Potter Luck | HPxPJO | WTM

By AsaDora_1

123K 4.2K 651

Percy Jackson loves his family. However, the majority of his mothers past in the wizarding world is unknown t... More

Story Changes and Information
2- Doorstep Delivery
3- The Vanishing Glass
4- Letters From No One
5- Keeper of the Keys
6- Diagon Alley
7- Gringotts
8- Ollivanders

1- The End and the Beginning

15.5K 463 83
By AsaDora_1

[The screen opens up to a castle in ruin. A courtyard full of rubble and the sounds of running, yelling, and the castle crumbling.]

"This is the end of the story of the girl who lived." Amary's voice sounds through the room.

[Voldemort and his followers draw near. He looks upon the ruins of the castle and the beaten posture of the assembly on the steps. Hagrid has ropes tied to him with the death eaters leading him as he clutches a body.]

Everyone's breath catches at the sight of a body. Some connect the dots at the sight of the familiar dark head of hair. Wondering how she's alive.

[Everyone stops at opposite sides of the ruined courtyard. Voldemort looks upon those on the steps.]

"Euphemia Potter Is Dead!" Voldemort announces.

[The screen focuses on the body in Hagrid's arm. Theree lays Euphemia. Her arm limply hung by her side, her face pale and dirtied. Her eyes closed.]

The room is filled with a chilled silence. Everyone looks at the woman and her loved ones; Percy has tears in his eyes, Poseidon looks angry and devastated, and Teddy looks sad even if he knows she's okay.

Percy gets up and sits by his mom, hugging her tightly, and she holds him just as tightly. Poseidon rests his hand on her shoulder, making her smile back at him.

Percy's muffled voice sounds in his moms shoulder. She hums and pulls back. "What did you say, Percy?"

"Please don't leave me." His sad voice tugs at his parents' hearts, but his words make Amary tense up.

Having heard those very same come from her own mouth and the broken promise that comes with it.

George looks down, knowing exactly what she was thinking. Having heard the promise his twin told her only for it to be broken.

Amary shakes the thoughts out of her head and in disagreement, "I can't promise that Percy. I can try, but I can not promise that."

Her broken voice makes everyone wonder why she sounds so devastated except for those who know.

The family moment is broken up by Athena, "How are you alive?"

The Potter girl looks at the goddess and then the curious faces of those around the room. "Something happened, and I was brought back to life."

"What happened?" Annabeth leans closer. The kids lean closer, and so do Apollo and Hermes while the rest of the gods and goddess look interested.

"You'll find out at the end of all the movies, But it didn't kill me, and now I kinda can't die. Somewhat." She shrugs one shoulder while still hugging Percy to her side.

As expected, people throw questions at her with shocked expressions and wonder filled voices.

She holds up a hand, which quietens the room, "I'm not going to explain any more, so let's get back to the movie."

Everyone reluctantly settles down, while she shares an amused look with an underworld god, which some people catch. Figuring out that Hades knows what she's talking about.

Ginny runs forward, "No! No!" 

[She's stopped by Arthur pulling her close and back to their side. Voldemort points his wand to the sky with a crack!]

"SILENCE! Stupid Girl!" Voldemort yells as he lowers his wand.

[Ginny is safely back on their side of the courtyard while Voldemort walks forward.]

"Euphemia Potter Is Dead. From this day forward, you put your faith in me."

[Voldemort walks between the two sides.]

"EUPHEMIA POTTER IS DEAD!" Voldemort yells, making him and his followers laugh.

"Now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us or die!" Voldemort stands looking at the side of light.

[There is silence in the courtyard as nobody moves.]

"Draco…" A voice calls out. Lucius Malfoy gestures for his son.

Everyone looks toward the mentioned boy in the courtyard.

As does everyone in the viewing room. However, Draco just looks at the ground, not making eye contact with anyone.

[Draco looks up to see his father summoning him forth with a nod. He hesitates.]

"Draco. Come." Standing next to her husband, Narcissa Malfoy calls for her son.

[Her tone is quiet but absolute. Draco looks at his mother, then ducks his head and steps forward. Avoiding the glances in his direction as he crosses the gulf between the factions.]

"Well done, Draco. Well done." Voldemort awkwardly hugs Draco before sending him to his parents. 

Glances are thrown his way in the viewing room, but those of the wizarding world don't look at him. 

[Neville steps forward, blackened with soot with the sorting hat in hand. He limps to a halt in front of Voldemort, who looks amused.]

"Well, I must say I hoped for better." Voldemort's followers laugh at his comment towards Neville.

The viewing is in complete silence as the Greeks look at Neville, who sits with the others like they are a group.

However, before they can question things, the screen continues.

"Who might you be, young man?" Voldemort questions.

"Neville Longbottom."

[The death eaters laugh at the teenager.]

