Rose's Dilemma

By TheHallowSeries

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Rose's Dilemma is a thrilling fantasy novel set in the Hallow universe. Rose, a Spiderling has been possessed... More

Chapter 1: The Deceitful Girl
Chapter 2: Accepting the Truth
Chapter 3: Meeting with the Mentors
Chapter 4: The Ziz
Chapter 5: The Dark Wait
Chapter 6: The Darkness of his soul
Chapter 7: Resurrection
Chapter 8: Innocence Lost
Chapter 9: Rose's Dilemma
Chapter 10: Rose's Decision
Chapter 11: The Odds
Chapter 13: Ramses
Chapter 14: Her Desire
Chapter 15: The Message

Chapter 12: The Glenoids

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By TheHallowSeries

A brewing rage swept through the lizard people known as Glenoids, for the Chestmians all knew that the ancient laws behind the walls had been broken. A few had been missing from their home and their lizard lord was much displeased.

Left protected and able to defend themselves due to the archaic tower, they were secure to the shifting of times. Nimmod stepped forward, a figure of regal might seated upon his gleaming white throne. His snout was elongated and noble, while his pauldrons and other trappings dazzled everyone present in the chamber. 

His black eyes glared out at everyone, and his rumbling voice echoed through the royal hall atop the city spire, "Some may believe that we're blinded by arrogance. Some don't believe we're deserving of a loftier status than others in Fonde. Some have left the safety of the old walls against our rule. 

However, I say we deserve a name and all who've abandoned us shall be punished!" Nimmod was as cool as the calmest sea, scanning the crowd with assurance. Nimmod's tan and bright green scales glistened in the torchlight and his sharp teeth shone from behind full lips, letting everyone know that he was serious.

A youth stood beside Nimmod's throne and snarled, "We must not let our selfishness get in the way of freedom, father. You shouldn't dictate them." The crowd hadn't heard him."I will do what I must, Nimoa." Nimmod said sternly. 

"My people must learn to not abandon the ancient customs. Fonde SSique must give us, the Glenoids who have a greater insight a fair chance to rule." He added with a righteous glint in his eyes, "Why should we not be heard?"

Another lizard boy stood on the other side of Nimmod's throne, shorter than Nimoa. He gave an imposing flex of his bicep out of irritation, "Nimoa is right.""HUSH MORI," Nimmod scolded him.

An insidious grin tugged at the corner of Nimmod's mouth. "Let us mark them as wicked and dimwitted. They do not recognize by their decisions, how much mischief has been brought about. If any of the three return to this place, I shall have them executed."

Nimoa walked to Mori and they strode to a dark corner. "I know a secret way in and out of the city, Mori." 

"Are you suggesting that we run, abandon our scaled lizard brothers?""No Mori. I'm suggesting that we organize our efforts against father."

"You're suggesting a rebellion!" Mori exclaimed in a whisper, disbelief in his voice. "I would love to join a cause, not fight against father!" He peered around at the crowd of Glenoids seated and looking toward Nimmod, feeling the sting of truth from his older brother. 

"How do you expect me to support you in this revolution?"Nimoa took a deep breath and stepped forward, placing a hand on Mori's shoulder. "I have faith that you will stand with me. I see your heart. It tells you our father is wrong." He pulled his young brother to him, hugging Mori, who accepted it. He knew Nimmod was blind with rulership. "I will do what my heart says is right."


Samson's muscles strained as he gripped Mirranda's hand, pulling her through the labyrinthine forest. They plunged deeper into the thicket, the air filled with a chorus of insects humming around them. The forest grew denser and deepened. They weaved effortlessly through the underbrush, their desire for survival fueling every step.The borders of the North grew ever closer, they couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed since their journey began.

"Rose has become a true monster," Mirranda murmured, her voice tinged with anger. "How could she attack us like that?"

"Power can corrupt," Samson replied. Mirranda's thoughts were on the sibling she had once loved, but now viewed with anger and mistrust. "You must not let your thoughts consume you."

"Never," Mirranda vowed. "As I've said, she's made her choice."

"Wait," Samson whispered, pressing his hand against a twisted trunk. He cocked his head, listening intently for any sign of their pursuers. Mirranda watched him, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Did you hear something?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"No, just being cautious." Samson replied, scanning the shrub-laden area. His pointed ears twitched as he strained to pick up even the faintest sound. He gripped his scimitar tight, ready for anything.

