The Arc of the Holostars

By EienNoSetsuna

29.8K 551 470

Jaune Arc. The leader of Team JNPR, the weakest student of Beacon Academy and the school's punching bag. A bo... More

Jaune Arc: Bio
Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Opening: Find It
Chapter 1: Worlds Meet
Chapter 2:Jaune Arc: Holostars #10 on stage!
Unexpected Family Reunion turned into a fight!
The Warden of Light arises!
Grimm to the Dragon's Slaughterhouse
An Arc's Explanation
Team Infighting and Reunion
Extra Chapter: Remnant's First Christmas?
Sever! Ride forth, Warden of Darkness: Odin!
Summer's riddle of Severance
Hello, Remnant! We are the Holostars!!

Day of Departure

1.5K 31 28
By EienNoSetsuna

OK! This is the next chapter where tensions between Jaune, his team, and Team RWBY get a little bit spicy! Also, the day of departure of Holostars plus Holofive to Remnant as they go to retrieve their important member. 

Disclaimer: As usual, I don't own anything from this story. Hololive and Holostars belong to Cover Corporation, RWBY belongs to Monty Oum, etc.


(Three days later, Beacon Academy)

The next morning, the Academy was filled with life as students were in the cafeteria, eating breakfast, chatting with their friends, or focusing on their studies for whatever exams or tests that was incoming.

"Three days have passed." Jaune thought to himself as he watched outside the window, gazing at the scenery while students continued to do whatever they wanted. "Me, Sana, and Coco-senpai have started to pack up some of my belongings as the three of us waited for the day that the borders between Earth and Remnant are opened."

He turned to his right, wondering what his team and Team RWBY were doing. While the two teams were looking fine at first, he noticed that whenever they had come into eye contact with him, they immediately averted their eyes to avoid facing him.

"Ah, they are avoiding me." Jaune thought to himself as he watched them, trying to avoid eye contact with mixed results. "To be honest, I can't blame them, considering what happened last night."  He remembered the reason why they were acting the way they are now.

And it started just as he left the Academy last night.

(Flashback last night)

After answering Ozpin's question, Jaune turned back to the door that led to the hallway, but he remembered something that needed much confirmation.

So, he turned back to Ozpin and asked, "Before I leave, may I ask something?" Ozpin, while confused, nodded his head in a sign to continue, "Have you approved my request?" 

The headmaster of Beacon's eyes widened, remembering the request made by the leader of Team JNPR before his eyes returned to normal and nodded, "Yes, after much contemplation and seeing your resolve, I decided to approve of it." He told the blonde leader/Holostar, who let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Jaune gave his thanks.

His team, team RWBY, and his family blinked as they heard this before Pyrrha asked Jaune, "Wait, what is talking about, Jaune?" The others want to know the same thing.

Jaune facepalmed and sighed at this, knowing that they all wanted to find out about his request and beating himself over forgetting to ask Ozpin in the morning instead.

Ah well, time for him to face the music, "Yesterday morning, after I left you guys reeling from your punishment (Nora: I am still feeling that! Ren: Nora, shush!), I went to the headmaster's office for permission to..." Here, Jaune took a deep breath before dropping the bombshell, "Leave Beacon Academy permanently and return to Japan."

Silence permeates the area before it erupts into a burst of noises, "WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!!!" They all cried out in shock.

Ruby stuttered in shock, "Y-y-you're leaving!"

Yang shouted in anger, eyes glowing red, "What the hell, Vomit Boy! You can't just leave!"

Jaune shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I already set in my mindset that moment I ended up in Remnant. I swore that I would return to everyone in Holopro, no matter what; please don't stop me from doing that." He told them.

Weiss argued, "Still, why are you leaving now? The Vytal Festival may have been delayed indefinitely till we get an announcement, but Team JNPR can't participate with just three members!"

Jaune nodded in agreement, "True, the Tournament requires four members of a team to be present; any members missing or any teams with four members cannot enter or are immediately disqualified." He then stated, "No worries though, I already entered a condition along with my withdrawal."

Jaune turned to Azula, who only tilted her head, wondering why he was staring at her, "The condition I put in was... for Azula to be a student of Beacon Academy and take my place as team JNPR's leader." He revealed.

This revelation completely stumped all of them, especially Azula, who could only open her jaw and close it repeatedly like a dead fish.

Azula tried to refuse, "Jaune! I can't accept this! Not only do I not want to attend Beacon, but this is your team we are talking about! You should be the one to lead them into the future!"

Jaune shook his head, "No, Azula. Despite what you say, I know from Saphron that you originally applied for Beacon Academy, only for the seats to be taken, and you are forced to wait another year before applying. The only reason why I wanted to enter Beacon in the first place was to find a way back to Earth, and now that the two planets have merged, there is no reason to be here anymore." Jaune paused before admitting another fact, "That and I always wondered what was the whole buzz with being a Huntsman anyway, and found out that it isn't much to my taste anyway."

He shook his head and looked toward Azula, "Please, Azula. Can you fulfill this selfish request of mine? I don't want Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren to miss out on the Vytal Festival Tournament, but I also can't abandon everyone in Cover Corp. So, can you take care of everyone in Remnant in my place." He pleaded to his twin.

Azula bit her lip as she thought about it. She knows that despite being chosen by her brother, his team would likely not accept her as easily as him; in fact, she is pretty sure that this would sour the relationship between her and his team. On the other hand, this means everything to Jaune, and as his twin sister, it isn't wrong to support her brother no matter what.

She would mull over her thoughts before she ultimately took a decision that would affect the team dynamic.

Azula sighed as she told her twin, "OK, if that is what you want, I will take over the reins of team leader for you. Just promise that you would call us any now and then."

Jaune smiled with teary eyes before teleporting in front of her, startling Azula before hugging her, "Thanks, Azula. I knew I would always count on you." He said in gratitude.

Azula blushed but smiled as she returned the hug. The two of them stayed for a few more seconds before Jaune separated and teleported back to Sana and Coco.

"Wait, Jauney! What about the team formations? Combination attacks? Even the booths and stands we are going to visit!" Nora cried out, not wanting him to leave.

Jaune looked downtrodden as Sana and Coco put a hand on his shoulder in assurance, "I'm sorry, you will most likely have to attend them without me. I will visit for a day or two, but I am not going to stay for long. As for the formations and combination moves, I already accounted for that and wrote it all in a notebook, which I will give Azula or Pyrrha to keep."

"Still, it won't be the same without you! Please reconsider, Jaune!" Pyrrha tried to reason with her crush/partner.

