KISMET, ryomen sukuna

By starholics

16.2K 1K 190

still she remains only within his memory, no matter how many blood-soaked fields were left at his wake. ━━━━━... More



432 31 5
By starholics


Safe and Sound

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   ( KISMET ! )

⠀⠀⠀Wrath is what follows. Tearing asunder through a parade of torture and unjust carnage is a sorcerer. Blue-headed proclaimed god of the shadows, cladded with the crest of a noble house, a legendary weapon in hand, and cradling justice within ocean-like eyes. Retribution came to their doorstep in the form of a familiar face — Zen'in Kazue now enters the fray. Winds of animosity were the first to greet them as the wooden door shatter open. There was a stillness first. The calm before the storm as they say. "Madoka" and in a blink of an eye, emerging from the depth of the shadows is a round deer — standing proud & tall as its master. "Nue." With thundering wings, a bird-like creature wrecks all before them, only halting to divide the bloodied body of a boy from its captors.

"You will raise a sword against us, Lord Zen'in?" Tomoe spoke with finality. Unfazed by their hostile guest as she turns — seethe bleeding in the form of cursed energy. An ignited flame for there is nothing that can make an angered mother flinch. Tomoe swore to the gods; her son will be avenged. "You would stand against justice?"

Yet Kazue Zen'in's flames of anger were not red, but blue as his head. A polite smile came across his face. As good-mannered as always. "The prodigy of the hounds shall not pay for the foolishness of your son. Take me to see justice infront a King, and I shall oblige. However, you will not lay another hand on my student."

A smirk. Proud as all nobles were. "Quite a cocky fellow are you? I shouldn't be surprised for you are favored in the capital. It seems I am the only one capable of upholding justice. Therefore, I assure you — that lowborn rat you call a student will be executed today." And Tomoe truly believed her words — sharpening claws as she mocks the sorcerer before her.

"Divine Dog: Kumainu."
What follows, unfortunately, is the void.

Before him stood a glorious battle — or at the very least, that is what should have been. Yūji's eyes already glimmered with both excitement & curiosity over the conveyor of the Ten Shadows Technique. A sorcerer bearing the resemblance of a boy he knew back home. Unfortunately, the imagery before him dissolved without a warning. Sukuna's memory has ended for he has already fainted as the curse's life now hangs in the balance.

Instead, the fledgling of a sorcerer was greeted with a melody. A familiar silvery voice filling his ears ever so warm & sweet as he watches the ghostly woman gracefully glide through the dark of her realm. Echoes of a song growing louder with each step until a screen arises, and with that, he succumbs into a fragment of Ryōmen Sukuna's mortality once again.

The aftermath is what they stumbled upon. An ornate room somewhere within the estate of the Sasaki Family. Comfortable tatami mats, sliding doors, and beautiful windows where the fall sun pours. A euphonious voice as inescapable as youthful tragedies haunts the very walls. A hymn reminiscent of bittersweet memories pinching at Yūji's heart without any knowledge behind it. However, he is aware — this hurt, this nostalgic sentiments are not his, but for the god he houses.

Ryōmen Sukuna lay unmoving on a white mattress. Bathed & treated yet none can ever wash away the humiliation and torture everlastingly left on his body. Scars, wounds, broken bones, and burn marks trails his skin with bandages hiding the pain from sight as the girl he adores patiently takes her place by his side. Morning, noon, and night did the young lady of the estate stare at his being with glassy eyes, never touching even a single hair on his head for she wonders if she is still worthy to do so. On most days, Chiyo would sing to him — a melody often filled with hope & happiness. However, there are also times when the gloom of autumn would come for her, and she would sit beside him unmoving, whispering her painful apologies to a half-dead soldier.

"He should have died here." Itadori Yūji turns his head to the ghostly woman before him. A spiteful tone ever always out of her mouth whenever she speaks of Ryōmen Sukuna. "He should have died here. It would have saved all of us a lot of suffering."

"Good evening, 'Kuna." Sasaki Chiyo spoke into the quiet room as she arrives one night in early autumn. The stench of burning firewood evident on her kimono as she takes her usual place beside him. "You are still resting I see, yet I've come bearing news."