"Well, Neville. I'm sure we can find you a place for you in our ranks."

"I'd like to say something." Neville rushes the words out.

[Voldemort studies the teen before speaking.]

"Well, Neville. I'm sure we would all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

[Neville turns to the others, their weary faces regarding him with confusion and suspicion.]

"It doesn't matter that Euphemia is gone."

This makes Percy and Poseidon angry at his words. But Amary is sitting as calmly as she can.

"Stand down, Neville!" The angry voice belongs to Seamus.

"People die every day. Friends. Family. Yes, we lost Euphemia tonight. But she's still with us, here-", He taps his heart, "And so is Fred and Remus and Tonks…and all of them. They didn't die in vain."

[Euphemia's face twitches while in Hagrid's arms as Neville says his speech.]

Teddy gets sad at the mentions of his parents while George and Ginny tear up at their brother's name. While Amary looks down at the names of her loved ones.

Those who saw her twitch on screen lean forward.

Ares prepares himself, feeling a battle come on.

"That is a good speech, Mister Longbottom." Athena praises the man.

Neville blushes at the praise from the goddess as he says a quick thanks.

They turn their attention back to the screen.

"But you will, because you're wrong! Euphemia's heart did beat for us. For all of us.."

"It's not over!" Neville pulls a sword out of the sorting hat. The Sword of Gryffindor.

[The light faction behind Neville backs away as Voldemort raises his wand to fire at Neville. They are interrupted by Euphemia throwing herself out of Hagrid's arms.]

[Voldemort and everyone is shocked by Euphemia's survival.]

"Confringo!" Euphemia throws the spell at Nagini, but the spell ricochets off the snake and into the crowd of death eaters. 

[Euphemia jumps through an archway and runs while Voldemort casts spells after her. Blowing up the walls behind her.]

[The two factions scatter, the light side goes back into the castle while death eaters start to escape and teleport away. Everything is in chaos of people escaping.]

Everyone is watching intently, as Ares is having the time of his life.

[Euphemia makes it to the doors of the great hall where Ron and Hermione are.]

"The snake! We have to kill the snake!" Euphemia tells the two while Neville overhears, a few yards away with the sword in hand.

"Euphemia! Look out!" Neville rushes out.

[Voldemort sends a spell her way, but Neville stands just in front of her brandishing the sword.]

[As the spell meets the sword, Neville is sent back into the hall from the blast while the others duck to avoid spells and his sailing body.]

[Everything is in chaos, as the scene shifts from a singular one to images and clips of moments.]

[The hall is filled with spells being sent back and forth through the hall.]

[A clip of Euphemia running through passages and stairways, Voldemort chasing her.]

[The scene changes again. Euphemia stands at the edge of part of the ruined castle, a great fall behind her.]

"You were right." Voldemort looks at her curiously as her eyes drift to the wand in Voldemort's hand.

"When you told Professor Snape it was failing you. It will always fail you." Euphemia continues.

"It belongs to me! I killed Snape!" Voldemort yells at the girl.

"But what if the wand never belonged to him? What if the wand's allegiance was to someone else?" She taunts the dark lord.

[Voldemort stares at her, confused. And suddenly, in this moment, it's Euphemia, beaten and bloody, who seems in control. She smiles, then presses even closer.]

Her voice is quiet and vaguely taunting, "Come on, Tom. Let's end this the way we started it." 

She wraps her arms around his neck, "Together." She falls back, pulling them both into the void.

There is shocked silence filling the viewing room as they watch her and Voldemort plummet.

"You are absolutely crazy, Potter!" Draco says. 

This only makes her laugh, "If you think I'm bad, I'm pretty sure Percy might be worse."

Said boy gives an affronted "Hey!" while his friends laugh.

Teddy tilts his head, "You both might be as bad as each other from what I heard."

The mother and son duo share a look, "Well, he is my son, It runs in the family. The penchant for trouble, horrible good luck, and messy untamable hair."

"It runs in your family?" Annabeth questions. Percy also looks curious about what she means.

"From what I heard about my father, he had a knack for trouble. Causing trouble and pranks with his school friends, who included Teddy's dad."

"Wait, I thought Teddy was your actual brother." Thalia questions.

"No, he's my God brother, but he's been with mom since he was an infant, so he's always been raised as a Jackson." Percy shrugs.

"Yes, Teddy's parents died in the final battle of the war, and I was named his Godmother by his father, Remus. His maternal grandmother was alive, but she died a few months after the war to grief."

A solemn mood settled over the room before it was broken by Amary speaking again, "But yes, from what I've heard about my father, you also have the untamable wild Potter hair." She smiles at her son.

"You're lucky you got your dad's eyesight because the Potter's are notorious for their awful eyesight." She pushes up her glasses further up her nose, making Percy laugh at his mom.

