Across the hall

Da tvwriteher

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Maya James is a 20 something trying to figure out her life as she navigates career and relationships experien... Altro

THE CAST (season one)
Season One Ep 6: I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me
Season One Ep 7: Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black.
Season One Ep 8: Well raise up your glass and laugh like a mutha!
Episode Nine: I know you know how to make me jealous
Episode Ten: my shiny teeth and me.
Episode Eleven: And we always argue bout the same thing
Episode 12: On the first day of Christmas my baby gave to me.
Episode 13: Its my birthday I deserve to be greedy huh?
Episode 14: What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
Episode 17: When Maya Falls In Love
EPISODE 18: The Other Jackson
EPISODE 19: Valentines Day
EPISODE 20: Knew Better/Forever Boy
Episode 21: Maya and Sterling Part One

Season One Ep 5: you must really

127 12 107
Da tvwriteher


Brian and Maya bust into the room all over each other kissing taking eachothers clothes off.

Maya falls on the bed.

Brian lays on top of her still kissing her and pauses.

BRIAN-how was your day?

MAYA- sketches blah

BRIAN- numbers blah blah.

They begin to kiss again.

MAYA-(V.O) Okay I know yall are probably like now how the hell did this happen? It's three weeks since the whole flowers thing.


Maya and Hazel watching tv as Hazel flips through tv channels they laugh every so often at something on the screen before Hazel changes it again.

Maya's phone vibrates with a text message from Brian.

BRIAN TEXT MESSAGE: Wyd right now?

MAYA TEXT MESSAGE: nothing really watching a movie.

BRIAN TEXT MESSAGE: think you can be dressed in like 45 minutes...I want to take you out to dinner.

Maya looks shocked at her phone.

MAYA (V.O) Okay Im looking shocked right here because we've only been I didnt know how a date would even go?


Brian and Maya sit across from each other and these two are completely hitting it off. Talking and laughing with each other it's like they are the only two people in the entire place, and after a while they are the only two people in the restaurant.

A waitress is cleaning a table next to them and placing chairs on top of it and approaches them.

WAITRESS- Im sorry guys but we're about to close.

Brian and Maya both turn to her shocked.

MAYA-Wait what time is it?

BRIAN- Wow it's almost two am?

MAYA-(shocked but smiling) What?

MAYA-(V.O) Talking with him that night it just felt like I knew him was like all the things I was nervous about went away immediately...and I liked it.


Brian has walked Hazel to the door.

Hazel hesitates to pick her in key in, both of them staring at each other.

Anticipating their first kiss.

MAYA- I really had a nice time.

BRIAN-I did too...I really like you MJ.

Maya smiles. Brian steps closer to her she closes her eyes BUT

He doesn't kiss her.

He smirks.

BRIAN- Have a good night.

He begins to leave. Maya looks confused.

MAYA-(V.O) how could he not kiss me is what I thought....but then after that night we saw each other each night after that...

INSERT MONTAGE: Brian and Maya on multiple dates: different restaurants, the movies, and Dave and Busters.

MAYA-(V.O)and if we didn't see each other we're talking on the phone or on facetime.

INSERT MONTAGE: Different nights of Maya and Brian on the phone talking to each other. Getting to know each other more and more.


Brian and Maya are finished having sex.

Brian is putting on his clothes getting ready to leave.

MAYA-(V.O) and my absolute most favorite part about all of this?

Maya begins to walk Brian to the front door.

MAYA-(V.O) absolutely no strings...that was my idea. I'm not ready for a full on title I want to be able to do me, while occasionally getting that means no sleepovers ever. No asking who the other person is seeing, and no promises....I think I can do that....I guess I can say the only con with this whole thing is...I haven't gotten to hang out with Sterling as much, I kinda miss him...I mean him and Ryan.


Sterling enters and Ryan is standing on the sofa in the middle of eating a potato chip.

RYAN- perfect you can record me.

STERLING-Why would I do that?

RYAN- (excited) This chip is called the 911 chip it's supposed to be so hot that-

STERLING-it makes you call 911?

RYAN-Yeah how did you know?

Sterling walks into the kitchen, opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.

STERLING-lucky guess.

Ryan jumps down from off the sofa and walks over to Brian.

RYAN- so how was the date or gym?

STERLING-Why did I have to have a date or be at the gym?

RYAN-because that's what you been doing after work for the last three weeks.

STERLING- I do other things.

RYAN- oh like what?

Sterling pauses.

STERLING- I don't have to tell you everything.

Ryan laughs.

RYAN-the thing about having a best friend is that you dont have to tell them everything without them knowing the truth.

Sterling in the middle of drinking from his water bottle looks at confused.

STERLING-What are you talking about?

RYAN-(struggling to explain) I miss MJ...and because you miss her you dont want to be home.

STERLING-can we let the Maya stuff go?

RYAN- But I'm right aren't I?

STERLING- No? I had a life before Maya came here I'm doing the exact same stuff and I see her everyday.

RYAN- I know but we all use to hang out everyday but now she's hanging out with your friend Brian.

STERLING-(stern) he is not my friend.

RYAN-see now we're in the anger stage.