Yūji gazes at her with concern for her eyes were filled to the brim with tears — on the verge of collapse as a heartbroken expression paints her pretty face. "Justice has been served, 'Kuna. Taku-senchou has been executed for treason. I apologize if this is the only thing we can do for you. I am aware that it cannot erase the hurt you've endured. I'm sorry... I'm truly sorry..." And with that, she weeps, tears of sincerity & guilt pours.

Inevitably did the leaves on the other end of the windows transcended from green to brown. Autumn slowly swallows the mountains & the rolling hills of Hida as the boy of the hounds lay asleep. Physicians & maids were his most frequent guests — though despite the boy's condition, still they do their work with frowns & hostility. A saddening thought for they have no compassion for a boy like him. Sasaki Ryūtaro, the master of the estate visited once or twice — only to stand by the door's frame as he observe healed wounds. A time comes when he enters with a trident in hand. "A thank you." He whispers, bowing his head to the unconscious boy before leaving the weapon.

Then, on a busy morning by the 12th day of his slumber, Sasaki Chiyo enters his quarters once again. Seeming exhausted from a long journey home, excitedly did she take the usual place by Sukuna's side. "'Kuna," The girl calls softly, "Father & I have just arrived from Takayama. Finally, they have agreed that a marriage between our families would not be in our best interest. Isn't that great?" A bittersweet smile curves her lips as she reaches for his hand — only to stop midway for guilt paralyzes her once again. "Isn't that great, 'Kuna?" She repeats, a voice more silent this time. "We are to postpone my marriage until a better suitor comes along."

Silence follows. A realization dawns on her pretty face. "Another suitor..." She whispers, observing him from head to toe. Her retainer tortured half to death for the mere reason of protecting his master. "It's unfair..." She weeps, staring at an almost lifeless body. A cry filled with resentment echoing the emptiness of the quarters.



Nevertheless, morn will come. As it always had. The fall sun dissolves the cold left by the night, the song of the leaves & birds cleanses whatever hurt echoed inside those four walls, and once again, a peculiar boy wakes.

"Took you quite a while, huh boy?" A familiar voice was the first to greet him. The stern tone of an old man that he has already memorized from the amount of scoldings he has heard from him. "You have caused our lady great sadness, you know? Tsk. To think she'd waste her tears on you."

Yet, Sukuna cockily smiles nonetheless. "Glad I meant so much to you, Jukai-san." He retorts as the elder change his bandages for the morning. Sukuna recalls, will always remember rather, how this is the gentlest anyone has ever touched him (aside from the young lady, ofcouse). No motives, no hostility — just an old grumpy servant fixing his wounds with sincerity and worry. It has been a long time since he felt such sincerity — to be gazed upon not as a monster, not as a sorcerer, but as a mere child. With violence & hate as his mundanity, Sukuna can admit he has forgotten that he is one. The pain somehow subsides with that thought.

"We had a bet — me & the other servants of the house." The man went on as he soak another bandage with medicine, a voice as stern as ever. "Whether you'd wake or not."

"Sorry if you loss money because of me." Sukuna says in monotone, a hint of annoyance over their stupid gambling with his own lifeline.

"I'm not stupid, boy." Jukai retorts, finishing the last of his bandages by securing it more. "I know what you house. It is the only reason you are still alive."

The goddess stirs in recognition, making Sukuna flinch. The boy wanted to clutch his chest yet his arm lay unmoving, muscles unable to withstand the mobility, and so he lays there still. He had no choice. Fragments of that day came to him — the noble women, his superior officer, and his mentor. Therefore, with caution he asks, "What happened?"

Jukai scoffs as he tidy the medicines & water basin near the boy's bed, a half smile on his wrinkled face before going on, "Lady Chiyo heard of your capture, ran to her favorite uncle, and so, Lord Kazue of the Zen'in rained havoc onto those who dare to touch his student."

"Taku-senchou was executed? Or was it only a dream?"
"Charged for treason. Beheaded like any other traitor." Ryōmen Sukuna held no fondness for that man — only respect as a rebel, yet none as a human. Nothing more than a power-hungry sorcerer who participated in his torture. Nonetheless, he thinks of Taku's hesitation in killing him. The way Taku held his breath, and gazed at him with concern & pity before the man's face was slashed.

"Don't look so glum, boy." He heard Jukai address, snapping him from his train of thought. "You have always known — disloyalty is the gravest sin here in Hida. I hold no sympathy for those who would hurt a child. Even if the child is you."

"I am no child." Sukuna retorts. A foreign feeling runs over him as Jukai chuckle at his attempt to seem tough. "The atrocities they ordered you to do does not qualify you as an adult. Damaged as you are, a child you are still."

They spoke of many things after. Sukuna would admit how Jukai was never patient with him, never was one to spare him pity, yet the elder sat beside him still. An unmoving soldier, listening to the stories of an old man. Sukuna learned what became of Lady Tomoe — her angered husband over the wounds Kazue left afterwards. If not for the binding vow between their families, Jukai was quite certain the Hiragi family would run to the emperor. They spoke of Lady Mamushi who now temporarily resides on the estate by the south border. Kazue did not have the heart to strike her, yet her own husband does. Learning of her involvement made Sasaki Ryūtaro lay a heavy hand on his wife's cheek. A single strike was enough to make Mamushi leave — only to be heartbroken that her own daughter did not come with her. She will return, Jukai assured. As she always had for she has nothing else, but this family.

Then, finally, a question Sukuna was itching to ask, "What about, Chi? Was she punished?"
Silence was the answer. Only for a few moments before Jukai flicked his forehead, leaving a red mark. "What the hell was that for?!"

"How many times do I have to tell you?! You may not address her as if she is some commoner! She is the master's daughter. She is our Lady Chiyo!"
"Fine then, old geezer!" Sukuna retorts, visibly annoyed by this recurring lecture on how to address his friend. "Can I ask where my Lady Chiyo is?!"

Jukai glares at him, a scolding seeming to be preparing inside of his head. The elder was never fond of Sukuna's familiarity towards the young lady for Jukai, in many ways, is alike with the other servants of their house. They envision their young master wedded to a good family, to a good man with countless fortune to take care of her. However, he cannot deny — if there is anyone willing to draw their life on the line without an ounce of hesitation for their master, it is this boy. Nobody else, but this boy. Such an unfortunate circumstance that they serve different purposes in life.

"You cannot see her." He answers gently.
"That is not what I asked."
Jukai frowns at him. "In the mountains." He confesses. "Nowadays, she is more interested in a yumi than her usual brush & paper. Why do you think that is?"

Guilt constrains the boy's heart, so much so that it pours to his usual cocky demeanor. "It is not her fault..."
"I agree." Jukai says, nodding his head. "Even so, seeing you as you are now — paralyzed & barely able to lift your head, what do you think she would feel?"

Sukuna thinks of her, recalls the dreams as he lay resting, of the familiar melody which comforts him. Was it not her then? Just a cruel delusion?

"She has not visited me yet?"
"Master Ryūtaro forbade her to do so. He understands how softhearted she can be when it comes to you. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she snuck into your room once in a while when the estate is empty. Growing up with you unlocked her potential for troublemaking."

A few moments more, a few more words to impart, a few scoldings less harsh than others, and Jukai stands to tend to his other duties. The elder opens the door with the water basin in hand as well as for the medicine. However, before the elder can step foot outside, he turns to Sukuna — for once, a softer demeanor for him, "You are safe now. I suggest you do not push yourself, and focus on your recovery." A bit too nice for his taste, and so he added — "We are shorthanded in the kitchen. Wouldn't want our errand boy slacking around."

With that, he leaves, and Sukuna can only stare at the wooden ceilings. He recalls the pain inflicted on him, the torture now etched into his very body. Jukai was right — Chiyo would be devastated if she were to see him as so. Ryōmen Sukuna never begged for power for every bit of who he is, is attained by hard work & sacrifice. However, he closes his eyes right there before praying to a deity.

"Lady Izanagi, I will offer you my devotion.
In exchange, I beg of you to heal this vessel."


happy new year, mga accla ! ♡
the sudden increase of votes for this fic
inspired (pressured) me to update it HSKAJSJSJS
but anyway, i hope you enjoy the update <3

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