In Another World as an ARC Tr...

By Knightkerching

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ARC Trooper Y/N is a brave soldier, fighting on the planet of Atraken from a ruthless Separatist attack. He h... More

1: The Clone in Another World
2: Unwanted Events and... Reinforcement?
3: The Samurai and Duchess
4: Investigations, Cake and Shah-tezh
5: Ancient Ruins and First Encounter
6: The Count and Engagement Dilemmas
7: The Princess and the Beast
8: The ARC Trooper's Whereabouts
9: The Angel and Shenanigans
11: New Home, And Unofficial Meeting

10: Slice of Life, and Elven Refugees

464 18 18
By Knightkerching

3rd Person. 

Y/N had been confessed to by Rurushi about her feelings for him. Y/N accepted her confession and she was overjoyed. However, the clones of Y/N, including his tunnel vision, were uncertain about such relationships and how they worked. His knowledge was limited based on stories he had read about this world and his own experiences. Nevertheless, he always did his best to take care of those he cared about, even though his heart longed for battle, glory, conquest, and to secure a resting place for all his brothers who died in the Clone Wars and thereafter. 

Y/N got out of bed early while Rurushi was still sleeping beside him, cuddling him closely. He silently moved her to a distance to cook breakfast. He started cooking an Alderaanian Aurodium Omelette with Chandrilan Caviar and Naboo Nectarine Reduction, as the aroma wafted throughout the house. During his stay at the Silver Moon Inn, he learned how to cook, season, and do other household chores, thanks to Micah's help. Rurushi woke up and saw Y/N carrying her breakfast to her bed.

Rurushi Ru: *Yawns and stretches her hands* "You're up early, honeybuns~."

Y/N: "Well, Someone has to cook for us since it seems you aren't used to my kind of life."

Rurushi Ru: "I've always used to a life where I just have to ask and I would have it. I learned the hard way what's like to survive on your own. This is the life I can experiment freely, without someone breathing down my neck, and enjoy a quiet life. It's hard but you feel some level of satisfaction in the end."

Y/N: "I don't blame you. The fact that you managed to survive long enough before we arrived is a testament to your skills. Come, Breakfast has been served."

Rurushi got up from her bed and she was drooling at the sight of her breakfast. She stated it and she couldn't get enough. 

Rurushi Ru: "You made this...?"

Y/N: "I did. You're in deep sleep and wouldn't let me go last night after sucking my blood like a leech."

Rurushi Ru: *Gloomy face as her eyebrows twitch in embarrassment* "Please don't bring that up. My pride is very hurt right now."

Y/N: "You had one? I thought you didn't."

Rurushi Ru: *Pouts* "You meanie." (What should I do? I have to do something. I feel humiliated as a girl that he does those things better than I should be doing.)

Y/N: (Are you constipated or something?)

After having breakfast, Both Rurushi and Y/N went outside and he summoned all of his clones once more to continue the day.

Rurushi Ru: "You're an energetic one."

Static: *Salutes* "Sir, What are your orders this time around?"

Y/N: "Give me a current sitrep."

Static: "Yes, sir. The aqueducts have been completed, sir. We can utilize the rivers of the capital with ease. Our stockroom is full of wood, charcoal, preserved meat, and vegetables. Wojack bought the materials last time to enable us to build tarpaulins and corrugated steel."

Bogdanoff: "We made sure this outpost can be disassembled if we're on the move and easily scrap. I know somewhere along the line we can't stay here."

Y/N: "Good work, Bogdanoff."

Wojack: "Wait, How do you know this? You're a heavy gunner. You're not supposed to be this smart."

Bogdanoff: "Shut up, you piece of trash. I studied a bit of engineering back in Kamino and got a certificate for building a prefabricated base."

Boomer: "Hey, battle brothers. No need to fight. Let's all have some beer to resolve this."

Zoomer: "Oh shut up, Boomer. Alcholo early in the morning?"

Boomer: "What can I say? I live only for beer and I exist to put beer into my belly."

