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The crowd could be heard shuffling around as they came in to find their seats. Yuri lifted his head as his fingers tied the strings from memory.

"Don't worry, I'll be right beside you." The soft accented voice whispered in his ear. Yuri leaned into the strong hard chest. This would be his debut.

It had been a year since the day on the bridge. Yakov was arrested and vanished. Whatever organization had used Otabek and Yurio, made sure the man disappeared. Later Yuri discovered that his grandfather had some ties to that very organization. He had been upset that the world hadn't found out what Yakov did.

Three days later there was a huge article, news coverage everything about him. Since Yurio was legally adopted by him, he inherited all his money. The kid poured himself into learning to skate. The love he had for the sport shined in his eyes.

With Yakov tucked away, Yurio had no family. It was discovered the grandfather who had raised him until he became to ill, which resulted in Yurio going to the orphanage, had passed away. Since Yurio was still under age and couldn't be left on his own. Phichit muttered something about the apartment above the Ice Castle

Although they had their issues, Viktor moved into the two bedroom apartment to look after the small blond teen. Yakov's estate was seized in the raid on his property. Viktor and Yurio were given their freedoms due to their help in bringing him down. The Yaoi Café was going to be sold, but the actors begged Yurio not to sell it.

Instead Viktor took over managing it, with Minami's help. So, it was as popular as ever. Viktor only made a monthly appearance there. He was busy with other things these days.

Yurio stomped into their row of lockers. "This isn't working!" He cried tugging on the cape.

Although he and made his skating debut just three weeks ago, Yurio wasn't turning his back on his friends. He had agreed with Phichit to be apart of his show. They had made it so that his part added to the overall beauty of the show, but if he had to go to a competition, than it wouldn't be too obvious of a miss. Or they would use Minami to cover the parts he was needed to.

"Let me help!" Yuuko came over to fix Yurio's wardrobe issue.

After Yakov had been caught, she finally was able to tell them all what happened when they kidnapped Viktor. Of course it was through a lot of giggles. It started with Takeda slamming her against the wall beside the office door. This alerted those inside.

They came barreling out. Seeing them practically stripping each other in the hall, they tried to get them to move along. Takeda laughed, pretended to be drunk. He had insisted that if he knew where another place was he would go there. The men had told him about a hotel a few miles away.

Takeda was like nah man, I'm drunk! I just want to be with my girl here! That was when Yuuko stepped in. She asked about a condom. This, of course flustered Takeda. They began to argue over it. All the while keeping an eye on the others in the room. A few were giving up on the show to look back at the main floor.

Not knowing if the others had gotten Viktor out, Yuuko shoved Takeda inside the room. They began to throw things at each other, missing each other horribly, but hitting the goons inside. This got Yakov's attention to where he began to shout over them. There was so much noise no one knew what was going on for some time.

Then, one of the other actors walked passed the room. He caught Takeda's eye and nodded. He took this to mean that Viktor and the rest of them were away. So to signal Yuuko, Takeda dropped into a chair. He hung his head between his legs grumbling.

"Man I just wanted to get laid!" the guys in the room seemed to understand this as silence fell around them.

"Well, isn't there a drug store across the street?" Yuuko asked.

Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon