The Lord of the Rings: An unl...

By Luka3321

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After Isildur cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand, Sauron's soul split. While one half followed the canon pat... More

-Chapter 1 Hobbit-
-Chapter 2 Hobbit-
-Chapter 3 Hobbit-
-Chapter 4 Hobbit-
-Chapter 5 Hobbit-
-Chapter 6 Hobbit-
-Chapter 7 Hobbit-
-Chapter 8 Hobbit-
-Chapter 9 Hobbit-
-Chapter 10 Hobbit-
-Chapter 11 Hobbit-
-Chapter 12 Hobbit-
-Chapter 14 Lotr-
-Chapter 15 Lotr-
-Bio 2-
-Chapter 16 Lotr-
-Chapter 17 Lotr-
-Chapter 18 Lotr-
-Chapter 19 Lotr-

-Chapter 13 Hobbit-

153 4 1
By Luka3321

-POV Third Person-

After Thorin said that, everyone hears a rumbling in the distance, and the armies look up to see the ridge covered with troops of heavily armored dwarves, leading them is a dwarf on a war hog. Maira thinks, "What is it with these ridiculous riding mounts?" Gandalf says, "Ironfoot." The dwarves in Erebor begin cheering as they see their reinforcements arriving. Thranduil shouts, "-Ribo i thangail!-" [Rush the shield-fence!] and rides through the rows of elves as they turn and begin rapidly marching in the direction of the dwarves. Gandalf goes with them. Bilbo, needing to run to keep up, asks Gandalf, "Who is that? He doesn't look very happy." Gandalf answers, "It is Dain, lord of the Iron Hills - Thorin's cousin."

Bilbo then asks if they're alike. Gandalf answers, saying, "I always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." The armies halt a short distance from one another, and Dain rides forward onto a rocky overlook, saying, "Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider... just sodding off! All of you - right now!" The townspeople clutching their weapons step back in fear, while the elves draw their swords.

Dain continues, "All of you - right now!" Bard yells to his people, "Stand fast!" Gandalf strides forward, "Come now, Lord Dain!" Dain looks at him, saying, "Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!" Gandalf denies, "There is no need for war between dwarves, men, and elves! A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down!"

Dain says, "I will not stand down before any elf! Not least this faithless woodland sprite! He wishes nothing but ill upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin - I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" Thranduil smiles furiously, saying, "He's clearly mad, like his cousin."

Before Dain can say more, a booming sound is heard behind him, and everyone is shocked. He turns around to see a person in silver armor stepping out of the lightning. Dain, bewildered, says, "And who are you now? Some new elf? And how did you get all that mithril for this clearly elven armor?"

She smiles and says, "I grabbed it from the depths of Moria. And before you get mad that I stole dwarves' treasure, Moria is, as far as I know, owned by orcs at the moment, so everything inside is stolen from orcs, not from dwarves." Dain looks flabbergasted, and she continues, "As for who I am, I am a messenger of Mahal (Aule)," the dwarves look shocked. She whispers to herself, "Not anymore," but only Gandalf hears her. She continues, "Will you listen to the advice of your maker and stop fighting elves? There are orcish armies approaching."

Dain looks at her with some respect, believing her. He then asks, "These orc armies, can you tell me where they are? I don't see any." Maira points in the direction of the other hills in the distance, saying, "There." In that moment, they all hear a roar as they look in the direction where Maira was pointing. Two large earthworms break from the ground. Dain says, "Oh, come on!" Maira then says, "We can settle the differences between our two parties after the battle. For now, let us fight together against the orcs."

Dain, knowing he can't say much against that, nods. Then, a voice is heard - it's Azog's - and he yells, "-come forth, my armies!-" The commanding contraption he stands with points one of its sides. Then out of the hole the earthworms made, orcish hordes start pouring forth. Dain shouts, "The hordes of hell are upon us! To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!" Dain and his whole army turn and move towards the orcs.

