tell me Jason Devaroux was in town?"

I look at Cole, "Why does it matter? You've never met him."

Cole presses his lips together, "That's not exactly true."

My eyes widen and I say, "How?"

He shrugs, "Victoria was in Paris and...well..."

Christian shakes his head and kisses my shoulder, "You okay?"

I tilt my head back as he stands up straight and rest my head on his chest to stare up at him, "I need more single friends."

He smirks, "Me too."

I pout and he leans down to kiss me gently, "My poor princess," he murmurs.

"Oh guess what Christian?" Matea grins.

He glances at her and turns my chair around as he says, "Hmm?"

"Violet called earlier, I invited her to dinner."

I glare at Christian and he gulps and looks down at me, "Emerson I'm sorry."

I shake my head and stand up as Matea frowns and Avery says, "Wait, what's wrong with Violet? She's really nice."

I snort and Christian says, "We had some problems this past weekend."

"Wait, does this have to do with why Emerson took a mini vacation away from you?" Jessica asks sweetly.

He narrows his eyes at her and I say, "Yes, because the little bitch is insistant."

Avery frowns, "What did she do?" Then she looks at Christian and glares at him, "Or better yet, what did you do?"

Christian's eyes widen, "I didn't do anything!" he snaps.

Avery looks at me doubtfully and I say, "He didn't. She did. She even told me. I made sure."

"Wait, you made sure?" Christian asks in a hurt tone.

I shrug and look at him, "Can you blame me?"

He shakes his head slowly and gulps, "No," he says quietly.

I wrap my arms around him and then look at Avery again, "I yelled at her, and I told her she was fired if she tried anything," I look at Jess, "She's also interested in Will."

Jess' eyes widen and she shakes her head, "Not happening."

Christian slips his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek, "We don't have to go."

I shake my head, "I want to go for your sister and for Channing. But that is the only reason I'm going."

He kisses me softly, and says, "You ready?"

I nod and he tucks me into his side before heading out the door.

As we wait in the house for Matea and Channing to show up for the surprise party Christian keeps his arms wrapped around me, his chest to my back, and his hips slightly grinding against me. He nips at my neck and slides his hands up my body, "Can we pay a visit to my bedroom?"

I turn my head slightly to look at him, "No way. Not tonight, your sister is going to be here any minute."

He rolls his eyes, "Well not right now," he then grins, "But very soon."

"How about I pretend to have a headache after we've been here long enough and you take me home to have sex?"

He pouts and brushes his lips along my jaw, pressing into me as closely as possible, "Can you feel how ready I am for you?" he asks huskily.

I gulp and look at him, "Christian, you aren't playing fair."

He chuckles, "You aren't playing fair with that hemline."

I had a long sleeve grey dress on and the hemline was short, but not too short. Christian's fingers graze my thigh, "Christian," I whine.

He kisses my jaw and hugs me tight, "I love you."

"I love you too," I murmur.

We hear someone clear their throat and we both look up to see what must be Christian's grandparents, "Well you must be Emerson."

I glance at Christian and he says, "Em this is my grandpa and grandma."

"Hi," I say with a smile.

"It's very nice to meet you," his grandma smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too."

Christian slides his arms back around my waist and says, "Did you two talk to Jude and his fiance yet? She's Emerson's best friend you know."

I glance over where they are and see that Avery and Jude are talking to Violet, "Oh is that Violet over there?" his grandpa asks.

Christian glances and shrugs, "Yeah."

As they head over to talk to Jude and Avery his lips graze my neck, "You know one day I'm going to end up meeting your grandparents."

I nod, "Christmas, they rsvpd to the invitation. And both sets are coming. It's going to be bad. My dads parents can't stand my mom and my mom's parents can't stand my dad. It's going to be a war zone."

He sighs and kisses my neck, "We'll survive."

"I hope so," I mumble.

"I have a question...about my sister."

I look up at him, "What about her?"

"Do you think it's a good idea to find her before Christmas?"

I nod, "Find her, and then once you know what she's dealing with you can decide." 

He nods and rests his chin on my shoulder after saying, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd be standing around talking to boring people."

He chuckles just as the room hushes and someone turns out the lights.

Christian takes the opportunity to slide a hand up my dress, "Mm silk," he groans in my ear as he tugs on the waistband of my panties.

I bat his hand away and he slides it out easily as the light is flicked on and everyone shouts, "Surprise!"

Matea's jaw drops and Channing grins pulling her into his side.


I couldn't believe that my baby sister was engaged. I look down at Em as she hugs Matea and then Matea hugs me, "You knew about this?" she complains.

