Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafe

Saphireblueelf tarafından

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Phichit and Yuri work in a food truck that sets up in a park. One day, Phichit bets Yuri on attending a Yaoi... Daha Fazla

Yaoi cafe
Friday night
What is happening here?
Date day
When dreams are forgotten
Ice castle
Blades of wonder
Best laid plans
Sweet dreams
Home coming
The illusion of safe
The getaway


140 4 0
Saphireblueelf tarafından

The crowd could be heard shuffling around as they came in to find their seats. Yuri lifted his head as his fingers tied the strings from memory.

"Don't worry, I'll be right beside you." The soft accented voice whispered in his ear. Yuri leaned into the strong hard chest. This would be his debut.

It had been a year since the day on the bridge. Yakov was arrested and vanished. Whatever organization had used Otabek and Yurio, made sure the man disappeared. Later Yuri discovered that his grandfather had some ties to that very organization. He had been upset that the world hadn't found out what Yakov did.

Three days later there was a huge article, news coverage everything about him. Since Yurio was legally adopted by him, he inherited all his money. The kid poured himself into learning to skate. The love he had for the sport shined in his eyes.

With Yakov tucked away, Yurio had no family. It was discovered the grandfather who had raised him until he became to ill, which resulted in Yurio going to the orphanage, had passed away. Since Yurio was still under age and couldn't be left on his own. Phichit muttered something about the apartment above the Ice Castle

Although they had their issues, Viktor moved into the two bedroom apartment to look after the small blond teen. Yakov's estate was seized in the raid on his property. Viktor and Yurio were given their freedoms due to their help in bringing him down. The Yaoi Café was going to be sold, but the actors begged Yurio not to sell it.

Instead Viktor took over managing it, with Minami's help. So, it was as popular as ever. Viktor only made a monthly appearance there. He was busy with other things these days.

Yurio stomped into their row of lockers. "This isn't working!" He cried tugging on the cape.

Although he and made his skating debut just three weeks ago, Yurio wasn't turning his back on his friends. He had agreed with Phichit to be apart of his show. They had made it so that his part added to the overall beauty of the show, but if he had to go to a competition, than it wouldn't be too obvious of a miss. Or they would use Minami to cover the parts he was needed to.

"Let me help!" Yuuko came over to fix Yurio's wardrobe issue.

After Yakov had been caught, she finally was able to tell them all what happened when they kidnapped Viktor. Of course it was through a lot of giggles. It started with Takeda slamming her against the wall beside the office door. This alerted those inside.

They came barreling out. Seeing them practically stripping each other in the hall, they tried to get them to move along. Takeda laughed, pretended to be drunk. He had insisted that if he knew where another place was he would go there. The men had told him about a hotel a few miles away.

Takeda was like nah man, I'm drunk! I just want to be with my girl here! That was when Yuuko stepped in. She asked about a condom. This, of course flustered Takeda. They began to argue over it. All the while keeping an eye on the others in the room. A few were giving up on the show to look back at the main floor.

Not knowing if the others had gotten Viktor out, Yuuko shoved Takeda inside the room. They began to throw things at each other, missing each other horribly, but hitting the goons inside. This got Yakov's attention to where he began to shout over them. There was so much noise no one knew what was going on for some time.

Then, one of the other actors walked passed the room. He caught Takeda's eye and nodded. He took this to mean that Viktor and the rest of them were away. So to signal Yuuko, Takeda dropped into a chair. He hung his head between his legs grumbling.

"Man I just wanted to get laid!" the guys in the room seemed to understand this as silence fell around them.

"Well, isn't there a drug store across the street?" Yuuko asked.

With that they simply walked out. They kept the charade up, fawning over each other until they got outside. Then they got in Takeda's car and went home. That was it.

"I'm good. It's not like they are judging me." Yuri smiled up at his friend's support.

He had spent the last year getting back into shape. Also, he had spent it dating Viktor. The man was amazing and he was falling further and further in love with him. Yurio may be going to tour with his coach and their team for the circuit of figure skating. If they did, Viktor would be left alone.

Yuri gripped his lovers hand. He smiled into the warm blue eyes that crinkled as the man grinned back at him. Together they rose to their feet. They would be the ones to start the show.

Walking out to the rink, the entire arena went dark. Otabek had already made the announcement that the lights would go off. He made sure to instruct everyone to get to their seats or to a safe place before this happened. He made these announcements several times over the thirty minutes before show time.

Now, Viktor kissed Yuri on the lips, he trailed a hand down his cheek, smiling into the beautiful eyes. Then he turned to walk further down the ice to another entrance. They wouldn't see each other until they were on the ice. Yuri stilled his fast bearing heart.

Viktor had worked so long and hard for this day. Years ago he may have had the opportunity to become a famous world class ice skater. That had been ripped away from him, but now, now Yuri was going to hand him the ice. He would show him just what preforming in front of a crowd was like. Together, they were going to make the Ice Castle sing once more.

A single light illuminated the ice before Yuri. He stepped onto the smooth surface. Home. It had always felt like that to him. He raised one arm. The blue/ black cloak he wore shifted away from his arm. The silver gloved hand caught the light. It reflected a prism of colors around the lone figure. Yuri skated in a smooth graceful arch, until he was on the opposite side of the ice. His light went out as his arm closed over his chest. He bowed his head.

