Chapter 1

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As I walk into Harvey Inc. Wednesday morning I'm more sure of myself and of my relationship with Christian Clark, the CEO of Harvey Inc., and the love of my life. 

As I step off the elevator to head to my meeting Pearl greets me, "Good morning Miss. Cooper."

"Good morning Pearl."

I glance over at Violet's desk and she's staring at me worriedly. I smirk at her and her eyes widen right as Christian's door opens. He walks right towards me and brushes his nose against mine as he takes hold of my hands, "Hi princess," he murmurs.

"Hi," I smile placing a light kiss on his lips, making sure not to get my red lipstick on him.

He takes my coat off and tosses it over his arm, "Jason should be here in a few minutes."

I nod and smile, "I'll be there in a minute, I'd just like a quick word with Miss. Sanders."

He raises an eyebrow, a question of if I'm ready for this, I give his hands a reassuring squeeze and he nods, "Alright, I'm going to run down for a coffee, want anything?"

"The usual."

He nods and places a kiss on my cheek before heading off for the escalator.

I turn to Violet once he's out of ear shot and say, "So, I heard you had fun on your business trip this weekend."

She blinks, "Um yes, we went out to celebrate the deal with Will Harwell."

I nod and set my purse on the edge of her desk, "I know. The bar, the club, a whole bunch of fun." I pause and then smirk, "Then again business trips with Christian are always tied up with a little bit of fun," I say the last part with a knowing look and she grins.

"Very much."

I nod in agreement and smile at her, making her think I was being friendly. That I had no idea what game she was playing. Make her feel like she has a friend in the making and then rip the rug out from under her.

"Although sometimes Will is just as much fun, surely Jess has said so."

She nods slowly, "Yeah totally. Will was great, I had no idea that he was actually into fun though."

I nod, with a smile plastered on my face, "Oh yeah he is. A ton of fun, you should try talking to him."

Jessica would murder me if she knew I was putting her fiance up for sacrifice.

She smiles widely and says, "I'll definently do that."

I smirk and rest my hands on her desk, "You know I'm totally okay with the whole Christian thing right?"

Her eyes widen, "Oh uh yeah. I uh didn't know you knew."

I shrug and tap my nails against the hard black glass surface, "He told me."

Her face changes from coinfidence to confusion, "We just kissed we haven't had sex...yet."

I set my jaw and then put on my best fake smile as I narrow my eyes, "At least you have the balls to admit it. You know he was right about one thing, at least I don't have the nerve to hit on someone who is in a relationship. Especially on a man who just lost a baby."

Her eyes widen and she sits back as far as she can as I lean in closely, I smirk at her expression, "You really think I'm okay with some skank hitting on my boyfriend?"

She gulps, "No I...I didn't realize how serious things are. I asked my Aunt and she said thing were kind of rocky. She thought I might have a chance, I mean I've liked Christian for years." 

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