After all the dwarves left and formed a line, Gandalf just wanted to ask Thranduil if he would help, but Thranduil, knowing he wouldn't get the gems if he didn't help, moved his troops behind the dwarven phalanx. The orcs are still running. Maira moves to Bard, saying, "Can you give me the Arkenstone?" Bard looks at her, asking why. She answers, "I will keep it safe during the battle so that you don't have to worry about it." He smiles and nods, knowing he could trust her with it because of her strength. He hands it to her, and she smiles and puts it away. Internally, she's grinning. Now she just needs to find a way to get a shard of the stone because if she doesn't give the stone back, a whole race will unite to get it back, and she can't have that. So, she somehow has to find a way to split off a little shard.

Back at Erebor, Kili yells, "I'm going over the wall! Who's coming with me?" The other dwarves cheer in agreement, preparing to climb down, but Thorin stops them, saying, "Stand down!" One dwarf asks, "What?" Fili adds, "Are we to do nothing?" Thorin then yells, "I said STAND DOWN!" He then walks away, leaving the other dwarves looking at his back in shock.

Back on the battlefield, the orcs are still charging. The elves behind the dwarves start raining arrows at the running orcs, mowing a good amount down before they even reach the dwarven formation. As they finally run into it, they are stopped by the phalanx, pushing them back. The dwarves then stand up from their phalanx and charge the orcs, mowing them down with their spears. The elves fire upon the orc formations farther away.

Back in front of Dale, Maira arrives at the big catapult trolls. She stops before the wall of Dale on a small rise that overlooks the city. She bends over and, just as they want to shoot, a person appears on one of the trolls. She decapitates one orc, slices another one in half, and kicks the leader orc from the back of the troll. She jumps on the troll's head and rams her sword into it. As the troll falls forward, she slides off. The archers on the wall look at her in shock. Someone capable of killing one of the trolls with ease must be a strong person, but soon after, they start shooting again.

Maira runs over to the second troll, coating her sword in fire and jamming it into the troll's stomach. The flames on her sword start spreading until they envelop the whole troll, turning it and the orcs onboard to ash.

Azog, standing on his command post, is shocked at the trolls just dying in front of Dale. Maira teleports onto the wall to the archers, grabs a bow and arrows, and starts shooting at the orcs. Every shot is a kill. She then sees a troll with what looks like a battering ram helmet on and yells, "All men, concentrate fire on the battering ram troll!" The archers start shooting at the battering ram troll, and she joins them. After some shots, she hits it right in the eye, skewering its brain and killing it instantly, just before it could hit the wall.

Maira smirks, thinking, 'I bet Azog is beyond mad.' Just at that moment, reinforcements in the form of elven archers arrive on the wall, starting to skewer the orcs with arrows.

Meanwhile, outside Erebor, things are not looking good. The elves have moved to Dale to fortify, and the dwarves are now outnumbered. One orc manages to kill Dain's war pig, and he shouts, "You buggers!" He begins killing orcs left and right, even headbutting one. He yells, "Where's Thorin?! We need him! Where is he?"

Azog, not being satisfied with Dale, looks at Erebor and sees that his armies have more success there. He says, "-Let these lands run with blood! Slaughter them all.-"

Inside Erebor, Thorin, the so-called 'great' King Under the Mountain, is sitting on his throne. Dwalin approaches him, asking, "Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, they are dying out there." Thorin answers, "There are halls beneath halls within this mountain - places we can fortify." Dwalin looks at him with disappointment and anger, continuing, "Shore up, make safe. Yes..." He looks almost possessed. "...Yes - that is it. We must move the gold further underground - to safety!"

Thorin begins walking away, but Dwalin calls out to him in anger, "Did you not hear me?! Dain is surrounded! They're being slaughtered, Thorin." Thorin answers, "Many die in war. Life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend!"

Dwalin looks even more angry at Thorin's disregard for life. He shouts, "You sit here in these vast halls, with a crown upon your head, and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been." Thorin looks at him angrily, "Do not speak to me as if I were some lowly dwarf lord..." As he speaks, Thorin is clearly mentally affected. "As-As if I were still...Thorin...Oakenshield." He then roars, "I AM YOUR KING!" He pulls out his sword but is unbalanced, almost falling over.

Dwalin says, "You were always my king. You used to know that once." Dwalin bows his head in sorrow and continues, "You cannot see what you have become."

"Go! Get out...before I kill you," says Thorin.

Dwalin turns around and leaves.

