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There was a reason Yuri never drank, when he did, he didn't remember anything. He sighed as he walked up to Yuuko's apartment door. He didn't get the chance to knock. The door was pulled open. Her boyfriend, Takeshi, greeted him. Yuri gave an awkward smile as Takeshi wrapped his beefy arm around the thin neck of his guest. Heartily laughing as he talked loudly of their bet, he dragged the quiet shy male inside.

"Takeshi, take it easy on him!" Yuuko admonished.

Laughing again, Takeshi released his prize. He winked at Yuri. "This is going to be fun!"

He showed Yuri where they had a video camera set up, the bottles of alcohol and mixers they had purchased, as well as a "surprise" box. He wouldn't explain what was in that. He simply winked and stated that Yuri would find out later.

At this time, Phichit arrived. They greeted each other. Yuuko insisted the boys eat a hearty nutritious meal. She had it already prepared. The four friends sat around talking as they ate. Takeshi finding it funny that Phichit was the one who wanted to go to the Yaoi Café.

"I mean, Yuri's been friends with this hot bitch since childhood. He never made a move on her!" He roared laughing as he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek.

"Stop being such a vulgar dick!" Yuuko shoved the man away.

"There is the fact..." Yuri grimaced at his friend.

He sat back as they chatted a bit. He wondered if Yuuko had ever thought about them dating. He knew the idea had never crossed his mind. She was his best friend, like a sister to him! Why would he think about if she was attractive or not? She was pretty, but Yuri never considered if he was attracted to someone like her. He frowned as he took his plate to the sink.

"Stop thinking so much about it." He turned to see Yuuko behind him.

"We're family." She smiled reassuringly at him.

"Yuuko, you know I've never been ..." He stopped when she hugged him.

"I wouldn't care if you figured out you liked guys or if out there, somewhere, is a very special girl for you. Just be you, Yuri. It's all I ever wanted from you." She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Now, let's get you drunk!" She giggled picking up a bottle of whiskey.

Yuri chuckled. He found it sweet that she didn't care about his sexuality, but he was worried about the drinking. He walked back into the room. They had rearranged it slightly.

The table they had all sat at was now in the center of the room. The camera was set up at one end in order to get the best shot of both contestants. Phichit sat at one end, Takeshi beside him.

In front of Takeshi were several bottles. Yuuko sat at the other end with more bottles. She pointed to the seat beside her. Yuri walked over to sink down into it. Takeshi pressed record on the camera, the bet was on. Phichit would drink a shot, then Yuri. It went back and fourth for over two hours. Neither of them appeared close to blacking out. They were noticeably drunk.

"I'm afraid if they keep going, they are going to end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning." Yuuko stated.

"We should enact our conditionary clause." Takeshi grinned as he picked up the box that Yuri had seen when he first arrived. Yuuko sighed.

"Yes, I don't see any other choice now." She frowned as Takeshi thrust the box into her hands.

"Yuri, come with me." She took her friends arm. Leading him to the bedroom, Yuri wobbled on his legs.

"What are you going to do with me?" He hiccupped, then giggled.

"Dress you up." Sure enough, she pulled out a slinky blue dress from the box. After assisting Yuri into it, she did his hair and makeup. She removed his glasses knowing he was already too drunk to see properly any way.

Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum