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Nico POV

After breakfast, we headed out to the carriages. We were going to sit in the front at Will's instance. "Hey, Death Boy, come meet the horses." He walked to the front of the carriage and pet one of the horses head. "This is Chiron, and this is Dionysus. After mythology creatures. Chiron was a centaur and Dionysus was one of the Olympian gods." He grabbed my hand and unfortunately put in on Dionysus' head. He had brown skin and black hair while Chiron had white skin and gray hair. I pet the horse for a while, which he didn't seem to thrilled about. 

"Dionysus is always a little...grumpy. It's not you, don't worry." Will assured me. "We should probably get going if we want to cover all of Delphi." He walked over and sat in the front seat on the carriage. I went to the side and he helped me on to the seat next to him, a little closer than probably normal. I scooted over so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. He grabbed the reins (Bia had told me yesterday what a carriage was and how it worked in preparation for today) and yanked them lightly, causing the horses to start a decent walking pace. 

"How are you liking your stay so far, good sir?" He asked jokingly. I hid my smile by ducking my head. 

Good. I really like it here. I wrote on the notepad. This thing had been a lifesaver so far. Unfortunately Aphrodite must have put another curse on me so I couldn't write my situation down to tell him. I tried right after breakfast, but I forgot how to spell certain words, or forget what those words are.  This was more complicated than I thought it would be. 

"I'm glad." He smiled softly. I could tell he liked me too, I saw how he looked at me during our time in the library. How he always seemed to touch me whenever he had the chance. But I didn't want to scare him or make him uncomfortable by doing things too fast or upsetting him. Besides, it has to be true love's kiss. Not just like. He just met me, he doesn't love me yet. Hopefully soon, though. 

"Delphi is just over here, a few miles away." He glanced over at me, catching me looking in amazement at the horses, thinking about how fast they must have been going. "Do you want to drive for the rest of the way?" My head snapped over to him and I nodded excitedly. He handed me the reins and I immediately took them. I must have pulled them too hard because suddenly we were going double the speed as before. Will yelped and involuntarily held on to my arm tightly. I smiled, enjoying zipping through the forest and pulled once again, even harder than before. "Death Boy!" Will yelled, but I didn't worry as he hadn't even made it through the words before laughing. "Slow down!" He giggled. I shook my head and pulled it once again, though not as hard as before. The streets were empty so we didn't have to worry about hurting anyone. 

Will grabbed the reins out of my hands and slowed the horses down, much to my dismay. I pouted involuntarily and he giggled at me. I really should have been mortified. I would have been, if it wasn't Will. I knew he wouldn't judge me. He was my soulmate. "Stop pouting, I just didn't want to get us killed.

I wasn't going to kill us. I wrote and stuck my tongue out. What am I doing?! My head screamed. This isn't like you at all! I ignored it because it really was like me. Just not what I showed people. I haven't acted like this for years. Ever since I found out I had a sister who I'd never get to meet at the age of 10. I liked that Will brought out this side of me again. I forgot how freeing it was to not care what other people thought. 

Will just laughed at shook his head at my response, unaware of the thoughts in my head. "You're so..." He chuckled before continuing. "adorable." He blushed, but continued smiling. I blushed too. 

Thank you. You are too. I wrote. I wanted him to be aware that I liked him too, no matter how embarrassing that would be. 

"Thanks." He flushed. "Anyway, here we are. Delphi." He hopped down from the carriage and went to my side. He held out a hand to help me down and I took it, stumbling a little, still not used to human legs. "You okay?" I nodded. "C'mon, there's a market over here. We could get you something." He didn't let go of my hand, but instead let it rest in his as he dragged me to the left where a bunch of stands were set up. The smell of delicious food wafted in the air, making my mouth water despite having just eaten breakfast. Will and I headed over to a stand that had pearls on a string and a few other shiny things, some of which I had things like in my collection cave. Percy had called them crowns. He said they went on your head and they symbolized power. 

Will picked up the one with pearls on a string. "Do you like this one, Death Boy?" He looked at me. I nodded. It was beautiful. "This would look stunning on you." He said, causing us both to blush. He dug inside his pocket and got some coins out. On the coins were the face of an old Greek statue, I think it was Zeus based on the pictures from the book Will had read to me earlier today. He gave the coins to the merchant and handed me the crown. 

You didn't have to buy it. I wrote, frowning. I didn't want him to waste money on me. I knew how valuable it was in the human world. 

"I know, but I wanted to. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to, I could return it-" I didn't want to seem ungrateful, because I was extremely, so I put the pearls on my head. It fit weirdly, it being a little too big. Will gaped at me, before laughing slightly. He tugged the crown down and it was so big it fell so it was around my neck. 

"That's how you're supposed to wear it, Death Boy. Not on your head. It's a necklace, after all." He teased. "Do they not have necklaces where you're from?" 

Embarrassed, I shook my head. 

"Oh, well, I'll make sure you have plenty. Especially pearl ones. They look amazing on you." I smiled slightly. 

Thank you. 

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