Rurushi Ru: "...Your copies are quite an eccentric bunch. I expected that they acted all the same as you."

Zoomer was busy inspecting the scope of his DC-15A blaster rifle and saw Tia flying toward the outpost. 

Zoomer: "Sir, She's here."

As Tia made her landing, a large group of clone troopers had assembled before her. Following behind her was a peculiar group of high-elf girls. This was the first time that Y/N and the clones had ever seen elves up close, and they were in awe at the sight of them. Having only read stories about these mystical beings through the books od this new world, they were amazed at how real they looked in person.

Y/N: "Never thought I would see the day the tales were true."

Buster: "I was going to say that."

Y/N: "So, You're high elves?"

Ria: "Yes, but you can just call us elves."

Buster: "What's the difference?"

Tia: "Please introduce yourselves, everyone."

Ria: "I'm Ria."

Reaf: "I'm Reaf."

Rikoto: "I'm Rikoto."

Rize: "I'm Rize."

Riri: "I'm Riri."

Rita: "I'm Rita."

Rhys: "I'm Rhys."

Y/N: (All of them start with an "R"...)

Static: (Don't worry, sir. I'm already writing the guide and their names. Besides, it's strange the girls are color-coded.)

Zoomer: (This world operates VERY differently.)

Y/N: "All of your names start with "R"... Is it by coincidence or...."

Ria: "Oh, do you mean our names? Our names are similar because we are near relatives. Miss Tia is the one who suggested we come here. Please let us live with you!"

Zoomer: "That escalated quickly."

Tia: "It's important to consider the circumstances before making any decisions about their stay. They come from a settlement that was destroyed by a war between humans two centuries ago, causing their community to scatter and become nomadic in search of a new home. Understandably, they may be facing difficulties finding a place to settle down while also dealing with being tracked down by bad people."

Ria: "We have been moving from place to place within the various continents. If we don't find a place to settle down or regroup, We can't expand our kin and might face extinction. I beg of you!"

Ria, Reaf, Rikoto, Rize, Riri, Rita, Rhys: "Please!"

Tia: "I'm begging you as well."

Y/N: "...I see. Alright, but your stay comes with a price though. You will help us maintain this place."

Tia: "I didn't expect you would be this selfish."

Y/N: "More like being pragmatic. I can speak with the King to let them find refuge here temporarily."

Tia and the High Elves were surprised by Y/N's remark. 

Tia: "Y-You spoke to a King...?"

Rurushi Ru: "Not only that. He's also engaged to the Princess."

Tia and the High Elves are surprised by Rurushi's news as she looks at her.

Tia: "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Rurushi Ru: "Ignoring those aside, I think what Y/N said made some sense. It's hard to maintain everything by himself. I hear High Elves are excellent. *Turns to Ria and the High Elves* You girls are still young right?"

Tia: "I'm the oldest one right here, but I'm only around four thousand years old.

Rhys: "I'm the youngest, around three hundred."

Buster: (High Elves Grannies? They look so young. I would've been dead before I reached that age.)

Static: (Looks like the information about them is true.)

Buster: (So, That makes them grannies? Damn it! Why is everyone two or three digits older than us!)

Y/N: ('''''ERROR 404'''''')

Tia: "What do you think?"

Rurushi Ru: "Come on, It wouldn't hurt."

Y/N then regains his composure, turns to his brothers, and finally makes a decision.

 Y/N: "Fine. As long as none of you quarrel. You can use the accommodations on the left side."

Ria, Reaf, Rikoto, Rize, Riri, Rita, Rhys: "Thank you so much."

Ria: "By the way, Where are the other residents?" 

I then glanced at the men as more of them popped out from the top of trees, bushes, and grass with their blasters aimed at them. The High Elves fainted as Tia had her jaws dropped at how much the small outpost had become a fort. 

Y/N: "Those watch towers will come useful soon."

Tia: "I didn't expect you would turn this into a fort. What are those things mounted? Crossbows?"

