The Vault Dweller of 76 In Th...

By Berserkarcher

20.9K 501 160

Y/N from vault 76 is transported to a world of gods, magic, and mythical monster's that don't exist in his wo... More

Chapter 1 Sent to another world
Chapter 2 Meeting the Astraea Familia And Past
Chapter 3 Welcome To The Astraea Familia
Chapter 5 Evilus
Chapter 6 Exploring The Dungeon Solo
Chapter 7 The Expedition With A Lash Out
Chapter 8 Returning With The Truth
Chapter 9 The Ending With A Bit Of Love To
Chapter 10 Visiting The Church Well Someone Doesn't Notice The Signs
Chapter 11 Raiders Incoming With A Date After
Chapter 12 Aftermath Finally Confessing With New Magic
Chapter 13 A Session With A Reunion
Chapter 14 Patrolling And A Renard
Chapter 15 Making Vows Well Exploring Then 59th And Beyond
Chapter 16 Returning To The Surface With Another Reunion

Chapter 4 Exploring The Dungeon

1.8K 45 28
By Berserkarcher

No Ones Pov

With the interesting statues seeing Y/n level's, skills, and magic the Astraea Familia called it a day seeing how the world never saw someone with a level 279. Y/n went spent the whole day repairing his weapons, armor, and backpack from the Nuka Grenade. 

Y/n Pov

I'm in my room with the Tinker Bench and Stash Box I put in my room. I couldn't put my my armor and weapons bench in here because it might start a fire or damage my room. I started making more Fusion Cell ammo for my Laser Rifle. I also need to make a workbench seeing as I can no longer have access to Stimpaks anymore. I finally was done another 150 Fusion Cells with each cell worth of 250 each cell. I put it in my storage as I was going to use my Laser Rifle when I explore this dungeon everyone always talk about. As I grab the necessary materials to make one more I hear a knock. 

Kaguya: Y/n are you awake?

I continue making the final Fusion Cell. 

Y/n: Come in. 

Hearing the door open doesn't bother me as I continue as I hear Kaguya make her way to me. 

Kaguya: What are you doing?

Y/n: Making more ammunition for one of my weapons.

Kaguya: W-wait you have more than three?

Kaguya being shocked I look away from the tinker station and look at her.

Y/n: Yes.

I'm finally done with the last cell opening my Stash Box putting it in grabbing my Laser Rifle showing it to her. 

Kaguya looks astonished with the gun and puts her right arm on the plastic barrel feeling it.

Kaguya: What an interesting weapon. What are they called?

Y/n: Thanks its called the Laser Rifle, shoots out a red laser, it was the standard issue rifle for the U.S. military. Interesting thing about it is that it could turn your enemy into red ash.

Kaguya be fascinated with the weapon before she looks shocked. 

Kaguya: H-heh turn them into ash?

Y/n: Yes it has a chance to turn them into ash.

Kaguya shakes her head and steps back. 

Kaguya: Well enough about that I need you to follow me were gonna do some spars to see how powerful you are. Do you have a sword at all?

Hearing sword I grab my Shishkebab

Kaguya looks at it confused as it looks like her katana from the far east. It has some stuff on it which is weird. 

Kaguya: I'm not going to ask so lets go out back Alise is there waiting for us. 

Kaguya walks out the room as I close my Stash Box. Grabbing a sheash that I made for the Shishkabob. Following Kaguya exiting my room following Kaguya from behind we head outside seeing a patch of sand in the middle. Alise standing there patiently waiting on us with the rest of the Familia standing aside. 

Alise Pov

Seeing Kaguya and Y/n walk up I at Y/n weapon. It looks like a sword from the far east. It has some... interesting things attached to it. Never seen it before, but this is Y/n were talking about after all so, whatever is on his weapon most be efficient to kill monsters in his world. I get out of the way joining the rest seeing Kaguya bring her weapon up Y/n holding his sword with his right hand. 

Kaguya: Me and Alise want to see how your fighting style is Y/n so go all out in this spar ok.

Y/n only nods his head looking serious. 

Alise: Alright then when I bring my hand down you can start. Are you both ready?

Both of them nod just as I bring my hand down. Y/n rushes at Kaguya swinging his sword right Kaguya parries with his swing knocking her back a few feet Kaguya's hand start shaking. 

Alise: Kaguya you good?

Kaguya looks up at me.

Kaguya: He's really dangerous I couldn't handle that swing could of sent me flying. 

