I thought you loved me

Autorstwa Weirdo_nextdoor612

157 18 1

Audrey Harper is a 21 yeah old girl who hasn't been in school for a while. When she finally gets accepted at... Więcej

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter sixteen

5 1 0
Autorstwa Weirdo_nextdoor612

" you have such bad fashion taste dude" I informed Alex who was wearing a blue turtleneck, with yellow shorts and flip flops. " how ? My mom says I look good even in a trash bag " he said winking at himself in the store mirror. My head shook slightly as I got up and picked out an outfit. " Alex help me out here!" Hunter called from the dressing room. I glanced over at Alex who just ignored his request instead continuing to pose and flexing in the mirror. " also I think this Jean's is too small!" He yelled again.

" Alex go help him " I ordered but Alex rolled his eyes in the mirror. " he's a grown ass man he can do it himself. Plus why does he need my help?" Alex said and I let out an a annoyed sigh. But I agree, Alex has not the best of taste.

I picked out a bigger Jean's size and walked to the fitting room. I opened the curtain slightly and put my hand inside giving him the Jean's. " Alex get in here" he hissed and pulled my arm inside. I fell but he caught me. " you're not Alex" he said and glared at me. I smirked. " what's wrong you want to do naughty things with him in the dressing room?" I asked smirking and he gave me a look of pure disgust. " Fuck no I just want to ask him if my outfit looked okay" he said and I tilted my head.

I was still in his arms as we spoke he looked down at me and I looked up at him. His features were soft and friendly. Surprisingly. He stood under the light causing his hair to leave a shadow over half his face. Though the light never hit that point his eyes still glowed a bright green.

" then why not come out of the dressing room?" I asked and he gave me that ' are you serious right now' look. Wait does he know that that child outside has no fashion sense " what?" I asked." Well I don't want your staring problem and yearning to see certain body parts to get worst now do I?" He asked smirking at me. I have a feeling my cheeks are blood red right now.

His eyes fell from mine and I followed his gaze. My eyes wondered to my hands and I pushed him away from me fast and held my hands in front of my chest. " what you think I'd look at that? I've seen bigger from girls who can actually keep quiet when needed." He laughed. That piece of shit. " well doubt it , have you seen all the flat bitches at that school" I informed. " I never said school" he informed and I just realized, we are over 18 meaning adults and some adult men spend their time at clubs.

He leaned against the wall with arms crossed. His shirt tightened around his arms and stomach area and left a clear map of his muscles and perfectly cut six pack. I swallowed and didn't hide the look I gave away. I just wanna touch them. Run my finger through every pathway and crevest. And I want to like poke each one to see if they pop. I licked my bottom lip before biting it with a smile.

" you really do have a staring problem " he said snapping me back to reality. I looked at him crimson. " no I font" I blushed and looked away. You dumb ass he saw you looking. You shameless child. shit , I said font instead of don't. " you cant even talk properly" he spat and pushed me out of the room.

I stood there frozen. His hand then reached out again and grabbed the pair of jeans.

I looked over at Alex who hasn't moved from the mirror. " hey you think this looks better?" He asked Turing around. A smile formed as I looked at him. He had an off white T-shirt on this time, with a pair of black jeans, a black leather jacket and his white sneakers. Its basic but it's a classic. I gave him a thumbs up and he went into the dressing room next to...Hunter's.

Wait he changed outfits. Did he hear us? Not that we were doing anything bad but...


After that we headed home because it became dark out and I don't think I want to go swimming in the dark. I don't trust neither of them. Alex said it would be fun to go at night but that devilish smirk did not go unnoticed. Hunter, he wasn't in the mood so we went with Hunters suggestion.

When we were on our way to Alex's house we heard a weird noise and the car fell silent. Alex bursts into a fit of laughter and looks at me. I blushed in embarrassment. " so your stomach doesn't know how to shut up either?" Hunter commented and I just ignored him. He's just trying to get under your skin. I told myself.