Thorin is walking through the room where they tried to drown Smaug. The floor is completely covered in gold. He begins hearing voices in his head. The first one is from Dwalin, "You sit here...with a crown upon your are lesser now than you have ever been..." He then hears his voice, "...but a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost..." Then Balin's, "...a sickness lies upon that treasure..." He then hears the voice of the bowman, now Lord of Dale, Bard, "...the blind ambition of a mountain-king..." Then he hears his voice again, "...AM I NOT THE KING..." Then another voice, "...this ours...and ours alone..." "...treasure..." He hears Balin's voice say, and he hears himself yet again, " if I was some lowly dwarf lord..." Then again, "...Oakenshield..." Balin says, "...a sickness that drove your grandfather mad..." And again, "...Oakenshield..." Then Dwalin's voice again, "...this is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror..." And again, "...I am not my grandfather." Then Gandalf's voice, " are the heir to the throne of Durin..." Dwalin's voice, "...they are dying out there." Gandalf's, "...take back...take Erebor..." Dwalin yet again, "...Dain is surrounded... surrounded...Dain is surrounded..." Gandalf, "...take back your homeland..." Then Bilbo's voice, " are changed, Thorin..." Then his again, "...I am not my grandfather..." Bilbo's, " this treasure truly worth more than your honor..." Thorin's again, "...I am not my grandfather..." The voices suddenly stop, and Thorin looks down and sees the shadowy shape of Smaug sliding beneath the gold. Then he hears Gandalf's voice again, "...this treasure will be your death..." He screams as the gold beneath him turns into a sinkhole. He tries to escape, but the gold keeps pulling him down, submerging him. He begins drowning as he is getting submerged even more until he is fully below the gold. Suddenly, he stands there again; it had all been an illusion. He yanks the crown from his head, throwing it on the floor. It seems as if he has gotten back to his senses.

Meanwhile, in front of Erebor, Dain yells, "FALL BACK! FALL BACK! TO THE BARRICADE! FALL BACK!" The dwarves begin retreating towards the mountain, with the orcs in pursuit. Azog says,
"-Now comes their end. Prepare for the final assault.-" A signal horn sounds, and the orcs regroup to march on the gate.

Back inside Erebor, the dwarves of the company sit desolately, hearing the cries of war outside but unable to help their kin. They rise as they see Thorin approaching from further inside the mountain, sword drawn.

Thorin is no longer wearing his royal outfit, now simply dressed in a simple leather outfit. Kilí rises and begins shouting, "I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us!" Thorin and Kilí continue to approach each other. Kilí continues, "It is not in my blood, Thorin." They stop in front of each other. Thorin then says, "No, it is not. We are sons of Durin. And Durin's folk do not flee from a fight." Thorin lays his hand on Kilí's shoulder, and Kilí smiles back with tears in his eyes. They touch foreheads, and Thorin looks at the other dwarves, asking, "I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me one last time?" The dwarves rise and raise their weapons, ready to follow their leader - no, their friend - into battle.

Outside, Dain and his dwarves set up a desperate spear wall in front of the moat by Erebor's last gates. The orcs line up in ranks, ready to attack. Azog suddenly stops the orcs with him on the hill from signaling the attack. He says, "-Not yet! Wait...wait-." Several heavily armored trolls shoulder their way to the front of the orc ranks. Azog shouts, "!-" The orcs sound their signaling horn, and the orcs and trolls begin moving forward.

Suddenly, another horn is heard, and it is Bombur atop the wall. The orcs stop in confusion. In Dale, Gandalf and Bilbo stop in confusion, while Maira smiles. Bilbo says, "Thorin!" The barricade of rocks in the gateway then smashes open as if hit really hard, and a huge golden bell flies outwards from the gate. The rocks fall forward to form a rough bridge, and from the mountain comes the company led by Thorin. They run through the lines of dwarves who are parting for them, and Dain yells at his soldiers, "TO THE KING! TO THE KING!" Thorin yells, "Du Bekâr!" He leads the way, and all the dwarves form a wedge behind him. They release javelins, killing the armored trolls before smashing into the lines of orcs, releasing all their anger in Dale.

Bilbo and Gandalf watch this from an abandoned causeway. Bilbo exclaims, "The dwarves! They're rallying!" Gandalf adds, "They are rallying to their king!"