Not really surprising seeing that Y/n is a level 279. Y/n slowly walks up the Kaguya pointing his sword on the ground. Kaguya draws her sword moving back to have space between her and Y/n. As Y/n got closer she quickly send a slash to Y/n only for him to the slash the sword to the ground. Kaguya steps back again making space only for Y/n to keep slashing pursuing her well holding his sword on his right hand. Kaguya keeps pairing his slashes as Y/n kept walking forward forcing Kaguya to move back. Kaguya tries to thrust her sword to Y/n chest only for him to grab her hand throwing her behind him as Kaguya fell on the ground she quickly gets up pointing her sword at Y/n. Y/n brings both hands on his sword pressing a lever light his sword on fire?!?! Everyone stood shock seeing this

Lyra: T-there's no magic?!


Ryuu: What do you mean there's no magic?!

Lyra: I'm saying his sword is not magic heck I don't even detect magic from his sword!?

Well that's something. Y/n quickly dashes at Kaguya going down low to the ground as Kaguya brings her sword down to meet his. As they made contact Kaguya's sword brakes!

Kaguya: W-what?!?!

Kaguya steps back as Y/n sword is aimed at her neck.

Y/n: I win.

Alise: Alright that's enough now!!!

That's not surprising to be honest, but I never thought his sword would destroy Kaguya's looks like we need to get her a new one now. Y/n swipes his sword making the flames go out and sheaths his sword. 

Y/n: I don't want to say good spar so?

Kaguya: You completely destroyed me.

Y/n: Yeah sure lets go with that then. 

Seeing this I laugh out loud as everyone else joined me. Kaguya can only smile at this Y/n looks at everyone laughing then looks at the sky? Did he not have a good time?

Alise: You ok Y/n.

Everyone stopped laughing having their attention on Y/n now. 

Y/n: Yeah just... some memories.

Alise: Were they good ones?

Y/n: Very.

Y/n looks at me and smiles. Seeing this I couldn't help but blush I really didn't look at him like that, but he really looks nice smiling. 

Astraea: Alright everyone lets head inside and have lunch.

With that everyone left to head back to the manor to have lunch I look back to see Y/n still standing there looking at the sky again.

Alise: Y/n you coming?

Y/n Looks away from the sky and at me.

Y/n: Yeah I'm coming.

Y/n makes his way inside as I follow right beside him. Seeing him spar showed everyone just how powerful Y/n is. Makes me think what if Y/n went all out in that spar pretty sure Kaguya be destroyed and us being blowen away.

TimeSkip *Next Morning*

Y/n Pov

Todays that day I go to the dungeon. Yesterday Ryuu came by with Alise to tell me everything about Orario its history, culture, the big ass tower the touches the sky's which I didn't notice till I look at the front of the manor, the Familia's from the past to now, the gods which I might tell you is very interesting, and finally everything they knew about the dungeon. The dungeon appeared when that big ass tower was created. Monsters like goblins, minotaur's, dragons, and a whole lot of things are in there. The gods which are people like Astraea and Genesha that I heard about are real to which gives me headaches. The gods I read about from books about the gods are here, most of them are very peaceful to be honest with you. The gods from the books in my world are nothing a like with the gods here well maybe a little bit. Right now I'm in my room getting everything I needed from the dungeon with Alise, Kaguya, Nion, Ryana, Neze, and Lyra. Grabbing extra Stimpacks with extra Fusion Cells and Buckshot for my pump shotgun strapping 4 Nuka Grenades in case we have to fight the Juggernaut as they named it. I hear a knock on my door.

Ryuu: Y/n were ready to head out well be at the front door when your ready.

Y/n: Got yeah.

Hearing Ryuu walk away I double check everything to make sure I have everything can't be to prepared after all. Putting on a Hunters Pelt and Hood to blend in with the crowd, I strap my Pump Shotgun hanging it on the side of my backpack, well I grab two Single Action Revolvers putting them in there holster on both my thighs, finally my backpack with the extra ammo, stimpacks, and food that can last all of us for one week. 

Authors Note *No Handmake or (AK-47) yet* ;) 

Heading out of my room to the entrance of the manor outside the gate their are the rest waiting paintly for me. Alise notices me walking towards them she smiles and waves.

Alise: Hey Y/n in a different outfit I see.

Everyone else looked at what I was wearing. 

Ryuu: Why aren't you wearing your other one? The one when we first met?