Another light came on. No one had seen the man enter the ice since all eyes had been on Yuri. Now Viktor stood there, strong, tall and handsome. His red vested suit shining in the spot light. Head tossed back. He stood unmoving. The music began.

At first Viktor preformed almost clumsily. He seemed to be like a deer on ice unable to control his own feet. Whispers began in the audience. They had forgotten about Yuri. He stood still, alone in the dark. That was, until Viktor came close enough to him.

The spotlight hadn't touched Yuri, but he breezed into it to capture Viktor's outstretched hands. The crowd gasped indicating that their ploy had worked. Now Yuri guided Viktor around the ice. He swirled dancing backwards to draw Viktor to him. He appeared to show him how to jump to spread his arms and fly.

Viktor caught Yuri's waist to toss him toward the rafters. Yuri landed spiraling out away from sliver haired man. Viktor flew. He danced, darted away from Yuri. More people came out of to the ice. The fawned over the superstar, the silver haired vixen. Yuri's light dimmed as he tried to compete with the devil.

So many people separated the two stars that Viktor couldn't see Yuri any longer. Once more he was left in the dark. Yuri bowed his head. The music swelled, dancing around the vibrant group. Then Yurio came out.

He was younger than the star. He could fly higher due to his small size, his light began to brighten. People flocked toward the young newcomer. Viktor, although not left in darkness, his light dimmed slightly. Yet it didn't go out. He fought against the dying light, making stronger more superior moves.

He showed what it meant to be a champion. During this time, he saw Yuri once more, huddled in his corner of the ice. He drew the man to him, pulling him back to the light. Their love blossomed around them as they showed Yurio they didn't need the spot light to thrive.

Suddenly all those people spread out, arms linked they began to dance together. Yuri, Viktor and Yurio the anchor to the mass of bodies. They were laughing and smiling as treats for the audience rained down around them. Viktor fixed a microphone to his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen and folks of all ages, we welcome you to the spectacular debut of the preforming artists at the Ice Castle." Yuri joined him as the others skated away.

"Thank you all for coming! For supporting us tonight!" He waved to his family who sat with the folks from his home town.

They had all come out to see him. So had the man who ran the food truck they had worked at. The Yaoi Café closed for this one night. All the actors were either preforming on the ice, or supporting the cast by cheering as loudly as they could for each act. The ladies who used to flock to Viktor while he was a host at the café were among his fan group. He blew them kisses, always the performer.

Phichit came out with Minima. They went over the vital rules for the performances. Things to make the performer safe such as not throwing anything on the ice during a performance. No flash photography that could blind or hinder the performer's eyesight. They asked that the audience tried to stay in their seats during a performance. That there would be breaks for them to get up as needed.

Once all the formalities were out of the way, the two spun to face each other. Who knew Minami could sing! His voice floated up from his thin small frame to fill the air around them. He sang out his love as Phichit fluttered around him. He danced trying to invite his wayward heart to bring the man he wished for to him. Yuri watched from behind the stage.

After them, it was Otabek and Yurio's turn. They had a more sinister feel to their dance. Yurio was a member of the mob, where Otabek was some do goober trying to save him. In the end, Yurio ended up shooting his love, then taking his own life. That was when Christophe came into sweep up the bodies.

Yuri and Viktor came back out to brighten the mood for everyone. They bedazzled the crowd to loud cheers, enthusiastic applause, even as they managed to make each jump, each feet of skill look as easy as if they were sleeping kittens in the sunlight. Yuri couldn't stop smiling as he watched Viktor reach higher and higher heights. It was obvious, he was born to preform on the ice.

The night ended as so many of the audience members tossed down flowers or small gifts to the performers. No performer picked them up. They stayed in the center of the ice waving to the crowds as they took pictures. A crew of people, not on skates, rushed out to collect all of the offerings. Phichit, Yuuko and Yuri thanked everyone for coming.

Later, after the had celebrated the grand opening with their friends. Viktor took Yuri to the roof top. The stars danced above them as Viktor hugged the lean hard body against his chest. They toasted each other's performance once more. Then, Viktor turned Yuri to face him.

"Yurio is going on the tour. He leaves in two weeks." He purred.

"That's when my lease is up on my apartment." Yuri whispered.

"I know." Viktor took hold of Yuri's hand to kiss the back of his knuckles.

"Makkachin misses you whenever you have to leave." Viktor smiled into Yuri's eyes.

"And you don't like living alone?" Yuri guessed.

"Living alone is fine. I hate sleeping alone!" Viktor cried.

He then moved closer, pulling Yuri into his arms. Their faces only inches from each other Viktor cooed out.

"Move in with me. Otabek already has it planned that Yurio can live with him once the tour ends." Viktor staved off Yuri's question.

"He is only sixteen!" Yuri growled.

"He will be seventeen by then." Viktor answered.

Yuri relented. He kissed the soft warm lips. "Then I accept." He smiled

In response, Viktor tightened his hold in him. He kissed him passionately!

"I'm never letting you go!" He promised.

"I will hold you to that." Yuri teased as their breath mingled together.

The end

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