Eighteen Years Later

By thefruity1

25.4K 519 634

Everything is perfect, Nick and Charlie have their dream home, dream job and cute kids. They survived graduat... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Everything worked out
Chapter 2 - Nelson house
Chapter 3 - Nighttime Troubles
Chapter 4 - Mother in law
Chapter 5 - In deep trouble
Chapter 6 - Sick kids
Chapter 7 - Adoption Flashback
Chapter 8 - Clingy boy
Chapter 10 - Sibling Wars Part 2
Chapter 11 - Daddy is cheating?
Chapter 12 - Tea and Troubles
Chapter 13 - Bye, bye Papa
Author update
Chapter 14 - Stupid Recital
Chapter 15 - Stupid Recital part 2
Chapter 16 - The Crush
Chapter 17 - The Girlfriend part 1
Important Author News/Sneak peak
Chapter 18 - The Girlfriend Part 2
Chapter 19 - Dad and Alec time
Chapter 20 - Old Habits
Chapter 21 - Declan and Lucia
Chapter 22 - The Big News
Chapter 23 - Family Meetings
Chapter 24 - Day with Declan
Chapter 25 - Time Jump and Recap
Chapter 26 - Dinner Party
Chapter 27 - The Sleepover Part 1
Chapter 28 - The Sleepover part 2
Chapter 29 - The First Day of School (Flashback)
Chapter 30 - Why?
Chapter 31 - Girls
Chapter 32 - Birthdays and Boyfriends
Chapter 33 - How To Parent
Chapter 34 - Date Night
Chapter 35 - Long Time, No See
Chapter 36 - Kidnapped
Chapter 37 - Moving Forward
Chapter 38 - Fresh Start
Chapter 39 - Late Night Talking

Chapter 9 - Sibling Wars Part 1

740 12 38
By thefruity1

Chapter recommend by the lovely Scarelt809127 and jehdhdyyd7

Alec POV

What I would do to go back to before Millie became my sister. Those 6 years without her feel like a fever dream. Back when I had my dad's love all to me. Then she ruins everything.

I'm 10 years old and she is 2, almost 3 so as my dads say, I have to "be the responsible one" and "take accountability" "let her win, so she feels proud."

So stupid. All day every day, I watch them coddle and go out of their way for Millie like she is the queen. It's like I don't even exist to them! The favoritism is horrible and makes me feel like I don't matter to them. I know, they tell me I do, but they don't show it. I know she is 2 and needs a lot of attention but they let her get away with anything she wants. If I even tried doing half the things she did, I'd get scolded, punished and told off. I can't take much more. I've only just finished doing my extra chores from when I got that fight with Logan from school, I'm not taking any risks.

Today is Sunday, I plan to relax and do absolutely nothing. I can't get in trouble for watching tv can I? I want to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles and not be disturbed by anyone at all. I woke up before everyone else so thankfully I got first dibs on the television. I make quick work of settling into the couch and heading to Nickelodeon to watch some turtles fight bad guys. I'm even wearing my Teenage mutant Ninja turtle pajamas.

I'm about halfway through an episode when daddy comes down the stairs holding a very energetic Millie in his arms. Daddy is smiling and has a pair of loose gray shorts on with a white shirt. Millie is in some princess pajamas. Millie wriggles in his arms and she is put down on the ground, she then sprint's full speed towards me and lunges for the remote that's sitting on the couch. Before my brain can process what the little crotch monster just did she has pressed a combination of random buttons and ends up with Sofia the first playing on the tv.

"No Millie!" I protest angrily and try to grab her so I can change it back. She runs around the coffee table and I'm so close to breaking the table so I can snatch the damn remote back.

I'm about to do just that when daddy steps in.

"Let her watch her show, Alec." Of course he takes her side, he hasn't even heard my point of view and still lets her do anything she wants.

"That's not fair! I was here first!." I yell back

"I know, it's her turn." He replies. This is so unfair and worst of all, I can do nothing to change his mind. But I still try.

"Daddy come on, it's not fair!" I yell and roll my eyes, that was a bold move.

"Enough Alec Luke Nelson." He says sternly. Crap, he used my full name. "You do not get to use that attitude with me, I am the parent, you are the child, you listen to what I say the first time." I know he's not done scolding me but I can already feel tears welling up in my eyes and my hands starting to hurt from being clenched in a fist and at my sides.

"Now I want you to go to your room for the rest of the morning until Papa or I call you for breakfast." He says and I cower in shame, not ashamed of myself, but ashamed that I'm forcing myself to give up the fight. So I swallow my pride like a bad pill, and head up the stairs and slam my bedroom door. I jump onto my bed, squeeze my blanket and scream the last bits of my energy into a pillow, and frustratedly cry myself to sleep, feeling the tears soak my pillow and the sofia the first intro in the background.