Y/n: I don't want to stand out as much. My weapons will defiantly stand out the most anyways. 

Everyone here nods there heads. 

Alise: Well lets get going then!

Alise being hyper as ever leads us to the dungeon. As we walk by citizens wave at there direction well looking at me confused. 

Kaguya: Looks like your gonna be popular soon Y/n. 

She jokingly said to me I only look forward ignoring the comments that I hear. I take at glance around every now and then seeing this place reminds me of some settlements I run into, and reminds me what it was like before the bombs fell. It makes me happy seeing this environment that was once lost to me. This peace is nice I hope it stays like this for generations after war never changes... Ok the was a lot of cringe. Why did my uncle write that in his speech. Just was were walking I feel something hit my leg stopping me looking at a kid that ran into me. She looks up at me as I look at her she looks scared. The others look back at me seeing my situation. 

Kid: A-ah sorry!

She slowly started crying seeing me with my hood and mask on you really can't see my eyes unless I take it off. Like that I pull my hood down well pulling my mask down letting her see my black hair and brown eyes. I kneel down to her holding my hand out.

Y/n: Are you ok little one?

She starts to calm down seeing my face looking at my hand she gently grabs it as I help stand her on her feet. Still kneeling down. 

Y/n: where are your parents little one?

She looks at me then around her surroundings seeing that everyone's attention were on us she quickly digs her head on my chest looking up at me. She slowly starts to cry realizing her guardian not with her. I pat her head which has wolf ears trying to make sure she doesn't cry again.

???: Fina there your are!

A women comes out of nowhere wearing a nuns robes. 

Women: S-sorry about that sir.

She bows at me well the little girl known as Fina bows as well.

Alise: Hey Maria 

Maria looks behind seeing the Astraea Familia.

Maria: Oh well hello there girls. 

Looks like they know each other. I feel someone holding my leg seeing the wolf girl Fina hugging my leg looking up at me. 

Fina: H-hi I'm Fina.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Fina.

Ryuu: Fina are you guys shopping?

Ryuu comes by kneeling to Fina's height. Fina nods her head yes as she digs her head on my leg rubbing her head on it well her tail wags? Ryuu being confused with Fina's actions.

Ryuu: Fina are you gonna let go of Y/n?

Fina shakes her head no. Hugging my leg tightly. I look at her confused with what she's doing to my leg. Just then the nun comes by grabbing Fina's shoulders pulling her away from me. She again bows her head.

Maria: I'm sorry sir I don't know why she's doing that.

Fina also follows her gardians lead and bows with her. I raise my hand waving them off.

Y/n: Its alright children will be children after all.

I put my mask on with my hood. Fina seeing this her tail limps down and her ears following after that uh oh is she sad again?

Alise: What's wrong Fina.

Alise kneels to Fina's height rubbing her head trying to cheer her up. 

Fina: D-do you have to put those on sir?

Wait she's asking me? Why?

Y/n: Y-yes does it bother you little one?

Fina nods her head yes. Looking at the ground in sadness. What the heck is my situation right now?!?! None of the kids did this when I went to settlements before, so why is this kid doing this to me?!?! Seeing her sad I sigh pulling my mask and hood down kneeling down to her height. 

Y/n: Is this better?

Fina nods her head yes then quickly runs onto my chest hugging me has he ears stand up and her tail wags happily. Seeing her like this I can't help but rub her head between her ears as her tail wags faster. 

Maria: Fina we need to get back to the church come now say bye to them.

Fina hearing this again gets sad knowing were going to depart. 

Alise: Don't worry Fina if you want we can bring Y/n along with us next time we visit ok?

Alise smiles at Fina she hearing this gets excited. She looks at Alise then at me.

Fina: Are you really gonna visit us mister?

She looks at me with puppy eyes? Well didn't think I see this again especially from a child werewolf to. I nod my head at her she gets excited seeing me agreeing with Alise. She gives me a quick hug as she made her way to Maria. They both bow at us and wave us off continuing their shopping. As I wave my hand at them. 

Kaguya: To think you are good with children Y/n.

I look at the others seeing them smile at my actions with Fina. 

Y/n: Can we just head to the dungeon please.

I put my mask and hood back on seeing that the situation is over with. We follow Alise to the big tower in the middle of the city. As we get closer I see a hole in the big tower with other adventures everywhere. We make our way in it and seeing a big spiral stair case the goes down we also make our way down finally there's a big cave with a dark hallway. Alise stops making all of us stop as well.

