Everyone's Dead Inside

By hellowolf2

60K 1.2K 37

I thought I was their friend, but they treated me badly as they use me, acting like I am puppet to them for t... More

Drowning - Chapter 1 - Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Bloody Hell Mate - Chapter 2 - Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
The Banshee's truth - Chapter 3 Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Sleepy Hallows - Chapter 4 - Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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Prince of Darkness - Chapter 5 - Part 1
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Part 3
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The Stars Of Tonight - Chapter 6 - Part 1
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Dancing Rabbits- Chapter 7 - Part 1
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Part 3
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Back To Hell We Go - Chapter 8 - Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

The UnHoly Grail - Chapter 9 - Part 1

475 11 0
By hellowolf2

I am sitting with the headmaster office with my dad sitting in the headmaster seat with the other head of house sitting by his side

The Minister is sitting down next to me with Draco to my other side holding my hand as I now have a blanket around my shoulder, with the cold feeling of the blood drying into my skin, which only is on me because of the fireball hitting Dumbledore skin which let out quite abit of blood as well as my magical carving words into him just as he started to fall with his blood getting all over me as I heard him scream in pain as he fell down, I had made sure to put a bubble around him which had the killing curse inside of it which effect him when he hit the round but the bubble was to make sure he didn't splatter into a million pieces

Minister- "with your outing of being the killer, as long as you don't do anymore killings, you are to walk free from all of this as, there is a vote for your freedom, and let's just say there loads of votes for you to be free, barely any for you to end up in Azkaban. Unfortunately you being pregnant helped it out also aka everyone found out about your pregnancy, by a certain Malfoy and a certain Hogwarts healer" who he means Draco and Padam Pomfrey which he is glad they outed that so that it upped the votes on Harry here being free

"As for the truth about Dumbledore, yes everyone is angry that this had been all going on especially those who where his followers which didn't know about it after being questioned with truth potions, except for the Weasleys admitted they knew about all this but their children are fine as they were under spells to get them from telling the truth, like Percy here was. So atleast we knew there was sort of alright people on Dumbledore side but everyone is also angry because he isn't getting punished aka Azkaban but as you have told me he was dying either was and had less than a month let to live anyway, so it helped ease people's mind on the whole punishment question. Now obvious you Severus will now be headmaster after you Minerva didn't wish to be headmistress just yet and wish to continue with your teaching and deputy headmistress role. Well I better be going, lots of paper work to do because of this situation and now quite a few meetings are now going to be in place including a conference with the press, have a good day you all and you Mr Potter, make sure you and the baby are okay"

Severus- "thank you Minister, it was good seeing you" he says after getting up and leading the Minister to the fool, he watches him disappear before turning around and looking at everyone in the office

"Well I certainly wasn't expecting this situation happening and now I have to look for Professors for the classes that Dumbledore didn't hire for which by the way was quite alot, even though these classes where still in the system and the Ministry thought they were being taught until the Pink Toad aka Umbridge and told the Minister but apparently Dumbledore said he would hire people for the classes but never would and I bet there's loads of paper work and many more things with this room and outside of this room that the lazy old man refused to do because he barely left his office except to eat. Now I hope you all are okay, now please leave this office as I have alot to do, first day at headmaster, I already have a pile of paper work and stuff to do" he ended up getting a pat of his back/shoulder by Minerva before everyone exited the room

He sighs sitting down before realising he needs to be on his feet as he too has to go to the Ministry to sort alot of things out including signing papers which invovled and proving he now is the headmaster for atleast ten years, its a natural rule thing for the headmaster having to work for ten years, so they just don't quit and leave anytime they are stressed out or whenever they want, plus so that he can be trained to make sure that his students will be safe and everything else above, so much signing and paperwork to do, first day and it's probably going to kill him already



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