Eighteen Years Later

By thefruity1

25.4K 519 634

Everything is perfect, Nick and Charlie have their dream home, dream job and cute kids. They survived graduat... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Everything worked out
Chapter 2 - Nelson house
Chapter 3 - Nighttime Troubles
Chapter 4 - Mother in law
Chapter 5 - In deep trouble
Chapter 6 - Sick kids
Chapter 7 - Adoption Flashback
Chapter 8 - Clingy boy
Chapter 9 - Sibling Wars Part 1
Chapter 10 - Sibling Wars Part 2
Chapter 12 - Tea and Troubles
Chapter 13 - Bye, bye Papa
Author update
Chapter 14 - Stupid Recital
Chapter 15 - Stupid Recital part 2
Chapter 16 - The Crush
Chapter 17 - The Girlfriend part 1
Important Author News/Sneak peak
Chapter 18 - The Girlfriend Part 2
Chapter 19 - Dad and Alec time
Chapter 20 - Old Habits
Chapter 21 - Declan and Lucia
Chapter 22 - The Big News
Chapter 23 - Family Meetings
Chapter 24 - Day with Declan
Chapter 25 - Time Jump and Recap
Chapter 26 - Dinner Party
Chapter 27 - The Sleepover Part 1
Chapter 28 - The Sleepover part 2
Chapter 29 - The First Day of School (Flashback)
Chapter 30 - Why?
Chapter 31 - Girls
Chapter 32 - Birthdays and Boyfriends
Chapter 33 - How To Parent
Chapter 34 - Date Night
Chapter 35 - Long Time, No See
Chapter 36 - Kidnapped
Chapter 37 - Moving Forward
Chapter 38 - Fresh Start
Chapter 39 - Late Night Talking

Chapter 11 - Daddy is cheating?

829 20 35
By thefruity1

Chapter recommended by hgrrch thanks a lot for reading!

Alec Pov

I know my parents love each other. They are always telling me how they fell in love when they were kids and stuck together forever, soulmates, blah blah blah. They also make it painfully obvious they love each other. I see them kiss each other sometimes, blegh. One night I went to use the bathroom, and at the time Millie and I's bathroom was getting renovated so I went upstairs to daddy and papa's bathroom and heard them making 'happy noises'. I told these kids in my class and this popular girl said they were trying to make each other excited and do grown up stuff. That means they love each other apparently.

They also show that they love me as well, like adopting me, feeding me and giving me a place to live. And just being my parents in general. Like something my daddy does is drop me off at school each morning, which is what he just did. I wave my hand goodbye as he walks into his work office and I go to class.

In class Mrs Roberts takes the roll and hands out our work books for the day. Today we are doing spelling. Blegh. I cannot spell at all, I don't even know what the words mean! How am I supposed to know how to spell them? So I copied my friend Noah's page because he is really good at spelling. I help him with math, he helps me with English. Well, not really 'helping' we just copy each other.

"Well done Alec, your spelling was really good today!" Mrs Roberts says as she grades my work book. I smirk knowing that I did nothing to get the praise.

Soon morning tea comes and I go to my school bag on my hook and I can't see my lunch box. I must've forgotten to put it in my bag dammit. What am I supposed to eat? I'll just find daddy is his office and maybe he will get me something. He says if something happens during school I can just find him.

I tell Noah what's happened and then leave the class and run to the wrong office across the school courtyard. I open the office door and see the lady Belinda.

"Hi Belinda." I say nicely

"Hello Alec, are you here to see your dad?" She asks politely. I nod back

"Head on through to his office, but be quick he has a meeting soon." I do as she says and wave as I go through the corridor to my dad's office. Since he is the deputy principal, he gets his own room for stuff.

At his door, it's slightly ajar and I peer inside. I see daddy on his round desk swivel chair at his desk and his blonde secretary standing in front of him between him and the desk. She is standing up and looks to have her hands around his neck. She leans in to daddy and I don't have a very good angle of what's happening but they look like they are kissing.

My eyes widen out of my head.


Daddy is cheating on papa??