Before Jaune could say a word, he felt three tugs on his jacket and looked down to see the crying faces of his youngest sisters.

"Is it true that you are leaving, Big Brother? B-but we just got to see you again!" Violet cried out, tears staining her face.

"Don't. Go." Indigo quietly begged.

"Please stay, Big Brother!! I will be a good girl; please don't leave," pleaded Rose, who grabbed hold of her brother's jacket tightly.

Jaune's eyes softened as he kneeled to their level and hugged his little sister, "Please don't be sad, you three. It is not like I am gone forever; since Earth and Remnant have merged, I can now travel from Japan to Vale whenever I want. I'll come visit you and everyone on Remnant whenever I get the chance." He told his little sisters, soothing their fears as their tears slowly turned to sniffs and looked up at their brother.

"You promise?" Rose asked, her sisters sharing the same thought with hope in their eyes.

Jaune nodded with a smile, "Yeah, that is a promise." He told them, "Now, can you please let go? I need to return to my house and start preparations."

The three youngest Arc members didn't want to let go of him, but they reluctantly nodded and let go of his jacket as they returned to their parent's side and hugged them as the patriarch and matriarch hugged back in comfort.

He took a deep breath and looked to see the upset look on his friends' faces, especially Ruby and Pyrrha, "I'm sorry for springing all this announcement so suddenly, but I already made this decision the moment I ended up in Remnant. You guys are wonderful people, and I hope that you get to be the great huntsman and huntress you aim to be. For me, my place is as a proud member of Holostars. And an entertainer for Cover Corp. So, please don't stop me from doing what I want to do." He said to his friends in Beacon.

Sana walked to her senpai, "Jaune-senpai, its time to go." She informed Jaune, nodding as he turned back to everyone in the room.

"I guess we all now need our sleep; I will see you all tonight." He told his audience and headed out the door.

"Wait, Jaune!" Pyrrha tried to call out to her partner.

But Jaune had already left along with Sana and Coco as the door closed behind the three of them with a silent thud.

(End Flashback)

Since then, there have been awkward tensions between him and the rest of the group, which the students noticed. Heck, some students thought it was a good idea to pick on the 'worst' student in Beacon while his friends were avoiding him.

Jaune proceeded to make an example of them, and now everyone tried to do whatever it took to evade him as they still got nightmares from his psychotic laughter and the sounds of broken spines and limbs. This suited him just fine as he waited for an entire week before returning home to HoloIsland.

While he was pondering in his thoughts, a female called out to him, "Hey! It looks like trouble in paradise around you."

Jaune turned around to see four teens, two males and two females, who looked like they were in their second year, approaching their table. The female who called out to him, who appeared to be the leader of the group, was a young woman with fair skin, short dark-brown hair, and dark-brown eyes. She has wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that starts as dark brown and transitions to caramel. She was also wearing a black beret with a cocoa brown trim and a pair of black, wire-rimmed aviator sunglasses. 

The second female was a bunny Faunus with long brown hair, brown bunny ears, and brown eyes.

One of the boys with the two girls was a tall and athletic-looking young man with shaved-short black hair and tanned skin.

Finally, the last boy was a teenage boy with dark skin and dark, messy copper hair with a long fringe and cowlick and white eyes, indicating that he was blind.

This group was team CFVY, led by the fashionista Coco Adel (god, this is going to be confusing with two Cocos) with her teammates, the bunny Faunus Velvet Scarlatina, the tall boy and muscle of the group, Yatsuhashi Daichi, and the blind speedy fighter, Fox Alistair.

(Imagine them in their Beacon Academy Uniforms.)

Coco walked toward the table till she was standing beside Jaune's seat, "So... what is going on here? Your friends seem to try and ignore you; care for an explanation?" She asked.

Velvet also spoke up, "And what was that form you used yesterday? I've never seen anyone who can transform into a dragon?"

Jaune mulls the idea of telling them everything before sighing, as he knows that Coco Adel will not budge on the subject. So, he told them about his life as an entertainer and idol for Holostars, his friends and family that he wanted to return to in Japan, his declaration of leaving Beacon Academy, and everything about what he knows as public knowledge about the Eikons and Dominants.

"Ouch!" Coco and her team winced upon hearing the reason for Teams RWBY and NPR's current mood, "Yeah... I can understand why they are upset. I would feel the same thing if a friend of mine straight up dropped such a bombshell of news that they would be leaving the team within a week before the whole Vytal Festival even started." Coco told Jaune, who grimly nodded.

"I know, but as I said many times, I vowed to return to everyone at Cover Corp. no matter what. I especially promised my gemmates Shien and Oga as well my girlfriends Nene-chan, Aloe-chan, Polka, Lamy and Botan." He said in response.

Velvet spoke up next, "I'm surprised that you are dating, and with five girls at that. Most people would have trouble with even dating one." 

Jaune could only chuckle nervously while rubbing the back of his head, "Well, let's just say that having known the girls for years can come in handy; not only that, it also helps that the five of them were extremely close to each other as not only gen mates but some of the closest friends besides me, Shien, and Oga."

"Still, to think that you were an idol (Jaune: comedian/entertainer, thank you very much!), and you decided to leave Beacon in order to return to Japan and reunite with your fellow Holostars and Holopro members. I can, in a way, understand and respect that." Yatsuhashi commented.

Fox asked another question, "These Eikons... what are their powers, and who are the Dominants of these beings? You said that all but one have a Dominant. Do you mind telling us who they are?"

This caught the attention of not only his teammates but also the attention of Teams RWBY and NPR, who realized that they had never learned the names and faces of the other Dominants besides Jaune's and Summer's.

Jaune sighed, knowing that all of them would pester him to no end about the information while internally apologizing to his fellow Dominants for revealing information about their Eikons without permission.

"Alright, but on one condition. You must not reveal anything else to anyone after this, OK?" Upon seeing their nods, he continued. "As I told you earlier, each Eikon represents a different element, with both Phoenix and Ifrit being the exception as the two belong to the same element: Light, Darkness, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Ice, Water, and Fire." He would bring his Holophone and shift through the pictures before bringing out the Mural of the Eikons again. "As I said yesterday, with the exception of Summer, every Dominant is a vtuber associated with different companies. Holopro, for example, has three Eikons: Bahamut, Phoenix, and OdinIfrit, Garuda, and Titan are with our friendly rival company, Nijisanji. Neo-Porte has Ramuh, while VReverie has Shiva.

