The Tale of Mythia

By Farmer_Above_God

877 184 17

"We are the Music Makers and We are the Dreamers of Dreams..." -Gene Wilder playing as Willy Wonka in Willy... More

Once Upon a Time
Chapter 1: The Day He Opened His Eyes
Chapter 2: Leg Day
Chapter 3: Salamander
Chapter 4: Burn out
Chapter 5: On the Rails
Chapter 6: Oneiro
Chapter 7: Sanctuary
Chapter 8: Entrance Exam
Chapter 9: Out of Body Experience
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Yeehaw
Chapter 12: Stakeout
Chapter 13: Misty Docks
Chapter 14: The Library
Chapter 15: KABOOM!
Chapter 16: A Blade, A Book, and a Giant Metal T-Rex
Chapter 17: Familiam
Chapter 18: Gunshots
Chapter 19: Not-So-Familiar Familiar
Chapter 20: Little Nothings
Chapter 21: Devil Skull
Chapter 22: The Lady of the Candle
Chapter 23: The Day the Lady of the Candle Dies
Chapter 24: Not a "Fan" of Training
Chapter 25: Stairway Trouble
Chapter 26: Roll for Luck
Chapter 27: Ninjas!
Chapter 28: Rainbow Flower
Chapter 29: Genie of the Lamp
Chapter 30: Sniper fron Another World
Chapter 31: Demons and Children, a Surprisingly Good Combo
Chapter 32: Rattle 'Em Boys!
Chapter 33: Heir-akles
Chapter 34: Daughter of the Emperor
Chapter 35: Cliff of the Rogue
Chapter 36: Goddess Bath Water
Chapter 37: The Assassin
Chapter 38: How Did a Potted Plant Get Here?
Chapter 39: Sorry Kids, No Beach Chaptet Yet
Chapter 40: Random House Spotted
Chapter 41: The Case of Bird Man is Solved
Chapter 42: The Chocolate Factory Secret
Chapter 43: I'm on a Boat!
Chapter 44: Yar
Chapter 45: A Cave in the Ocean
Chapter 46: The Voices
Chapter 47: The Meeting
Chapter 48: The Ball
Chspter 49: See You Later Alligator
Chapter 50: Take Me to Church
Chapter 51: Unison
Chapter 52: Domovy Brothers
Chapter 53: You're in the Sniper's Sights
Chapter 54: A Possible Solution to the Voices
Chapter 55: Beach Chapter, Because I Like the Ocean
Chapter 56: So Begins Tartarus
Chapter 57: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 58: Punching Shadows
Chapter 59: Shocking
Chapter 60: 2 Fights, 1 Chapter
Chapter 62: Cake
Chapter 63: Entering the Enchanted Forest
Chapter 64: Good as Gold
Chapter 65: Back to the Canyon

Chapter 61: Hero vs Protagonist

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By Farmer_Above_God

(Wednesday, 1st of Dream King Moon, 2021)
The roar of the crowd filled the arena as Jack walked towards the gray slab in the middle of the arena,  hands in pockets to examine the scenery of the arena. The arena's layout was completely barren compared to the previous matches. It was still just as large, but the entire arena was just gray flooring. Looking at it as he went towards the center of the arena, Jack saw that it was made of a kind of grey metal. Jack reached the center of the arena and Hero met him in the middle. Hero's attire barely changed, but he did notice his irises now glowed gold, black, and white. Once the roar of the crowd died down, Jack held his hand out to Hero.

"Feels like forever since I last fought you." Jack remembered the time when Hero defeated him at the entrance exams. "I don't got beef with you, but I won't hold back."

"I won't either!" Hero smiled back.

"I've been focusing on enhancing my temporal necromancy abilities, so History Maker's got some enhancements." Jack bragged, then he realized that bragging about one of his secret skills may not have been the smartest idea.

"Huh, so that's why he wanted a list of historical figures from my world." Simo looked down at the arena from his booth with the rest of the staff, who looked at him in a confused manner.

"What?" Herakles looked at the sniper. "Jack asked you for a list of historical figures from your world? And he managed to use History Maker on just a list?"

"Just so we're clear, unlike the Children of Destiny, their souls aren't residing inside Jack's body, he just has their abilities." Solomon appeared to be standing against the back wall. "What's more is that he can't use more than one at a time now, unless they're twins or siblings."

"So you've evolved his skills to that level, Solomon?" Herakles asked the librarian, who remained silent. "Your wisdom knows no bounds, does it?"


