Lost City of Atlantis 💦🌊

By GothNebula

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Plagg did mentioned that he was the cause of Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the ocean but he never told th... More

Lost to the Sea
Previous Kittens from the Past
The Adventure Begins
Air Pocket
Dark Reflections
Fury of Gluttony
Fury of Pain
Fury of Envy
Visions of Past
Fury of Lust
Death Rock
Fury of Gossip
Fury of Jealousy
Fury of Panic
Nice Friends
Pet Control
Love and Support


150 5 4
By GothNebula

Marinette did not expect her kitty to see her unmasked but now it's too late that he knows her identity. He did the unthinkable when he detransformed to reveal that her prince was Cat Noir the entire time.

"You were her/him the whole time?!" They said at the same time.

"I flirted with Milady a lot and fell in love with two girls who happen to be the same girl?" Adrien let out his shocking reaction.

"And I was in love with the boy who was my partner and...I hurt him!" Marinette was beyond shocked.

"Uhhhh......should we snap them out?" Pelle asked his partner.

"Si" Panthera nodded.

"I can't believe it, which means..." Marinette pulls Adrien's shirt up to see the scar he got from her as Dark Bug.

"You weren't yourself. It was Chrysalis' doing" Adrien said.

"But I almost killed you with my bare hands," Marinette said.

"Bueno, bueno. Are you guys....yourselves now?" Luna got in between before they had panic attacks.

"Just a lot to process. How didn't I notice the same pigtails and voice?" Adrien said.

"Perhaps because you were busy flirting with her too much?" Pelle guessed.

"Yeah, that too," Adrien said.

"I'm sorry Adrien for not telling you sooner," Marinette said.

"Apology accepted, my princess. But it takes more than a catfight to get me mad" Adrien does his Cat Noir grin.

"Oh, Adrien. You're such a true prince meowing" Marinette hugs him.

"Did you just make a cat pun?" Adrien chuckled.

"Maybe I did," Marinette said.

"As much as I love romántica moments, we still need to check your leg, mariquita," Luna said.

"Okay" Marinette sat down on a rock to get her leg checked again.

"This is why I always carry Zepol cream with me," Luna said, applying the cream on her leg, "This might sting a little"

Marinette flinched a little from the cream applied.

"So you're the cat? Luna knew?" Pelle asked.

"Yes, she did" Adrien admitted, "And you knew Ladybug was my girlfriend"

"Yeah. Luna didn't until now. All because of Monarch, huh?" Pelle said.

"We weren't allowed to know because if we did, he would akumatize one of us to take our miraculous to make that wish," Adrien said.

"Until he was your father all along. I'm sorry that you had to believe he was a terrorist" Pelle said.

"He was never my father when I supposedly lost my mother. I'm glad he's dead so that I don't have to be controlled anymore. I meant nothing to him anymore just like Cerise meant nothing to him when he abandoned her" Adrien sits on the rock.

"But you have a real loving mother that accepts you, Adrien. What your father didn't realize is that he destroyed his own life than his fake life" Pelle said.

"Fake life?" Adrien raised a brow.

"Your father's real name was Gabi Grassette, right? His fake life was as Gabriel Agreste. Living a fake life means living a lie as well as abandoning his real life. Just like Cerise is doing when she had a fake life as Lila Rossi" Pelle said.

"Yeah, leading to my uncle's madness in the below world. But he died in peace in my arms" Adrien recalled his uncle Maurice.

"And your father's?" Pelle asked.

"I never saw him die but what Ladybug told me, he probably died because the cataclysm would have killed him. He better be in hell to suffer more for what he did to make millions of people around the world as miraculized zombie weapons. He was beyond psycho" Adrien said.

"There's no return for him as his body is gone. But unfortunately, Cerise filled his shoes" Marinette said.

"But Cerise is extremely smarter than him. Gabriel's madness made him very stupid to see his true colors" Luna said.

"Yeah, we will camp here for the night," Adrien said, opening his backpack.

"Agreed. And we need food too" Marinette said.

"Good thing you have me. Mi mama taught me to cook" Luna said.

"Utmärkt" Pelle said excellent in Swedish.

It took Luna 40 minutes to cook with her man-made style since there was no firewood in the air pocket.

"Mmmm... smells good," Marinette said.

"Thanks. Just like in New York when you guys tried my mother's restaurant food" Luna reminded them.

"I hope business is going well since Chloe and her mother got arrested," Adrien said.

"It is, gatito. Ever since we found my father, my family has been doing very well. My mama is finally happy to have mi papa in her life. And for those two brats, they barely get any visitors. I told Chloe to come to her senses but she refused. Every abuse of power she does, it's gonna destroy her life" Luna said.