Millie POV

I didn't mean for big brother to get mad at me. I just wanted to push the buttons on the cool, television changer thing, then my princess show came up and I didn't switch it back. I didn't like it when daddy and Alec yelled at each other. They both had really big emotions. Papa and Daddy say that when we have big emotions we talk to each other but they yelled instead. I wanted to change it back to the turtle show Alec had on but daddy took the remote so I couldn't. So I sat on the couch and watched my show but I didn't like it because it made my brother sad.

I watched him go up the stairs and stomped his feet, he looked very upset. When he left daddy was doing something in the kitchen and I wanted to go see. I went and he was stirring something in a bowl, I hugged his legs and I felt him pick me up.

"I'm sorry you had to hear us mad, princess." He says and kisses my head. I don't respond and just stay quiet. I peer up at him and see tears in his eyes, that means he's sad. He rocks me back and forth like he does when I go to sleep. I don't want to sleep.

I wish Alec was here. He makes everything better when daddy is sad.

Time skip to after dinner that night

Alec POV

The whole day I kept thinking about this morning and I've come to terms with the fact that that's just how it goes in my house. Millie gets her way, she is the baby, she's too young, we can't possibly let her get in trouble. Bug cousin Oliver told me that being the younger sibling is harder but it's not. He said that when you're younger you have to wait and watch your siblings grow up and be older and they get to do more things. I'm supposed to suck it up and listen but I won't.

Since it's a weekend night we get to have dessert and this time it's ice cream. I sat at the table and waited for papa to serve me mine and played with my fingers. I haven't gotten in any more trouble today by keeping on their good side when we went clothes shopping, to the supermarket and had dinner. I kept my head down and kept quiet.

Papa places a bowl in front of me with 3 scoops of strawberry ice cream.

"Thank you papa." I say before picking up the silver spoon and eating some. Next to me in her high chair Millie is also eating her smaller portion of ice cream and babbles around her messy hands as she stuffs more ice cream into her mouth. She is so messy and covered in ice cream it's revolting, but to Millie, it's the most amazing thing. She starts to flail and flap her arms around and little bits of strawberry shoot across the room and land on the walls and table. I should probably tell her to stop it get daddy and papa but for some reason, I stay put. The little ice cream pellets get dangerously close to me and soon one lands right into my bowl.

I look round and daddy and papa are not even watching, they don't even care that their daughter has turned into the spawn of Satan and has committed a war crime to my ice cream. Of course they aren't watching. They don't care what Millie does because they never tell her off. They never have and never will.

So I do.

I do the unthinkable.

I get up, and before my brain has a chance to catch up I've hit Millie's hand.

She screams bloody murder from the top of her tiny toddler lungs, Daddy has rushed in, with papa close behind and I'm frozen on the spot. My hand inches away from Millie and I watch everyone move around me. Papa scoops Millie up and away, Daddy has pulled me away by my arm and is holding me back.

Soon it's just me and daddy alone in the dining room. He spins me around to face him and I see my impending doom in his eyes. He pushes me down onto the dining chair and looks down to me with crossed arms over his chest.

"Alec Luke you better have a very good explanation for this." he scolds harsher than I've ever heard. The soft voice is replaced by rough scolding and when he speaks I realize that this is my chance. Because for once in my life I do have a reason for why I did what I did.

"Because you don't care about me!" I yell

"What are you talking about? We love you, Alec. You know that." He says and I don't believe him.

"You love Millie more than me! You let her get away with everything!" I yell enraged, my mouth is moving too fast and I can't process everything until all my regretful words have been laid out like pieces on a depressing board game. The game I chose to play.

"You never scold her or yell at her. Only me! You give her everything she wants! And forget about me!" I say and I realize I'm crying.

"Alec.." Daddy tries to say but I stop him

"No! I'm sick of you letting her have the tv, giving her whatever she asks but making me work for it. I know I'm older but that doesn't matter. You love her more. You don't want me. " I say and let everything I've bottled up spill out of my mouth.

"Is it because I'm adopted? Why don't you care?" I say quieter 

Everything is silent. I hear breathing and small sobs behind me and see Papa at the bottom of the staircase. He must've heard the whole thing.

I shove past them both and scream into my pillow, I sob and kick and scream until my entire body crumbles beneath my weak knees.

I hear my door creak open. 

Part 2 coming soon...

1804 words



omg for once I'm proud of a chapter I wrote. so much angst dude. 

 i actually loved this so much and hope u did too. I really enjoyed trying Millie's pov and adding some sibling rivalry in.

Also since for my story oliver (charlie's younger brother in the comics) is 13 i made it so alec and millie call him their cousin and not uncle. I thought since alec is 8 and he is 13, it'd be weird to call him uncle.

Stay happy, healthy and hydrated

Thx again lovely people,


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