Alise: Alright so we are gonna head to floor 18 lets make that our goal ok?

Everyone nods as I look at the dark rocky hallway as Alise keeps talking on what they are gonna do.

Ryuu: Y/n are you listening? 

Y/n: Heading for floor 18.

Not looking at them as I was still looking at the dark hallway. This brings back memories of all the caves I had to explore, but monsters spawn in the walls this whole place is a giant womb. I feel someone shake my shoulder looking at who's responsible. 

Alise: Hey Y/n are you listening to me?

I look at everyone as they look at me I nod my head.

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine lets go hunting yeah?

Alise hearing this can't help but worry about Y/n. 

Alise: Alright then but I'm leading got it?

Alise looking at me seriously everyone stood still seeing Alise give me that look. I can only nod looking at Alise. Alise smiles at me then looks at everyone else. 

Alise: Alrighty then lets head out everybody!!

With the Alise leads the way as I walk behind her. I check my Laser Rifle to make sure its loaded. Ryuu walks beside me going into more detail about the dungeon. As we make our way down the hallway I look around to familiarize myself with the dungeon. Just then a bunch of goblins appear before Ryuu can kill them I shoot all of them in the head with me Laser Rifle turning all of them in to dust. Everyone stops looking at me.

Y/n: What?

I look at everyone confused I mean their monsters so? Alise can only smile well shaking her head walking forward. As we kept walking I kept killing whatever monster appeared shooting them before anyone else could react. With every monster I kill the can only give me a deadpan stare seeing me literally killing all the monsters in one hit. Then again this floor is so weak. Even the Infant Dragon we ran into I shot it in the chest to see if it could take a hit I was wrong turned to dust right as I shot it in the chest. We kept going and I finally meet the minotaur's they are what the myths said in the books if only if they didn't get killed is fast!!!!

Kaguya: Did we really have to join this I didn't think we would just walk in the dungeon without killing any monsters. 

Alise can only smile nervously with this situation. 

Alise: H-ha sorry guys I really didn't think Y/n weapons would be that powerful then again he's a level 279 so.

Everyone can only nod as we kept walking down the dungeon. We get to floor 17 which holds the floor boss which we were tasked to kill in the quest that Alise got from the guild. Just as we walk in the very big room the right wall started breaking revealing the floor boss which is a giant human like titan.  Alise was about the order everyone to attack, but I just shot it in head twice only for it to turn to red dust like the rest of the monsters. The ladies can only give me a deadpan look as I again killed a level 3 monster with my Laser Gun. 

Kaguya: You know Y/n when you said to me your weapon could turn everything to dust you said it was a likely chance so why is it turning every monster you killed in to red dust in just one or two shots?

I just shrug my shoulders I didn't think all these monsters would die from one or two shots heck even Feral Ghouls take ten to fifteen shots before dying. Depends on the variant of them of course. We walk to the only hole that leads downwards not before picking up the giant purple crystal it left behind of course which Nion and Neze pick up. As we slide down we are in Floor 18 covered in vegetation and a big tree right in the middle of the floor. The ceiling is imitating a bright light indication its still light outside. 

Alise: Huh what you know its still light outside. 

Kaguya: Yes after all we only left in the morning it only took us 1 hour to reach here even though it should of taking us 2 or 3 hours here. 

With that Alise decides we should just go deeper to the lower floors then. As we walk past the town that adventures made in the 18th floor. Everyone was giving us nasty looks guess no one like them here, then again being part of the Goddess of Justise who enforce the law I get the point. We make our way down to the 19th floor with random pathways and a very dense forest everywhere we go lower. In front of us is a big flowing water ways with crabs and stuff everywhere. Also killed the floor boss here by myself killed it with a few shots of my Laser Rifle which took about 50 or more shots so good thing I killed it I guess. We kept going down as we get to the place where I first met them which is the 30th floor a very dense forest that make the 19th to 24th floor look light. All the damages that were made here are gone. 

Alise: Alright I guess well head back then is that good with everyone? 

