Transmigated as mother of fou...

By AnamikaAcharjee

298K 18.1K 2.5K

karishma a young girl woke up in different body one morning. From single she became daughter-in-law of a rich... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
stop wherever you are read me first.
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 ( part 1 )
Chapter 50 ( Part 2 )
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 [ little Adult content ]
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Little drama
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
chapter 64 ( part 1 )
Chapter 64 ( part 2) ( little self harm content)

Chapter 32

4.5K 297 38
By AnamikaAcharjee

Karishma ( POV )

" Its beautiful isn't it. " A voice startled me. As I looked up I saw aditya standing . He is looking awesome in the moon light. Just like prince from fairy tales.

" It is..." I replied. He sat down beside me. " I thought you left to go home..." I said breaking the ice

" No...just didn't feel like leaving today. "  he said. " And I thought you will be the first one to leave after coming here. " I told him. He stared towards me for sometimes and than told " And why is that? " as if he don't know and have to ask me.

" Lets just enjoy the moon in silence shall we...." I said with an angry tone and again silence...I don't know what to tell him anymore...I am angry.

" I know......dont know why I am saying this to you...but I will tell you something today. " he said and paused, my heart beat getting fast. What he wants to share.

" My wife was nine months pregnant that time...we planned to go out and have a dinner party  with her best friend sahara. " he said...he is talking about the girl who visited us on the party.

" sahara....? " I still acted like I don't know that girl. " Yes, sahara she was my ex wife's best friend...a common friend for us. " he explained it to me.

" My wife was super excited....she was so excited to be  a mother again. We that day had lots of fun...we eat, partied to our heart content...we were so happy. " he  said with a gliter in his eyes.

" But than something happened which changed our lives car got out of control...I couldn't control it and I hit a truck very hard....sahara and my wife...both were severely hurt...even I got hurt...but I somehow took them in the hospital...." he said with tears in his eyes.

" My wife was weak, She lost lots of blood...she...and she...died after giving birth to Arav. " he said and I could see tears sparkling in his eyes. I holded his hand and I could feel him shaking....poor guy.

"Her friend sahara...she got really one thought she would make it but she did. But she forgot most of her memory. " wait that girl who showed up like that....was actually not well.

" She didn't even recognized me for few the fact that she showed up recognized me, knew where I stay...was suprising for me..." he said with broken tone.

" when? " I asked cause I wasn't supposed to know that. " On that party...that you threw for Aditi. " he said and I nodded like ' oh! now I get it. '

" For kids lost their mother, sahara lost her memory, her friend and....that day she told us she was engaged...someone was their who loved her. She was going to introduce him next time with us....after the accident she forgot him too. " he said and well...poor girl now I feel bad for her.

" From my hospital friend sankalpa I came to know that her finance visited her and she screamed in make her feel safe...he left. Now I don't know who that guy is. Where he went....what he is doing right now...nothing. " his voice sounding like whisper.

" I promised myself....that I will never allow myself to be happy. I will never love anyone other than the woman who gave me such lovely kids, who taught me love.....I will never give her place to anyone. And thats why I am soo sensitive about it. " he said in a really sad tone. He controlled his emotions and started speaking again.

" You walked in my life as a wanted mom wanted me married....I thought that worked out very well. You will be bored and leave me and my will not force me to marry again....end of story. " he said and I knew that girl looked like a joke to him. And if I didn't transmigrated here....thats exactly what was going to happen.

" But you have turned my children's life for better. You became the mother they needed, a friend that Aditi have such an important part of my children's changed my opinion about you. "  he said...and I Will do that all life if he praises me like that.

" I know I should thank you...for everything you did for me. But that day when sahara told me that...I am betraying my wife by being happy. She had a wrong idea about the time of the her mind the accident took place months ago not year ..." he said and well that explains her anger.

"For some reason that made me scared and guilty...I thought maybe I was really detraying my ex wife...I was the one to suffer, I was responsible for everything....and I shouldn't be happy...and thats why I tried to keep distance...." he said and I wish I was transferred to his ex wife's body...than I could have expressed that timeless that he has stored for for her.

I holded him in my arms as he cried...his tears soaking my shoulder. I hugged him tight and told " It was not your fault....accidents happens. It was not your also deserve happiness like wasn't your fault. " I told and he was feeling a lot better after six minutes.

" Now I see that was a stupid idea....and I am so sorry about it. I just wanted my kids to remember their mother...I dont want her to be forgotten. I know you will not let that happen. But I just don't want her to be forgotten. " he said with affection.

" of course they will...I may be here as their mother but I can never take place of their mothers place. I dont want to. When Arav will grow up...I will tell him how wonderful mother he had...but till than please let me be their mother...let me enjoy motherhood with them..I only have them. " I told him not that I want any other than what I have.

" I am sorry... very was a stupid...stupid decision taken on a very emotional state...will not happen again. "  he promised me.

" I am alone in it...and I can't do it alone Aditya...if we want our kids....your kids to have a good life we have to work together for them..." I told and he nodded.

" Of course....and we will work together for our kids. " Said Aditya. 'Our kids ' never knew only two words were enough to make me this happy. Well I am glad everything is clear now.

Aditya ( POV )

" Aditya I may have looked like a joke to you when I walked into your life. Probably that's why my boyfriend walked out of my life...." she said and I still wonder how he just walked away from her life.

I just hope he doesn't decide to walk in like he decided to walk out. Cause that's going to be horrible.

" well not that I mind anymore....but he has gave me a bad taste about love and I dont think I can love again...I can just love my kids and no one must say your safe from me. So promise me that you will not break our friendship for will talk with me first and then decide anything. " She said laughing like she is making a joke...which I for some reasons didn't enjoy.

"I promise....and  I am sorry to hear that you didn't experience the bright side of have to see that part which has removed your trust from love. " I told her.

" And I may never experience it....I couldn't experience anything...always second choose....always.." she whispered...I don't know if she wanted me to hear that but before I could ask I heard Arav cry. " Thats my boy.....have to go. " She said and rushed in.

Looking at her run...who can say she is not his real mother. They have become center of her life. But I am thinking what she just said....' she will never experience love..', Just now she said let me be their mother...' let me enjoy motherhood with them..I only have them.

' The most happy moment for a married woman is when she is expecting....I still remember my wife's excitement everytime she knew she was pregnant.

With me karishma will never have that experience....with children's also she will not know what it is like to be a mother....she will never know how it feels to be loved. By keeping her for my I doing injustice with her. 

Well from now on I have to help her doing everything...and if she wants to leave to look for kids can spoil her with love and she will not leave. My kids are her kids only...they will love her and she will not leave..she will not.....nope.

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