Bogdanoff: (More like autocannons that give holy judgment in 166 slugs per second.)

Buster: (My masterpiece. I'm a master of making weapons from scratch!)

Ria: "I didn't know your houses and buildings are made of iron."

Y/N: "More like a combination of canvas, corrugated steel, and tarpaulins.

The girls all looked at me in confusion as it seemed they didn't understand what I said or probably didn't know such things existed.

Y/N: "Never mind."

Rikoto: "I've never seen so many trenches. It's like a small thriving civilization here."

Y/N: "Boggy, Tour them around here. I need to go to the market."

Bogdanoff: *In a nonenthusiastic tone* "Yes, sir."

Y/N: "Rurushi, Follow me."

Rurushi Ru: "Sure, Wait for me a bit, Tia."

Y/N: "Did you have those experiments I asked of you?"

Rurushi Ru: "I had dozens. They will prove helpful for you.  I even had the cure for Ruusaan. Consider it gifts from me honeybun~"

Short Timeskip, Market Place, Town of Reflet, Y/N POV. 

I find myself in the marketplace of the town of Reflet, grappling with a delicate matter that is quickly spiraling out of control. I never anticipated that the High Elves would become the hunted, and now I am tasked with informing Yumina of this dire situation. As the one responsible for safeguarding them, I need to purchase more materials to support their needs. While I'm not one to be easily swayed by emotional appeals, this is a matter of life and death for an entire race. Having experienced similar persecution in the past, both Rurushi and I can relate to their plight. 

My brothers and I have spent considerable time fortifying the outpost where we operate, away from prying eyes. However, I can't shake the feeling that something ominous is looming over me. Fortunately, I was able to cure Ruusaan and transform her into her current form. She is now by my side, but there's still much work to be done.

Ruusaan: "Master, isn't that Miss Yae over there?"

I then saw Yae as she was comforting a crying girl.

Y/N: "Yae, who's the kid?

Yae: "Mr. Y/N, it seems she has gotten lost de gozaru."

???: *Crying* "Mom!"

Yae: "I've been asking for her name, but she completely ignores me."

Y/N: "Ruusaan, do the smooth talk. Skywalker taught me how to deal with non-compliant younglings so I prefer you do it."

I then put down Ruusaan in front of the girl as I cleaned my vibroknife. 

Ruusaan: "What's your name?

Lim: "Lim."

Y/N: "I see. Lim, you say?"

I then used my hologram as I activated Search. 

Y/N: "Search: Lim's family."

It didn't take long before I found her family. It's a good thing I've listened attentively to Linze as although I find magic annoying and somewhat against it except where I can spawn copies of me including their gear, They did prove to be helpful in certain situations.

Yae: "How about it?"

Y/N: "Found her. Let's go find your mom."

I then led her in front of the city hall as the two reunited. 

Yae: "So, Mr. Y/N, what did you use your "Search" to do this time?

Y/N: "The Search has accurate positioning, but the range is limited. My device's coverage is wide, but a specific building name is required.

Yae: "You combined Search's best features with your magical device!"

Y/N: "Exactly."

Yae: "Amazing! I-In that case, I would like you to search for my brother!"

After buying all the things I needed, Yae and I managed to stop at Aer's Cafe to have lunch. 

Y/N: "Brother? Why do you want to search for your brother?"

Yae: "I haven't seen my brother since I left on my journey, so I miss him."

Y/N: "Then first, tell me more about your home.

Yae: "Right. There's a shrine nearby and a big cherry blossom tree in our garden"

Y/N: "In Hashiba? Did I pronounce it right?"

Yae: "Yes, that's it! And my brother?"

Y/N: "Hang on a second. What characteristics does he have?"

Yae: "He has a scar on his face.

Y/N: "He's in the training grounds. He's moving around, so maybe he's in a match."

Yae: "That certainly sounds like my brother. He loves the sword, so much that he often forgets to eat."