All the girls nod their heads basically none of them doing anything but having a nice stroll well I killed every monster we encounter including the 2 floor bosses. I'll be honest with you every monster that I encountered makes every monster that I killed in my world look like ants. The bugs in my world are even more dangerous then the bugs here even!! I thought maybe fighting the floor bosses would give me a challenge but NO!!!! I killed them both without shooting 100 rounds at them and I brought extra ammo incase I run out I still have 2300 Fusion Cells from the start I brought 3000 Fusion Cells. I didn't shot anything with my shotgun to and both my single action revolvers to didn't shot anything with them. As we head to the 18th floor we meet up with another big group bigger then ours. They have a blond pallum, a green harried elf, a dwarf, two amazons, a werewolf, and a blond swordswomen. The blond pallum seeing us walks up to our group. 

Blond Pallum: Evening Alise. 

Alise: Hey Finn nice to see the Loki Familia.

Hearing this I look at them with interest so these are the 2nd most powerful in this city huh. The blond pallum known as Finn greets everyone before laying eyes on me. 

Finn: Oh is this guy your supporter?

Werewolf: Tch weaklings like them should just die.

Elf: Enough Bete.

Oh joy he's one of those people that hate the weak huh. I meet plenty of people like him before when I was just a boy, they thought I was weak how wrong they were when I killed them and their group. As I look at all of them the blond looks at me with interest. 

Alise: Oh no he's not a supporter he's a part of out Familia actually.

Everyone of them looks shocked.

Loki Familia: Huh!?!?

Elf: But I thought your Familia only accepts females?

Kaguya: We do he's a special case that our goddess made.

My Familia nods their heads.

Finn: W-well aside from that are you guys done with your expedition? 

Alise: Yup got a good haul. speaking of which is it still day outside. 

Finn: Yes actually the sun is just up. 

Kaguya: Huh so we were in the lower floors for 4 hours nice to know. 

The Loki Familia looks shocked.

Loki Familia: H-HUH!?!?

Werewolf: Bullshit!! You guys did not leave that early!!!!

Lyra nods her head yes.

Lyra: Actually we left once the sun started rising so it should start to be evening.

They are at a lost of words. 

Finn: W-well anyways lets go kill the Amphisbaena guys.

Alise: Ah no need we already killed it.

Werewolf: Huh?!?!

As they kept talking to each other I ignore the rest just looking around the town seeing all the adventures walking around. Ryuu hear someone walk up to me. 

Ryuu: So what do you think about the city here Y/n?

I look at her.

Y/n: I seen better.

As me and Ryuu talk to each other about the city and the recent experience in the dungeon. Both of the Amazons walk up to me and Ryuu.

Amazon (Tiona): Hey hey so what's it like being the only guy in the Astraea Familia must be fun right?

She sounds way to happy. 

Y/n: Its nice finally having a family again.

Amazon (Tiona): A family again? What happened to your other family?

Ryuu hearing this tenses up looking at me worried.

Y/n: Me and two others fought a metal golem that shot explosives after that I was with a group of 5 we got ambushed by a lot of monsters they stalled them well I destroyed the pillars supporting the cave. 

Amazon (Tiona): O-oh sorry about that. 

Her sounding sad then her hyper voice she once had makes me feel bad,

Y/n: Don't worry about it, it was a long time ago anyway.

Amazon hearing this brightens up. 

Amazon (Tiona): Cool so like what level are you then mister?

The other amazon comes up pushing her aside.

Amazon (Tione): Tinoa your not suppose to ask those questions their private remember. 

Amazon (Tiona): O-oh sorry. 

She really has a wried mood swing well whatever. Me with Ryuu talk with the Amazons talk about random stuff like the dungeon, weapons, experience with their Familia. 

No Ones Pov

Finn: Well looks like you guys did our quest for us in a fast pace to.

Alise: Y-yeah sorry about that I didn't really think we kill it that fast.

Alise laughs nervously. 

Werewolf: So what's the story with that weakling then? 

They all turn to see Y/n talking with Ryuu, Tione, and Tiona. 

Gareth: What's with the lads weapons never seen those before?

They look at the weapons Y/n is carrying seeing the Laser Rifle in his hands, the Pump Shotgun on the side of the backpack he's wearing, and finally his two Single Action Revolvers. 

Lyra: Well he's not around here so.

Lyra trying to get the conversation away from Y/n. 

Riveria: Really I never seen weapons like that even his armor to. Never then those before. 

Alise wanting to pry away from Y/n not wanting them to know his level and world. 

Alise: To what he told us he's from a village from the far east. He had one of those katana's they carry so.

Kaguya: That's true he's from a small village so no one would know about him so.

Kaguya also trying to help Alise and Lyra drive the attention away from Y/n. 

