Important Author's Note!!

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Let me start off by saying I never meant to stay away from this story for so long. When I got sick I got tired, and I had a million other ideas floating around in my head. I decided to write them down. I'm slowly working on another story, I have 5, almost 6 chapters of it done. Plus a prologue. It's called Let's Play A Game, and it should be out when I finish this story, or prehaps before. It will depend on how I feel. If you'd like the prologue posted, I'd be more than happy to do so.

As for this story, I will finish the chapter I have written sometime within the next week or two and post it. I've had an awful case of writers block, or perhaps just boredum. I needed to sit it out and wait for a fresh idea to come forward. 

None came though, so I went back and read both books, (which have a ton of mistakes...eww) but anyway, I realized why I kept writing this story, and why I wrote the second book so fast. It was for all of you, and I promise I'm going to finish this one way or another. It may take a little longer, but it will happen.

I promise.

xoxo, Sara 

Not with a Whimper, But with a Bang (The Bang Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now