I nod and shrug, "The ring was at my place after Em went with him."

Her jaw drops, "How long?"

"A few days."

She sighs and hugs me again, "I love you big brother."

I grin, "I love you too sis."

She looks up at me and says, "Even if you find her?"

My eyes widen, "Matea, you're my baby sister. I'll always love you. You know that."

She bites her lip, "What if she's a better sister?"

I shake my head and tap her nose, "You're the best little sister I could have ever asked for. No one can replace you."

She kisses my cheek and slips away back to Channing. Emerson slips her arms around my waist and looks up at me, "What was that about?"

I frown, "She thinks I'll love Camille more than I love her. Why would she think that?"

Emerson smiles and shakes her head, "Christian, for nineteen years Matea has been your little sister. She's been your little sister. She loves you like crazy."

I nod slowly, "I guess I just didn't realize how much she cared," I say lowly.

Emerson kisses me gently, "She loves you, you're her big brother, and he role model."

Adam comes up to us then and says, "Hi."

Emerson looks up at him surprised, "Hi, I didn't realize you were here."

He shrugs, "Last minute decision."

Emerson nods and Violet walks up too, that causes her to tighten her grip on me, "Em," I say lowly.

She looks up at me automatically and I tilt her chin up, "Don't worry."

She looks at me sheepishly and then looks at Adam as he says, "I'm sorry I wasn't at the hospital Em. I was in Chicago on business."

Emerson nods and says, "Avery told me, it's okay."

He squeeze her shoulder then looks up at me, "I'm really sorry Christian." 

I nod slowly, "Thanks."

I pull Em closer and she slips her arms back around me, looking up at me with a knowing look as Violet smiles, "Hi Christian."


Emerson pays her no attention and Violet says, "Hello Emma."

Emerson freezes and turns and looks at her, "Violet you've met Jude's fiance right?"

She nods slowly, "Yes?"

Emerson smiles, "This is Adam, Avery's older brother."

Violet turns her eyes on him and Adam has already been checking her out, she did look a lot like Emerson. But she just wasn't Emerson.

As they say hello to each other I nip at Emerson's ear, "Smart thinking."

She grins, "I know."

I run my hands down her sides and wrap them around her waist, down to her ass, "I love you."

"I love you too," she murmurs kissing at my neck.

I pick her up, taking her my surprise and she shakes her head at me, "Put me down," she pouts.

I chuckle and head towards the library with her in my arms, "Nope."

She bats her eyelashes at me and deepens her pout, "Please?"

I shut the door behind me and flick on the light, carrying her over by the fireplace and setting her down before sitting on the floor and pulling her down with me. Her eyes shine mischieviously and I lay back taking her hands in mine before pulling her hands up to my chest. She rests her hands where I set them and lets me grip her waist.

"What are you up to Mr. Clark?"

I grin and lean up to kiss her, as she slides her tongue along my mine and then nips at my lip I take the opportunity to turn her over, hovering over her and putting my knee between hers so both her legs are around one of my own, I break the kiss and say, "That."

She rolls her eyes at me and tugs on my shirt, pulling me back down to kiss her. As she works the buttons on my shirt undone I pull her dress up above her hips. I shrug my blazer off and then I sit back and admire her thigh-highs, "Mm my tempting little kitten."

She bites her lip and wiggles her hips so she grins into me, "How tempting?" she asks lowly.

I trail my fingers over the silk of her panties and slide a finger inside, she gasps and closes her eyes, "Oh yes!"

I chuckle and lean back over her, "You're always so ready baby."

She reaches down and grips my wrist, move her hips as she rubs against me, "It's because I always want you," she moans lowly.

I raise an eyebrow and cock my head to the side, "Is that so kitten? Well, how about you show me just how much."

Her brow furrows and she pouts and bucks her hips, "Christian, please."

I lean over her again and kiss her jaw, "My little slut."

She whimpers and lets her pout deepen again, "Please Sir."

I smirk and slide another finger into her warmth, she let's out a small whine and I quiet her with a deep kiss.

As she slips her arms around me I work my way down her jaw and neck, nibbling on her collarbone. From her gasps I can tell I'm doing something right. I pull my fingers from her and bring my index finger to her lips, "Suck," I order.

She obdiently listens and sucks my finger into her mouth, hallowing her cheeks and moaning as I suck her wetness off my middle finger. As I release my finger I murmur, "Good girl."