Finn: Well it's whatever want to head out with us then?

Alise: Sure I guess.

Alise turns to them.

Alise: Hey guys were gonna head out right now!!

Y/n and the three ladies look at them and yell alright. Ais can't help but look at Y/n after all his weapons and the armor he's wearing are so weird from here. Then again Y/n is from a small village from the far east so. As the Loki and Astraea Familia walk up to the dungeon they encounter something weird in the 11th floor their are no orcs or goblins around. All they find is the crystals they drop. Finn's thumb starts to throb. 

Finn: Something isn't right here. 

Everyone got their weapons out ready for anything. Just then Y/n feels a familiar feeling in his pip boy he looks at it to see the radiation spiking up. Y/n grabs his shotgun aiming it at anything they that doesn't look human just then they hear heavy thumbs and see a Yaoguai that's on fire. 

Seeing this everyone prepares for this unknown creature that's on fire no less.

Bete: What the Hell!!

Riveria: Is that a bear on fire?!

Gareth: Appears so!

Just then Ais thrust forward. 

Tinoa: Ais!!

Rivera: Ais get back we don't know what that thing can do?!?!

Ais uses Tempest one of her magic abilities thrusts forward with her sword aiming for its forehead only for it to bounce. Aiz goes in to shock a monster from the 11th floor is this strong. The Yaoguai thrusts its claws left missing Ais. She gets back only for the Yaoguai to follow her. She is in shock seeing it move so fast. Gareth comes forward smacking it on the side of its belly only for it to do nothing. The Yaoguai turns his attention on Gareth getting on its hind legs to make itself look bigger Gareth is force to go on the defensive as it swiped its claws at Gareth at a high rate of speed no less. Gareth is being pushed back as his feet start dig into the ground. Bete comes over to kicking the creature in its back. Turning its attention on both Gareth and Bete it roared out as the flames get brighter and hotter making 3 more flaming Yaoguai's. 

Finn: W-what!?!? 

Alise: T-that's a impossible!?!? I never heard of a monster cloning itself!?!?

Both the Astraea and Loki Familia get in to action as they each Familia fought two now. Y/n standing there watching them struggle seeing the Yaoguai's hear is making him question on how it got here. Bete seeing Y/n just standing there. 


Y/n looks at him unimpressed on what he said and was just thinking of letting the Yaoguai's maul him to death before he helps them. 

Alise: A-actually Y/n can you really help us out I don't think well be able to defeat them!!

Just as he was about the get to action he sees Riveria chant her magic.

Riveria: Rea Laevateinn 

Riveria sends her magic at all the Yaoguai's engulfing all of them. Only for the Yaoguai's to emerge unscathed. Shocking everyone but Y/n. 

Finn: Alright I'm calling a retreat what every these things are aren't normal!!

Gareth: I think that's a wise choice!!

Ais wanting to continue fighting thrusts forward at one of them. 

Bete: Wait Ais!!!

Finn: Stop Ais!!

The Yaoguai gets on its hind legs leading down on the ground destroying the ground and sending flames at Ais. She is then engulfed in the flames giving her second degree burns and burning her armor. Still standing she thrusts through the flames once more only for her to get smacked to a tree. The others to busy to help her see her struggle. 

Tiona: No Ais!!

Tione: Get out of there Ais!!

The Yaoguai runs up to Ais with its jaws open ready to maul her to death she quickly gets up griping her sword tightly readying her Ariel only for to hear a loud bang. seeing the Yaoguai in front of her fall down on the ground died with multiply holes in its head as the flames dies down on it for it to disappear. Everyone even the Yaoguai's look at Y/n with his shotgun smoke coming out of the barrel racks the pump.

