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Nico POV

I grinned, looking at my collection. I found out that the floatereys on top of the water, sink down to become the shipwrecks that Mr. Brunner talked about. I had gone back to the shipwreck of Will's floaterey and was able to get a few more things. Now, my collection really was complete. Thalia, Jason, and Percy have been watching me like hawks since yesterday. They were just outside my cave, guarding the entrance, making sure I don't go to the surface. I tried not to think about them as I used the dinglehopper on my hair. I've got to admit, I don't think it's very effective, but if this was what Will likes...

Will. William. My soulmate. 

The one that I can't see ever again. 

I frowned, putting the dinglehopper down and staring at the name on my forearm. Why did the fates hate me so much? 

Suddenly, I heard talking outside the entrance. I shrugged it off, assuming it was my cousins talking with each other. 

"Um, I don't think you want to do that." Percy said to someone, getting closer. 

"Yeah, it's...really dark in there, you can't see anything. I think he was with Annabeth, actually. Yeah, that's what he said." Jason said. "You should go to her house." It was silent for a moment. 

"Uncle Hades, Nico's not he-." Thalia said, from right at the entrance. I spun around immediately and froze. My dad. In my collection room. Filled with human things. 

It was silent. 

My dad was glancing around the room, his furious glare becoming more and more angry at each item. 

"Niccolo..." He said, his voice dangerously low. "What is this?" 

"Um," I whimpered, suddenly for the first time in my life, being truly afraid of him. "It-it's n-nothing. I-I just..." 

"Save it." My mouth slammed shut. "I was told...that you were going to the surface every single day by an anonymous source. I came here to let you explain yourself. Now, I find you have a human shrine in this abandoned cave in the middle of nowhere!" He said, his voice getting louder and louder each word until he was shouting. I shrunk into myself. 

"F-father...I...At least let me explain." I gathered up the courage. "I have been going up almost every day. I..." I paused looking at his glare. I looked at my feet. "My soulmates up there." 


For 1 second. 





"What did you say?" Dad asked, quietly seething. 

Jason shifted uncomfortably in the corner, Thalia looked ready to defend me at any moment, and Percy looked unsure of what to do, flickering his eyes in between my and my father. 

"M-my soulmate. They're up there. I was going up there originally to see them and then they were sinking yesterday and I saw that their forearm had my name..." 

"That's impossible, Niccolo. You should know this. You're a merman, she's a human. It's never been done and it never will!" 

"How're you so sure? I felt something, Dad. I know I did." 

"Well it doesn't matter because once she finds out what you are, you'll be her family's next meal!"  

"You don't know that!" I yelled, not liking him insulting Will one bit. 

"You don't either." 

"I may not, but like it or not, they're still my soulmate. They'll feel something too, I know they will!" 

"She won't! You don't either! It's not possible! You're just making things up to wrap your head around the fact that you don't like your soulmate!" 

"You're right, I don't like him. I love him." Everyone in the room froze. Suddenly, I realized what I'd said. Not only had I just outed myself, I admitted to loving a human. The thing my father hates more than anything else in the world. Hades quietly turned around, his hand gripping onto his staff much to hard to be calm. He took a few steps forward and I was convinced he was leaving so he didn't hurt me.  

Until he turned around. His eyes had so much hate in them, I was surprised I didn't burst into flames right then and there. He held his staff towards a big pile of my collection and a beam of red light zapped out of it into the pile, destroying them to shreds. I yelled. 


He kept going. Thalia and Percy tried to wrestle him to the ocean floor, but since they were half his size, it didn't work very well. Jason swam over to try and comfort me. It didn't work very well. Father zapped another pile. And another. And another. Soon he was at the newest part of my collection. The stuff from Will and his family. I let out a sob that I didn't know I was holding in. "Please..." I said quietly. Dad paused for a second. "Not that one..." I whispered involuntarily. Father hesitated before letting the red light from his staff obliterate the only things I have left from my soulmate. I fell to the ocean floor and hid my tear-stained face in my hands. I felt Jason rub my back soothingly as Percy and Thalia tried to talk to me. 

"I hope you learned your lesson, Niccolo. I'm sorry, but if this was the only way to get you to stop putting yourself in danger...I'll take it. If this boy really is your soulmate...I'm truly sorry but the fates must have made a mistake. My son cannot love a human. It's just...not possible." He left the room, leaving me and my cousins alone. 

"Nico..." Percy tried, but didn't finish his sentence. 

"Just go away. I want to be alone." I muttered. They hesitated, but soon I heard shifting and Jason's hand on my back disappeared. Good. I didn't like physical contact. Soon, I was alone. 

Or so I thought. 

I heard a tail swimming up to me. No...two tails. I looked up hesitantly, not really wanting anyone to see my tear-stained face. One mermaid had a bright pink tail and long, silky black hair while the other had an orange tail and choppy brown hair. 

"Hello." The one with the pink tail said. "My name is Silena and this is my sister, Piper." I stared at them, wanting to know why they were here. My "secret" cave. 

"We're here to help. Our mother knows quite a few spells and would be willing to help you with your problem." Piper told me. I sniffed and wiped my nose with my arm, not caring what they would think. 

"And how do you know I have a problem? Dad's not really the gossip type." I tried to joke. It failed. 

"Mom knows everything that has to do with love." Silena said. "She's a witch. But don't worry, she's the good kind." I looked at her skeptically. There weren't many good witches left in the Underworld sea. I don't think I've ever encountered one, actually. 

"Just trust us." Piper said, her voice melodic. For some reason, I did trust her. Was she a witch too? 

"Fine. You think she could help me?" They both nodded. 

"We know she can help you." Silena told me. 

"What's her name?" I asked. I knew of all the really bad witches names from Mr. Brunner so as long as she's not there, I can't be in danger, can I? Piper winced. 

"Aphrodite." My eyes widened. "But! But, she's changed. She remodeled her whole business. Really." Her words washed over me and I truly believed her. Like some sort of charm. 

"Alright. I'll go." I said. They grinned and each grabbed one of my arms, pulling me to the most evil sea witch of them all. 

Soulmate Little Mermaid AU- SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now