STERLING- Ryan it's no and Maya are just friends....I haven't hung out with Hazel either and you're not pressing me about it.

RYAN-You didn't build Hazel room.

Sterling looks at him.

RYAN-Hell I'm your closest friend and you never as much built me a sandcastle.

Sterling sighs.

STERLING-If you needed a sandcastle I would build you one.

RYAN-you know what I mean.

STERLING-Okay maybe I do miss hanging out with her little annoying....just can never-

Ryan looks at him with a smile.

STERLING- but I realized this is my karma for Leila.

RYAN-(confused) Leila?

STERLING- Not being able to say I love you was gonna catch up to me eventually.

RYAN- but you didn't love Leila because she was terrible...remember when she tried to talk you into quitting Icona just so you could take that money from your Dad?

Sterling nods.

RYAN- and now look at're practically running the place...she didn't believe in you.

STERLING- It was only three months....maybe I didn't give it a fair chance.

Sterling begins to think and walks in his room.

RYAN- boy this isnt gonna end well.

He eats the chip and he's cool for a minute until:

RYAN-(mouth burning) Sterling!

STERLING-(O.S) eat some bread bro!


Brian and Maya arrive to the front door.

Brian begins to kiss her again.

MAYA-(V.o) this boy can't get enough of me, I get it though.

MAYA-drive safe.

Maya goes to open the door and there STANDS:



Curtis shoots a look at Brian who is frozen.

CURTIS- and hello boy who's leaving my daughter's place this time of night-

Brian puts out his hand to shake his but Maya stops it quickly.

MAYA- We just work together and he was just leaving,

Brian looks at her confused as MJ pushes him out and closes the door.

MAYA-Dad what are yo doing here?

CURTIS- My oldest daughter moves away, I cant come to visit her?

MAYA- You could call too.

CURTIS- Im sorry what was I interrupting?

MAYA-(caught) Um...just work related stuff.

CURTIS- mmhm.

Curtis hugs her tightly. Maya tries to be stiff at first but sinks in.

CURTIS- I missed you MJ.

MAYA- I missed you too.

CURTIS-I want to take you to dinner tomorrow night, how about that?

Maya smiles nervously.

MAYA- I would love that.

CURTIS- Perfect.

They smile at each other. Maya not sure what he's really up to.


Sterling is in the middle of completing work when Maya walks in.

MAYA- Hey.

Sterling looks up at her and then back at his computer.

STERLING- what's up?

MAYA- Um I was just wondering if you wanted to get lunch together or something we haven't hung out in a while.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- We just rode to work together.

MAYA- yeah and you barely talk you just let the music play....don't act like you don't miss me.

STERLING- I've actually been enjoying the quiet.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- so you're bored? I hear you.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- but nah I really gotta finish this I planned on working through lunch....I have an important meeting in a few.

MAYA-(disappointed) oh...well of course you do.

STERLING- But um what about tonight?

MAYA- I actually have plans-

STERLING- of course you do.

MAYA- what does that mean?

STERLING- just like you said we haven't hung out in a while and we know why that is.

MAYA- (sarcasm) I didn't know you cared so much.

STERLING- I don't.

MAYA(V.O) oh this nigga really got an attitude?!


MAYA- Well for your information my Dad is in town and he's taking me out to wasn't those type of ass.

Sterling takes a deep breath, admits:

STERLING- I'm sorry that was mean.

Maya looks at him. Sterling gets up from his seat and walks over to her.

STERLING- forgive me?


STERLING- I'll buy you lunch.

MAYA- Eh I can guy my own lunch.

STERLING- I'll let you drive home.

MAYA- oh you must really be sorry to let me drive the Porsche?

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- nah I really am.

Maya shakes her head, amazed.

MAYA- I forgive you

Sterling smiles a little.

STERLING- so your Dad being in is that making you feel?

MAYA- conflicted....apart of me is happy to see him but apart of me also knows my mom and Dad are good cop bad cop. So my Dad is here on a mission that I'm sure my mother put him up too.

STERLING- that could be true but look you created a whole new life out here don't let your Dad being here change that just enjoy the dinner.

Maya needed to hear this, we watch her as she realizes this.

STERLING- but maybe we could hang out after your dinner, Ryan did mention going to Tony's.

MAYA- Well I will probably need a drink after.

Sterling laughs.

MAYA- so it's a date.

Sterling looks at her.

MAYA- I mean not a date date because why would we be going on a date? (Awkward) Haha.

Sterling looks at her for a minute and then laughs.

STERLING- Calm down Maya....I know what you meant.

Brian then KNOCKS on the door.

Maya and Sterling both turn to him he puts his head in.

BRIAN-Five minutes until the meeting.

STERLING- I'll be right there.

Brian looks at Maya for a moment as Sterling grabs some stuff off his desk.

Maya passes by Brian walking inside the bullpen to her desk.


A clerk stands behind Judge Schroeder reading the upcoming case.

CLERK- (TO ROOM) First up, we have Golden, who's accused of attempted robbery.

Hazel, the defendant, and his lawyer approach the bench.

HAZEL- your honor the security camera footage clearly places the defendant at the scene of the crime.