Y/N: "You must love your brother."

Yae: "Yes. He's strong and generous, and I love him a great deal. Speaking of which, you and my brother are somewhat alike. Like your steady and your generosity."

Y/N: "It's an honor to hear that I resemble your beloved brother."

Yae: "Yes, my beloved... *Blushes hard, stammering as she chokes Ruusaan in embarrassment.* I-I just meant to say that you resemble my brother, not that I love you as well or anything! Just, I mean, kind of, sort of, resemble my brother..."

Aer: "Sorry about the wait."

Yae: "Mr. Y/N, food is here, please eat!"

Yae proceeded to gobble down platefuls of food. She becomes extremely nervous and is barely able to speak whenever I'm around. I do attend sparring lessons with her while studying under Linze's tutelage. Yae almost squeezes poor Kohaku to death after she inadvertently calls me "beloved" and spouts high-speed gibberish trying to rationalize it. Talk about her bonkers moment. 

After some time, I decided to visit Linze as I do miss her but I'm quite concerned about her nature as I'm partially aware that she's following me around, indirectly or she happened to be in that place at that time. How do I know this? I'm not as stupid as anyone thinks as I can notice these developments but I don't have the slightest clue on how to respond to this. There was no one, except my brothers, who became my friends and now have shown quite an interest in me. 

Linze: "Y/N, You came back."

Y/N: "You know, You look cute with those glasses on."

Linze was blushing hard as she was being complimented. 

Linze: I-Is that so? I mean, You were the one who made this."

Y/N: "Yeah, I mean it. What are you up to this time?"

Linze: "I went to the antique shop today to learn a new spell. I realized that I couldn't use my Fire Magic since it was indoors. So I wanted to take this chance to learn various spells.

Y/N: "I see."

Linze: "And I found this there."

Y/N: "What's this?"

Linze: "A spell scroll. It's in an ancient magical language, but I can understand it thanks to the glasses you made me."

Y/N: "What spells do you want to learn this time?"

Linze: "Bubble bomb... An attack spell. Y/N! I'd like to try it out at once. Would you come with me?"

I nodded as I followed Linze outdoors and proceeded to practice magic. 

Linze: "Come forth, Water! Ballistic Bubbles: Bubble Bomb!"

I then saw her forming a bubble but the spell didn't work. Reminds of me when I used magic before. 

Linze: "Good. I'll try it one more time!"

Y/N: "Linze, I think you should-"

She kept going and going as her efforts were nothing but repeated failures. However, The way she exhausts herself concerns me as she starts to collapse. I grabbed her before she hit the ground. 

Y/N: "Linze! Are you all right?"

Linze: "I-I'm all right. I'm just out of magic."

She fell asleep as I carried her to her room. She seemed to be sleeping in peace while I held her in my arms until I put her down in her bed.

Linze: *Opens her eyes with surprise* "..aah? Y-Y/N?"

Y/N: *Touches her head* "Your face is read. Are you alright? You collapsed on me. I was worried about you."

Linze: ".....A-auuuuu.....!"

(The next day)

Linze: *Stammering while blushing* "...About yesterday, I-I'm sorry for having you troubled so much."

Y/N: "I don't mind if it concerns you, after all, Linze."

She then continued practicing that particular spell again. Despite her failures, Linze does her best... No matter how many times she fails, She doesn't give up. That's one thing I loved about her, to be honest. I must admit; that I'm not as smart as Linze and I respect her because she taught me how to move around this world so that I wouldn't be taken advantage of. 

Linze: "...I am an inept, that's why... I need to repeat the same thing over and over again... Just so I can memorize the magic spell. It's always been like that. So, This is nothing compared to what you have done."

Y/N: (Linze....)

Linze: "Come forth, Water! Ballistic Bubbles: Bubble Bomb!"

I then saw her forming a bubble but the spell didn't work. There must be something I can do to help her. Oh, I remember. I went to Charlotte the same day I put Linze to bed to rest and she taught me a new spell that can come very handy. Having two researchers like Rurushi and Charlotte comes in handy and is a blessing. 

