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"Wait, hold up a minute!" Phichit cried.

He sat next to Yuri at an outdoor table. The waitress had just sat down their drinks. She scooted off to check on other tables. Yuri and Viktor were, overly enthusiastically, telling the other two about their morning. Yuri was just about to tell them about the owner of the ice rink. He hadn't even gotten to the best part when Phichit stopped him.

"You're telling me you can skate?" Phichit looked amazed.

"You're tall, handsome, and talented? What are you doing working in a café?" Yuuko asked looking confused.

"Well, um, that's a bit of a longer conversation." Viktor's cheeks flushed as he muttered out the answer.

"Well, we...." Yuuko began.

Yuri slammed his palms down on the table. The silverware jumped as their glasses jiggled. He leaned forward to get in the faces of his two best friends. He caught each of their eyes with his own. They jerked back a little bit, Yuuko giggling, at the strange way their friend was acting.

"You're not listening!" Yuri cried.

"Yes Viktor can skate. In fact he is pretty amazing, honestly." He added once he had everyone's attention.

"But that's not the point for this luncheon." Yuri sat back, twin red splotches appearing on his cheeks.

"No. Yuri and I have been talking..." Viktor smiled over at the shy dark haired male.

"You're not going to elope, are you?" Yuuko gasped.

"WHAT?" Yuri shouted making a few people turn to look at them.

"We aren't even officially dating, yet." He muttered as he did his best to resemble a tomato.

"Oh well..." Yuuko flushed a slight pink.

"OK, Ok!" Phichit pulled her back into her seat. She had been leaning over him to get closer to Yuri.

"Let them talk, Yuuko!" He insisted as he settled her down.

"Alright, fine!" She folded her arms across her chest to glare at the table of boys looking her over.

"Talk!" She commanded.

"OK, so, we were skating and when we finished..." Yuri began.

"... the owner was there. He had watched us." Viktor beamed.

"We came up to talk to him. We didn't know it was the owner right away, he told us." Yuri rushed to explain.

"He seemed a bit upset about having to sell to some big corporation." Viktor added just the right amount of sadness to his face as he said this.

"Yes, so I mentioned how you tried to make the offer..." Yuri gestured to Phichit.

"But we don't have enough money." Phichit pouted. In his frustration he punched his fist down onto the table top.

Yuuko rubbed his arm. "Not even with all our savings combined." She muttered.

"That's just it. You didn't factor in all our savings." Viktor purred.

Phichit's head rose up slowly. He gaped at the smiling silver haired male. He attempted to talk a few times, but only odd gurgling sounds came out. Yuuko was beside him, she looked them over just as stunned.

"You don't mean..." She mumbled.

Viktor nodded. "I have a small savings account. It isn't much, but enough to give you the money to reach the asking price of the skating rink." He offered.

"You, you would..." Phichit muttered.

Yuuko grabbed his arm. "Wait, you spoke to the owner..." She looked toward Yuri with an open mouthed expression. She waited for his response, not realizing she was holding her breath.

Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafeWhere stories live. Discover now