..Digital Circus? / TADC X RE...

By rottie342

69.6K 1.5K 3.1K

I got a funky-looking VR-headset for Christmas from my family. I kind of feel bad because I don't like that s... More

Mixed Thoughts..
So... This is Part of the Game?
What's With Kaufmo?
Forced Adventure
I Know Who You Pretend I Am
Consequences: Part 1
Consequences: Pt. 2
The Final Ride
Everything Stays

Apology. Well, Not Really

4.3K 109 158
By rottie342

I've been listening to Kinger ramble on all day ever since I woke up and finally start talking myself.

"Kinger, i'm gonna go now. It's been nice listening to you talk but I think I should go and make things up with Ragatha. And ask Caine to fix whatever's wrong with me, too." I murmur, a bit grumpy.

"Ah, okay! Are you gonna be able to get to both of them fine? Considering, uh, you weren't able to walk that well yesterday." Kinger questions and I stop for a second, thinking about it.

"Yeah, i'll be fine." I assure him and scooch out of the pillow fort and get up, taking only one step before falling on my face.

Without warning, Kinger walks over to me and grabs my sleeve, dragging me along the ground, looking for Ragatha.

I raise a brow, looking up at Kinger.

"You don't have to do this, you know. I can just lean against the wall and be fine."

"I insist. It'll be faster like this." He adds, glancing around, probably deciding on where to go first.

Instantly, he spots Ragatha and casually walks over to her, letting go of my sleeve.

"Oh, hey, Y/N!" She chirps and I wave, taking a whole minute to get up because I still need to ask Caine to help.

"Okay, so uh, sorry about lying about Kaufmo and uhm, all that stuff. Can you not be mad at me and that stuff?-" I shrug, not wanting to maintain eye contact with her.

Ah yes, amazing apology, Y/N.

"Uh- I was never mad with you. Where'd you get that? Also, you don't need to be sorry about the Kaufmo thing. It eventually happens to everyone." Ragatha smiles at me.

"..Wait... WHAAAAAA????" I grab the sides of my head, my jaw gaping.

So.. I had a breakdown earlier about nothing?


"And if it'll make you happy, i'll say 'It's okay' anyways." She chuckles, placing her hands on her hips.

"That.. was easier than I thought! Well, bye Ragatha!" I grin and slowly plop myself back down on the ground again, and Kinger seems to get that I want to be dragged around again, so he grabs my sleeve and takes off again.

We, well, Kinger mindlessly wanders around the circus while dragging me for get this: an HOUR before finding Caine.

"Can you.. I dunno, fix me?" I stare at him.

"Of course I can! Here ya go!!" Caine snaps his fingers and i'm good as new again. FINALLY!!

"I'm gonna miss the free rides.." I mutter.

"BUT YAY!!" I shout, and it's suprisingly louder than Kinger's frequent screams.

"Now, if you don't mind me, i'm gonna go and have dinner with Bubble!" Caine says in a very goofy bit sophisticated way and disappears, leaving me and Kinger.

"Oh yeah, want to come with me to go and talk to Pomni? She keeps rambling about an exit. Kind of like you!" He chuckles.

My pupils dilate and i'm eager to go and talk with Pomni because lately, i've been obsessed with finding a way out.

"Yes! Let's go!!" I aggressively grab Kinger's shoulders and shake him, screaming into his non-existent ear.

"OW!" He yells, and I realize what i've done.

"Oh, sorry, uh- let's go." I whisper the last part, chuckling awkwardly.

Kinger blinks at me and is silent for a minute before turning around and walking away. I follow him, and eventually we find who I assume is Pomni staring at herself intently in the mirror. Her pupils are freakishly big.

"Hey, uhm, Pomni! We want to talk to you!" I call from afar and Pomni turns around, her pupils at normal size.

Huh. Odd, but actually kind of cute.

Once me and Kinger are not so far away from Pomni, I begin talking.

"My name is Y/N. I don't think we've spoken before. Anyways, Kinger told me that you keep talking about an exit?" I raise a brow, and she seems to get excited.

"Yeah! Have you- uhm, found one, too?" She asks. Her voice is pretty high.

"No, but Kaufmo, i'm assuming you know who he is, mentioned one before. Before he went, you know, cuckoo?" I wave my finger in a circle motion besides my head.

"No offense, Kinger, if what Jax said about you is true." I glance back at Kinger after I remember that Jax said Kinger is going insane.

"None taken." He waves his hands in front of him.

"Anyways, Pomni, Kaufmo said that there's an exit. I don't know if it's the same exit you're thinking about, but he said the exit has abstracted in it." I say, looking back at Pomni.

"Oh. The one I went through had um, a lot of doors and rooms. A LOT of never-ending doors.."
Pomni murmurs, fidgeting with her hands and looking down.

"Hold on, you went through an exit?" I pause completely and widen my eyes, freezing in place.

"Yeah.. It led into the void, though." She says, disappointed.

"I think another exit is the abyss where all of the abstracted are. I could be wrong, though. It's just what Kaufmo said and he was also really interested in finding a way out. Or just with the word, 'exit'." I shiver, remembering how creepy his room looked, with all of the words and drawings on his walls.

"Huh.. Okay, then." Pomni nods, taking in the information. I give her a thumbs up and wave as she walks off, turning to Kinger.

"Awh. I didn't get to tell her about insect collections." Kinger said in a sad voice, staring at the ground.

Oh shoot, that's right!

Kinger wanted to talk to Pomni too-

Dangit, I can be an idiot some times.

"You can talk to me about insect collections while I walk to my room?" I suggest, and it seems to cheer him up.

"Alright, then. Let's go."

Kinger nods and starts talking. I swear though, once you get him talking about something he likes, like insect collections, he's a talking machine.

* * * * * * *

"Bye, Kinger!" I grin as Kinger says bye back, even though I know he's just gonna camp outside of my room in his little fort again like always.

As soon as I lock myself up in my room, I grab some drawing utensils from under my bed that I happened to grab from Kaufmo's room and start writing on the wall about potential exits and ways to get out. I actually fall asleep doing it.

A/N: Hi! So I actually wrote all of this yesterday but i'm posting it today because I think you all would rather read this at the end of the day after all of your work is done.
Also because I learned my lesson from last chapter and proof-read it today to make sure I didn't make any mistakes in the writing because you all went crazy about it last chapter XD

Anyways, again, slightly boring chapter but more drama's come up soon! Bye!

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