Mirranda bit her lip, glancing around. "We're close, Samson," she murmured. "I know," he replied, straightening up. He was confident enough that they weren't followed and pressed on. "We can't let our guard down yet, not with Rose's guardsmen after us."

They reached a narrow fissure in a towering rock formation, camouflaged by vines and ferns. Samson carefully pushed the greenery aside, revealing a path.

At long last, they reached the North. Before them, stood their home. Its glorious gardens and lush greenery were like paradise to weary eyes; it was a breath of relief from a grueling journey. The tree still remained caved into the side of the tower's crumbling wall. A few other things needed fixing. Yet, for once in a long time since they began their sojourn, the two felt they could breathe. The oppressive weight of their journey lifted in some small way. It was only for a moment.


Eddipus, silent and uneasy, sat beside the fiery hearth. From his placid expression, Hilda could not tell if he was at rest, thinking, or distraught.

Hilda tossed her hair back and sat. "My husband. Do the Winds still speak?" She fought the worry in her voice. "He speaks to me."

"The Master?"

In the longhouse, all was quiet aside the crackle of the warm hearth and wind whistling outside the elven redwood home. Nearly a billion thoughts ran through Hilda's head as she laid her cheek upon Eddipus's muscular, chiseled shoulder.

"What does he say?"Eddipus wasn't a coward who trembled at any threat made on his life, but he was an old elven soul indeed, and he had to consider the welfare of his aging bones. He shushed her, gazing into the fire. "I'm listening"

Over the ensuing weeks, Eddipus had a sinking feeling within his gut and hadn't said anything to anyone in Hilltop. Hilda was resolute and determined to help and listennthe best she could. She scribed poetry and chatted with Lisa, Tallik, and the other elves, urging them to help convince Eddipus to break his vow of silence. He was engrossed in his meditative trance, beyond their reach.

As Lisa grew increasingly concerned, she resolved to confront Eddipus herself. Yet, even her best efforts were futile. In this private moment in front of the hearth, Hilda clasped Eddipus's arm in a delicate embrace getting as close as she could to him. 'Cardamon castle.' She thought she heard, 'where the purple poppy grow.' 

She heard him whisper something through dry lips-in contemplation, dry and parched lips scouring for a response. Hilda kept to herself, awaiting Eddipus's answer as he remained fixed on the hearth's welcoming flame.

She kissed his exposed, smooth arm, finding solace and love in his quiet company. The elven woman glanced up, and tucked a loose strand of white hair behind her pointed ear. "I love you." She gestured with an embrace around his thick frame. "And I love you."

"I haven't heard you say anything in a while." The words elicited a frown. "The Master has been speaking. I must put all attention on him." Placing an arm around her, Eddipus hadn't minced words. 

Now he went back to focusing on the flickering hearth's-fire-light, there the Winds whispered from the flames to him and it was here that the Master spoke. Though the fire burnt bright, the wood within did not burn up. 'A strange sight.' He thought. 

Eddipus said aloud, "Here I am, Master.""It is time for you to take up arms once more. I have heard crying from Cardamon and Chestme. 

A new queen comes, and I am concerned she will cause suffering. So go fourth and rally all who can stand and fight in order to stop the oppressor from conquering the land.

"But I have become old and feeble. I'm not as good as I once was.""I will be with you. I will bolster your strength and bring back your youth for this task. Assemble Hilltop, Carda, Chestme, Seaside Alchov and any in Fonde who will listen. Say to them that, 'Cardamon has declared war.'"


The Chestme lizards language consisted of hisses and growls. Legend had it that Nimmod, a forest lizard, led them on a journey to the north of Westerian where they stumbled upon a glen surrounded by tall pines. 

Nimmod declared, "Let us build a city!" The inhabitants set to work gathering materials for construction. They built ovens and created white bricks, then stacked them one atop another until a spiraling tower city stood. At two hundred and three bricks wide and many cubits high, Chestme was an awe-inspiring spectacle, a city of towering spires and grandeur. The majestic white tower city of Chestme rose up from the green and leafy forest below. Cut with precision, the gleaming towers seemed to reach for the sky. Brightly lit carts scurried along tunnels and cobblestone walkways, carrying supplies to the tightly packed habitats carved into pointed steeples.

The sloping towers formed an impressive citadel with turrets at each corner. The city was encircled by a perfectly round glen of trees, making it seem isolated from the outside world.