Y/N: "Linze."

I then grabbed her hand to her surprise and then embarrassment. 

Linze: *Stammering and blushing* "Ahnn?! Wh-What are chu doing?"

Y/N: "Transfer."

Linze: "My magic is recovering? It can't be... In an instant?"

She then looks at me with a smile as she bows before me.

Linze: "Thank you very much! ...All right! Come forth, Water! Ballistic Bubbles: Bubble Bomb!"

Despite replenishing her magic, She still couldn't master her spell. 

Linze:  "It is difficult. I can't seem to grasp the concept of this spell.

Y/N: "I see..."

Linze: "If only I could visualize exactly what "Bubble Bomb" means...

Y/N: "What does " Bubble Bomb" mean?"

Linze: "There's meaning in the unique name of each spell. You have to visualize that meaning when you chant the spell. In that case, "Bubble" is the foam in liquids, and "Bomb" is an explosive"

Y/N: "An exploding bubble... I think what you need is a reference on how to do the spell."

Linze: "That's it! But, I can't visualize that at all."

Y/N: "Then think about a soap bubble, this should be the closest. As for explosive...

 *Tosses a thermal detonator* Give it a few seconds."

I then threw it in a safe distance as it exploded. After giving Linze the reference she needed, She closed her eyes and worked on the magic.

Linze: "Come forth, Water! Ballistic Bubbles: Bubble Bomb!"

I then watched as her bubble finally materialized and it landed straight to the target. Moreover, SHe spawned a lot of bubble bombs which is very impressive.

Y/N: "What tremendous power..."

Linze: *In delight* "I did it! *Runs towards me*Thanks to you, I made it. *Bows her head* Thank you very much.

Y/N: "I refuse to take such credit. It was your effort bearing fruit. I only helped out a little bit."

Y/N: (That smile... I've never seen one in my entire life that I do something right to earn that.)

Short Timeskip, Scene Change, Silver Moon Inn. 

After helping Linze with her magic spells, I decided to take a break until I saw Elze troubled that her gauntlets were broken. 

Elze: "This is bad... I'll have to buy a new one."

Y/N: "I think you should. I can tell from this gauntlet is a lost cause. Even if you repair it, it might just break again."

Elze: "Then, take me to the royal capital. I'm not likely to find a good one in this town.

Y/N: "Hang on, I'm not some taxi you can just call whenever you want to go somewhere."

Elze: "Come on, just do me a favor. You can buy things in there that you want while I do my thing."

Y/N: "...Fair deal."

After buying the two gauntlets with each different ability, I loaned Elze 1 gold coin and after buying what she wanted, She was humming in a good mood while I was stuck carrying her heavy gauntlets. For a girl like her, She's something else if she uses these kinds of gear every single engagement. 

Elze: "This sure is the royal capital. There's a lot of good stuff here. Though it's more expensive, too."

Y/N: "I think we're done here. Elze, let's head into that alley and use Gate..."

I then noticed she was gone at my side and I saw her looking at a boutique where she was fond of a particularly beautiful dress on display. 

Y/N: "...Do you want that?"

Elze: "Hu-agh! Y-Y/N?! You mean th-that outfit, huh! You know Linze! I wonder if that will look great on Linze!! That girl seems to like this kind of outfit, doesn't she? Of course, not me."

I then looked at the dress and I imagined which of the two would match. 

Y/N: "If I were to make an educated guess, This dress suits both of you but... You are the one who is the perfect match for that dress."

Elze: "Wha...! What are you babbling about? We're twins, so there's no point in comparing me with Linze..."

Y/N: "Is that so? You and your sister may be the same but each of you is unique. Both of you are cute and beautiful in different ways and being twins has nothing to do with that."

Elze: *Blushes hard* "C-cute...?!"

She then proceeded to punch me in embarrassment but my armor held the impact. 