The situation in Dale has stabilized, but they couldn't make a push out of the city. Bard speaks to his men, "Any men who want to give their last - follow me!" They charge over the bridge that connects Dale to Erebor, joined by some elves and Maira who has decided to lead these elves. They clash with the orcs outside of the city, fighting with reckless abandon, knowing that the dwarves are back in the battle.

With the dwarves, Thorin kills an orc and calls out, "Dain!" Dain responds, "Thorin! Hold on, I'm coming!" They continue killing orcs, getting closer and closer together. In a brief respite, they are able to meet and hug. Thorin says, "There's too many of these buggers, Dain. I hope you've got a plan." Dain asks, "Hey cousin, what took you so long?!" Thorin looks at the hilltop where Azog is standing and replies, "Aye, we're going to take out their leader!" Dain adds, "Azog..." Thorin strides forward and mounts a large goat that Dain's army had brought. He declares, "I'm gonna kill that piece of filth!" Thorin, Dwalin, Fíli, and Kíli, each on a goat, charge towards Azog's hill, smashing through the orc armies in their way "Lead on!" Says Dwalin.

Back in Dale, some archers and spearmen take down a troll and push further out of the city. Gandalf says, "We may yet survive this." Bilbo calls out to Gandalf, "GANDALF!" Gandalf kills an orc and hurries over to Bilbo, looking at the mountain where Thorin and company ride up to. "It's Thorin!" Bilbo exclaims. Gandalf adds, "And Fili, Kili, and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors!" Bilbo asks, "To do what?" Gandalf answers, "To cut the head off the snake."

Atop the hill, Azog hears the hooves of the goats and snarls. Thorin and company arrive atop the hill, killing some orcs. There is a frozen river between them and where Azog should be.

Back in Dale, Legolas and Tauriel arrive in front of the city, killing orcs. They join Gandalf, who was joined by Maira a little while ago. Legolas greets, "Gandalf!" Gandalf greets back, "Legolas... Legolas Greenleaf!" Legolas says, "There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us!" On Gandalf's face dawns the realization. "Gundabad... This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg seeps in from the north." Bilbo asks, "What... the north... where is the north, exactly?!" "Ravenhill," answers Gandalf, looking at the hill where Thorin and Company are just on. "Ravenhill... Thorin is up there! And Fili and Kili - they're all up there!" exclaims Bilbo. At the sound of Kili's name, Tauriel is alarmed. Together they look at the top of Ravenhill, which is surrounded by fog. "That's not good," says Maira. Legolas looks at her, noticing her just now. "And who are you?" Maira bows. "Maira, at your service, Prince of Greenwood." He nods. Maira then says, "Now, someone has to warn them." Bilbo says, "I'll go!" Gandalf refuses, saying, "Don't be ridiculous! You'll never make it!" Bilbo asks, "Why not?" Gandalf answers, "Because they will see you coming and kill you!" Bilbo says, "No, they won't." Gandalf looks at Bilbo peculiarly. Maira just smiles. That ring might not be under her control anymore, but it still is useful. Bilbo reaffirms, "They won't see me." Gandalf still refuses. "It's out of the question - I won't allow it!" "I'm not asking you to allow it, Gandalf," says Bilbo with finality. Gandalf says nothing. They nod at each other, and then Bilbo walks away. He hides behind a wall and puts on the ring. He runs through the city, seeing the elves as beings of white light.

Back with Maira, Legolas, Gandalf, and Tauriel, Tauriel says, "I will go too." Legolas says, "But it's too dangerous!" But Tauriel shakes her head, saying, "You can't stop me." He sighs and says, "Okay, then I come with you." Maira adds, "I am going to join you too." They nod and start running over the battlefield towards Ravenhill.

Back at the hill, Bilbo hurries over a bridge towards Ravenhill. Fili and Kili creep quietly through the ruins below Azog's command post. They hear a noise. Fili says, "Stay here. Search the lower levels. I've got this."