"I'm glad I ended my friendship with her. She's too toxic" Adrien said.

"Sabrina did the same too. As well as the ex-mayor to divorce his wife. Both of them lost their reputation because of power and greed" Marinette said while eating.

"Yep," Pelle nodded and resumed eating.

"You never told us about your life, Pelle," Marinette said.

"Ah yes. Where do I begin with? Well, surely you know I live in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. I was born there and grew up there with my parents and little sister. My interest in animals began when my maternal grandparents brought me to the zoo in Stockholm. Once the CEO of the zoo said I have just as much enthusiasm as he does" Pelle began telling the three.

"Wow, you actually met the CEO?" Marinette said.

"Yep. Growing up I did face a few bullies but stood my ground each time, going as far as protecting my little sister Elsa" Pelle said.

"Awww..." Luna said.

"Ja, though it was during one of my vacations in Thailand with my family that I started to realize the elephants you ride there are actually heavily abused when I saw the scars on one's forehead. I looked at the owner's hook and figured it came from him, hence why I became determined to help the abused animals through volunteering at sanctuaries" Pelle continued.

"That's what makes him the elephant whisperer," Luna said.

"You could say that. My time there allowed me to bond with these majestic creatures. The workers there thought I was good at my job there, even when it rained, I kept going, never giving up until it was done" Pelle said.

"Talk about real determination," Adrien said.

"You could say that" Pelle ate his food.

"So, you received a miraculous in Thailand?" Marinette asked.

"No, I received it from a Swahili man the first time I arrived in Paris at the airport. I got it as a gift for saving him" Pelle said.

"What? You received a miraculous the same way I received a miraculous from an elderly Colombian woman at the airport too" Luna said.

"Wait, you did?" Pelle asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't notice her slipping it in my bag," Luna said.

"Wow, so that's how you became the heroes," Adrien said.

"Si, on separate occasions but same place," Luna said.

"Impressive. Much different than Master Fu" Marinette said.

"The Kenyan old man said I'm the first white man to be the new holder of the elephant miraculous" Pelle finished his food.

"He knew you'd be worthy of it," Adrien said.

"And I also received a kwagamata on my 20th birthday. I didn't know what it meant until Clawws showed me how and I talked to a previous Jaguar holder from the Mesoamerican. She said El Dorado was real and she fell in love with.....the black cat holder who came from Spain in the 1500s" Luna said shyly, showing her kwagamata colored in purple.

"Huh, so they were a cat couple," Adrien said.

"Indeed," Luna said.

"What were their names?" Adrien asked.

"Gato Diablo and Ixchel" Luna said.

"Interesting" Pelle held out his grey kwagamata too, "I received mine on my 19th birthday too. Same like you said, all were African cultured holders"

"Was it?" Marinette asked.

"Yep, ranging from Pembe which means Tusk, and King Shina, in other words, King Trunk," Pelle said.

"Sounds like your ancestors were African royalty" Adrien teased.

"Almost" Pelle replied.

"Were all your cat ancestors this flirty?" Luna teased Adrien.

"Well, some were" Adrien replied.

"Why do you always do that thing?" Luna asked.

"What thing?" Adrien asked before finishing his meal.

"That thing you do when you're fighting," Luna said but Adrien was far confused as to what she's talking about.

"Like this pose you're doing" Luna posed like Black Widow.

"I'm not a poser," Adrien said.

"You always do a lot of poses, kitty" Marinette snickered at the times he would always show off his poses.

"So do you," Adrien said.

"Besides me, you were more of a poser than I was," Marinette said.

"I don't always do a lot of poses," Adrien said in disbelief.

"Oh, come on. You saw my blog. There are great poses but it makes you look like everyone's looking at you like all the time" Luna said.

"Ah, yeah. Thousands of views every day" Adrien said.

"The question is why are you a poser?" Pelle laughed a little.

"I dunno, maybe for style?" Adrien joked.

"Okay," Luna chuckled and held her sleeping kwami, "Well, it's time for all of us to get a good sleep. Buenas noches"

"Sleep well," Adrien said after fixing up his tent.

"We'll continue tomorrow" Pelle got inside his own tent.

"Yup. Thanks for the food, Luna" Marinette said.

"De nada, Marinette," Luna said, turning her lantern off.


Adrien was dreaming but it was no ordinary dream this time, it was a visitation dream where the dead communicate with the living person in the dream.

Adrien saw his father standing in the black void with him, "Gabriel" Adrien looked away in anger, never wanting to see him ever again for what he did.