Syperion moaned and pounded his scaley fist against MMuz's shoulder with enough force to cause him to flash a sidelong look at him."What is your problem, cousin?" Syperion turned to him and hissed, his voice a low tone, "Lord Nimmod."For generations, King Nimmod had forbidden anyone to leave Chestme and kept himself updated on events in Fonde SSique through books or traveling messengers. MMuz looked to the tree line, seemingly puzzled. "What drives our people? NOTHING! We're supposed to be content behind palled walls? Remember, we were forest lizards once." A light breeze blew across his scales. The air was fresh, clean, and smelled of sweet, purple poppy.

"If Nimmod hadn't ordered the build," Syperion said thickly, "we'd not have shelter or made a name for ourselves." He reached out his hand. "We are Chestmians! We belong in Chestme."

As they drew closer, the area began to change. The land became more rugged, and small hills rose up from the horizon. MMuz looked disappointed at his elder cousin. He slipped by Syperion and continued forward as Syperion followed. "You understand that this is foolish, right? Nimmod could have us slaughtered."

"I'm prepared for death, if that happens," MMuz told him. "I'm more concerned about what lies beyond those forests than I am with death." he grinned. The young Glenoid walked with caution, his eyes darting in all directions to take in the sights and sounds of the new day.

The journey had taken them through a small gap in the gates that surrounded Chestme, and now they were exploring the vast expanse of woods that lay outside its walls.

The forest was full of strange and wonderful creatures that the Glenoids had never seen before. Birds that sang and Alchorn bound away through the undergrowth. The most remarkable thing of all was the blue and white crumbling tower that loomed in the distance. It was a noble structure, adorned with exquisite carvings and intricate stonework that rose high above them. It wasn't as big or as tall as Chestme, nevertheless, MMuz could not take his eyes away from it.

He had always wanted to visit Cardamon.

Syperion had insisted on returning to Chestme before nightfall and was gesturing to turn back. MMuz hesitated for a moment, then decided to go against his cousin's wishes. He began to make his way towards Cardamon, treading through thick foliage. As he got nearer, MMuz realized that the castle was even more decayed than he had first imagined. He heard that the beauty of Cardamon was far beyond his tower home's splendor. 

As Cardamon's crumbling walls, towers, steeples and blood-laden paths came into view, he was sorely disappointed. Although it was built of exquisite white stone, it had cracked undeniably so. A single gate was bent and off its hinges.

As they drew closer, however, MMuze noticed that there were signs of life. A few servants working the courtyard, guardsmen patrolling the walls, and a young girl sitting on the steps of the castle.

MMuz stopped in his tracks and stared at her. She was wearing a dress of deep purple, her hair short and black. MMuz couldn't take his eyes off her. The girl seemed to sense MMuz and Syprion's presence as she looked in their direction. Her eyes were big saucers of deep black, and MMuz was immediately captivated by them.

"Guardsmen! Bring those Glenoids over to me!"A troop of towering men, dressed in armor emblazoned with the regal crest of Cardamon, marched towards them and gestured for the two to move.

"Welcome," the girl said with a warm smile. "I'm Queen Rose. Are you lost?"

MMuz shook his head, his mouth dry. "No," he stuttered. 

"We were exploring and wondering through. Me and Syprion wanted to see what was outside our city towers."

"Come with me," she said. "I can show you around."

MMuz and Syprion followed the queen into the castle, stunned at the beauty yet saddened by the decay of what remained.

Queen Rose guided the two visitors. Occasionally they stopped to introduce themselves to a few of the remaining servants and guards. MMuz eagerly followed her around, taking in the details of every high column and tapestry-covered wall, as Rose talked about the former queen Seseh and the castle's turbulent past.

Rose's voice grew hushed as she began to describe King Tullious and Prince Vinnan, who reigned in the castle with a strong hand. At last, they turned towards the entryway to depart, yet MMuz and Syprion observed a shift in Queen Rose's disposition.

Her face grew cold as her gaze hardened on the two of them. "So here is my ultimatum to you," said Queen Rose, her voice icy and hard. "You can join me in my quest for rulership of Fonde SSique and Cardamon, or you can face certain destruction from my forces. The choice is yours." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Choose wisely. I have no patience for those who defy me."

Queen Rose narrowed her eyes at MMuz, her gaze focused as if she were staring into his soul.

Muzz was taken aback by her dark eyes, but he replied. "We can't accept your proposal as we had only ventured out of Chestme to explore Fonde against our kingdom's laws."