"Let's first start with me," Jaune started the segment, "As you all know, I am the Dominant of Bahamut, the Warden of Light. His powers include the ability to fire destructive beams of light, magical missiles, my drones, and the Flare series of attacks, which makes Bahamut the most destructive among the Eikons and one of the most powerful." He explained to his captive audience.

"Next up is Summer, who is the Dominant for Odin, the Warden of Darkness." Yang and Ruby perked up upon hearing Summer's name, "He is an armoured knight who rides his Egi, which is a kind of familiar to an Eikon, Sleipnir, to battle and is armed with one of the most broken weapons in all of existence, the Zantetsuken." Jaune said as he shuddered, remembering the times he had been on the receiving end of Summer's sword.

Ruby tilted her head in curiosity, "Zantetsuken? And why are you shivering?" She asked.

"It means Iron-cutting Sword in English. The Zantetsuken is a sword that can cut through anything in existence and is the signature weapon of Odin. If you have Aura, then it might as well be wet tissue paper to its' cutting edge. Immortality won't save you from dying by that blade. Trying to escape through time and space. Don't bother, as Zantetsuken can just cut through that easily with no problem."

The more they hear about the sword and its cutting ability, the more their jaws drop to the floor in shock at what they just heard; they thought he was overblown the whole thing.

Jaune also said something which threw them off, "If you think I am exaggerating, then you are dead wrong; I saw firsthand how powerful the sword is. Heck, I saw Summer use it to cut through an entire ocean! Not only that, she used it to great effect against me and the other Dominants, cutting even our limbs off!"

Everything paused for a moment before his audience erupted in disbelief, "SHE WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!" The noise completely disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the cafeteria, with Jaune trying to diffuse the situation.

Eventually, he was able to divert the attention of the students back to their own business-


But not before, giving a few hard punches in the nogging on his friend's heads.

"Will you keep it down?!" He hissed, "You will get the attention of everyone in the school, and I don't want to reveal this to anyone else!"

They sheepishly nodded before remembering the last line he just said.

"Wait a minute! You said that mom cut off your limbs, right?!" Ruby asked her first friend from Beacon, who nodded, "Then how come you still look like you are intact!"

Jaune explains, "Well... the one perk of being a Dominant is that whenever we prime into our Eikons, whatever limbs we lost are instantly regenerated. This means that as long as we have Aether, we can regenerate whatever arms, legs, eyes, or even skin we lost, no matter how severe it is."

He continued, "Next up would be my kouhai from Hololive EN, Takanashi Kiara, who is the Dominant of Phoenix." He would show the picture of the resident KFP owner of Hololive. "As the Warden of Fire, Phoenix has control over, well... fire, being able to fire bolts of flames, conjure flame vortexes, able to fly, and teleport using fire. The most unique ability of Phoenix, however, is the Flames of Rebirth. It allows it and its Dominant to constantly revive from death as long as the user has Aether to spare, meaning the Warden of Fire is effectively immortal." He said this amazes his audience upon hearing something that can grant immortality without the curse associated with it.

"OK. Now is the time to introduce the other Dominants not associated with Hololive and Holostars, starting with the other one from Remnant. The current Dominant of Ramuh is Oscar Pine of Neo-Porte's second generation." Jaune showed the picture of a short boy with dark brown hair, tanned skin, perpetual blush and freckles on his cheeks. His eyes were hazel-coloured with accents of purple and blue around the pupil, while his main iris was green. He was wearing a purple coat with shoulder pads and a belt of dark blue, a white collared shirt and bandages around his neck, and black trousers with purple boots coloured blue at the toes. Finally, he wore a pair of slightly opened U-shaped purple gloves with black X-patterned wrist straps.

(Replace the colours with purple and dark blue and some more black. Also, his eyes changed as a result of awakening Ramuh)

"Wait a minute! So you mean to tell us that this boy is the Dominant of Ramuh?!" Blake questioned incredulously.

"He is so young!" Yang said in surprise.

Ren turned to Jaune, "How old was he when he awakened to Ramuh? And at what age did he join the Vtubing business?" He asked, curious.

Jaune thought about it, "Hmmm... I think Summer said that Oscar first awakened Ramuh when he was eleven, and then she trained him to control it till he was sixteen. Two years later, in 2022, he made his debut as a member of Neo-Porte's second generation, so I would say he is about nineteen years old now." He answered. Jaune eventually got back to explaining Ramuh's capability, "Anyway, as the Warden of Thunder, he can manipulate all forms of electricity, from raining bolts of lightning to smite his enemies, channel his element through his staff and use it as a throwing weapon, teleporting, and gaining a photographic memory thus making him equivalent to a supercomputer."

Jaune would slide the picture to the next Dominant: an angel girl with light ash blonde hair that reached the floor and ends in ringlets (though the tips of her hair are aqua blue) and two small purple wings on her head, purple eyes, a single white-to-aqua blue wings on her back and another smaller pair surrounding her waist. She was wearing a white shoulder-less dress with straps crisscrossing below her neck, a dark blue skirt, white stockings, and dark blue shoes with aqua-blue soles. Her accessories included an Astro globe on her left side that had globe components that resemble a wing to contrast her single organic one and another smaller one attached to her back.

"This is Enna Alouette of Nijisanji EN's third wave, Ethyria, and she is the Dominant of Garuda," Jaune said, but unknown to the others, his eyes were twitching at the sight of Enna. "As the Warden of Wind, Enna can control the wind, create immense storms that can span the entirety of Vale all the way to Mistral with no problems, fire bolts of energy, summon her Egis, Chirada and Suparna who fight along her and among the Eikons and Dominants, both Garuda and Enna are the fastest being able to travel around the world within two hours," said Jaune. Ruby was shocked upon hearing how fast the talent from Nijisanji could go; it surpassed her Speed Semblance by a thousand.

Her three teammates, on the other hand, gushed about how cute and pretty Enna looked, "Oh, Oum! She is so cute!" Weiss squealed.

"I know. She looks so adorable that I want to take her home and pet her all day!" Yang agreed, with Blake only nodding.

"She is also one of the biggest pieces of shit that I have the pleasure of knowing." Jaune bluntly told them.

His audience was clearly taken aback by what he had just said. They didn't expect someone like Jaune to say something this crass against anyone.

Jaune continued, "She may look cute and all, but deep inside, she is one of the most foul-mouthed and tempestuous people I have had the pleasure of meeting. She has a habit of being mischievous and a constant nuisance to most people whom she worked with or her friends; sure, she is mostly a good person, but the fact that she could be extremely savage if she gets angry, tells what you need to know about her. Trust me, I had experience with her temper, and she rather fits as the Dominant of Garuda; considering past Dominants for that Eikon all had the common factor for their temper and brutal nature, it doesn't help that the Eikon is rather sadistic to her enemies."