LAWYER- so grainy footage to at could be either my client or big foot?

HAZEL- Well we don't even need the camera footage because we have an eyewitness.

Hazel motions over to her area.

LAWYER- I'm sorry your honor but the witness could have seen anyone. My client has an undeniable everyman look. He could be mistaken for anyone in this gallery.

The lawyer motions to the seating area where a group of men who are bald (40s) and resemble the defendant stand.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- counselor, is your defense just finding people who look like your client?

The lawyer looks around confused. Hazel rolls her eyes.

LAWYER-(playing shocked) What? Do they?

He turns to the men standing.

LAWYER- (shocked) Oh! yes! My God. (Normal voice) They do.

One of the men standing smiles at the defendant.

MAN- Brandon, what are you doing here?

BRANDON- Bro I got caught robbing this lady's store.

LAWYER- He's joking. The only thing my client is guilty of is possession of a razor-sharp wit.

HAZEL- The defendant just confessed. Can we have the stenographer read that back, please?

The stenographer hasn't been paying attention at all.

STENOGRAPHER- oh, did y'all start?

LAWYER- Your Honor, I think we can wrap this up pretty quickly. Now, the prosecution is going to argue that evidence is incontrovertible. And I will refute it, point by point, successfully showing that it's inadmissible. The bailiff is gonna drop her keys.

The bailiff tries to catch them but drops her keys.


LAWYER- and since it is my clients first offense you're obviously going to rule-

Judge Schroeder immediately bangs her gavel.


Hazel smirks.

LAWYER- Dammit.

Hazel walks over to her seat.

LAWYER- But you gotta admit the key thing was pretty good.

Judge Schroeder can't help but to laugh at him.

LAWYER-especially the second time.

The Bailiff almost drops her keys. She then glares at the Lawyer.

Hazel's Co Worker HENRY 20s very courageous, bold. Sits next to Hazel.

HENRY-New judge getting better huh?

HAZEL- She is, I still have a lot of work to catch up on from that set back she's growing on me.

HENRY- You're working yourself to death and that's the problem...chill out like everyone else is. Look around.

Hazel looks around and most of co workers are on their phones, laughing with each other, or twiddling their thumbs.

HAZEL- Damn I am the only one working?

HENRY- See you gotta chill.

HAZEL- Boy I didn't work my ass off through law school to just chill.

HENRY-everyone in here had to go through law school and look at them, chilling.

Hazel looks around again. It's hitting her.


Find Mrs.Robinson facing senior staff and advertising staff. Including Brian and Sterling.


One of the men sitting next to Sterling LIAM 20s Caucasian nerdy stands nervously.

LIAM-(soft spoke) um well I have-

MRS.ROBINSON- I can't hear you.

LIAM- Um, I have no visuals to show you at the moment but I wanted to discuss in general, the new approach. Softer. Less edgy more natural.

MRS.ROBINSON- Which is what, Liam?

Everyone shifts in their seats uncomfortably, EXCEPT Sterling who-

STERLING- We'll have the finish pitch ready for you by the end of the week.

MRS.ROBINSON- and since when are you on this project Mr.Jackson.

STERLING- Since I just stood up and said we'll have the finish pitch for you by the end of the week.

Mrs. Robinson shoots him a look, debating.

STERLING- We all know it doesn't matter to you who delivers what as long as they have the finished product.

Sterling smirks as Mrs.Robinson shakes her head almost as if this is a mother and son.

MRS.ROBINSON- Whatever go do it.


As the employee's leave the meeting Sterling with the most confident smile ever.

LIAM- Jackson man you saved my ass.

STERLING- What did I tell you about mentioning me in the same sentence as your ass?

LIAM- Sorry.

STERLING- but you're good we're gonna knock this out and when I say we I mean I get 70 percent of the final product.

LIAM- 70?

Sterling smiles.

STERLING- that's me being generous because I could still do it by myself.

LIAM- (quickly)70 is good.

Sterling smirks.

Sterling continues to walk towards his office and Brian stops.

BRIAN- Bro I know you not about to have a whole new pitch and not tell me.

We angle on Sterling who gets a grin and turns to Brian and slaps him on the shoulder harder than he should have.

STERLING- Now would I do that to you? Bro.

Brian laughs a little, he knows where this isn't

BRIAN- So what's the pitch?

Sterling looks him up and down and brushes him off.

STERLING- I think me and Liam got it from here.

BRIAN-Oh I knew this was gonna happen.

STERLING- What was gonna happen?

BRIAN- You being in your feelings about since Im seeing MJ now.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- Man what are you talking about?

BRIAN- You're mad that that we're dating and because you're doing whatever it takes to hide your feelings you're salty.

STERLING- (laughing) you think I'm jealous of you and MJ?

BRIAN- it's all over your face.

STERLING-B the only thing I care about is you better not hurt her.

Brian looks at him.

STERLING- And I'm not going anywhere.

Sterling steps closer to him.

STERLING- be mad at

Sterling slaps him hard on the shoulder again.


Hazel Ryan and Sterling sit at a booth together having drinks.

Sterling is in the middle of telling a story and Hazel is laughing hysterically at him.