Just as I slide my hand down her body to her waist I hear the door. I immediately yank her dress down and she sits up wide eyed and surprised we've been caught. I look up to see my mom walking around the door, her eyes widen and she turns immediately, "I'm sorry!"

I gulp and look at Em who looks just as freaked out as I'm feeling, "Fuck," I mutter.

"Christian! For Christs sake! You have a bedroom upstairs!"

I let out a deep breath and say, "I'm sorry, I know. I'm sorry I just...Fuck."

"Well just get dressed and get back out there."

I frown as I button the last button on my shirt and say, "We are dressed."

She turns slightly and glances, "Oh."

I sigh and glance at Emerson who is biting her lip, my mother sighs too, "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not use to walking in on anyone with their girlfriend. You didn't exactly date in high school."

I clench my jaw and Emerson squeezes my hand, "Mom, that's not the point."

She sighs and shakes her head, "You're right, it's not. I actually was looking for the two of you to ask you something about Victoria."

Emerson freezes and I say, "What about her?"

My mom frowns and says, "I was talking to Marie, and I think she let it slip that Victoria was seeing David before they split up. That was back when you were fifteen, sixteen," she looks at Emerson, "Did you two ask them to not tell me? Because she's my friend?"

I clear my throat and say, "Em's dad thought it was best that way, he didn't want to cause problems."

She nods and says, "All these years I believed her when she said she didn't cheat. Your father and I have always disagreed and now...Well he's always thought she was up to something, that she had a hidden agenda."

I frown and think about how I had the perfect opening to tell her, but I couldn't ruin my sisters party like that, and with one glance at Emerson I can see that she understands. 

My mother frowns at the look on my face, "Christian, what is it?"

I frown again and shake my head, "Nothing, it's just," I sigh, "I've always been...close to Victoria. And I guess I didn't see her for who she really was until a few months ago."

She shakes her head, "Christian, I know you were close to her, I know she helped you growing up but Andrew, was what he tried doing on the fourth of July revenge for David?"

I frown and Emerson says, "Yes, and because he knew Victoria was friends with Christian. That he helped her. I was a way to get back at them both."

My mother nods and says, "Christian, you don't think he could have done something to your plane do you?"

I shake my head, "No. He checks out okay."

Emerson looks at me, "What?"

I sigh and look at them both, "David and I drew up a list of who it could be," I look at Emerson, "A few of your ex-boyfriends were on it too. They checked out too. I don't know who it could be."

"Do you know who shot at you?" my mother asks.

I shake my head, "No, but I have someone who might be able to find out. Kind of a double agent type. I'll figure this out and take care of it. Whatever they want, as long as they leave me and everyone in my life alone."

My mother sighs and I pull Emerson into my lap, kissing her jaw. She rests her head on my shoulder and my mother says, "How are the two of you holding up? You've gone through so much these last few weeks, between the plane crash and the baby. And then celebrating your birthdays and Thanksgiving and now all this wedding stuff. You two need a break."

Emerson sighs and I kiss her temple before I say, "I know, we're staying an extra day or two in Vegas, and we were in Aspen." I sigh, "We'll find time to relax," I say quietly.

My mom looks at me doubtfully and sighs, "I hope so." She then says, "I saw Violet, it's been quite a few years since I've seen that girl."

I nod slowly and say, "Em and I ran into her when we were shopping after Thanksgiving. She needed a job and I offered."

My mother frowns, "Christian be careful around that girl, she's always liked you and the one thing she learned from Victoria was how to get what she wants."

Emerson smirks slightly and says, "Violet isn't going to be a problem. I already talked to her."

My mother grins, "Good. Sometimes it's better to deal with things directly. Especially girls like that."

I frown, "It's not like I was going to do anything."

"Christian, I know you weren't going to do anything but a girl like that won't stop until she's stopped or threatened. If I hadn't said something to her she would have made it her mission to drive us apart."

I nod cupping her cheek, "I know, you're right."

She leans into my touch and my mom says, "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

As my mom closes the door Em looks up at me, "I can't believe you didn't the lock the freakin door Christian. Again, may I add?"

I sigh and kiss her cheek, "I know, I'm sorry. I really didn't think my mom would walk in on us."

Emerson stands and picks up my blazer as I stand up myself. After she tosses me my blazer I shrug it on and say, "Come on, we'll have dinner, socialize for a half hour and then get going. We need to finish packing for tomorrow anyway."

Two hours later I'm out on the back deck having a drink as Emerson talks with Avery, Jess, and Matea about their plans for tomorrow inside the warm house. As I hear the door open I turn to see Violet shutting it. She meets my hard gaze and says, "Don't worry, I'm not here to hit on you. I just thought you might like to know a few things."