Elze: "Quit your bullshit! *Blushes hard and turns away in embarrassment* Y-You don't need to flatter me. I understand myself best of all. I'm not the type of girl who looks good in things like that."

Y/N: "Then try it on and we'll know."

I then grabbed her hand as I led her inside the boutique. 

Elze: "See? It doesn't look good on me."

Y/N: "What are you saying? It looks great on you!"

Elze: "R-Really?"

Y/N: "I'll buy the dress." (I can't believe that a clone would be the one deciding what suits a girl best.)

Elze: "Wait, Y/N! You're buying this?! You just can't make sudden decisions on a whim."

Y/N: "That's what ARC Troopers are always good at. I'm buying it as a present for you. Besides, I couldn't go home now I saw that lovely side of yours."

Elze blushed this time at my sincere remark as she was being meekly when we got home. The girls were happy to see Elze's new dress as they were astounded seeing her.

Linze: "S-Sis!"

Elze: "I-Is it strange?"

Linze: "It looks very good on you!"

Yae: "It looks cute, Elze de gozaru!

Yumina: "Yes, it looks good on you."

Elze: "R-Really? Y/N bought it for me."

Yumina: "Wow! Let's have him buy some for all of us!"

Y/N and clones: (FUCK!)

Yae: "Great idea de gozaru!"

Linze: "Yeah! When shall we go shopping?"

Micah: "Yumina, you have a letter from the palace."

Yumina: "The palace?"

Yumina then reads the letter.

Y/N: "What does it say?"

Yumina: "Mr. Y/N, they'd like us to go to the palace."

Y/N: "Why?"

Yumina: "You'll receive a knighthood for fixing the incident that day."

Elze, Linze, and Yae: *All looked at Yumina* "Knighthood?!"

Y/N: "Can I refuse?"

Elze, Linze, and Yae: *All looked and went at Y/N* "Refuse?!"

Yumina: "Yes. But you would need to state your reason for doing so in a public venue."

Y/N: "So I have to go either way..."

Yumina: *Giggles* (I get to return home with Y/N a little early.)

Timeskip, Outpost, 3rd Person. 

After receiving knighthood, Y/N was in a position that might help the High Elves. He and Yumina both visited the outpost and watched over the high elves who had found shelter in the safety of the camp as he told her his story and how it came to this moment. 

Y/N:  "Yumina, these high elves are on the brink of extinction. The cruelty they've endured, the loss they've suffered—it's unbearable. I couldn't just stand by and let them perish."

Yumina looked at the group gathered by the fire, her heart heavy with empathy. 

Yumina: "You've done a remarkable thing, Y/N, by sheltering them here. But what do you need from me?"

Y/N took a deep breath, his voice filled with determination. 

Y/N: "I know you have the power to grant asylum to these high elves in your kingdom, even if only temporarily. They need a place to regroup and rebuild. This is as far as I can help them. They need your help, Yumina."

Yumina nodded, her heart touched by his plea.

Y/N: "I understand, Y/N. I will do everything in my power to help them. We cannot let their legacy disappear."

Beneath his helmet, Y/N smiled, relieved that she was willing to assist. 

Y/N: "Thank you, my love. I knew you would understand. With your support, we can offer these high elves a chance at survival and a better future."

Both Ria and Yumina struck a deal where they could stay in the outpost for a while and they are now under the Kingdom of Belfast's protection. All things seemed good so far as Y/N proceeded to blindfold Yumina when they left.

Yumina: "Oh~ What's with the blindfold?"

Y/N: "I have a surprise with you. Gate!"

Y/N then teleported both him, her, and others in front of the mansion where they would now stay. 

Yumina: "Are we here? I'm so excited to see it."

He then takes off the blindfold and she is surprised to see her new home.

Yumina: "I-Is this...?!"

Y/N: "Yes. Our new home. Together. I managed to purchase it thanks to the King. This place is too big for us to I decided to buy one huge land for all of us."

To be continued...

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