With Thorin and his company having defeated the goblins, Thorin looks anxiously over the frozen river. Dwalin asks, "Where is that orc filth?" Bilbo appears out of nowhere, panting, behind them. He starts, "Thorin..." Thorin calls out, "Bilbo!" Bilbo continues, "You have to leave here! Now! Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded. There'll be no way out." Dwalin says, "We are so close! That orc scum is in there. I say we push on." Thorin stops him. "No! That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in." Suddenly, Thorin appears to have understood something alarming. Thorin says, "This is a trap!"

With Filí, he hears a sound in front of him. He turns around, only to see a light coming from the other corridor. He is trapped.

Thorin talks to Dwalin, "Find Fili and Kili! Call them back!" Dwalin asks, "Thorin, are you sure about this?" Thorin nods, "Do it. We live to fight another day." As they turn to leave, they hear a drum sound from Ravenhill. Looking back at the tower, they see a light appear atop the tower. Azog appears, dragging a bloodied Fili behind him. He says, "-This one dies first. Then the brother. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last.-" Fili shouts, "No! RUN!"

Thorin, Dwalin, and Bilbo watch in shock as Azog grabs Kili by the neck and goes to stab him with his sword arm. But then, suddenly, a rock hits Azog's hand with a speed that could break bones. In pain, Azog drops Kili, just managing to stab his shoulder. Everyone looks in the direction from where the stone came, and they see Maira standing there, her arm still outstretched. She lowers her arm.

Before Thorin could ask who she is, he sees Kili running on the tower, thinking Fili is dead. He yells, "KILI!" Thorin begins running across the river, and Dwalin yells after him, "Thorin!" Thorin says, "Thorin...No."

Kili rushes up the steps, killing orcs in his way, while Thorin climbs up the ruins. Azog rushes out of a tunnel, attacking Thorin. They fight on a snowy mountainside, Thorin with his sword and Azog with his sword arm and mace.

Bilbo, still on the other side of the river, hears a noise and ducks as werebats fly out of the fog. His sword glows blue, and he looks back to see Bolg and his forces climbing over the ruins. Seeing Bilbo, the orcs charge at him.

Just before they reach him, Dwalin charges up and begins fighting the orcs singlehandedly. Bolg shouts, "-kill them all!-"

Maira joins in, fighting the orcs with Dwalin. Tauriel and Legolas pause on their way to Ravenhill, seeing the werebats massing. "No..." says Tauriel. The werebats fly down to the main battlefield, swooping through the ranks of soldiers, causing mayhem.

Legolas leaps and grabs a leg of one of the bats, and it carries him away. Tauriel sees Kili fighting several orcs in the ruins. "Kili..." she says

Azog and Thorin continue fighting. Thorin manages to knock Azog down a slope, but before Thorin can chase after him, other orcs appear, forcing him to fight them in the courtyard. Bilbo throws rocks at the orcs, while Dwalin and Maira throw punches or, in this case, the sword and hammer.

Kili continues fighting his way up the ruins. Tauriel, who is still looking for him, encounters some orcs and swiftly kills them. Meanwhile, the werebat is still carrying Legolas through the air.

As Bilbo continues throwing rocks, Bolg suddenly appears and smacks Bilbo in the head with the handle of his mace, knocking him out cold instantly. Maira, who sees this, asks Dwalin if he can manage the orcs alone. He nods, and she follows Bolg as the werebat carries Legolas over a stone tower. Legolas shoots the werebat in the head with his bow and lands on the tower gracefully.

Back with Thorin, Azog, recovered, suddenly charges at Thorin and knocks him onto the surface of the frozen river. He yells, "-Go in for the kill!-" and his orcs charge at Thorin on the ice. Azog yells,
"-Finish him!-"

Thorin looks around rapidly as many orcs run toward him. Suddenly, the orcs begin falling over with arrows stuck in them. Legolas is shooting the orcs attacking Thorin from the top of the tower. Thorin, with his broken sword, starts taking on the remaining orcs.

Tauriel, in a moment of peace, calls out to Kili, "KILI!" Kili hears her but is too busy fighting two orcs at once to respond. Tauriel yells again, "KILI!" He yells back, "TAURIEL!" She says, "Kili..."

Suddenly, Bolg appears out of a tunnel and kicks her into the rock. She yells, "NO!" Seeing this, Kili angrily defeats the orcs and begins making his way towards her. Tauriel manages to slip out of Bolg's grip and attacks him with her knives. He manages to grab both of her arms, twisting them, causing her to shriek in pain. He then smashes his fist down on her head, felling her.