When Alex caught his breath he spoke " maybe we should get something to eat?" He suggested and I made a U-turn. " so dinner?" I asked and glanced at the two of them. They didn't answer me instead just looked at me as if I'm supposed to know what they want. " have you ever had a calzone ?" I asked. " what's that?" Alex asked " it's like an inside out pizza " I said and he still looked puzzled.

" I'll show you when we get there. " I informed him.


"this is delicious " Alex said with a mouth full. I laughed. " did your mom never teach you that talking with food in your mouth is rude. " I asked and he smiled. " my mother is a women of many phrases and rules, but none apply to me" he said taking a big bite.

" maybe there's a reason for her rules. Plus I doubt the rules are meant for your sister or Elijah." Hunter said. Alex raised a brow for him to continue, so he did. " that one rule that states you are not allowed to try and slide down a hill with soap and water while wearing a T-shirt sized bags" Hunter reminded and I couldn't help but laugh. " I did that once with my sister it was so fun!" I laughed. " oh and now I'm guessing you're going to tell us every detail of that" Hunter said rudely.

I looked at him in disbelief " what the hell is wrong with you? " I asked and he shrugged . " when ever I begin to talk you insult me or tell me to shut up" I stated. " you don't have the best voice so why should your mouth be running the way it does" he said with a smirk and a raised

" I'm done" I said standing up , causing my chair to screech on the ground. I leaned over the table and looked him dead in the eye. " find your own fucking way home" I said and took my things. " oh and when you do. Go to bed you seem a little cranky." I informed and left.

" come on dude what the hell?" Alex asked Hunter. "let the bitch go" Hunter said trying to sound like the mature person. Oh I'm the bitch? I think not.

I heard chairs screech against the floor and footsteps following slowly behind. "leave me alone" I grunted walking faster.

"see she wants us to leave" Hunter commented happily.

"well we're not" Alex insisted and I heard his footsteps speed up.

Realizing that he's not going to stop I ran. I dropped my bag and ran to the door. My phone is in my pocket as well as the keys. They can have those toucans.

I turned the corner to try and loose them but it's not easy running away knowing there are two boys after you and one of the does football.

I made it outside and into the parking lot in search of my car. "where is it where is it-" I mumbled to myself. Fear and anxiety swirled up inside me and for some reason I began to shiver.

My eyes spotted the car just in time "Audrey wait please!"Alex shouted and I ran to the black BMW parked in the very back of the parking lot. Why did I park there. I ran out of breath and my steps became slower but I pushed my self to take a few more steps.

I made it to the car unlocked it and climbed inside.

The boys made it to the car and I drove off. I looked over to the mirror while I caught my breath. I should run more.

I saw Alex shouting at Hunter while Hunter stood his ground unfazed at the situation. I'm sorry Alex for leaving you out in the cold. I just decided to head home now since it's late.


I drove for about a half an hour before I got home. I feel bad for leaving Alex behind. We should've just left Hunter to stand alone in the parking lot. That would've been so funny.

I climbed out of the car and made my way across the drive way to the porch. I bent over beside the huge pot plant behind one of the huge pillers in front of the door.

I dug my hand around trying to feel for the extra key. When I found it I pulled it out cleaned it on my shirt and unlocked the door.

I creaked it open slowly trying not to make a noise but my hard work was to no use as there was already a huge ruckus coming from the kitchen. The first story was basically open planned accept for the archway separating thr doorway entrance from the living room and kitchen. So everyone that walked in could here what was going on in the kitchen.

The lights were off but the downlights off the kitchen allowed some light for me to see.

I walked slowly to the stairs with my shoes in hand but once I exited the archway my eyes locked with my father's and the yelling from earlier now stopped.

"Marie I'll call you back" my father said to the person on the phone. He slipped his phone into his pocket. His face neutral not showing a sign of anger or disappointment. I'm shocked.

He let out a sigh and made his way to the kitchen and unlocking the forbidden cabnate. To me and Iris it's forbidden but to my father not at all.

He takes out a crystal glass bottle with amber liquid and places it on the table. He then takes out - oh shit - he took out two small glasses and filled them both.

"have a seat" he gestured to the row of seats on the one side of the island.