Upon hearing Jaune's words, everyone at their table gulped and dreaded ever meeting her in the future.

Jaune put up the next Dominant, "After Enna is Nijisanji EN's  Luxiem member Luca Kaneshiro, who is Titan's Dominant." The next picture showed a blonde-haired young man with a ponytail in the back and purple eyes, wearing an ensemble fitting of a mafia boss with a striped-white suit over a black dress shirt, a golden blonde fur coat with a yellow inside over his outfit, striped-white pants, dark gold dress shoes, black gloves, and a white fedora on top of his head. He also has tattoos over his entire body hidden underneath his clothes.

"As expected from someone who was given the title 'Warden of Earth,' Luca and Titan can manipulate the Earth and use it at his disposal, from creating large stalagmites to skewer his opponents, coating his body in rock and crystals that create an impenetrable defence or cover his fists in granite to use as a fearsome weapon, cause earthquakes that can reach up to magnitude eight with a single pummel of his fists, and make shockwaves with a single stomp of their foot," Jaune explained the abilities of the Eikon of Earth.

He swiped the screen of the Holophone to show the next Dominant. This Vtuber looked just as old as Luca with long black hair that had red tips added to it. (Ruby: Hey! He copied my and mom's hair colour!), Gold eyes, pale skin, red eyeliner, and a tassel accessory attached to his right ear. His outfit, like his gen mate, was a white suit but with a red dress shirt, white pants held together by a belt, and sandals that had red strings holding them together. The standout part about Vox is the black and red robe on top of his suit, the tassel and oni doll on the left side of his belt, and the red stringers around his neck.

"Vox Akuma, who is also of Nijisanji EN's Luxiem group, is the Dominant of the second Eikon of Fire, Ifrit." Jaune introduced.

"Question, fearless leader!" Nora called as she raised her hand like it was grade school.

"Nora, you don't need to raise your hand for that. You are not a kindergartener nor an elementary school student." Jaune told the pink bomber girl with deadpanned eyes, which caused her to smile sheepishly.

"O-ok, so what is the difference between Phoenix and Ifrit? Since they are both Eikons of Fire, what makes the two different from each other?" Nora asked curiously. The others think the same thing.

"It's actually simple, really. Phoenix is sometimes called the Flames of Rebirth, which correlates to its' power to be reborn every time it dies, as well as its ability to heal anything with its flames. Ifrit, on the other hand, is sometimes known as the Flames of Destruction due to its flame being more prevalent in destroying its enemies and its destructive power, which matches even Bahamut. There is a reason why Ifrit is one of the top three strongest Eikons alongside Bahamut and Odin, and that is not considering the most dangerous power it grants its Dominant." He said the last part ominously, sending dread down their spines.

"What is that ability?" Velvet asked, afraid of the possible answer.

"The ability to absorb another Eikon's power for itself." Jaune bluntly told his audience without hesitation.

It was so silent around the table that a pin could be heard when dropped before everyone paled at the realization.

"H-h-he can absorb the powers of other Eikons?!" Pyrrha nearly screamed at the implications.

"Is that even possible?!!" Weiss questioned, incredulous at the thought.

Jaune shrugged, "Myself, as well as everyone on Earth, had no idea why Ifrit has this ability. We know that the Warden of Inferno has had this ability since his inception and that it allows its Dominant to use the powers of other Eikons. The good news, though, is that Vox never tried to take our powers forcefully; in fact, he needs our permission if he wants it, and despite having our powers taken, we can still prime." He told his audience.

Jaune took hold of his Holophone once more to show the picture of the final known Dominant. The last one was a young-looking girl with long white hair tied into twin tails that almost reached the floor, icy blue eyes, fangs, and dark blue dragon horns and wings. Her outfit consisted of an almost see-through icy blue dress with the hem consisting of white fur, a white skirt that reached down to the top half of her upper legs and covered her stomach, dark blue elbow-length gloves, dark blue heels that covered up to the ankles and various star-like accessories attached to her horns, top of her head, and other parts of her body.

"Finally, we have Nova Aokami, the frost dragon of VReverie, an English-speaking Vtuber company based in Singapore. She is the Dominant of Shiva, the Warden of Ice." Jaune made the introduction for the last member of their group.

The people at the table gathered the holographic screen being displayed, "So... this is the Dominant for Shiva?" Weiss said as she appraised the person who is the host for the Ice Eikon.

"I never thought there would be anyone with traits of mythical creatures till I met Coco Kiryu, but I never heard of a frost dragon before." Blake inquired.

"Not surprising, considering that frost dragons like Nova are hard to come by; I can at least count up to around two-hundred to two-hundred and seventy of them who are currently on Earth," Jaune told Blake, who only nodded. "Moving on, Shiva, as you can tell, is capable of manipulating ice to make anything she wants from clubs, swords, and hails of icicles, freezing everything within a thirty feet range, creating ice walls that could withstand enormous heat waves, and summon blizzards that can submerge entire countries." Once again, they were amazed at the feats of the Eikons.

Jaune ended his explanation, "And that is all the Dominants and Eikons who are active.

Coco noticed one detail, "Wait! You only told us about eight Eikons?! What about the last one?!!" She questioned as she looked Jaune in the eye.

Jaune calmly answered, "Leviathan is the only Eikon that has not awakened yet. If it did, then we would hear of news involving large tsunamis and whirlpools sucking up large ships and Grimm by the millions."

His friends and seniors were taken aback by his statement, "You serious?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"Yep. Leviathan, the Warden of Water, has absolute control over his respective element; it is especially true if he and his Dominant are fighting in any body of water where he reigns supreme. He could cause tsunamis and tidal waves the size of a mountain, create whirlpools that could consume entire islands, unleash pressurized water from its mouth to slice through cities, turn his body into a liquid state and back, and call upon the creatures of the deep to aid it in battle." Jaune finished explaining the lost Eikon's ability.

"Anyway, that is every single Eikon, their Dominants, and their abilities. Any questions?" Jaune asked his listeners.

Before anyone could say a word-

*School bell ringing*

The bell rang out, meaning that it was time for classes to resume. Students started piling out as trays and plates were disposed of into the bins and sinks.

"Oh, that is the bell! Looks like we will have to settle this some other day." Jaune said as he stood up from his seat. His friends were reluctant to move from their seats as they wanted to hear more, but they knew that if they didn't head to classes immediately, Ms. Goodwitch would rip them a new one. So they all followed him back to their next class, with Team CFVY going on their own.