Thorin continues fighting orcs, while Legolas gives air support. Kili desperately rushes as he hears Tauriel's groaning. Bolg raises Tauriel up by the throat, and she manages to kick him in the knee, causing him to fall. He grabs her and throws her into a wall. As she lays there stunned, he raises his mace, going for the kill. Suddenly, Kili jumps from a parapet onto him, and they fight. Kili manages to slash him, but Bolg grabs Kili by the head and raises the pointed end of his mace to stab him through the chest.

Tauriel jumps on Bolg from behind, shouting, "No!" Bolg manages to throw her down again, and she can do nothing as Bolg raises his mace and plunges it toward Kili. But just before he could stab Kili, a sword that was shining brown flies through the air. Everyone hears the whistling sound, and Bolg slowly turns his head. Everything moves in slow motion as the sword pierces his chest, releasing a brown energy. He then slowly starts turning brown, then crumbles, and clumps of dirt fall to the ground as he is defeated.

Tauriel rushes towards Kili, holding him. Looking up, she sees Maira standing on a little platform. "Lady Mairon!" she says, smiling with tears in her eyes. Maira smiles at her.

Legolas, on his tower, suddenly feels the tower shaking. He looks down to see a troll smashing away at the tower's base. He goes to grab an arrow, only to find out that he has run out (this is the only time I have seen Legolas without arrows). Angrily, he throws the bow down, draws Orcrist, and leaps down from the tower, landing on the troll's head and stabbing his sword through its head. The troll hobbles around in pain; he twists the sword and manages to make the troll charge forward into the already weakened base of the tower. The tower falls, and the troll dies. Legolas slides onto the tower, now with orcs attacking him.

Meanwhile, Thorin manages to stab an orc in the knee. Another orc rushes up and smashes into him, causing him to slide across the ice all the way to the edge of the waterfall, directly over where Legolas is fighting. Another orc is approaching Thorin, who is lying on his back and partially hanging over the edge of the waterfall. He can't do much to defend himself as the orc raises its sword. Suddenly, the orc is pierced by a sword—it's Orcrist. Thorin looks back and sees that Legolas threw it. The orc begins to fall over the edge of the waterfall, but Thorin manages to grab the sword before it is gone.

As Legolas is watching Thorin, another orc horde attacks, forcing him to fight them. Thorin stands and looks in wonder at his blade that came back to him. He looks up and sees Azog alone, facing him. Thorin and Azog approach each other slowly. Suddenly, a horn blows, and Azog smiles as a hill in the distance becomes covered with approaching orc reinforcements. Azog charges forward and swings a large rock attached to a chain at Thorin, who ducks under it. As Azog is unbalanced by the swing, Thorin manages to get behind him and slash him. Azog angrily swings the rock again, with Thorin managing to dodge it. The stone hits the ice, cracking it.

Legolas, meanwhile, is done with his fight and moves up to where Tauriel and Kili are. He yells, "Tauriel!" Tauriel and Kili look at him. He sees that they are all right and sighs in relief. He also sees Maira defending them without problems and joins them.

As the fight between Thorin and Azog rages on, the ice continues to crack. They both stop for a second, and then Azog swings again. This time, the ice begins to break apart beneath them. As Thorin stumbles over an edge of the ice, Azog manages to knock him to the ground with his chain. When Azog swings again, Thorin rolls away, leaping behind Azog, who is off balance, and slashes again. Azog angrily swings his rock and chain at Thorin, missing this time. The rock becomes stuck in the ice, and Azog is forced to swing at Thorin with his bladed arm.

Suddenly, Azog looks at the sky behind Thorin in shock. The eagles have come, with Radagast riding one of them. They swoop by, sailing through the lines of orcs coming from Gundabad and decimating them. Beorn is riding on one eagle and throws himself off, transforming into his bear form. He lands in the middle of the orc lines, smashing through them.