HAZEL-(laughing) can you shut up?

STERLING- No it's true woman have better cheat codes than man.

Maya walks in and sits next to Hazel.

MAYA-What y'all talking about?

RYAN- the cheat codes you girls have over us.

MAYA- what? Y'all have way more cheat codes. Do yall have a cycle every month?

Ryan sucks his teeth.

RYAN- Oh please we all wash clothes MJ.

Maya and Hazel burst into laughs as Sterling shakes his head and then whispers into Ryan's ear.

RYAN-(realizing) ohhhh....well y'all can see each other naked anytime y'all want.

MAYA- You two haven't seen each other naked before?

STERLING- Why would we do that?

HAZEL- Well y'all get to stand up and pee. Y'all never have to worry about squatting in a dirty restroom.


Sterling lifts up his drink and pauses.

STERLING- Multiple orgasms.

HAZEL- Okay that's a good one.

MAYA- Yeah.

Sterling smiles and drinks some of his drink.

HAZEL- So how was dinner with your Dad?

MAYA- Oh yeah I did have that huh?

HAZEL- that bad?

MAYA- Well first it was weird because he's staying at that hotel where we met.

Sterling looks at her.

Ryan smiles like a little kid.

RYAN- oh you mean the one when you two almost-

HAZEL- Ryan.

MAYA- Second he wants to buy me a car.

RYAN- Oh wow I had when my Dad does that.

Sterling hits him on the shoulder.

MAYA- He's trying to buy me....he said if I agree to come back home I'll get a car...and pay me rent in which other place I choose to live.

HAZEL- (impressed) Damn.

MAYA- Haze.

HAZEL- I'm sorry

MAYA- and then he was all "I'm trying to look out for know you won't be able to last on your own

STERLING-he said that to you?

MAYA- Yeah.

HAZEL- Well fuck him...and you're not on your own.

MAYA- he means without my parents....but I was already living on my own which is what I don't understand.

HAZEL- it's because you're in another state and you're not asking them for anything.

STERLING- and they should want've been doing great in New York.

MAYA- he thinks eventually I'm going to give up and come back anyway.

STERLING-(concerned) and he said that to you?

MAYA- Yeah but in his defense....younger me was kinda irresponsible.

HAZEL- I mean who wasn't?

RYAN- and I still am.

Hazel laughs.

STERLING- you don't believe anything that he's saying right?

MAYA- I don't know.

Sterling looks at her concerned.

MAYA- but forget about me, what have you guys been doing this is the first time we all hung out in a while.

Ryan begins to answers until he notices an attractive woman 20s enters. His jaw DROPS.

Sterling notices.

STERLING- is that your ex Hailey?

RYAN-(still looking) yes.

HAILEY- Hey Ryan.

Hailey passes the table as she walks to the bar.

HAZEL- Damn.

MAYA- Yeah breaking up with you has done her good.

RYAN- I broke up with her.

MAYA- of course you did.

RYAN- I bet she's stalking me.

HAZEL- Yeah I bet she are you gonna go over there?

Ryan sucks his teeth.

RYAN- No....yes...well maybe in five minutes.

STERLING-That's right brother stay strong.

Ryan nods.

RYAN-(counting) one...two...three...okay that's long enough.

Ryan walks over to Hailey.

RYAN- Hey Hailey.

Hailey turns to him and then back to facing the bar.


RYAN-you look amazing.

HAILEY- that's because Im not wearing a bra, and this dress supports them perfectly.

Ryan smiles in agreeance.

RYAN- I appreciate that.

MAYA- So what do you two have planned for tonight?

HAZEL- Complete self care phone no work stuff nothing...Henry think's I've been working too hard.

Maya and Sterling both stare at her.

HAZEL-Hello this is the part where you two disagree with him.

Maya and Sterling begin to encourage her at the same time.

STERLING-Oh yeah of course you don't.

MAYA- I mean remember you took that day off because that new judge lady pissed you off, that showed them.

HAZEL- Both of you are terrible liars.

Maya laughs.

MAYA-maybe you do work hard but that's a good thing, your Dad isn't telling you to come home you irresponsible brat.

STERLING- He said that?!

Maya laughs.

MAYA-Okay no I made that one up but basically.


Hazel laughs.

HAZEL- my parents can't have that talk with me because I basically raised them.

STERLING- I can see that.

MAYA- Are you ever gonna tell us about your parents?

Hazel looks intrigued and Sterling swallows some more of his drink.

STERLING- I told you, my dad has a constructor business.

MAYA- But like what's his name...and what does your mom do?

STERLING- His name is Floyd.

MAYA- Ouu Floyd and okay what about your mom?

STERLING- Her name is Helen...what's up with the 21 questions?

Maya looks at him confused.

MAYA- It's not...just curious, but I wont ask about them again.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- I got a date though...So Im gonna head out.

Sterling puts cash on the table.

STERLING-That should cover everybody.

HAZEL- I like him.

Maya looks at him confused. Sterling leaves.

MAYA-What the hell was that?

HAZEL- You want to keep asking the man about his parents.

MAYA- I only asked like two things.

HAZEL- But obviously he didn't want to talk about it MJ.