Unknown to Jaune and Team CFVY, Teams RWBY and NPR were discussing something else.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Ren asked Ruby and Pyrrha. "You do know that if Jaune hears what you two are planning, he will be furious with you, right?"

Pyrrha turned to the former resident of Kuroyuri and nodded, "I'm quite aware, Ren. But I have made my own decision to do this."

Ruby nodded, "The same for me!"

Weiss' expression was skeptical, however, and she tried to deter the two from what they were doing, "Maybe we should not do this. I don't think Jaune would like you trying to do this despite knowing that he wants to leave."

Ruby gasped, "Weiss! Are you saying that we should forget about Jaune!" She asked, feeling betrayed.

The vein on Weiss' eyebrow twitched madly before she hissed, "No, you dunce! What I am trying to say is that we should allow him to return to his company! True, it would be sad that he is going away, but as he said, this isn't goodbye forever; we can visit him whenever we have the time and vice-versa!"

Blae turned to her in surprise, "Wow, Weiss actually respecting Jaune and viewing him as a friend? What a shock!" She said in amazement. 

"What does that mean?!!"

"OK. OK. Break it up, you two." Yang said as she pulled the Schnee heiress and former White Fang member apart to give them breathing space. "Look, Rubes, Weiss is right. As much as I want Vomit Boy to be here with us as well, at the end of the day, it is ultimately his decision. All we can do now is continue to support him in his endeavours and let him go back to his friends in Holopro."

Her teammates and Jaune's teammates paused in shock and immediately stared at her with abject horror, like they saw something straight out of their nightmares.

"D-did Yang say something intelligent and wise?" Nora stuttered.

Ren looked outside the window to see the skies perfectly normal, "Thank Oum! The skies are not burning, nor is it the end of the world." He sighed in relief.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean? Yang asked, Indignant.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang continued to argue with each other while Ren and Nora were walking right behind them; Pyrrha and Ruby were still in the same spot as they discussed what they were planning to do.

"So... we will go through with this, Pyrrha?" Ruby asked her fellow red-coloured huntress.

Pyrrha nodded, resolve painting her face, "Yes. I want Jaune to give at least being a Huntsman another chance. He may not appreciate it, but I believe it is necessary." She said.

Ruby could only reluctantly agree with the notion. She may want Jaune to reunite with his friends, but she doesn't think that Jaune should abandon being a huntsman for that to happen.

The two eventually started to follow the others back to classes.

(Later that night)

"What do you mean that you are putting our attack on hold?!!"

Cinder was sitting in front of a table while Emerald was standing with her hands on her back to her right, and Mercury was sitting relaxed in a chair on her right. Two others were standing a few feet away from her, waiting for her call to end. In front of them was a holographic screen showing the caller, who was a tall, lean Bull Faunus with a Grimm mask over his face.

She rolled her eyes as she repeated what she had just said, "It is just as I say; the attack on Beacon is now officially on hold until an alternative has been made."

"I heard that already, but what I want to know is why is it being on hold?!! This is a good time to attack and show the humans the superiority of the Faunus for all of the world to see!!" demanded Adam Taurus, the leader of the White Fang's Vale branch and conspirer (reluctantly) to one Cinder Fall.

Adam was a tall, auburn-headed bull Faunus with his hair spiked back in a windswept way, his red hair having brown streaks, and two reddish-black horns, one on each side of his head, also seemingly slanted back.

He was wearing an asymmetrical black, long-sleeved, double-breasted stylized high-collared blazer with slit sleeves along with red thorn sigils adorned with a white crest that lined up on his left shoulder. His suit jacket had crimson lining atop his red shirt, with red thorn sigils atop a black flap attached to the bottom of the left hem and his wilting rose on the back over an emblazoned white sigil resembling the curved stems and flower of the deadly nightshade plant. His blazer was half-buttoned, exposing a red shirt with a black line running parallel to his collar under it. He also wore long black dress pants, black shoes with red soles and black gloves with red sigils resembling the Greek letter Ω (Omega). Finally, he wore a black belt with white domino marks on it and a modified Grimm mask with red, Japanese-style, horn-like symbols decorating the front and two slits on each side, presumably to allow for vision.

Roman Torchwick, the crime boss of Vale, snickered, "*psst* Faunus superiority, right.... Tell that to the rest of the world where the majority of the population are humans, and the Earthlings had different races who had much better abilities than what the Faunus has." He sarcastically said with his aide, Neo Politan, covering her mouth daintily and laughing silently.

Roman was a tall, lanky man with bright, orange hair that had long bangs covering his right eye and green eyes that had black eyeliner traced on his visible eye. Roman wore a red-lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. His accessories included a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band.

Neo was a rather short girl with long hair of two colours: brown on her left and pink with white streaks on her right, inspired by her namesake food, heterochromia eyes which can alternate between brown, pale pink, and white. Neo wears a white cropped wide, broad-tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button and large pink cuffs. She wears brown leather pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket is a brown over-bust corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. She also wears a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck. Neo also wears black and white spat styled under-the-knee boots alongside black gloves.

"The reason why I am delaying the invasion, Adam..." Cinder hissed through gritted teeth as she narrowed her eyes at the White Fang top member, "Is because due to the elimination of the Wyvern, which WAS supposed to be our trump card, and the near eradication of the Grimm in Vale leaves us not only so few of them in order to make up our numbers, but also moral in the White Fang and the gang members that Roman had gathered is in an all-time low."

Adam scoffed, "It just means that all of them are weaklings! Something like this shouldn't be a problem for the White Fang; we don't need all that Grimm when we have the superior abilities of the Faunus!" He arrogantly stated. "Not like a  human as you could understand."

Upon hearing that, Emerald gritted her teeth and abruptly came forward, "Why, you-!"

"Emerald!" Cinder commanded, "Stand down!"

Emerald's march came to a stop as she turned to her master and protested, "But, Cinder!"

"Emerald, now. Or do I have to punish you thoroughly?" Cinder demanded.

Emerald immediately looked at Cinder's glare and quietly mumbled a "No." as she returned to her original position, all the while glaring at the snickering Mercury.


"Shut up, Mercury!"

