Niall Horan Imagines

By hipstah_horan

878K 12.8K 2.9K

Niall Horan imagines, that will surely make you hormonally emotional and cry. :) More

New Family Member
Broken Promises
Red Carpet
Broken Arm
Cheating Fool
Long Nights
Christmas Surprise
Katniss Evermean
New Year's Eve
Lonely Nights
must read.
reaaaad... pls
Just Another Fan
Away On Tour Disaster/pt.1
Might wanna read
Away On Tour Disaster/pt. 2
He Flirts With You
His Hugs
Long Nights /pt.2
Kim Kardashian
For Zayn ❤️
Authors Note ://
Birthday - Requested
You're Perfect To Me
Living In The Moment -Requested
Away On Tour Disaster / pt.3
Away On Tour Disaster/ pt.4
You're Beautiful
Away On Tour Disaster/ pt.5
Derby- Requested
First Time Meeting Him/ pt.1
First Time Meeting Him/ pt.2
Break The Rules
Wedding - Request
First Time Meeting Him/ pt.3
The L Word
He, Him, His/ pt.1
Her, She, Her's/ pt.2
Car Ride - Requested
Baking/ pt. 2
Sick Of It/ pt. 1
Sick Of It/ pt.2
Sick Of It/ pt.3
Good Day
Shut Up Niall
Love Triangle?
Best Friend's Brother/ pt. 1
Best Friend's Brother/ pt. 2
Best Friend's Brother/ final part.
Thank You!
Questions, Comments, and Concerns?

Liking The Bad Boy

8.4K 178 37
By hipstah_horan


You were a senior in high school. Everything was going well for you, good grades, good friends, just loving life. There's one thing you regret though. Liking the bad boy since freshman year. Seriously? Out of all the people you could like, it had to be Niall Horan. You've tried to talk to him on many occasions, but it just never worked out.

One time you were going to go up to him, and try to start a simple conversation till your friend came up to you and asked for help. Another time you actually did try and talk to him, but he completely blowed you off. Go figure.

"(Y/N)!" your best friend Liz yells at you.

"Yes?" you ask, while pulling books out of your locker.

"I know you hate going to parties, but you should really go to this one tonight! It's Niall's!" she beams with hope.

"I'm sorry Liz, but you know I don't like them," you huff, while closing your locker door.

"Just one," she whines, "pleaseeeeeee."

Aggravated you sigh and shake your head, "fine." Only agreeing because it was Niall's party. Maybe you could try and talk to him again.


"You are not going to regret your decision!" Liz claps with excitement. Right now you were currently sitting in front of Niall's house.

"I hope not," you puff air out. You both exit your car, and make your way to his house. Loud music and drunk people. Oh gee how fun.

"Want anything to drink?" Liz asks, as you walk in the door.

"No thanks," you shake your head, and look around trying to spot Niall.

After many minutes of trying to find him, you finally spot him with a group of friends, laughing and carrying on.

You take a deep breath and start to walk towards him. Now or never, you think.

"(Y/N)! I didn't think yyyyyou'd come to a parttttttyyyyy!" a very drunk Nate staggers towards you. Ah yes, Nate the jock of the school. Second most known player in the school, besides Niall.

"Uhm, hi Nate?" You say,
which only comes out more like a question.

"Need anything to drink?" He asks, and grins.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," you slightly smile at him.

"Oh c'mon. Don'ttttt be a buzzzzzkill," he sways back and forth.

"Okay," you nod your head, "maybe one."

Obviously you weren't going to drink it. He could drug it or something and take advantage of you.

"Here ya gooo," he says, while handing you a green plastic cup.

"Thanks," you say, and sniff it. Your nose wrinkles up in disgust. Vodka, Coca-Cola, and something else...

"Go ahead," he urges on, "take a sip."

You look uneasily down at the liquid in the cup. You gulp, and slowly put the cup towards your lips.

"Don't.. Drink that," someone says from behind you. You turn around and notice Niall standing there, looking at you and then the green cup.

"I-I wasn't going t-to," you stutter.

"Yes you were," he smiles in amusement. Niall Horan, the schools bad boy is actually smiling? Someone get the camera out.

"I wast not!" You protest.

"Then please enlighten me why the cup was mere inches from your lips," he smirks triumphantly.


"See!" He cuts you off, "you were."

You smile sheepishly and look down towards the ground. What's the point of even arguing with him? You knew you weren't going to take a drink of it.

"Here, come with me," he says, while tilting his head towards the kitchen. You obediently follow, and wait by the counter while he gets you a cup of water.

"Thanks," you say, when he hands you the cup.

"Anytime. So what brought you here, (Y/N)?" he asks curiously, and leaning up against the counter.

"In all honesty," you say, and take a sip of water, "my friend made me come."

You're not even sure how you got that sentence out. He really makes you nervous, and the fact that he remembered your name doesn't make it any better.

"Truthfully you make me nervous too," he says. Your eyes widen and you put your hand over your mouth. Did you actually say that aloud?

"Yeah, you did," he laughs.

"I'm sorry," you blush.

"No need to be sorry," he smiles.

"Well I should get going," you say and start to walk away.

"Wait," He says and grabs your elbow, "Can I tell you something?"

"S-Sure," you stutter.

"Look, I know this is weird and all but I've liked you since freshman year. Every time you tried to talk to me it made me nervous, so I didn't know what to do, besides be mean. And I really am sorry for that. I just can't wrap my head around why a girl like you, would like a guy like me," he admits.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, confused as to why he can't comprehend why you like him.

"No no, I don't mean that it a bad way! I just mean that you're a good person... and I'm not," he explains.

"Niall, you're not a bad person! If you were then I wouldn't like you," you say reassuringly.

He didn't say anything, instead he walks up to you, cups your cheeks, and kisses you hard.

And that's how you got your boyfriend of four years.


Good? Yes, maybe, no?!???


But thank you all for 11k reads! It really is an amazing feeling. It's just so surreal.

please Vote&Comment! Thank you(:


xoxo, Gossip Girl.

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