No fucking way

I should not have come here. I have to tell someone! But I can't look away from the scene, but when she leans back, daddy stands up, adjusts his clothes which have a little wet spot on his chest, and what looks to be a different tie than the one on him this morning. He then moves to the door. I bolt down the corridor to the main office and run right out into the school courtyard with the other kids before I get caught.

I guess I don't need lunch today.

Time skip to after school

(Still Alec pov)

I decided to walk home that day, I didn't want to see daddy I was too upset.

How dare he do that?

He is married. He made a promise.

And here he goes having an affair with his young secretary.

At home I quickly realized that papa wasn't at home. But Oli was still here. He flies home tomorrow.

Could I tell Oli about what I saw? Afterall he is the only one who would understand and help me.

So I march myself up to the top floor and knock on the guest bedroom door.

"Come in," he echoes. I bust through the door

"Hey Lukie. Everything alright?" he asks and cocks his head to the side

"No. I saw something." I say and flop onto his bed in front of him.

"What did you see?" He says intently

"I went to daddy's office today and saw him kissing a woman." I say and I see Oli's eyes get so big and he sits up.


"Yup." I respond

"Are you sure Lukie?" he asks again

"yes oli."

"Positive?" he asks again

"YES OLI!" I yell louder this time. And he finally leans back a bit and starts to process what I told him.

If I'm being honest I had not thought this far in advance. I wanted to tell Oli but what do we do now? Do we tell papa?

"What do we do?" I ask shyly.

"We should interrogate Uncle Nick," he declares.

"Wait should we?" I say, I didn't think this.

"Yes, Lukie. We need answers."

"Um...ok." I say

"Here is the plan." Oli starts. "After dinner tonight, when Charlie goes to put Millie to bed, we can question him." He says confidently and I nod in agreement.

With that plan set, we agreed to meet after dinner.

Time skip to after dinner

(Still Alec pov)

We had dinner and everything looked normal with daddy. He spoke normal, acted normal, and even kissed papa when he did the dishes.

Oli and I kept giving each other looks during dinner and then watched some show that I wasn't really paying attention to while waiting for Papa and Millie to go. They do and Oli whips his head around to me when daddy sits down on the couch.

"Go time." He mouths to me

I nod and I begin the planned conversation we prepared earlier.

"Daddy?" I ask sweetly and innocently.

"Yes pumpkin?" he says and I prepare myself with a big deep breath for the statement I'm about to say.

"Why are you cheating on papa?" I say as calmly as possible

He whips around to face me and is quick to show a face of confusion. "What are you talking about? I'd never cheat on your papa." he says and I almost believe him.

Oli comes into the conversation. "Yeah you were kissing your secretary today!" he says boldly.

Daddy is shocked and is so confused. He shouldn't be. He knows he cheated. "I have no idea where you two got this idea but I want an explanation." He declares sternly and I swallow a breath in my throat. Oli looks at me and I decide to speak.

"Today at morning tea I forgot my lunch box and I went to see you for food and saw this woman in your office and it looked like you were kissing!" I explained quickly and every word I saw my daddy computed his brain.

"Is this true Uncle Nick?" Oli asks primly, confidence dripping from his voice.

"No it's absolutely not." he dismisses with a strong hand slicing gesture.

"Then what?" I ask with my hands crossed against my chest

"That woman was Marie, my secretary and I had an important meeting coming soon and spilled water on my tie and my hands were wet so she was helping me untie my tie and put on another." He explained and I believed him. Of course he wouldn't cheat papa. He isn't one to go have an affair.

"How can we know for sure?" Oli asks, of course he doesn't believe daddy yet, he still has some fight in him and it shows.

"Because Marie is a lesbian and is happily married to her wife. She would never be with me. I'd never be with her, I promise you nothing happened." he says and it all makes sense, the leaning in, the whispers, the different tie and the words of encouragement for the meeting. God I'm stupid.

"So nothing happened?" Oli asks again

"Yes Oli." He says directly. And I see Oli's shoulders untense and he relaxes back in his chair. My daddy would never cheat, I should know that, they love each other.

1460 words


Hello lovely people

I love this chapter. It was a roller coaster but I did enjoy it.

Also curious to know if you guys want a character Q&A?

Stay happy, healthy and hydrated.



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