Cinder rubbed her temples as she turned back to Adam while cooling her expression and explained to the Faunus, "As much as I like your enthusiasm, Adam. Unfortunately, we need those numbers to make up our attack force. While the hijacked Atlas robots can work, Beacon is still occupied by the vast amounts of huntsman and huntresses, which include the likes of Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, Qrow Branwen, and now Taiyang Xiao Long. And that is not taking in the fact that one of those huntsman can turn into a massive dragon capable of wiping out millions of Grimm in an instance." Cinder leaned forward and said her next words menacingly, "Can you take on all of them and win, Adam? While I know that you are capable of slaying a majority of the trainees, we all know that with the veterans, you would lose, no doubt. So what is it, Adam?"

Adam gritted his teeth as he contemplated his options. Deep down, he wanted to deny all of what Cinder said; the Faunus could handle anything that the humans could throw at them, and they would rule over the insects that were humanity, but he knew Cinder was completely right. Their numbers were still low compared to the amount of huntsman and huntresses in Vale, that is, without taking in the guests from the three other Kingdoms plus the strange Faunus and humans from Earth (He scoffed at a ridiculous name for a planet). And with the Grimm in Vale almost exterminated, they could only rely on the humans bought by Roman and the hacked Paladins and Atlesian robots, which are just as reliable as wet tissue paper.

Just as he was about to give his answer, though-

"There is no need for that, Cinder." A voice calmly said.

This caught everyone in the room off-guard, and they turned to the right where the door was and saw two familiar people that Cinder unfortunately knew.

"Tyrian! Hazel! What are you two doing here?! I thought you two were supposed to be on your assignment or standby while I deal with Vale!" Cinder demanded from the two as she narrowed in anger at their presence. However, her eyes weren't as glaring when she laid eyes on Hazel, as their relationship was cordial compared to her hatred towards Tyrian and Watts.

Roman turned to her in shock, "Wait! You know the infamous Tyrian Callows! The serial killer of Anima who was responsible for various crimes, which included murder, arson, assault, and kidnapping! The same one who went missing since then?!" Roman cried out in surprise and fear, remembering the scorpion Faunus' crimes that stirred quite a storm within the continent. He would become the boogeyman for young huntsman and huntress trainees all across Remnant for targeting them for sport. He thought that the crazy psycho died when he heard the news of the Faunus' transport crashing.

Neo would get closer to Roman as she stood in front of him and on guard in case the psychotic scorpion decided to be hostile. But the shaking in her body indicates that she is afraid of Salem's most loyal follower; Roman, noticing this, puts a hand on her shoulder in assurance, causing her body to stop shaking.

"Kyakyakya! The Mistress had decided that Vale's free ticket to life has ended and decided for the two of us to help you destroy Beacon and the Kingdom, whether you like it or not." Tyrian answered as he strolled through the room till he was in the middle of the room while ignoring the glares or frightened looks of everyone in the room. "So, let's get along! We are going to be buddies for the next seven days, and buddies get along, right?"

Everyone in the room gagged in disgust at the thought of being friends with Tyrian.

"No thanks! I'd rather choke to death than be friends with a psycho!" *Neo nodding in agreement*

"Like I want to be near you!"

"Stay the hell away from me, you psycho!"

"You are a disgrace to Faunus kind! If you ever think that we will accept you, think again!"

Tyrian just shrugged as he took their insults in stride.

Hazel stepped in as tensions were rising thanks to Tyrian's presence, "While I hate to rain on your parade, Tyrian, we don't have time for that." He told the scorpion Faunus, who just grinned, which he ignored and turned back to Cinder. "He is right, though. Our lady wants the two of us to act as your support now that the operation's success is in jeopardy as a result of the Wyvern being destroyed, and the Grimm in Vale is low thanks to that dragon wiping them out."

The False Maiden abruptly stood up, "Absolutely not! We can handle the plan of invading and destroying Beacon Academy and Vale by ourselves! We need more preparation time and troops to fill in the missing manpower!" She argued with her two colleagues, who didn't flinch.

Hazel nodded, "True. With the death of the Wyvern plus the millions of Grimm that resided in Vale, attacking as you are now would be suicidal." He then added, "Fortunately for you, Cinder. Our lady is taking no chances and has immediately provided thousands of the remaining Grimm that are in the Land of Darkness for you to use on one condition."

Cinder blinked her eyes in surprise upon hearing what Hazel said, "What? What do you mean by remaining Grimm? I thought our lady still had millions of Grimm back at Evernight Castle?!

Hazel rubbed his temples, knowing that this would be a pain to explain, but he might as well tell Cinder everything that happened at the Land of Darkness. "Very well, be sure to listen, Cinder. I won't repeat myself twice, understood."

At Cinder's reluctant nod, Hazel explained the events that happened while she and her minions were staying at the Academy. From Bahamut arriving at Salem's domain, how the Eikon proceeded to massacre every Grimm that came his way and winning without trouble, Salem intervening to no effect as the dragon came out unscathed, and to him completely razing the entire land to the ground, leaving only him, Tyrian, Watts, and a severely Salem to live still to tell the tale with only a few hundred Grimm remaining.

Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald were in shock at hearing the destruction of most of the Grimm while they were away, while Roman, Neo, and Adam were confused as hell.

Hazel took a moment of silence before he turned to Cinder and told her instructions from Salem, "Anyway, our lady is lending whatever Grimm she can conjure up and had them sent to you for your upcoming invasion plan for Beacon. She expects nothing less than a complete success, understood Cinder?" 

Cinder nodded as she reluctantly agreed but asked. "Then what does this mean? Are we going to continue with the plan?" Everyone else was thinking the same question.

"Yes. Within a week, you and your accomplices, me and Tyrian, Roman Torchwick's goons plus the Xiong family, and the White Fang will strike Beacon, kill Ozpin and whatever accomplices he has, and obtain the objective you were ordered to get all costs." He told the mission objectives for the upcoming Beacon Academy assault.

Cinder nodded, knowing that the older man had a strong point, but before she could talk anymore-

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Time out!" Roman called out, getting the attention of people inside the warehouse room, "I hate to break the mood, but what is going on?! Who is this lady you three seem to revere to? This person seems to able to make more Grimm from what you lot says, which begs the question: who is she? Also, what do you mean that the Grimm are almost wiped out?! I need answers, damn it!" He yelled out, indignant at being left out.

Neo and Adam (reluctantly) nodded in agreement, wanting to know what the three were talking about.

Emerald and Mercury gulped, remembering their first meeting with the Queen of Grimm. To say that it was horrifying would be the understatement of the years; they still get chills running down their spines from glimpsing at her.

Before Cinder could reprimand Roman, Hazel raised a hand, causing her to stop as he turned to Roman, "You wish to know?" He asked; upon seeing the nods of the three unaffiliates, he agreed, "Very well, let's talk."