"We meet again, Adrien," Gabriel said.

"Face it, I know what you have done and your fake life!" Adrien said.

"I was doing this to protect you, Adrien! I just wanted to bring your mother back to be family" Gabriel explained.

"By locking me in a mansion, filling my head with lies, putting me in a white room with no doors or windows, and neglecting me like I was nothing to you?! No, Gabriel. What you did ruined my life and yours. If it weren't for Marinette and my friends, I would suffocate to death, or better yet, I would end my life by destroying this" Adrien showed his twin rings on his finger, "Yes, I know I'm a sentimonster human hybrid. I know you're Gabi Grassette, your old life while Gabriel Agreste was your fake life" Adrien glared.

"My family is dead, son! I did not tell you about it because it was too much to bear" Gabriel lied.

"You abandoned them like they are nothing to you. You abandoned Lila Rossi, aka, Cerise, your real pure human daughter" Adrien said.

"You knew about it?!" Gabriel gasps.

"She told me everything! You shouldn't have trusted her!" Adrien yelled.

"You wanna know why you never listen to anyone because they are not you. I'm never like you. When Simon Says was after you, I tried to protect you but you refused to listen and you almost jumped off the roof when he put a spell on you. You ruined Christmas by upsetting Santa who was just bringing me home. When I lost the book which obviously never belonged to you, you pulled me out of school and grounded me, and akumatized yourself to kill me! Like what the fuck?! When I was in New York, you forced me to leave when it was you all along to terrorize New York. You were never a good father to me. All you did was manipulate me so I don't find out my own father was a supervillain. You were not protecting me. You emotionally abused me! You don't know the difference between physical and emotional pain" Adrien glared.

"How dare you, Adrien?!" Gabriel got angry.

"And not long ago, your daughter killed your brother for failing to destroy me, my girlfriend, and the others!" Adrien stood his ground, "I met Uncle Maurice and he was a lot like you with madness but he died with redemption. You never told me I had an uncle" Adrien said.

"He was never worth mentioning! He was only a fool like the rest" Gabriel said.

"He was trapped in a world below for 20 years! He was desperate to find his way back to the surface but his sanity slipped away! He told me you abandoned him and the family, leaving them broke with nothing! You changed your name to Gabriel Agreste to make the world believe Gabi Grassette never existed!" Adrien corrected him, "What's even worse is that you lied to Mom and me! You broke too many promises for her and me! If you did make that wish, I would be the sacrifice and you can't undo it! Mother would be heartbroken and she would be angry at you!"

"Until your girlfriend made me see the outcome. I never meant anything for this. I was dying from the cataclysm on my body, son" Gabriel said.

"Claws out" Adrien transformed into Cat Noir, proving to him that he was the cat all along and Gabriel traumatized his son to kill his own father.

"Yes, I am Cat Noir, you caused me to be your doom!" Cat Noir said.

"Impossible!" Gabriel refused to believe that.

"I fought my own father hiding behind the mask all along. You threw me off the Triumph de Arc. You literally made all your Akuma puppets kill me. You traveled through past events that would have made me and Milady disappear like we never existed. You never think about the consequences nor think about what your madness has caused" Cat Noir glared, "If you knew I was the cat, you would've done everything to kill me to get my miraculous. And what? So you can wish everyone back from the dead while reality becomes a dead world?!"

"No Adrien I..." Gabriel was interrupted.

"I really wish you never married Mom! I hope you enjoy hell" Cat Noir turns again.

"Adrien! Come back here!!!" Gabriel shouted but Adrien woke up.


"Adrien!" Marinette was trying to wake him up this time.

He woke up with a jolt, "AAAH! Ohhh Marinette" He gasped.

"Gatito, you were talking in your sleep about your father," Luna said.

"Yeah, but it was just a nightmare" Adrien rubs his eyes.

"As long as you don't try to scare us again," Pelle said.

"Sorry. Well let's try to get some sleep again" Adrien said.

"Uh, it's actually morning. We just woke up but you were still sleeping" Pelle said.

"Oh right of course" Adrien got up.

"I'm starving," Plagg said.

"Yeah, we had to make your kwami stop overeating those over-expired cheese before he ran out," Luna said.

"Good" Adrien puts his jacket on.

"Give me! Give me!" Plagg struggling to get more cheese.

"Callete, gato! Sheesh!" Luna can't take this kwami anymore.

So she shoved one cheese in his mouth to silence him, "MMMPH?!"

"Sorry, he's just picky on everything" Adrien apologized.

"It's alright," Pelle said, drinking some coffee.

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