It Shouldn't Have Come to Thi...

By Lucycosyy

8.3K 152 490

At the end of the lightning thief, instead of poisoning Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan convinces him to join K... More

Chapter 1: I Join My Evil Grandpa
Chapter 2: Goodbye Camp Half-Blood
Chapter 3: I Become Friends With Twin Bears
Chapter 4: My Best Friend Shops For A Wedding Dress
Chapter 5: I Get A Visit From An Old Friend
Chapter 6: I Get Confronted A Lot
Chapter 7: Friends And Dreams
Chapter 8: The Great Escape Of Percy Jackson
Chapter 9: The Tree
Chapter 10: Meetings are AWFUL
Chapter 11: A Girl Sits on my Table (ew, cooties)
Chapter 13: Seriously, My Life Can't Get Any Worse
Chapter 14: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 15: A Goddess Invades my Dreams
Chapter 16: Talking to the Enemy

Chapter 12: Let It All Out

400 8 29
By Lucycosyy

I know I haven't updated in ages, sorry about that. It's just I had writers block. Like- dude it was awful. Anyways, enjoy!

Annabeth POV

You know those times when something is happening, and you feel powerless to stop it? Today was one of those times. Today was the day Chiron was leaving. He was leaving as soon as the new activities director arrived, which would be in a few hours. Currently, it was 5:00 am. I was sitting on the sand by the waves, knowing the happiest wouldn't find me in this hidden spot. Especially with all the rocks here.

I thought about everything that had happened. From my stupid step-mother hating me for being a demigod, to Chiron filling in the role of a parent for me. How could they do this? Luke cared about Thalia, I know he did. And Percy... I'm sure he cared as well.

In a burst of frustration, I kicked a pebble, sending it flying into the calm waves. Why did this have to happen to me? Why couldn't the fates hate someone else? It's selfish- I know. But- I just want a break from... Everything. A lone tear rolled down my cheek, which I angrily brushed away. You are not weak. Do not cry, I told myself. I kept repeating one question- why me?

I stood up and kicked the big rock beside me. It wouldn't budge. I couldn't  find a way- even if wanted to. Similar to my feelings, I couldn't strategist on how to move a rock without severe strength. Feelings, though, make you vulnerable. Being vulnerable gets you killed. And-


I spun around to see a girl my age, a look of concern imprinted on her face. I recognised her face- she was definitely a camper. An Aphrodite camper, I think. I never really talked to the Aphrodite kids- most of them only cared about makeup and their stupid ships and other stupid stuff.

This girl had waist-length brown hair, with stunning green and blue eyes. There was a splash of freckles on her perfect nose and cheeks, which made her look beautiful, but her frown ruined the image.

She waved a hand in front of my face. 'Are you going to answer my question or keep staring at me?'

I kept staring. 

'Ok. Cool, I guess.'

I blinked and shook my head. 'Sorry. What was the question?' I internally kicked myself for not paying attention, and she bit her lip.

'I said, 'What are you doing here?''

'Uh...' I tried to come up with a valid excuse. 'I wanted to talk to Chiron.'

She gave me a sceptical look. Idiot, I kicked myself. 

Sitting down on the sharp rock, she gestured for me to come and sit next to her. 

'You're Kallias Enger's sister, aren't you?' I asked her. Kallias was one of the best in combat, which was surprising since he was an Aphrodite kid. He wasn't that popular, since people were jealous of him. I had often seen him with a girl, that looked similar to him, a girl who was sitting right beside me.

She sighed and responded with a bitter tinge in her voice. 'Yeah, I am. I'm Dellie- short for Delythena. Please don't refer to me as 'Kallias Enger's sister.''

I cringed at my choice of words. 'Sorry.'

'Why are you here, Annabeth? I've never seen you in this spot before. Like ever.'

'I- um- sorry. It's just...' I sighed. 'I kinda wanted a place to escape to, and here is pretty calming.'

She glanced at me, an unreadable expression on her face. It changed into pity.

'If you ever need to talk to someone...' she gestured to herself.

She seemed pretty cool for a person I just met. The question was- would I open up? I had never told anyone about how I felt about my parents- aside from Chiron, but he was leaving soon- how I felt about Thalia, about- about Luke. I had always brushed it off like it was nothing. I had always put on an act- a false demeanour. That I was strong. That I was tough. I didn't know what would happen if I didn't. I'd I didn't act like everything was fine. So, maybe. I'd finally let go of the pressure of being a demigod, of being the smartest, of being strong, for even a few moments.

'The same goes to you.'

 I said weakly, my eyes welling up with tears.

'Are you- are you ok? Did I say something, or-' She spoke, and pursed her lips together in concern.

'Yeah- sorry- I'm fine. No one has really- said that before.'

Realization dawned on her pink face. 'Oh. So- you do wanna talk about it?'

'Only if you talk after.' You might be thinking, about what, Annabeth? How would you know if she had problems? But I could tell. I can always tell.

I stared at the water, taking in where we were. It was so peaceful. This moment was so precious. The salty ocean air whipped my hair around my head. I could hear the faint noise of seagulls. I dipped my feet into the cold water, needing confirmation that this wasn't just a dream. 

I took a deep breath, and told her everything. Again, you might ask- 'why, Annabeth? You barely know her!' But- something about her made me fail-safe. Maybe because of her clothes- which was a beige top with a matching checkered skirt- or her voice, which was so light- but I think it was her eyes that did it. They held so much pain and regret and anger- but at the same time, so much trust and forgiveness and warmth. Those were the same eyes I saw when I looked in the mirror. 

When I got to the part about Percy leaving, my voice broke. He's- he's just a kid. We all are! No one at our age should have to do this- hold this much pain- this many emotions- good or bad- but he did! He was pressured by Luke- whom I felt so much love and contempt for into joining a world-destroying maniac named Kronos.

'Were you and Percy close?' She questioned, noticing how I pushed past him like it was physically hard to talk about him.

'Sort of. Me and Grover were his only close friends- apart from- apart from Luke.' A look of disgust flashed across her face as it did every time I mentioned him. I saw how she twisted her golden ring on her left hand, her expression so full of regret and pain that it would haunt me some nights.

By the time the sun had risen fully, my face was buried in my hands, and angry tears ran down my cheeks. Dellie was sat next to me, muttering comforting words.

I remembered that she too had to confess- just as we heard the distant screams coming from the direction of the Aphrodite cabin.

'That'll be them finding the bugs in their hair.' she chuckled. 'I love the Hermes cabin.'

'I'm guessing this concludes our therapy session for today.' I said. 


'Tomorrow is your turn.'


I smiled at her, and ran to the Big House, ready to say goodbye to Chiron.

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