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Nico POV

I headed back up to my room after the library disaster and decorated the back of the notepad in little sketches of Will's eyes or suns. After about an hour, I had filled the whole thing and just laid down on my bed, like I was making a sand Angel on the ocean floor. I heard a knock on the door and hoping it was Will, I sat up and smiled. Unfortunately, it was just Bia. Well, not unfortunately. I liked Bia, but I was kind of hoping Will wasn't mad at me for leaving and wanted to hang out. "Hey, Nico." She said, sitting down on my bed next to me like she did two days ago. "How're things going with Will?" I tried to groan, but it didn't work very well without my voice. She winced. "Not very well?" I shook my head miserably and turned the pages of my notebook so I could write. 

Aphrodite took my soulmark so I can't prove I'm his soulmate and he doesn't want to kiss anyone other than his soulmate. I'm not going to force him. 

Bia made a sympathetic noise and rubbed my back soothingly. "I'm sorry. I know it doesn't mean much, but I am. I wish I could help. Maybe...maybe I could talk to Will?" I shook my head. 

No, there's nothing you can do, Bia. It's fine. I'm fine. Like I said, I'm not going to force him to kiss me just so I can break a spell. 

"...alright. If you're sure." She looked a lot sadder than she probably should have. 

Are you alright?  She shook her head to clear her thoughts and nodded. 

"Yeah, sorry. I'm alright. Just thinking. You sure I can't do anything? I'd like to keep you here. You're fun to be around." 

I'm sure. Even if you said anything, he wouldn't believe you and Aphrodite would only get mad. She frowned, but got up and headed over to the door. Before she left, she called out, "Breakfast is ready, by the way." 

I don't think I'll be going to breakfast today. I was going to go for a swim.

She nodded. "I do that sometimes as well. It's nice. Well, have fun, Nico. Make sure you go to lunch, though. You can't skip two meals in a row." I nodded and she left the room. I got up with some difficultly. Walking has been getting easier but sometimes I still stumble. I looked in my dresser and got out the swimming shorts I had arrived in 2 days ago. I changed into them like Bia had told me to and left the room. I tried to run, not wanting to see Will, but quickly changed that idea after I almost fell on my face. 

Being on the beach was calming. It was like being back in my collection room. Surrounded by both the land and the sea. I stepped up to the water, feeling it tickle my toes slightly. The wind brushed through my hair, making it more crazy than usual, but I didn't mind. I didn't miss being in the ocean, being a merman, but I did miss my family. My father, in particular. That's why I like the stories about Hades. They were similar in more than just their name. Both a little cold and frightening, but more than capable of love. I wanted to be able to make up with him. He was still my dad after all, and I felt a little bad about yelling at him, despite everything. 

I heard splashing and I turned to see my cousins coming up to the surface a few steps in front of me. They laid down on the sand, still technically in the water. "Hey, Nico. Did you kiss yet?" Percy asked. I shook my head, trying not to cry. 

"Hey, what happened?" Jason said, concerned. "Are you okay?" I couldn't write to them on the notepad, knowing that they couldn't read very well either. Merpeople didn't value education and we weren't able to use paper or electronics under the sea, so there wasn't really a way for us to practice. 

I pointed at my forearm, hoping they understood. "Aphrodite took your soulmark?" Percy asked. I nodded. 

"Oh...Nico..." Jason said. "Let me guess, he doesn't want to kiss someone who isn't his soulmate?" I nodded, crouching down see I was eye to eye with them all. They all went to hug me and I hugged back, finally letting my tears slip. I let go after a few seconds, not liking contact unless it was Will or maybe Bia, for some reason. I wiped my tears away and pointed to the ocean. Percy looked back behind him at where I was pointing. 

"You want to go swimming?" He guessed. I nodded. "Can we join?" I nodded again. 

"Let's go then." Thalia said, already turning around. Jason and Percy did too and I quickly followed. They were all extremely faster than me now that I didn't have a tail, but they were patient and slowed down a little, waiting for me to catch up. We swam around for a few hours, splashing each other on the surface of the water before I got tired and needed a break. I swam up to the surface and laid down, resting my arm on my stomach. 

"Will's coming." Jason whispered before I heard them all swim under the water to get out of sight. I felt a shadow over me and I opened my eyes to see Will staring down at me. I smiled slightly and waved. 

"Hey." He crouched so he wasn't so far from me. "How're you doing?" 

'Good.' I mouthed. I left my notebook at the castle. He smiled at me. 

"Good." I pointed at him. "Me?" I nodded. "I'm good, too. You weren't at lunch. Or breakfast. You better go get dinner or I'm grounding you." He joked. I didn't realize it was that late. I got up from my place in the sand and brushed myself off. "You should probably go take a shower or something. You've got sand in your hair." I shook my head, trying to get it out. I never had to deal with this in the Underworld Sea. He laughed. "C'mon, I'll walk you to your room." 

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