I slowly took a seat and sat before him waiting for a scolding of some sort but he just slid a glass over to me

My eyes widened. "you gonna need it believe me" he informed and brought the other glass to his lips to take a sip.

I just stared at the glass before me. I don't feel comfortable drinking it I mean I am old enough it's just... people normally drink with their dad's?

"you can drink it I won't scold you. Also Hunter sent me an email telling me you guys went to get dinner while on your way here" surprised at what he said I looked up at him to find him staring at me with a raised brow. He leaned against the counter behind him taking another sip.

After a moment he sighed.

"I met your mother when I was say around 21... 22. We were both at Hazelwood at the time the only thing was she was fresh out of high-school and I was halfway done with my business course. We met in the dorms before it was split to boys and girls. We were neighbors" he said smiling at the memory. So he decided to tell me about mom?

"I was friends with her sister Marie because we did a beach clean up community service together and since then we've been good friends and I thought I was going to end up with her maybe but turns out your mother changed my mind." still smiling he took another sip. That must taste good if he's drinking it with a straight face.

I slowly moved my hand to the glass and brought it to my lips.

I regret it.

I took one big sip and almost choked on the burning liquid that ran down my throat. "ah it burns how do you people get addicted to this" my voice strained and all my dad did was laugh. It was a genuine laugh.

"you really are like her. Anyway, after I fell for your mother  and turned away every girl that wasn't her it all felt just right. Me and her against the world. But what I didn't realize was that I left her sister in the dark, the third wheel." he took one deep breath and downed the glass.

So I did the same thinking that it would feel better. But nope it down not I still coughed and stuck my togue out disgusted." grown ups are weird"i commented and he smiled shaking his head. But when I sat up straight my brain began to feel fuzzy. I tried blinking but it just became more fuzzy.

" we were in love. I gave her the idea to throw a party while her parents were out and to invite all our friends to apologize.after that she had to drop out of school and I stood by her side to explain to her father that I'll take responsibility for it. Her dad didn't like it at first but after you were born he basically forgot about us. He loved you. We bought a house. We had you with us every step of the way, well most of the time. Your grandpa stole you from us the moment we walked through the doors of his house " my father said while his smile weathered a bit.

" one day we dropped you off at your mother's parents place since mine had and to this day still don't like you nor me, we dropped you off because I wanted to propose to her on the beach under the moon light." he said, smile coming back.

" sounds romantic" I commented and he glanced up at me.

"oh Audrey you have no idea. I wanted to take her out to dinner and then get ice-cream so that we can walk on the beach together and once we got to a good spot I wanted to get down on one knee and propose. It would've been one of the best days of my life"he said excitedly causing me to smile but one thing that confused me.

"would've? Wanted?" I asked and the light in my father's eyes dimmed.

"that's where it got bad. My plans were ruined when a drunk driver knocked my car. She drove at us in full speed causing the car to flip." my dad's voice cracked on on the end.

I looked up to find tears streeming from his face. I never saw him cry before.

" your-your mother never wore her seatbelt and-" he didn't finish the sentence." it hurts Audrey "he croaked through the tears.

I got up and walked to him I hugged him and he hugged me back." it's okay " I whispered.

" I'm sorry if only I made her put it on before we drove or if I only drove slower" he hugged me tightly while he sniffled and cried in my hair. I gonna wash it later.

"we found out that your aunt went to a party got drunk and stole someone's car. I never forgave her after that and I just became so scared that I isolated myself from them. Every time I looked at them I just saw her smiling. I never told anyone beside Melody(my aunt) since we still keep in touch. " he ended off.

" so whose the driver? " I asked softly and he stopped for a moment." her sister" he mumbled.

My eyes widened. But then I realized another thing. Iris.

"and Iris?" I asked him hoping for an answer.

"after that I surrounded myself with work. One of my friends hired me. That friend being my current boss/CEO. On the 2 year anniversary of your mother's death I couldn't take it and got drunk. I had too many drinks and then I fell for someone but it wasnt the same. After I told her that she left leaving you me and Iris behind"he ended off.

What!? You can't end off like that

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