Meanwhile, Thorin suddenly throws his sword down and grabs Azog's stone, throwing it at him. Azog instinctively catches it but looks at him in shock. Thorin takes a step backward off the ice floe they were both standing on. Without his weight to balance it and with Azog at the other end holding the rock, the ice floe tips over and plunges Azog into the water below. He scrabbles at the edge, but the chain pulls him down like a drowning death sentence. Thorin pants in exhaustion.

As the eagles attack the werebats, ripping them out of the air, Thorin bends down to pick up Orcrist. He sees Azog through the ice being pulled by the current towards the waterfall. Thorin slowly walks above him, and they stare at each other through the ice. Azog has his eyes closed. Suddenly, he opens them and stabs Thorin through the ice into his foot with his bladed arm. He leaps out of the water through the ice, pinning Thorin to the ground and thrusting his blade at Thorin. Thorin manages to stop it from piercing him by sliding Orcrist into one of the forks of the blade.

Azog, using gravity, his superior weight, and position, slowly pushes his blade further and further, and Thorin struggles to keep it away. They stare at each other. Suddenly, Thorin pulls his sword out of the fork, allowing Azog to stab him through the chest. As Azog smiles, Thorin raises his own sword and stabs Azog through the heart. Because of their close quarters, Azog can't avoid it. Thorin flips Azog over onto his back on the ice and forces Orcrist all the way through Azog and into the ice below. Azog dies with Thorin kneeling on top of him. Mortally wounded, Thorin struggles to get up.

Bilbo wakes up from his unconscious state, sees the eagles flying over him, and says, "The eagles are coming..." Thorin stumbles towards the edge of the frozen waterfall, looking over the battlefield below, where the remaining orcs are being routed. Weak from his wounds, he collapses onto his back. Bilbo comes running over in surprise.

Thorin says, "Bilbo..."

Bilbo calls out, "Don't move! Don't move! Lie still!" Bilbo examines Thorin's wounds, then he recoils in shock, saying, "Oh!"

Thorin says, "I'm glad you're here..."

Bilbo shushes him, but Thorin continues, "I wish to part from you in friendship."

Bilbo says, "No. You are not going anywhere, Thorin. You're going to live."

Thorin continues his speech, "I would take back my words and my deeds at the gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me...I was too blind to see. I'm so sorry that I have led you into such peril."

Thorin begins choking up blood. Bilbo desperately says, "No, no, I'm glad to have shared in all your perils, Thorin - each and every one of them. And it's far more than any Baggins deserve." They smile at each other.

Thorin says, "Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees - watch them grow."

Thorin struggles to choke, "If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place."

And these were the last words of Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain, as his last breath begins to expire. Bilbo calls out, "No! No! No! No! No! No! Thorin! Oh, don't you dare!"

Then Thorin breathes out one last time before dying.

"Thorin, Thorin, wake up. The eagles...the eagles...the eagles are here. Thorin...the eag..."

Bilbo begins to cry out in sorrow. The remaining dwarves hear the cries because they all came to Ravenhill. Fíli, who woke up from his unconscious state, was the first to show up. Seeing Thorin dead, he shouts, "Uncle, no!" and rushes towards Bilbo and Thorin as fast as his injured self can. Then, one after another, they show up, all standing there grieving for their lost friend. Legolas and Tauriel stand by the side with Maira, having come with Kíli.

Maira says, "And so dies Thorin, son of Thráin, King Under the Mountain. His reign may have been short, but he managed to take back his home from the great lizard, Smaug. May his name be remembered for all the ages."

Thranduil slowly walks through the ruins of Ravenhill, gazing at the carnage. Legolas approaches him and says, "I...cannot go back," brushing past his father and preparing to leave.

Thranduil asks, "Where will you go?"

Legolas turns and faces his father, saying, "I do not know."

Thranduil has a destination for him and suggests, "Go north. Find the Dúnedain. There's a young Ranger amongst them - you should meet him. His father, Arathorn, was a good man. His son might grow to be a great one."

Legolas asks, "What is his name?"

Thranduil answers, "He's known in the wild as Strider. His true name you must discover for yourself."

They nod at each other, and then Legolas turns and walks away. Thranduil calls after him, and Legolas pauses. Thranduil then says, "Legolas... your mother loved you...more than anyone...more than life."

Legolas widens his eyes in shock and surprise. Legolas and Thranduil make a gesture of departure to each other, and then Legolas leaves. Thranduil watches him leave sadly, bowing his head in grief.