Ais Pov

Strong, so strong whatever this flaming creature is it's so powerful. I thought I was done for only for the man in the Astraea Familia to kill the beast in one shot. The creatures seeing its brethren die rush at him as they run at him the flames on all three of them brightens making 7 more of it appear. He leans back as one of them swings its right paw at him only for it to turn his head and get hit it the head with his weapon again with the loud bang. The seconded one gets on its hind legs raising both of its paws the slash him with only for him to slide right getting hit in the back it turns its head and once again gets hit in the head like the other one that was defeated. I see that this man defeat all of them so effectively well three level 5's, a one level 4, and three level 3's struggle to fight these monsters. He killed all of them leaving one more. He quickly tries to put more of those weird red cylinders with a yellow end of it in his weapon only of the monster to knock his weapon away. He quickly dodges his attacks punching it pushing it back a bit. The creature slams on the ground sending a wave of fire at him as it engulf him the creature quickly rushes at him biting his left shoulder as he struggles to get the creature off him. They push and pull on each other until he slams him on the ground hard cracking it. With him down he looks at us slowly on all fours crawling to us. The man steps up cracking his back as the monster hearing the cracking looks behind him seeing him stand up. The monster on all fours runs at him opening its maw to finish the job. Only for the man to lean left punching the monster on the head all of us hear a loud crack. As the monster fell on its belly died? How did he do that? When we couldn't do anything to him? We all sigh in relief seeing the threat is over with. All of us laying or sitting on the ground seeing the foggy forest. Just then we hear a bang, with a chunk. I see the man with his weapon aim it at it's head? It didn't turn to ash like normal monsters? How!?!? 

Y/n Pov 

After finally killing the Flaming Yaogui with my fists I made sure it never will come back. Grabbing my shotgun shooting double tapping its head to insure death. I look at everyone in a horrible state. Geez They got recked. I walk to my group to see Ryuu using healing magic on Nion and Neze seeing them in a more horrible state I grab some stimpacks for all of us to use. 

Y/n: Ryuu you can stop now.

Ryuu looks at me confused.

Ryuu: Huh what do you mean?

Y/n: I got everyone

Walking up to Kaguya who has a claw mark on her back ripping her kimono I kneel down to her height as she is kneeling down from the fight.

Y/n: Here Kaguya this well help you.

Kaguya seeing my present a stimpack nods her head as I stab it in her chest. She grits her death in pain. Yeah don't worry you'll get used to it. Seeing her wound starting to close up I start healing the rest of my Familia. I look at the Loki Familia seeing them all blooded and beating up from the fight I head towards their direction.  

Y/n: Here take these they'll help you guys. 

Presenting them with stimpacks they look at me confused.

Finn: Will the help?

I nod

Y/n: Very you'll only be very thirsty so I suggest drinking water when we all get back from the surface.

I give Finn three stimpacks for him, Gareth, and Riveria. I head to Bete who's legs look like crap. 

Bete: I don't need your stupid healing medicine. 

Riveria: Enough Bete can't you see the state we are all in?!

Bete looking at his group then looks at me as I show an unimpressed look then tchs. As I stab him in the chest with the stimpack. Going to the Amazons I do the same for them. Finally the blond girls called Ais. I walk to her as she was laying on the ground tired from the fighting. I get close to her kneeling down stabbing her in the chest with a stimpack seeing everyones ingures all healed up I start heading to my group to see if their ok.

Ais: How are you this strong?

I look back at Ais who is now sitting up looking at me with her golden eyes. 

Ais: How are you strong Y/n?

Ah using my name now huh?

Y/n: I'm just am

Ais not satisfied with my answer gets up grabbing my right hand. Everyone's attention now on us.

Ais: How are you strong?....

I look at her eyes seeing them so dull and emotionless ah man this is gonna be trouble now.

Y/n: I'm strong because I lost everything.

Ais looking at my eyes more deeply as she wanting more answers.

Y/n: I lost my family, home, and my humanity, because of selfish people that sit on the high tables. 

Silence as grips my hand tightly. 

Ais: H-how did you lose them?

I look at Alise seeing her nod her head I sigh looking forward at the foggy forest were in.

Y/n: A war the nearly every country went for resources. It took one country to push it to far and with one press of a button my whole world was set on fire. Everything that I knew was gone because of selfish human beings. Instead of accepting a lose the decided that if they lose everyone loses to. Which ended everything that I once loved and the world destroyed.

With that another few minutes of silence as I feel her grip loosening. 

Ais: Don't you want revenge? 

Y/n: What's the point with the world died.

When I said that I looked at her straight in the eyes. She wants revenge on something I know that feeling better than anyone else.

Y/n: If you are planning to get revenge then you got to find something better to do instead of wasting your time to get strong. I know that better than anyone else.

Ais: Did you get revenge?

Y/n: Yes 

Ais looked at me shocked.

Y/n: I felt so alone, I survived alone because I wanted revenge so bad. I didn't realize how lonely it was when I got it. If you want revenge it's a waste of time. Don't make the same mistake that I did, because if you do you won't even realize the things you lost from day one. 

With that her hand falls down as I walk to my Familia. 

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