Queen Rose sneered angrily, her lips curling into a snarl. "Inform your scaly King Nimmod that if Chestme refuses to align with Cardamon, the Glenoids will suffer greatly," she spat out. Her fingers curled in. After a moment of contemplation, she shouted, "Now get out of my sight!"

As Queen Rose spun away from MMuz and Syprion, a palpable cloud of malice seeped from her every move. An air of sheer sociopathy lingered around her as she marched off with an aura of wrath. The two watched in amazement before realizing it was time for them to go home.


Mirranda and Samson walked side by side as they approached the looming North tower. They had been through so much together, their love for one another growing stronger with each challenge they faced. They neared the entrance and already a sense of danger intensified as Samson's ears perked. He felt a presence lurking beyond the door. Instincts kicking in, he stretched out his arm protectively in front of Mirranda and drew his scimitar from its sheath with a resounding ring.

"Whatever happens," Mirranda whispered, her fingers entwining with her bone sword, "we'll face it together.""Always," he agreed, squeezing the hilt of his blade tight.

With a deep breath, they stepped forward, the heavy door creaking open, revealing a dimly lit room with Cardamon guardsmen. Their eyes gleamed with a sinister light. She could feel the weight of their gaze upon them, like the touch of a cold, clammy hand.

A menacing scowl swept across the lead guardsman's face as he growled in a low voice. "You have wronged your sister, Mirranda. The Queen of Cardamon has deemed your presence an offense against her rule. You have hurt our queen, and now we'll hurt you." He stood and presented his weapon. "Surround them!"The other guardsmen obeyed, encircling the two. "Enough toying," the guardsman leader growled. "Attack!"

As the guardsmen lunged towards them, Samson responded with the speed and agility of a skilled fighter. His scimitar sliced through the air, parrying and deflecting the blows that rained upon him. The sound of clashing steel filled the room, creating a cacophony of chaos. As Samson fought valiantly, Mirranda slung a web up and out of the chaos.

Mirranda's eyes widened in awe as she clung to the uppermost scaffolding, watching Samson unleash a savage flurry of elvish ferocity. His body glimmered with strength. She was captivated by the sheer speed of his maneuvers, each blow he delivered more powerful than the last. For a moment, she was entertained by his fierceness. From beneath his feathered cape, he wielded an animalistic bearing. 

The talon pauldron that hung from his shoulder rattled with every move, conveying an intensity born of experience and training. He possessed the soul of a fighter well beyond his years.

"Samson! Behind you!" Mirranda's cry came in time, as he narrowly avoided a strike from a guardsman who had managed to slip past his defenses. He countered with a swift slash, forcing him to retreat.

"Mirranda!" he called out, desperation creeping into his voice as another guardsman broke through his defenses, narrowly missing him with a swing of a serrated blade. "We need help!"

Mirranda's eyes darted around the room, her mind racing as she sought a means of escape or an advantage that could turn the tide of battle. She knew she had to act quickly."Samson, the city!" she shouted, pointing to the massive opening. 

"Can you reach it?"He glanced to where she pointed, his blue eyes assessing the distance even as he parried a strike from a burly guardsman. "Their blocking my way, Mirranda! I can't get to it without leaving myself open!"

"Leave it to me!" she declared. She sprinted along the edge of the ceiling, dodging the occasional swipe of a sword as she made her way toward the thick chain that anchored the chandelier to the ceiling.

Samson's heart pounded in his chest as he watched her delicate form dance between the deadly blades and up the pillars.

As she neared the chain, a wicked grin crossed her lips. With a graceful leap, she landed on the nearest table, using the momentum to propel herself upward. Her fingers closed around the chain as Samson felled another guardsman with a decisive strike.

"Samson!" Mirranda called out. "When I give the signal, run to the Spiderling city!"He nodded, his scimitar flashing in the dim light as he fought off yet another assailant. 

With a mighty heave, Mirranda pulled the chain free from its moorings, sending the massive chandelier crashing down upon the unsuspecting guardsmen below. The metal structure shattered and twisted under its own weight, knocking several of the Cardamon soldiers over and creating a temporary distraction."RUN!"

Samson raced and leapt onto the chandelier, Jumping over the fallen guardsmen as he made his way toward the opening. Though he had escaped certain death, the danger was far from over.

"Samson," Mirranda called. "Hide in the ruins for now! We can't take on the Cardamon forces alone. I must go to Alchov and bring back help."As Mirranda disappeared around a corner and out the exit, Samson clenched his scimitar, steeling himself away into the crumbling city as guardsmen stood and chased after him into the darkness.

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