I roll my eyes and turn back toward the yard, "Well?"

She walks closer and then stops as I turn and rest my hip on the railing, "You know I'm still close to my Uncle Andrew right?"

I frown, "No, I didn't know."

She looks down and says, "Well I am. When he found out I was working for you this past Sunday I made the mistake of telling him what happened this weekend. He even warned me that Emerson would say something nasty."

I smirk, "Yes, well she had every right too."

Violet nods, "That's what Andrew said, and then he told me that what Victoria did to you also happened to Emerson."

I glare at her, "Don't you dare-"

"I won't do anything," Violet says quietly walking over and looking out at the yard, "She hurt me too. Although she never...did to me what she did to you. But she did introduce me to Jason. When she brought Emerson up here she brought Jason. I was never in the same room with the two of them at the same time though. I had no idea he knew Emerson."

I turn and cross my arms, "What is it that you want to tell me?"

She sighs, "Andrew had some revenge planned for you. He stopped it once he found out what happened."

"So you're just eliminating a target for me?"

She nods, "I know how you are. But it's really not him."

"Of course it's not Andrew," Emerson says.

I turn back and look at Emerson, who I didn't hear come out., "What do you mean?" I ask.

She bites her lip, "I called him, and I had Wes track his phone. He was in New York the entire time, Grace on the other hand...She left a half hour after your plane took off, and I couldn't find anything on where she really was."

I frown at Emerson, "Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugs, "Because I can't prove anything. And as Wes pointed out, she was at home with her parents when the guns were shot. She had no out going or incoming calls."

"Why do you seem determined to corner Grace?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes, "I am not determined Christian, but that woman is just not right."

"Then let me work for Grace," Violet interjects.

I look at her doubtfully, "I have no reason to trust you, the only reason you even have a job right now is because my girlfriend has me wrapped around her finger."

Violet gulps and says, "I'll befriend her. I'll help you find out if she's up to something."

"And what do you want in return?" I ask.

She shrugs, "Just your trust," she looks at Emerson, "And yours." She takes a deep breath and continues facing Emerson, "I know what I did was wrong, I just...I know there isn't an excuse but Christian was one of the only people I knew who had gone through what Victoria is capable of and I guess I thought that could help me somehow."

Emerson slips her arms around my waist and says, "Well I hope you realize I'm never going to just trust you. Especially after getting the flowers. That was morbid."

I clench my jaw, the flowers had upset me when we had gotten back Monday night, but I knew Emerson had wanted to take care of Violet herself, so I had let her. But Violet only frowns.

"What flowers?"

Emerson stares at her like she's stupid, "The black roses that arrived at the house Friday night? Right around the time you kissed my boyfriend?"

Violet's eyes widen, "Emerson, I didn't send flowers. Especially black roses. That is not my style. That's..." Violet trails off and she says, "That's Victoria. Oh God. She called when I was at the bar with Christian and Will. I was in the bathroom."

Emerson motions for Violet's phone, "Let me see."

Violet unlocks it and hands it right over, and Emerson brings up the recent calls. Surely enough Violet had one incoming call Friday night.

"That bitch better hope she's alone when I find her," I growl out.

Emerson grips my arm, "Christian you can't. It's your sisters night, don't ruin for her."

I look down at Emerson, "She made sure she could drive you away from me Emerson. I'm not letting her get away with it."

She places her hands on my face, "Christian, she didn't get away with it. We'll call her out, but not tonight. Your sister would never forgive us."

I take a deep breath and nod and I say, "I'll call the flower shop in the morning and find out how they were ordered. If we can show her proof that we know maybe we can corner her."

"What if she had something done to the plane what-" I trail off, not wanting to scare Emerson.

She shakes her head, "I know what you're thinking, but I saw her, she was worried Christian. She wouldn't hurt you, she only wants to hurt me. And I know the other thing you're thinking, she didn't touch my food."

I let out a deep breath and wrap my arms around her, bring her to my chest, "I'll get her out of our lives Emerson, I promise."

She buries her nose into my neck and sighs, and as we hold onto one another I realize I might have to get her out of our lives sooner rather than later. The holidays were just too far off. 

A/N: The whole Violet thing surprised me, I'm not sure if I want her to be evil like Victoria or good....decisions, decisions.

Sorry it's late, I've been busy. And I'll be really busy this coming week. Not sure when I'll update next, hopefully tomorrow, if not, Wednesday night will probaby happen.

xoxo, Sara

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