MAYA-But why not? Sterling is great so Im sure his parents are great.

HAZEL- oh you think Sterling is great?

MAYA-Shut up.

Ryan talking with Hailey.

HAILEY- I don't care Ryan I'm with Lauren now.

RYAN- Lauren? Since when did you start dating girls?

HAILEY-since you.

Ryan nods.

RYAN-that's fair.

HAILEY- Lauren is great and she's not afraid of commitment unlike you.

RYAN- Im not afraid of commitment?

HAILEY- and she has a real job.

RYAN- I have a real job.

HAILEY- Djing is not a real job.

Ryan rolls his eyes.

RYAN-Yes it is....but regardless me and you, we were great together...especially in bed.

Hailey rolls her eyes.

HAILEY-seriously Ryan?

RYAN-come on...remember that last night.

Hailey smiles.

HAILEY- You did do your best.

RYAN- Im saying!

HAILEY- but it doesnt matter...Im taken now.

RYAN- Okay that's cool, we can be friends.

HAILEY- Friends? How can we do that?

RYAN- What if we hang out tonight?


RYAN- Me you Lauren and my girlfriend.

HAILEY- Your girlfriend?

RYAN-Yeah um..(noticing Hazel and Maya leaving) Hazel.


Ryan is following Hazel into the kitchen pleading.

RYAN- Hazel Im telling you this girl is perfect for you.

HAZEL- Boy hell no, no thanks.

RYAN-I promise you this girl is great. Her name is Lauren. She's Hailey....sister.

Hazel looks at him.

RYAN- She's smart and sophisticated... and she has a real good job.

Hazel opens the fridge and quickly closes it and then opens it again.

HAZEL-MJ I know you didnt eat my ice cream!

MAYA-(O.S) Did I mention Im sad about my Dad?

HAZEL- Dont care!

MAYA-(O.S) Did I mention I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow?

HAZEL- Much better.

RYAN- Look Im asking for a favor here...please Haze.

Hazel looks at him.

RYAN- Maybe if I hang out with them I could get Hailey back.

HAZEL- since when do you care about Hailey so much? You go out with different people all the time.

Ryan gets a big smile.

RYAN- I know, but..I really broke her heart before and I want show her I changed...will you help me? Please?

Hazel sighs, he's got her.


An establishing shot of the city fades to...


We find Sterling standing, texting on his phone.

TEXT MESSAGE: Im sorry, can we reschedule?

Sterling then walks inside immediately scanning the place. An ATTRACTIVE woman approaches him but he passes.

FINALLY he spots who he came for.

Curtis whose sitting at the bar sipping his drink. Sterling walks over to him sitting next to him.

STERLING- Curtis James?

Curtis looks at him confused.

CURTIS-Who are you?

STERLING- Im a friend of your daughters, Maya. My name is Sterling Jackson.

CURTIS- is there something wrong with MJ?

STERLING- No...but I think it's something wrong with you.

CURTIS- Excuse me?


Hazel and Ryan sit at the bar having a drink waiting.

HAZEL- So what does this Lauren chick look like? Tall? short?

Ryan sips some of his drink and nods.

RYAN- Yeah.

HAZEL- Which one?

RYAN- Which one what?

HAZEL-You never met Lauren, have you?

RYAN- No, but-

HAZEL- Oh my God. Ryan for all we know this girl be terribly

Hailey and Lauren enter.

HAILEY- Hey Ryan!

Standing next to her is LAUREN (20s) attractive.

HAZEL- terribly attractive. Forget I said anything.

Hazel and Ryan go over to meet them.


Maya sits at her desk sewing, she gets a facetime call. Its Brian.

BRIAN- MJ what you doing?

MAYA- Making some stuff...what you doing? How was the gym?

BRIAN-It was cool, you eat yet? You Hungry?

MAYA- I was actually about to doordash something.

BRIAN- Don't even think about it, dont waste your money Im on my way to you right now and Im gonna cook for you.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- Oh you're cooking for me? You must be trying to poison me.

Brian laughs.

BRIAN- Nah I'm not tired of you yet.

Maya laughs.


Brian is in the middle of cooking. Maya sits on the counter watching.

MAYA- I don't know what you making but it smells so good.

Brian smiles.

BRIAN- It is creamy tuscan chicken...and what you smelling right now is the cherry tomatoes mixed with the garlic and butter.

MAYA- Okay you might know a little something Chef Boy R B.

Brian laughs.

THEN his phone begins to ring. He checks it.

BRIAN-Oh thats CJ. I need to take this.

Maya nods and he answers.

BRIAN-Whats up little man?

MAYA-(V.O) Oh yeah did I tell you that? He has a son he's six and his name is CJ, obviously. I've only ever seen him on facetime and not even on purpose.


Maya sits on her bed on facetime with Brian as he sits in his living room playing a video game.

MAYA-I'm not gonna lie my guy you suck.

BRIAN- Bro you been in new york like three days and now you say my guy.

Maya laughs.

CJ appears in the camera talking to Brian.

CJ-Can I play text.

BRIAN- So I can beat you? yeah.

Cj pushes him.

CJ- You not gonna beat me.