Bilbo sits by himself, staring off into the distance. Gandalf comes to join him, and Maira appears beside them, sitting down as well. Gandalf begins clearing out his pipe, and Maira, thinking she'll try it too, pulls out a pipe (don't ask where she has it from).

Gandalf looks at her, surprised, and she just smiles. Gandalf cleans rather loudly, and Bilbo looks like he's about to object. After a moment, he pauses. He and Gandalf nod at each other.

The remaining members of the company are still kneeling beside the body of the king, paying their homage. In Dale, Percy blows a huge horn, and all the townspeople who are gathering along the walls stare out reverently at Erebor.

Inside Erebor, Thorin lies on a platform with his blade by his side and the Arkenstone in hand. But someone who looks closer can see that a small shard of the stone is missing. The company walks around the table, giving their last respects. The soldiers and Dain stand a bit away. Then, the dwarves of the company move forward, and Balin says with sadness, "The king is dead! Long live the king!" He raises his arm with the sword in hand, and every other dwarf of the company does the same. The soldiers all draw their swords, and Dain sits there with the crown on his head.

Bilbo and Balin walk out of the gate of erebor Bilbo has his pack and is preparing to leave Balin tries to persuade him to stay saying "There is to be a great feast tonight. Songs will be song, tales will be told and Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend." Bilbo says "I know that's how you must honor him, but to me he was never that - he me...he was..." Bilbo is unable to fined the words and Balin smiles fondly at him Bilbo says "Well, I think I'll slip quietly away. Will you tell we others I said goodbye?" But Balin says "You can tell' em yourself." Bilbo looks back and smiles as he sees the dwarves standing behind him he says "If any of you ever passing Bag End, tea is at four - there's plenty of it. You are welcome anytime." The dwarves bow to him and he smiles he begins to turn away then he turns back "Eh, don't bother knocking." The dwarves chuckle some whipping tears Bilbo after waving goodbye walks towards Gandalf and Maira who has decided to join them on their journey back to the shire the are waiting for him on their horses having a pony for Bilbo they ride back to the shire slowly admiring the landscape

They dismount at the edge of the Shire, and Bilbo starts to walk away with all the things in his arms. Gandalf says, "Ah, the borders of the Shire. It is here I must leave you." Bilbo says, "That's a shame. I quite liked having a wizard around. Seems they bring good luck." Gandalf says, "You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck?" Gandalf looks knowingly at Bilbo and then at Maira, who is, to his surprise, scowling deeply at the implication of the ring. He then says, "Magic rings should not be used lightly, Bilbo." Maira says, "I can only agree," and she narrows her eyes, continuing, "and I know which ring you have picked up; this is not to be trifled with." Gandalf nods.

Bilbo wants to protest, but Gandalf interrupts him, "Don't take me for a fool. I know you found one in the Goblin tunnels, and I've kept my eye on you ever since."

Now that the secret is out, Bilbo smiles and says, "Well, thank goodness." He continues, "Farewell, Gandalf, Maira."

They reply at the same time, "Farewell." Bilbo turns around and begins walking away. After a few paces, he stops and turns, "You, needn't worry about that ring. It fell out of my pocket during the battle. I lost it."

Gandalf replies, "You're a very fine person, Mister Baggins. And I'm very fond of you. But you're only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all." Bilbo continues walking away back to the Shire, and Gandalf walks the way he came, with Maira following him.

While Bilbo is back in the Shire, saving his house from auction, Gandalf and Maira are riding on a road until a crossroad comes. Gandalf asks, "What will you do now, Mairon?" Maira smiles and innocently says, "I don't know," but then she narrows her eyes, continuing, "but if I find a way to destroy this 'copy' of me, I will. Olorin, and I hope you will help me." She goes back to smiling. Gandalf also smiles as he says, "Farewell, Mairon. I hope that you have a safe journey." She replies, "And I hope your beard never falls out, Olorin. Farewell," and she laughs as she rides away. Gandalf just shakes his head and rides the other way.


(Yes this is it with the hobbit, I truly don't know what people don't like about the movies, but meh. I hope you liked this chapter and that you come back when i write the Lord of the rings section.)

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