"Shall we continue with the movie?" Hestia's soft voice echos the room. Everyone nods as the screen starts up again.

[Euphemia and Voldemort crash into a courtyard on opposite sides. They start crawling to their wands. Getting up with their wands in hand, they send spells at each other.]

[It's a battle of will and power as the green and red spells clash. Between light and dark.]

Everyone sits tense, watching.

[The scene changes to Hermione and Ron running downstairs away as Nagini chases them.]

The scene on screen makes the wizarding people's breaths hitch, knowing the outcome of their battle with Nagini.

[Ron casts a spell at Nagini, which ricochets off. The snake goes to attack as Ron has Hermione wrapped in his arms, preparing for the strike.]

Tears are in the magic user's eyes, George is holding Ginny close to him, and Amary is trying to hold it together as she shakes. Which gains the attention of Poseidon and Percy beside her. The air starts to become colder, and a feeling of gloom starts to fill the air.

However, before they can even open their mouths, the screen starts up again.

[The scene cuts to Neville running up, and Nagini goes to strike him, but he slices through the snake with a yell. It turns to dust.]

[It shows Neville's devastated face as he looks past the screen. It changes to show Ron and Hermione, the new young couple laying bloody and limp in each other's arms, dead.]

The feeling of death creeps through the room, making everyone nervous, and the room is becoming as cold as ice, especially around a certain witch. Who sits unaffected by the cold as she starts sobbing.

Poseidon and Percy go to wrap their arms around the sobbing woman when Teddy and Hades rush forward. Both yelling, "Don't!"

Teddy yanks Percy away from their mother and holds him back away from her. Hades pulls Poseidon's arms back before he can touch her.

Amary takes a deep breath between her sobs, feeling the icy air in her throat. She looks up and makes eye contact with Hades, who steps forward.

He puts his hands on the sides of her head, black mist surrounds his hands and encircles her head. She takes a deep breath, calming a little as she feels her powers settle.

"What are you doing to her?" Poseidon asks in worry and anger, hoping his brother isn't hurting the woman he loves.

"Death magic responds to death magic." Hades says simply, the magic settling, the witch and God makes eye contact as she nods at him. Giving the God a quiet thanks before he goes back to his seat.

What he says rings through the gods' heads, making them wonder how a mortal got death magic.

The magic user's have since calmed down also, Amary's magic spill shocking them out of their grief and sadness.

[Voldemort, feeling the destruction of Nagini, stops casting his spell. Euphemia also stops looking back towards the castle, feeling it also.]

[Voldemort pauses in pain before sending his spell again and Euphemia countering him with vigor.]

[Euphemia keeps pushing her spell, completely overtaking Voldemorts. Making the elder wand soar through the air as Voldemort freezes. Euphemia catches the elder wand.]

[Voldemort slowly collapses as he turns to ash, the sun starts shining over the mountain range onto the castle.]

"Let's take a break." Amary cuts in and stands up. The demigods quickly stand up and start walking around to calm their adhd.

Some doors show up on the walls, making everyone pause, the doors have labels both in Greek and English. The doors lead to bathrooms and a soundproof room.

Percy's stomach growls, which makes everyone look at him. He sheepishly smiles at everyone. Hestia creates a table full of food for the mortals as the immortals can just conjure their own food.

The kids rush to the food hungry first. Amary also joins them, always getting hungry after sobbing.

Once everyone has their food, everyone takes their seats. Percy sits by his mom again, she looks at his plate to make sure that he has a balanced plate.

She looks over at her other son, "Teddy." He hums, looking up from his food.

"What do you have on your plate?" The boy pauses before slowly showing his plate to her.

She gives him a look, seeing half his plate is chocolate sweets. He pouts, getting up to switch some of the sweets for actual food, grumbling the entire time. Percy snickers at his family while everyone else is amused.

The screen starts up again.

[The scene changes to show a cottage. The lights are on inside, you can see people moving about.]

Seeing the cottage her parents lived in makes Amary's face fall. She sets her plate on her lap.

"The beginning of the story of the girl who lived."

This makes the magic users stop eating, knowing the origin of the girl.

The others slow in their eating, noticing the tense mood.

[The inside of the cottage is shown, a handsome young man with wild and messy dark hair, warm brown eyes, and tilted glasses. He has a troublemaker smile on his face.]

Amary's breath hitches at the sight of her dad. She has a teary smile on her face, seeing her dad.

Some of the girls eye the screen, liking the look of this man.

The smile on the man's face reminds Percy of his moms and his own smile, the pieces clicking in his head who this man is.

"This is Grandpa, isn't it?" Percy asks his teary mother. His question gaining the attention of the room, who is also curious.

She quickly wipes her eyes before looking at her son, "Yes, that's my father. James Potter. How'd you know?"

"We both have his smile." He gives her a smile.

