Yaoi cafe

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Yuri zipped up the soft grey hoodie he just put on. He hardly ever wore this one, he wasn't sure why he dug through his closet until he found it. He guessed it just looked nice over the light blue tee shirt he had on. He fixed his hair as best he could, slipping his glasses on. The tight looking black jeans looked good on him. Now what to wear for his feet.

He walked out to glance at the shoes he had. His everyday worn sneakers? Ankle boots? Phichit had made him purchase those, he didn't wear them often. Maybe he should wear his converse? He sighed. It wasn't like this was a date. He didn't have to look great. Flopping down he shot his hand out.

Snatching up the black ankle boots he slipped his feet into them. They had a small inch and a half wedge lift on them. When he stood up, he felt taller. He grinned to himself. OK, he could do this. Outside a horn beeped. Ugh, here already?

Yuri peeked out the window. Sure enough Takeda was there in his car. He could see Yuuko beside him. Yuri drew in a deep breath, closing his eyes, he let it out slowly. They were his friends. He knew, at least, Yuuko would watch over him. She was like a protective mother bear when it came to him. This thought made him smile. He walked outside.

"Other side, in back!" Takeda cried as Yuri locked up his apartment. He waved to the man before walking around the car.

They didn't talk much, since Takeda had the music so loud. He would yell something over it every now and again. Yuri watched the other cars. Phichit was a ball of nervous energy beside him. The street the café was on drew closer. There was no place to park in front of it.

Takeda drove around the block. He found a parking garage about two blocks away. They set out to walk back towards the Yaoi café. With every step, Yuri felt his heartbeat speed up. His palms were slimy with sweat. He tried to dry them on his jeans. Phichit was happily chattering away beside him. He had his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he smiled up at the sky. The sun was just setting, slashing colors across the sky. Yuri glanced at it. The soft blue, pink and slight purple hues, somehow made his anxiety lessen slightly.

They turned the corner. The café was nestled between two buildings about halfway down. The front door protruded into the sidewalk slightly. Dark brown wood columns held up a small roof. The door was a thick mahogany. Yuuko curled her fingers around the soft gold handle. She pulled it open.

A wave of air conditioned air blasted out. The interior looked extremely dark from standing outside. Yuuko glanced back at the men with her.

"Here we go." She chuckled.

Takeda held the door for the other three to enter. He came in last. The entire place was lit only by candles. Every table had one blazing as its centerpiece. There were torch like candles hanging along the walls in intervals. In the center of the room, dangling from the ceiling was a three tired chandelier. Each one had candles blazing around it. Tear drop shaped prisms twirled around in the heated air sending rainbow light all over the room.

"Beautiful." Yuuko gasped.

"We try to make the room feel inviting. Would you care to sit by the fire place?" a strikingly handsome boy asked.

"Um" Yuuko muttered she turned toward Phichit.

"Uh, yes that sounds nice." Phichit nodded.

"Follow me then." The dark haired boy led them around the room.

No tables sat directly under the chandler. Instead there were several couches, love seats or other type seating to make cuddling a nice experience. Along the wall were indented booths. Each one had a curtain that could be closed if the people so chose. The same dark wood theme separated each nook. There was a table with a wrap around seat, candle, small jukebox, as well as a small book shelf that surrounded the seat.

Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafeWhere stories live. Discover now