My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff)

By epitomixoxo

1.4K 82 13

"I thought I healed myself, until you came, treating the wounds I didn't know I had" When an unfortunate acc... More

2. You Are...!!
3. Boiling Noodles
4. Cut
5. The Eyes
6. Interest
7. Ringing
8. A Date?
9. Closer View
10. Tteokbokki
11. Unwanted Message
12. Watching You
13. I.C.U
14. Feelings
15. Hometown
16. part i: Blush
16. part ii. Seaside
17. Waves
18. Behind Your Eyes
19. Official?
20. A Trip
21. Lost
22. Imposter
Author's Note
23. Into His Den
24. The Last Fight
25. Healing him
New Story!
26. 'Stay Alive'
27. Warmth
28. A Year with You
29. Luke Warm
30. Gift!
31. Confronted
32. Demeaned
33. The Preparation
34. Under The Stars

1. Appointment

223 7 4
By epitomixoxo

Who said, "Life will be so easy once you start making money on your own!" Huh???

Maybe it is for some people, but for us, the Doctors, the nurses and all the people related to public service are on another level of Easy Life you can ever have.

It's been two and a half day I haven't laid my body on my bed. I haven't even gone home in these 57 hours. Yup! I'm working now. Work, work and work!!

A few years back it was Study, study, study. I haven't even got the time to look for a decent guy to date. Well maybe that's something not entirely my job's fault. I don't look at guys like that. It creeps me out thinking the guy I'm looking at maybe has an wonderful woman or man waiting for them to get home. Uughh! FrUsTraTiNg!!

"Miss Yn, you got another patient. Please come to room no, 301."

An announcement goes off. I get up from my chair where I was taking a short brake in and grab my white coat.


Uggh! I'm hungry! "It's okay stomach, you can hold it for another ten minutes. I'll be done with the patient and will feed you something..." I talk to my tummy while rubbing my hand on it.

At room 301,

Yn: Excuse me, are you the patient?

?? : No, he just went to the bathroom. Can you please wait?!

Yn: y-yeah! Sure. *soft laugh*

Wow this guy is well mannered. Generally family or friends of the patient even order us sometimes to do something as per their advice. But he's talking in a "Please"?!?!!

I wait there putting both of my hands in the coat's pocket for the patient. In 30 seconds the person I'm supposed to treat comes out! I turn to him with all my attention. He seemed to go backwards bcs of my sudden move though.

Yn: Hi! You're the patient right?
Patient : Yes.
Yn: I'm Yn Ln, who is supposed to treat you. Can you give me a brief history about your injury?

I look at his arms and the freshly cut wounds he's trying hard to hide.

Patient:, was in a car!
Yn: uh-huh! *nodding*
Patient: and then...*clears throat*

The other person who came with this person spoke up, "He basically punched his arms so hard to the window of the car until it shattered completely giving his arms and face these scars!"

Yn: .....Okay....come with me.

I take them to the dressing room, and cleared the wound and scanned with my eyes if there can be any broken part.
A tiny area looked really swollen. I tapped the part and he winced in pain right away. The wincing was painful, and there is a possibility that it's broken.

Yn: We'll need to do X-ray photography to know if it's broken. The outer aiding is done. Please take him to the X-ray room.

I advice while writing the prescription for them. The comapanion guy nodded and they both bowed away with the prescription in hand.

I bow back and go away to grab one sandwich for my Hungry-ass tummy.

At the X-ray Room, 20 minutes later,

Campanion: Hey, Hyung, it's done. Let's go to Dr. Yn to check it up.

Patient : I'm not going. You go. -_-

Companion: *worried* Why? Is it paining that much? WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THESE STUPID STUFF?!?! I'M SO DONE WITH YOU BEING SUCH A HEADACHE.

Patient: I never asked you to come.

Companion: Right, so you'd do all these paperwork and buying medicine all alone in this Government Hospital with this much public around you?!? HAVE YOU GONE MAD HYUNG?!

Patient: I could have manag...

Comapanion: You Wouldn't! Now shut up and be A GOOD boy and come with me for the check up!....MOVE! I'll help you.

Patient: it's okay I can..

Companion: Again? ( -.- )

Patient: ......

Companion: Good Boy!

At Yn's Chember,

Companion: May we come in Doctor?

Yn: Oh yes. (0 ㅡ<0)

I put down the sandwich as fast as I can while they enter my chember.

Yn: I apologize! I am eating. I'm a little hun...

Companion: It's totally fine Doc. We know how much of a hardwork it is. You can continue eating.

Okay, That was WEIRD! Weird in a good way. I've never received this type of treatment from the worried family or friends side of the Patient. I guess I'm still a newbie at this job!!

Yn: Thank you so much! Can you pass me the Results?

Companion: here. *hands it over*

I analize the area real good and yep! I think that's a haircrack right there. Due to sudden jerking the joint of the shoulder and arm got cracked.

Companion: Is it bad Doc?

Yn: Umm, no not really. We don't need an operation.


Yn: *laughing a lil* HEY, come down, I said we won't need it! It'll heal just with homecare.

Companion: Is that?

Yn: A haircrack in the shoulder joint. *starts writing the prescription*
You'll need an Ice pack 4 times a day for the first week. Then twice a day for the next. Be in Complete rest for few weeks until you come and visit again. And apply and take these medications. Please visit again after 2 weeks. And do another X-ray. And check it up once more. Okay? :)

Companion : Yes! Thanks doc!

I stare at the Patient with a smile on my face and question in my slight frown.

Yn: Mister, you haven't talked once except that one big exclamation. You even was struggling telling about the accident earlier. Is your jaw fine?

Patient: I guess so.

Companion: 0_0??

Yn: Can you please take off the mask and the cap? I need to check your face for any other injury.

Both of them kinda start panicking when I approached him, getting up from my chair. I quickly slide my gloves and mask on.

Yn: Please...

Patient: *looks at the companion*

Companion: Umm, can we do it in more private area?

Yn: umm, Pardon?

Companion: umm....he's is kind of a big celebrity, mam, so can we just take some precautions to not to get his identity revealed? It'll be a HUGE problem if some random person posts about the incident on the internet! Please Coorporate?

Yn: *thinks of the possibility of getting in rumors of getting in a fight or something*

Yn: Well okay! Close the door of this room. And stay there.

Companion: Thanks for the help!

Yn: :) nevermind!

Yn: Now that the door's closed, can you open your mask, sir?

The person sitting in front of me, removes the cap first. The long lushy hair immediately covers his whole forehead in a fluffy motion. That's Beautiful!! He looks GOOD!...

*Clearing throat* What even I'm thinking?? YN!! STAY FOCU.....He ruffled his hair a little and then proceeded to remove the mask....

Yn: 0∆0 !!!!!!!!!!......*GASP*


[ A.N : Hi! Please Vote and Comment if you like it. ]

To Be Continued....

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