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Will POV

The next day, I got up earlier than I usually do, and as a morning person, that was saying something. I dressed in a clean Greek robe, this one white and gold, and combed through my hair once again. I didn't have to worry about my looks because I knew Nico liked me. And I liked him. But we couldn't be together. Unless we want to be absolutely miserable and feel guilty all the time. 

I sighed and sat at my vanity. I got out my makeup which I only wore on special occasions. I put some eyeliner and mascara on along with some blush, though I definitely wouldn't need it if I was with Nico. I was already as red as a fire truck whenever I was with him, I was sure of it. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and decided to comb through my hair one more time. My curls refused to stay put and got in my face. I really needed to cut it since it was already down past my shoulders. I'd have to ask Nico. He surely knew what was best with how pretty he was. Hopefully he'd like the makeup. I knew other kingdoms weren't as welcoming with boys wearing more girly things like makeup and dresses and wherever he was from was definitely not near here. He barely knew how to read or write or even wear a necklace properly. Sure, it was kind of adorable seeing him try to figure it out but also a little concerning. 

"Hey, Nico." I tried. I winced at how awkward I was going to be. Did I really resort to practicing talking to him in a mirror? Apparently I did. "How're you?" I glanced behind me to make sure he wasn't there. The last thing I needed was for him to see this. Luckily, he wasn't and I decided to face the door as I did this just in case. "How do you feel about reading a story about Apollo today? He's my favorite." That sounded somewhat normal. "My dad was named after him, so I feel a little closer to him every time I read about the god." To deep. "I love the story about Apollo and Hyacinthus. I think out of all the myths, it's the best one." I sighed. I sounded way too nervous to be normal. I decided to stop embarrassing myself and just get it over with. I got up and headed downstairs to the library, much slower than normal. It's not that I didn't want to see Nico, but it was going to be awkward. 

I opened the door to the library, the door creaking open. Nico was sat at the table we were at yesterday, with a book already in hand. He glanced up, blushed, and quickly looked back down. "Hey." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. He smiled shyly at me and waved. He had his notebook in front of him but I was too far to read it, especially with his hand writing. I took a few steps forward and then stopped, still far enough to have two whole tables separate us. He rolled his eyes and gestured for me to come closer. He patted the chair next to him until I sat down in it. 

I'm not going to hurt you. He wrote. I felt a little guilty. 

"Sorry. Just..." I glanced down at his lips. Ever since knowing he liked me too, the urge to kiss him had been almost overwhelming. I wasn't sure I could handle not doing it. He glanced down too, but forced his eyes back up and onto the book in front of him. 

I get it. Let's just read and talk. Nothing else. I nodded. 

"Yeah. I can do that. What do you have here?" I grabbed the book to angle it so we both could read. Apollo and Hyacinthus. I smiled. "That's actually my favorite myth. Good choice." We looked at each other a little too long before coming to our senses and opening the book. "Can't believe Death Boy choice something that doesn't involve Hades." I decided not to spoil the story for him and telling him it actually does. He rolled his eyes. 

Shut up. He was smiling softly, so I didn't think that was an insult in any way, shape, or form. 

"You shut up." I joked back. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh right." We both cracked a smile and laughed lightly. Well, as much as he could laugh. 

Just get reading, dork. 

"Excuse me!" I said, fake-offended, but did as he asked. Nico's hand was resting on the table and I decided to indulge a little and hold on to it. He looked at me surprised when I did it, but quickly relaxed and leaned into me a little. The book was complete with images, and of course because the fates didn't hate us enough Apollo looked almost identical to me and Hyacinthus looked strikingly like Nico. I tightened my hold on his hand at Hyacinthus' death, since the picture (though very cartoon-y) was hurting my heart. In response he leaned his head onto my shoulder to say that he was there. I nuzzled my nose into his hair until I physically had to stop. No, no, no, no, no. If you continue you won't be able to stop. Ever. Everyone will be so disappointed in you. 

He sighed sadly when I turned my head back to the book and I squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. 

It's okay. Stop saying that. He scolded and lightly smacked my arm. It's okay if you want to leave. I won't be upset. Or if you want me to move. I quickly shook my head. 

"No, no, no. I want to stay. I want you to stay. Here. Please." He leaned his head further onto my shoulder and nodded. "That's the end of the book. How are we going to get another one without moving?" I asked jokingly. He snorted adorably and got up, much to my disappointment. He pulled a random book of the shelf in the mythology area and quickly sat back down in the same position. This time the book was Aphrodite, Ares, and Hephaestus: The Love Triangles of Greek Mythology #1. Nico's eyes widened at something and pointed to the word Aphrodite. He looked at me with a question in his eyes. 

"Aphrodite's the Goddess of Love." I said. He nodded, seemingly distracted, but opened the book and looked at me expectedly. 

Once again, I put on the funny voices to make him laugh, even if it was silently. He smiled and hid it in my shoulder at Ares' voice, which was even deeper than I thought I could do and would definitely hurt after a while. After I finished, I shut the book and kissed his hair. We both froze. It wasn't a kiss on the lips, which meant it wasn't a problem, but if I did that without thinking...

We both slowly looked at each other and jumped away, scooting our chairs so we had the table separating us. I should go. Nico wrote. I nodded, though I made it clear I was disappointed. 

"Yeah. Probably. Not the castle though! Stay at the castle as long as you would like! Just...for now I should probably be alone. Please don't be offended." He looked at me, amused. 

I'm not offended, I promise. I get it. See you later. I nodded and looked at him apologetically. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the book, putting it away before leaving the room. I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands, sliding down in the seat. This was just great...

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