Maya begins to look around in her room trying not to look at the two of them.

BRIAN- CJ say hi to MJ.

CJ- Hi.

MAYA- Hey.

CJ- Okay can I play?


MAYA-(V.O) See? Just like that...and Im cool with it and there hasnt been any type of crazy baby mother drama that I always here there is when you're dating someone with kids so, we're good.

Brian finishes up the call.

BRIAN-Sorry about that.

MAYA-you're fine.

BRIAN- speaking of fine.

Brian walks over and begins to kiss her.

BRIAN-You want to try the sauce?

MAYA-(smiling) Yes.

Brian grabs a spoon and scoops some sauce and feeds it to her.

MAYA- Oh, my God. That is so good.

Brian smiles.

BRIAN- Of course it is girl.

MAYA-Shut up let's relax.

Brian laughs.

BRIAN- but it's all done now.

Maya gets down from the counter and walks over to the cabinets grabbing two plates.

BRIAN- oh you gonna make my plate?

MAYA- hell no that's all you my boy.

Brian laughs.

Maya hands him the plates.

MAYA-But I will pour you some wine.

Maya grabs two wine glasses and a bottle of wine and they walk into the dining room.


Brian and Maya are in the middle of eating dinner and talking.

MAYA- This is so so good.

Brian smiles.

BRIAN- I told you.

MAYA-(V.O) I think I might like him for real y'all?

BRIAN-So about your Dad you said he wants to buy you a car or some shit?

MAYA-Yeah trying to bribe me to get back it seems like.

BRIAN- shit what's wrong with that?

MAYA-You serious?

BRIAN- Yeah...that's a free car. Take it and pretend like you're moving back to DC but stay.

MAYA- No I don't want to take it, it's not about the car it's about my Dad- No it's about both my parents understanding that I've made a decision to move here and that they should support me.

BRIAN-but it sounds like they want to support you...We talking about a car.

MAYA- No we talking about practice.

Brian laughs.

MAYA- But Im parents think Im just this irresponsible screw who ran off because of my sisters engagement party and my job but it's deeper than that....earlier when I was talking to Sterling and Hazel-

Brian laughs a little.

BRIAN- Of course you talked to your boy Sterling.

MAYA- Yeah? and he understood.

BRIAN-So what you trying to say he gets you better than me?

MAYA-(V.O) Men are so did a conversation about me, my dad, and my issues turn to him making himself the victim?

MAYA- Well you are telling me to take the car.

BRIAN-You said you wanted a car.

MAYA- (frustrated) That's not the point!

Brian looks at her.

MAYA- Im sorry....but it's like you're not listening.

BRIAN- I am listening you just don't like my opinion.

MAYA-Maybe you don't need to have a opinion on this.

BRIAN-My bad for caring.

Brian gets up from the table.

Maya sighs.


Sterling and Curtis are sitting at the bar in the middle of talking.

CURTIS- You want to run that by me again?

STERLING-You really hurt your Maya's feelings earlier. She just wants you to be proud of her and you should be....I mean I haven't known her nearly has long and Im proud of her.

Curtis looks at him confused.

CURTIS- proud of her for what exactly? Running away?

STERLING- for running towards something after losing everything...a 4 year relationship, her job, you guys judging her-

This hits Curtis.

CURTIS- wait relationship her and Steven broke up?

STERLING-Yeah you didn't know that?

CURTIS-No..(thinking) I didn't even ask her why she wanted to leave...I just thought she was doing one of those MJ spare of the moment things.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- She does do that.

CURTIS-So she's really doing good?

Sterling pulls out his phone showing a picture.

STERLING- This is her most recent review from work.

Curtis looks at it. He smiles he's impressed.

CURTIS- She's done all this in only 90 days?

STERLING- Yeah....shes really amazing.

Curtis continues to look at the phone.

CURTIS- so how long have you liked her?


CURTIS- long have you liked her? Come on.

Sterling blushes a little.

STERLING- oh nah it's not like that...we're just friends.

CURTIS- That's how me and my wife started.

STERLING- No we're really friends....It's not a front.

CURTIS- she's must be really important to you for you to come down here and do this.

Sterling looks at him.


Curtis looks at him and nods. He's starting to like him.

STERLING- when she's not yelling at me or telling me what to do...which is all she does.

Curtis laughs.

CURTIS- That's MJ for you.


Hazel and Ryan sit across from Hailey and Lauren having dinner. They're all laughing and enjoying each other.

Hazel leans into Ryan.

HAZEL- (low voice) she is fine as hell.

Ryan smiles.

HAZEL- So where are y'all from?


Upper West Side
I'm from Houston but I moved here a few years go.

HAZEL-(confused) Oh okay.... how did that happen?

Ryan is getting nervous.

RYAN- Holy Shit!


HAILEY- What's wrong?

RYAN- I'm sorry I thought I was falling....(nervous laugh) but I'm not.

Hazel looks at him confused and Lauren and Hailey laugh.


Lauren and Ryan stand at the bar.

RYAN- So you and Hailey huh?

LAUREN- five months strong.

RYAN- You're very lucky.


RYAN- you know what I miss the most about her. That cute, nibbly sound she makes when she eats.