She shakes her head before giving him a smile back. The room can see the resemblance between when they smile, Amary looks a lot like her father normally, but when she smiles, it's obvious who her father is. 

"Kelp head has good genetics. That's totally unfair." Thalia mutters to the others.

"Now Mia, if you don't tell Mama, you can have more, okay?" James holds up a piece of candy in front of him.

[The scene changes view to show an auburn haired little girl with round cheeks. Her green eyes peering up at her father as she reached for the candy with a cute little smile.]

"Aw, look at baby Euphemia!" George teases his friend. Said woman looks down with a blush on her cheeks, embarrassed.

Some laugh at the pair of friends when Percy notices something about the image of his mother as a baby.

"You're a redhead?" Percy questions his mother. She chuckles as she nods.

"Why aren't you a redhead anymore?" He questions. Looking at her dark hair.

"Your great-grandfather, Fleamont invented a hair potion to tame the wildest of hair, which Potter's are notorious for." Percy nods along, interested in his unknown family history.

"The potion has some side effects for redheads. For me personally, it turned my hair dark. I'm unsure if it has the same effect for all redheads. But if I stopped using it, my hair would go back to red. I think." She shrugs, unsure.

"Fleamont was an inventor?" Hephaestus questions.

Nodding, "He's most known for creating the Sleekeazy's hair potion, he later sold the company and furthered our families fortune."

"What about your other grandparents?" Hestia questions kindly. 

Smiling kindly at the goddess, Amary continues, "My mother's parents are unknown to me, but my fathers mother is a little more known, but it's still not much."

Amary gives a cheeky smile to her son, which makes everyone curious, "Euphemia Potter was said to be a kind woman, but sadly her and Fleamont passed not long after my parents got married." She finishes with a slight frown.

"You were named after her?" Annabeth questions.

"Yep, my full name is Euphemia Amaryllis Potter. The flower name is from my mothers family tradition of naming girls after flowers. My mothers name was Lily." She has a bright smile on her face, which is about to be wiped off as the scene continues.

[A blurry figure comes into the frame behind the man. Euphemia's face lights up.]

"Mama!" The little girl's voice pitches.

[James snaps his head behind him, there stands a beautiful redheaded woman with her arms crossed and a pointed look on her face though the amusement is obvious in her eyes.]

James' face lights up at the sight of her as well, "Lily flower! We were just about to get ready for bed." He tries to give a convincing smile.

Everyone laughs at the man on screen, trying to get out of trouble.

"Nice try, James, but you can't talk your way out of this one. You got caught."

[James opens his mouth to speak when he and Lily both freeze. James rushed to the window looking out.]

Amary sinks in her seat, hating that they have to watch this. Poseidon grabs her hand and squeezes. She looks at their hands, then him and back at the screen, squeezing his hand in response.

"Lily, take Mia and go! It's him! Go! I'll hold him off!"

[Lily quickly grabs the little girl and starts up the stairs, pausing only for a moment.] 

"I love you, James." She continues up the stairs with the little girl looking over her shoulder at her father. 

[He gives Euphemia one last smile before they disappear up the stairs. He turns to the door as it explodes off its hinges.]

[Euphemia is sitting in her crib cuddled up to a stuffed stag, dog, and wolf. Lily squats in front of it, looking at her daughter through the bars.]

"Mia, Mama loves you. Dada loves you."

Amary looks away from the screen, tucking her face into Poseidon's shoulder, not wanting to see her parents die.

Sensing her emotions, Percy leans against her side. Feeling her son, she wraps her arm around him. Teddy gets up and sits on Poseidon's other side, which makes the man wrap his arm around the boy he loves as a son.

[The scene goes back downstairs where there is a flash of green then a thud sounds. Laying in the stairwell is James, his skin pale and his eyes void of life.] 

Amary flinches at the sound of her father's body hitting the floor.

"Mia, be safe. Be strong." 

[The hallway is shown as it leads to the nursery.]

"Mia, you are so loved. So loved." 

Lily's soft voice sounds through the viewing room, making Amary tear up.

[Lily stands when the door opens, standing guard in front of the crib. A green lights up the room as Lily's screams.]

[It's followed by a thud as Lily hits the floor, her beautiful face is blank, and her green eyes dull.]

Amary flinches at the sound of her mother's scream, which haunts her and the sound of her body hitting the floor.

[A wand is pointed at a baby Euphemia who just looks up at it while holding her stuffed animals close. A green light fills the screen before it goes black.]

"It's done, mom." Teddy tells his mom softly.

Amary separates from the others and goes to the bathroom. Ginny and Luna get up quickly to follow her.

"Let's stop for now." George speaks with finality.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

This was a sad chapter. :( But how are you liking this so far?

Please let me know if you see any spelling or grammer mistakes. My phone likes to autocorrect or completely ignore words that I type.

If you have any questions, let me know!

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