Cinder turned her head at Hazel in surprise, "Hazel! What are you doing?!! I thought we were supposed to keep it a secret?!!"

The cool-headed brawn of Salem's inner circle shook his head negatively, "No. The three of them would find out eventually; it was a matter of time. Also, Salem is interested in recruiting them in her war against Ozpin anyway. So, we are going to bring them into the fold."

Tyrian silently slid in between Roman and Neo and put his arms around the two thieves, "Ah, yes! More servants for the Mistress! I have an idea; for our first mission as the Mistress' followers, let's slaughter the kids at Beacon as tribute!" He declared with psychotic fervour while ignoring Roman's and Neo's attempts to get him off of them.

Cinder could only pinch her nose and groan, knowing that the truth was officially out and she had no choice but to comply.

She turned to the projection showing Adam, "Well, it looks like you are getting the chance to destroy Beacon after all. However, now you are going to be part of our Mistress' inner circle, so you better listen and do exactly what you are told unless you want the entire Faunus race to go extinct." She told the Vale branch leader.

Adam thought it over before snorting in derision, "Fine. I'll hear what this is all about as long as the White Fang will get its chance to attack Vale." He agreed.

So, three members of the inner circle proceeded to explain everything about their mission and who they served for the entire night.

(A week later, HoloIsland)

Seven days have passed, and now it is time for the day that the members of Holostars and Hololive had been waiting for, especially the original J.P. members and the girls of Holofive.

It was time to retrieve the missing Holostar's third-gen member, Jaune and bring him back home.

In a hidden cave underneath the Island, a ship hanger was in full operation as the engineers and technicians made some final checks for the Holostars before they took their flagship and headed off to Vale.

The massive vessel was eight hundred and sixty-three feet long, coloured black with blue lines running through it, and various batteries and turrets lined across the sides; if there was a need for battle, the ship deck seemed to be capable of opening up, there were anyone can occupy dozens upon dozens of rooms inside that with ten of those rooms belonging to the original Holostars group, and the command deck is positioned on the back of the ship. This is the flagship for the Holostars and Hololive Productions in general, codename: The Glorious Star.

At the hanger deck, the main Holostars JP group, Holofive, Summer and a few selective people, which includes Yagoo, were about to depart to Remnant with the remaining members of Hololive and Holostars wishing them luck.

"OK. In about five minutes, we are going to head inside the Glorious Star, take off towards the Kingdom of Vale and pick up Jaune-kun. For now, you can interact with whoever you want until launch time, alright?" asked Yagoo as he addressed the Holostars, Holofive, and Summer.

"OK!/Alright!/Understood!" They all cried out as they dispersed and spent the remaining time interacting with their fellow Holomembers.

Shien, Oga, and the girls of Holofive were in front of Laplus and the rest of the members of HoloX, who were here to see the seven of them off while they waited on the Island.

"Well..." Shien started, "We are about to be heading off in a few minutes. Our ship will depart to Remnant, where we will reunite with Jaune and bring him back home; hopefully, it will be smooth sailing from here."

Botan put in her quip, "I don't know Shien. Considering that everyone in Holopro has a quirk that can be disastrous to everyone who isn't used to us, I would say something can go wrong on our trip." She told the mafia boss.

Nene nodded, "Botan is right. Darling could end up in something like an invasion by the Grimm and terrorists or a hostage situation that prevents him from using his powers, or even infighting between his family and friends from Remnant!"

Polka looked at her gen mate and sweatdropped, "That's... oddly specific." She told the husband collector, who only giggled in response.

Oga coughed into his hand to get everyone's attention and to get back on track as he turned to Laplus, "Anyway, we are all about to head off and get back our important member and bring him home. Laplus, I know that you want to see Jaune-pi badly, but we need you here, along with other members of the Japanese branch, to watch over the Island after we are away. Is that fine with you?"

Laplus could only nod reluctantly; as much as she wanted to come with them to Remnant to be reunited with her big brother, she knew that she had to stay behind along with the others to keep watch over their home, considering that there would be plenty of people trying to find the location of Cover Corporation's H.Q. as well as the living places of the talents; so, she had to concede the point to Oga and wait for them to return with her family.

A hand was put on her shoulder and squeezed comfortably in assurance as Takane Lui, the secretary/second in command of Secret Society HoloX, turned her head to Oga and told him, "We understand, Oga-senpai. While we await your return, you and the others have to come back with Jaune-senpai, all in one piece." 

Lui was a young adult woman hawk Beastman with pink hair that had white tips and hawk wings encircling her head, a black headband, blue eyes that occasionally turned gold with crosshair pupils and white skin. She was wearing a white blouse with a cravat attached to her chest, black fingerless gloves, a black choker, a black skirt that hugged her hips, black pantyhose and black heels. Her main accessories included a large magenta coat that hung off her shoulder like a cape with various motives of a hawk and multiple belts, the small metal hawk attachments on her coat and heels, and the belt on her right thigh that had a whip attached to it.

The members of Tri-Nero and Holofive nodded in gratitude. Shien then sniffed the air before immediately covering his nose and gagging, "Oh god! What is that smell?!! It smells like rotten eggs that stayed outside for over two years, dunked in a pile of shit, pissed on, and farted on by a hundred skunks! All at the same time!" Shien complained as he continued to choke from the awful scent.

Upon hearing that, everyone in the hangar took a sniff before they had the same reaction as the Jackel Beastman.

"Holy shit! That smells?!!"

"*cough* *cough* I think tears are coming out of my eyes!"

*Did someone forget to take a bath?!!"

"Whatever it is, I think we get the most expensive soap and body spray we can and get rid of the smell!!"

As everyone in the area continued to gag in disgust or complain, Kazama Iroha, the Youjimbo(Bodyguard) of HoloX, noticed the smell was coming the strongest near her and turned to the source.

Iroha was a young girl in her teenage years with long blonde hair tied into a short ponytail with an aqua-green bow and the same colour eyes. She wore a pale yellow robe with aqua-green lining the sleeves and the inside with cloud patterns etched on it, a sarashi(bleach cloth) covering her chest, an aqua-green skirt with the same patterns, pale-yellow stockings with two diamond patterns etched to the sides, and a pair of geta on her feet. Her signature katana, Chikimaru, was tied to her back on a string.

"Sakamata!" She yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Did you skip taking a bath again?!! This is the seventh-fifth time that you avoided cleaning yourself up!"