Lauren nods.

RYAN- like a, like a happy little squirrel or...or a weasel.

LAUREN- Hmm I never really noticed.

RYAN- Oh you gotta listen for it.

LAUREN- Well Hazel is great.

RYAN- Yeah, yeah she is....but it's not gonna work out.

Lauren looks confused.

RYAN- The sex is just...I mean I can't keep up.


Hazel and Hailey are in the mirror freshening up.

HAZEL- I have to say Lauren seems very nice.

HAILEY- Yes, isn't she?

HAZEL- it's so good to meet a girl who's funny and smart and can hold great conversation.

HAILEY- you know what else? The sex? Out of this world.

This hits Hazel. IMMEDIATELY. She freezes.

HAZEL- Wow my sister didn't even tell me when she lost her virginity.

Hailey looks confused.

HAILEY- Oh...okay. That's cool.

They both look at each other confused and then go back to the mirror.


Maya lays on her bed scrolling on her phone. Still upset from her fight with Brian.

MAYA-(V.O) I don't know what I was more upset about the my argument with Brian or the fact that I'm not really upset about my argument but that Sterling was really bothered by me asking about his parents. Why does it bother me so much?

The doorbell RINGS .

Maya looks confused and gets up from her bed and goes to the door.


Maya opens the door and it's her Dad.

MAYA- Dad...I thought you left?

He walks in.

CURTIS- I leave tomorrow...and I don't want to leave before I could I have been so stupid?

Maya looks at him confused.

MAYA- Well we could go over the list-

CURTIS- I'm sorry for never asking you why you left in the first place. It never dawned on me.

MAYA- (V.O) My Dad apologizing to me? Oh my God he's dying.

MAYA- Dad are you okay?

Curtis laughs.

CURTIS- I'm fine...I'm sorry I didn't pay more attention to you. I'm sorry you didn't feel like you couldn't come to me about Steven.

MAYA- I just knew you would be all...MJ is just being MJ, so.

Maya puts her head down. Curtis feels bad.

CURTIS- I'm sorry for that too....and I love when MJ is being MJ.

MAYA- Dad please.

CURTIS- I'm serious this family is boring without you, why don't think I came all the way here.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- I am the Beyoncé

CURTIS- yes you are.

MAYA- you don't know what that means do you?

CURTIS- No a clue but it's Beyoncè so it must be good.

Maya laughs.

Curtis hugs her.

MAYA- I do miss you, Dad.

CURTIS- I miss you, but I'm proud of you.

Both still hug each other.

MAYA- for living in New York?

CURTIS- That and doing so well at your found something you loved no matter what I or your mother had to say.

Maya pulls back confused.

MAYA- How did you know that?

CURTIS- I met your friend Sterling today.

MAYA- What? When?

CURTIS- He came by the hotel tonight...and he showed me your review.

Maya is shocked.

MAYA- why would

CURTIS- I like him he's a nice guy and I think he likes you.

MAYA- And why do you think that?

CURTIS- it's all in the eyes.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- Dad please.

Curtis smiles.

CURTIS- I'm happy you're happy.

Maya hugs him again.


Hazel and Ryan sit across from Lauren and Hailey in the middle of conversation.

Empty plates between them.

Hailey is in the middle of eating a chicken wing and she chews just the way Ryan described like a weasel.

Hazel looks disgusted. Ryan is enjoying it and winks at Lauren.

HAZEL- So it was a little girl that was missing and all this time it was the parents and it was so

Hailey leans on Lauren and begins to rub on her.

Hazel looks confused but brushes it off.

HAZEL- so anyway um I'm just thinking this is so

She eyes them more as Hailey continues to rub on Lauren.

HAZEL- Inappropriate.

Hazel hits Ryan under the table.

HAZEL- (low voice) walk with me.

RYAN- excuse us.

Ryan and Hazel walk over near the bar area.

Hazel is disturb.

HAZEL- What the hell have you got me into?

RYAN- What?

HAZEL-(confused) what? Are you not seeing what I'm seeing? We're having dinner with Jamie and Cersei Lannister.

RYAN- Hazel relax so what they're close.

HAZEL- close?

Hazel looks back over at the table and Hailey is nibbling on Lauren's ears.

HAZEL- she has her tongue in her ear.

RYAN-You never did that with your sister?

HAZEL- No we're black

Ryan looks at her.

HAZEL- I truly can't believe this sick shit this is so....

Hazel looks at him.

HAZEL- Oh my God they aren't related are they?

RYAN- In God's eyes we're all related.

Hazel hits him on the shoulder.

HAZEL- I can't believe you. I'm out of here.

Hazel starts to leave and Ryan grabs her.

RYAN- Hazel wait please.

Hazel looks at him.

RYAN- you like Lauren and I want Hailey back...and Lauren likes you.

Hazel smiles a little intrigued.

HAZEL- Really?

RYAN- Yeah and listen if we stuck together I bet the two of us we can break them up.

Hazel looks at the table and smiles.


Ryan and Hazel are back at their seats. Hazel in completed flirting mode with Lauren.

Shes wiping a spill off Lauren's dress.

