Soulmate Little Mermaid AU- S...

By DaughterOfHermes325

2.2K 88 24

Niccolo di Angelo has always found life under the sea as boring. Even with his cousins Percy, Jason, and Thal... More

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By DaughterOfHermes325

Silena POV

I felt miserable. I looked away from the crystal ball, unable to watch them weep together. Piper had left the room a while ago. I felt so guilty. This was all my fault. If I hadn't shown him to Aphrodite, he never would have even known what it was like to have a soulmate. Now, thanks to me he had to get it ripped away from him once he got a small taste of it. "Ah! It's all going perfectly!" Mom said from behind me. I startled and turned around. Piper was looking at the crystal ball guilty as Mom put her hand on her shoulder. "Don't look so upset, girls. Look at this! It's perfect entertainment! Soon enough, the Underworld Sea will be mine and you'll be the princesses. Hades would do anything for that child, even give up his throne. He's done it once before for that Maria for reasons I will never understand. I mean, who would go for a girl like her when there's me? I'm getting off topic, but seriously! He must be going insane to do that! That would be even better, actually." Piper and I ignored her as I shut off the crystal ball, unable to watch. 

"Mom. This isn't right." I said. She glared at me. 

"I'm doing this for you, sweetheart. You too, Piper. When this plan works out, you'll get unlimited power!" She grabbed two dove feathers from a nearby vanity. "And don't forget, you disobey, your precious crush and boyfriend will be gone. Poof!" She snapped her fingers and made the feathers crumble into dust. We both swam back a step at that in fear. I couldn't let Charlie die. I just couldn't. Piper must have felt the same about Jason because she nodded hesitantly. I followed her. In unison, we said, "yes mother. We're sorry." 

"You better be. Stop being selfish." 

Will POV

Nico and I headed back home shortly after, both our faces tear-stained and our hands clasped tightly together. I got the feeling Nico knew something I didn't because he didn't seem like the crying type, but then again I had just known him for a day. Gods, that sounds so weird. I cared so much about him but it had just been a little over 24 hours that I had found him on the beach. I had never believed in love at first sight, but now I did. That was the only way to explain my feelings for him. 

We walked much closer than we normally would and Nico's nails dug into my hand much sharper than what should be comfortable, but I didn't mind. We both needed the comfort. I regretted my words to him so much, I think I always would. But then I picture the looks on my family's faces if they hear that I had kissed him before meeting Niccolo. That made my stomach fill with so much guilt I could barely breath. I couldn't do that to them. But you could do this with Nico? I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. This was for the good of my kingdom. One person's happiness should not be above thousands. 

Nico. Niccolo. What were the chances they would have such similar names? At first I entertained the idea that Nico was a nickname, but then I remembered the empty soulmark on his forearm and all my hopes were crushed once again. I liked the name Nico better than Niccolo, anyway. It was too formal. They were both absolutely beautiful though. 

I tried to convince myself I would be happier with Niccolo, but I just couldn't imagine myself happier than I was with Nico. It was like I reached the happiness capacity or something. I wouldn't be surprised if I had. 

We headed down the hallway to his room and we stood by the door, not wanting to separate. " me downstairs? I believe I promised you we could read some more." He smiled, ever so slightly, and nodded. He hesitantly walked away and into the room, sparing one last glance at me through the small opening in the door. I stood there for 5 whole minutes, picturing him running back out and kissing me right then and there. But, of course, that didn't happen. I had said that I didn't want that to happen. Stupid. I sighed and walked over to my own bedroom. I flopped onto the bed, bouncing a little. I covered my eyes with my arm and laid there for a while before getting up. 

I walked over to my dresser and got out some pajamas. I changed much slower than normal, becoming tired from all the crying. I crawled into bed after brushing my teeth, giving up on the hope Nico would come over and kiss me. I slipped myself under the covers miserably and closed my eyes. I pictured Nico's smiling face and the feeling of him pressed up against me in the canoe. Tonight was perfect. Well, would have been if I hadn't messed it up. Nico would still be happy if I hadn't mentioned anything. If I hadn't told him I didn't want to be with him. 

'Cause I did. 

A lot. 

So much that it physically hurt to remember what had happened. But I knew if I had kissed him, I'd I had been with him, I'd be swimming with guilt. In the back of my mind I would be wondering about Niccolo. I couldn't do that to Nico. My Death Boy. No, not mine. He could have been, but he isn't. And he never will be. Thanks to you. I glared at my soulmark and then immediately felt guilty at blaming him and ran my hand down the name in an apology. No matter what I did, I would still feel guilty. No need to blame him. No need to blame anyone. This wasn't my fault. This wasn't anyone's fault. At least, that's what I tried to convince myself. However, the voice in the back of my head was yelling at me. I let Nico go. I hurt him. I was the reason he was crying. 

I sighed, trying to shut up the voice. It didn't work. If anything, it got louder. Tears rolled down my face as I allowed myself to fall asleep. The last thought before I dozed off was, at least I can still see him, even if I can't be with him. That's worth everything in the world. 

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