Sakamata Chloe, HoloX's orca assassin, was a young girl who had long gray hair with the left side of her hair being tied into braid, red eyes, and peach skin. Her attire consisted of an orca-themed hoodie with two red bows tied to the sides; underneath the jacket was a white dress that exposed her fair chest that was held together by belt straps around her neck that had a metal heart attached, black fingerless gloves, a red and black plaid skirt, torn black leggings, and black platform boots with red laces and soles. Attached to various parts of her outfit were yellow stickers with the words 'caution' on them.

"No! I refused to take a bath! You can't make me!" Chloe shouted as she slowly inched away from everyone and into the exit door.

"Koyori! Kazama! Grab her and take her to the nearest showers! And make sure that she is thoroughly clean!" Laplus ordered her top scientist and bodyguard.

"Roger!/Understood!" Koyori and Iroha saluted.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Chloe screamed as she ran for her life with the two pursuing her and chased her down. Everyone else could only sweatdrop at this scene.

Lamy tried to put the conversation back in order and checked her HoloPhone to see the time. She saw that three and a half minutes were over. "Oh! It's almost time for us to get on board the Glorious Star! We should get going now!" She said as the others realized that she was right.

"Wait!" A voice called out, causing them to turn around to see Moona and Gura accompanying another girl who was heading towards them.

This girl was young with long brown hair with black and white bangs brushing the sides of her face, two owl feathers pinning her hair in a ponytail, and gold eyes. She wore a tannish-white blouse underneath a brown old-style coat which split into four tails and had a greenish-blue inside, a dark brown corset around her waist tied together by gold buttons resembling gears underneath a brown belt, dark brown gloves with the index and pinky fingers being exposed, a reddish-brown skirt, two asymmetrical leggings that had a black and white stripe across the rim, and brown boots with gold lining. On her belt, she had a lantern and a brown storage case attached to it and a knife in a casing tied by a blue string. Overall, this girl's attire was clearly inspired by steampunk. This girl is none other than Nanashi Mumei, the Guardian of Civilization and a member of HoloCouncil.

"Mumei? What are you doing here alone? I thought you would be with the rest of Council?" Aloe asked, speaking the same thought as everyone else.

Mumei huffed as she took a deep breath, "I want to say the things as Laplus-senpai did: wishing you seven luck and for you guys to come back in one piece with big bro Jaune. I also want you to return this to big bro." said the god overwatching humanity. She put her hand inside her small bag before pulling a particular item that caused Oga and Shien to gasp in surprise.

It was a black headband with the signature K.T.

"I-is that-" Shien stuttered at the item.

"His headband." Oga finished with widened eyes. He took it from Mumei's hand as he and Shien stared at the item in nostalgic sorrow, "Where did you get this? I thought Jaune kept it on his person at all times." He asked the protector of humanity.

Mumei nervously explained while drawing a circle with one of her feet, "Big bro actually left it back at my home when we were collabing, a few weeks before he disappeared. The two of us were busy during the time that I didn't really have a chance to return it to him. Since the seven of you plus the rest of the Holostars senpai are leaving for Remnant to get Big Bro, I knew that I had to at least give to you and Shien-senpai to return it to him in my place. I know the significance of this headband, so I thought it would be better in the hands of you two, who were close to its' original owner."

Oga and Shien continued to stare at the object but immediately shook off the nostalgia, looked at Mumei and smiled, "Thank you, Mumei-chan. We will be sure to return this to Jaune." The ex-demon general thanked Mumei.

"Yeah, thanks so much. Jaune will be pretty happy to have this back, considering how much it means to him."

Mumei smiled back as she took a few steps back while Moona and Gura also took their chance to speak.

"You guys make sure that little brother is back, or I will be pretty angry!" Moona told the two, who laughed nervously as they knew that she had the power to make them sorry if they failed this mission.

"Yeah. And failure will mean that you don't mind being bitten by shark friends!" Gura said.

"Attention! Attention! The Glorious Star will be leaving the hangar and take off to Remnant within one minute! Would all Holostars and Holofive please board the flagship!"

"Looks like it is time for us to head inside the ship," Botan told the group as the members, as mentioned earlier, nodded before turning back to the remaining members of HoloX, Gura, Moona, and Mumei. "We promised that we would return with Jaune in toll."

Laplus and the others nodded, "Um! Good luck!"

A small dragon's cry was heard, which caught their attention as they tried to find the source before discovering Lucis flying above their heads before he landed in Laplus' arms.

They all smiled before Lamy walked in front of both Laplus and Lucis before petting the latter, who enjoyed it, "Lucis, we are counting on you to play your part and keep the others safe, OK?" She asked the small dragon, who let out a cry of agreement while trying to flex his tiny arms in a macho pose, causing everyone to giggle or laugh.

After waving their goodbyes and good luck, the seven of them immediately dashed towards the boarding deck and went inside the flagship of the Holostars, just in time as the door closed shut behind them.

They ran inside the ship till they reached the command deck where the other Holostars, Summer, and Yagoo were waiting for them.

"Well, well, well! It's about time for you seven to make it here!" Roberu told the Tri-Nero and Holofive members.

"Sorry, Roberu-san." Shien apologized to the Winning Son of Holostars, "Laplus and the others wanted to talk to us, and it took a while before we ran as fast we could before the doors were shut." The others also made their apologies.

Rikka waved it off, "It is fine; you guys at least made it in time."

Miyabi nodded, "C'mon! Astel is about to start the countdown after system checking!" He told the seven who went and found seats to sit on while the alien of the Holostars (who was also the captain of the flagship) started checking the systems with his crew.

"All systems green! Engines are starting up!"

"Safety locks one, two, and three are opened!"

"Main thrusters are igniting! There are no problems!"

"Everything all clear! We are good to go, captain!"

Astel nodded as he stood up from the captain's chair and waved a hand forward, "The Glorious Star, launching!" He commanded.

The locks holding the Glorious Star were unlocked, and the bridge and docks were pulled back as the flagship slowly moved out of the hangar and into the launch gate. It slowly accelerated its speed before; eventually, it flew out of the hangar and into the open skies of the Island while every other talent and staff watched and waved goodbye as the figure of the Holostars' flagship disappeared into the distance.

Next stop: the Kingdom of Vale.


OK! Here is the next chapter for you guys!

This is mostly an explanation of the current Dominants and which companies they belonged to(with the obvious exception of Leviathan).

Cinder, her cronies, Tyrian, and Hazel, have now told Roman, Neo, and Adam everything they need to know and are now planning an attack on Beacon within seven days.

Finally, the Holostars, Yagoo, Summer, and Holofive have officially headed to Vale and retrieved Jaune.

See you all in the next chapter!

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