HAZEL- Im so sorry I'm normally not clumsy at all but that joke was so funny.

Ryan is feeding Hailey chicken wings as she chews like a hamster.

RYAN- Waiter can we have another plate of wings please.

Hailey blushes.


Hazel is sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee.

Maya enters grabbing a cup out of the cabinet.

MAYA- so how was the double date?

HAZEL- Me and Ryan broke that couple up and kept the pieces to ourselves... one of my craziest dates ever.

Maya laughs and begins to pour herself some coffee.

HAZEL- how was your night?

MAYA- and my Dad talked...I mean like really talked and everything is fine between us.

HAZEL- What? Okay Curtis finally coming to his senses.

MAYA- Sterling actually talked to him.

HAZEL- Sterling?

MAYA- me I'm confused too.

HAZEL- hm so what about the car?

MAYA- No...I think I'm gonna let the car dream go.

HAZEL- Really? Why?

Maya smiles.

MAYA- Just felt like I don't really need one.

HAZEL- that is true it's not point of us having two here.

Maya smiles .

MAYA- right.


We're back again at the pitch meeting. This time is Sterling is standing next to a screen as the entire room faces him. Including Brian.

Sterling dims the lights, starts the presentation. Pictures appear on screen: Model woman in the middle of domestic actives with their friends family or children, a few slides include Maya. cooking, grocery shopping, vacuuming. They're quite gorgeous and poignant givent that Sterling won't open up about his family.

STERLING-In order to show the softer side of Icona we're using the concept of mothers, daughters, and sisters. Focusing on those small, special moments that are usually taken for granted. We've heightened them trying to infuse them with a beautiful, nostalgic aura.

Everyone looks back at the poker-faced Mrs. Robinson. She nods.

MRS.ROBINSON- and why would this appeal to our customers?

STERLING- Everyone assumes our demographic is the older crowd and we've been trying to reach the younger crowd but there's been tremendous brand loyalty since you launched. Meaning the same people who were teenagers when they started using are now setling down and having children. 58% to be exact. This is a target at both.

Mrs.Robinson nods.

MRS.ROBINSON- I like it...great job Sterling.

Sterling smiles.


Maya sits at her desk working.

Her phone vibrates a text message from Brian.


MAYA- (V.O) Whew good thing he said this because lord knows I wasn't.

Maya notices Sterling walking inside his office.


Sterling sits at his desk and begins to get on his computer when Maya enters.

MAYA- Hey you busy?

STERLING- Actually I was-

MAYA- Don't care...I have a bone to pick.

Sterling sighs.

STERLING- What now?

MAYA- You talked to my Dad.

STERLING- I may have ran into

MAYA- You can talk to my Dad on my behalf but I ask you about your parents and you catch an attitude. I'm confused.

STERLING- I didn't talk to him on your behalf I ran into him and we just so happen to talk to you.

MAYA- So if I call my Dad right now he's gonna say you just ran into him while you were on your "date?"

STERLING- I'm not gonna lie to you Maya your Dad isn't getting much younger so I'm sure his memory isn't all that great.

Maya shoves him.

MAYA-(laughing) shut up.

STERLING- Okay truth?

MAYA- Well duh.

STERLING- My Dad left my mom when I was in my freshman year of college it was bad. Like really bad...but I always felt like she just let him get away with it.

MAYA- get away with it?

STERLING- She didn't fight him for like half of his company which she helped him start...she didn't get anything from him....and she's just okay with it.

MAYA- Maybe she just wanted to be done with it?

STERLING- Yeah but how can she not stand up for herself?

Maya looks at him.

MAYA- We all do things others don't understand. Maybe she just has her reasons.

STERLING- and I'll never understand it and every time I talk about it....I get I don't talk about any of them.

MAYA-(V.O) kinda wanna ask more questions but I'm gonna leave it alone.

STERLING- anyway I have something for you.

Maya looks at him confused.

Sterling hands her a check.

MAYA- Um? What is this?

STERLING- I included you in my pitch so that's some of the commission.

MAYA- What pitch?

STERLING- Come here.

Maya walks over to behind Sterlings desk as he shows her the presentation.

Shes impressed.

MAYA- and here I thought your camera was just there for aesthetic.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- Nah...I only mess with it something though.

MAYA- I really love this....but you don't have to give me anything.

STERLING- By law you have to be paid for my use of your images.

MAYA- Sterling....I know you're only doing this so I can get a car, but I decided I don't want a car.

STERLING- What? Since when?

MAYA- just realized I don't need one.

STERLING- aww what were you gonna miss riding with me?

Maya looks at him.

MAYA- Maybe.

Sterling has a half smile. Touched.

MAYA- or maybe I just like the idea better of me wasting your knows.

They both laugh.

MAYA- but seriously thank you for what you did for my Dad. I really appreciate it.

STERLING- and I appreciate you.

Maya raises her eye brow.

STERLING- for being a great friend...that's all.

MAYA- Mmhm.

They smile at each other.

STERLING- you wanna go get lunch?

MAYA- on you? Of course.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- Nah you're the one the check.


They laugh as they walk down the hall passing Brian.

Sterling smirks at him.


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