Unlike the previous matches, the two fighters remained still for a couple moments. Hero suddenly began to walk around the arena in a clockwise direction, and Jack did the same. Out of nowhere, Hero disappeared and reappeared in front of Jack with his short sword raised. Hero slashed down atop of Jack, creating a cloud of dust. The dust temporarily engulfed the two of them, but from this cloud of dust, Hero was launched out. As Hero soared from some kind of impact, he suddenly planted both of his feet on the ground, and Herakles noticed something odd.

Hero was now in a defensive stance with his short sword.

"Nice try, I know you're faster than me." Jack's voice could be heard, and the dust dispersed to reveal something you summoned. "Bone Collector."

With its massive tail curved around Jack defensively and its feet planted in the ground behind him while its massive bony head hovered ominously over you. The thing around Jack took the form of a massive t-rex fossil that was continuously emitting an orange aura that behaved similarly to a lava lamp. It's eye holes were little more than abysses made of pure black, while orange balls of flame looked to mimic irises. The fossil let out a powerful roar, and Jack cracked his fingers. Then Jack made a dog hand sign.


A jackal head shot out of the ground in an attempt to bite Hero in half, but Hero moved out of the way without his smile disappearing. Hero looked at Jack to see he was missing, Hero instinctively looked up to see Jack with his leg raised, and a curved black blade emerging from his calf. Electricity coated the black blade as he delivered an axe kick towards Hero, but the boy not only deflected it with his short sword by poking the blade so quickly that the electricity didn't have time to electrocute the blade, but he also delivered a punch to Jack's stomach. The force of the punch sent Jack so far into the air, leaving his body open for Hero to jump into the air. Hero prepared his blade, and in a flash, he was on the opposite side of Jack.  A slash appeared on his side, and Jack landed on his back on the ground while Hero landed on his feet not too far away.

"Yikes, that hurt like a bitch." Jack got up as though nothing was wrong. "You may have fought me before I trained, but now you're not only fighting present me, but also past me."

"You're healing!" Hero pointed at his wound as it emitted steam, and it slowly healed.

"Yup, it's called 'Victim', an ability I had before the amnesia." Jack explained as the wound closed itself, and he placed his hands at his side. "Lucky for me, a friend allowed me to recover all my skills and abilities."

"Good, then I won't hold back either!" Hero then got into a familiar sword stance. "Universe Sword Style: Sun."

The blade began to glow with the fury of the sun, no, it was like his blade had become the sun itself. He held the sword out in front of him with both hands, and turned the blade horizontally so that the sword would face his right. Hero bent his knees slightly, and he took a breath in before a bright flash of light engulfed Hero as he dashed towards Jack at sonic speeds, so fast in fact that he broke the sound barrier. Hero dashed towards Jack just as a green light filled both his hands. Hero appeared behind Jack, and a powerful explosion of light engulfed the entire area behind him. No, that was just the force of Hero's attack igniting the air behind Jack. Lucky for Jack, he didn't take the attack head on alone. The thing that Hero struck was a large, bronze shield with a crimson lion depiction. Jack had summoned Sparta to help fight off against the impact of the attack.

"Summoning Sparta?" Hero asked while smiling. "I guess you've evolved a little since we last fought."

"I like to think I got better." Jack summoned a Tarot card in your hand, the Lovers, and it flowed pink before disappearing. "Let's see if this works."

Hero was confused for a moment until he suddenly threw Sparta's spear, and Hero effortlessly deflected it, only to see Jack throw the spear to open his hand out for Red Shores. He balanced the minigun on Sparta's shield, which now had its bottom planted in the ground, then Jack began firing the minigun. Hero confidently blocked all the bullets, and his arms moved so fast that they emitted a hum like a hummingbird flapping his wings. Hero was so fixated on the bullets that he somehow didn't notice Jack's t-rex sneaking up behind him until the t-rex chomped down at the boy using its powerful jaws, leaving only the lower half visible. The t-rex was about to bite down harder, but a bright yellow line suddenly appeared perfectly in the middle of the skeleton, followed by the skeleton dispersing into green energy. Hero appears to have slashed the skeleton in half, but that didn't stop Jack. Jack dropped Red Shores and stretched his arm back, and much to the crowd's amazement, it stretched like impossibly long. His arm stretched up to 5 meters before suddenly launching itself towards Hero.

"CRASH!" Jack's balled up fist began to emit blue and white flames that covered his knuckles as he delivered a devastating punch to Hero's chest, sending him flying across the arena once again. Hero landed with his feet against the arena wall, and he began running along the walls, his sword glowing gold throughout the entire dash.

"Universe Sword Style: Meteor Storm!" Hero began slashing his sword, and basketball-sized orbs of light came at Jack at immense speeds, so he summoned Incredible Thing the blanket.

While these powerful balls of light towards Jack, he draped Incredible Thing over you, with the navy blue half facing up. Upon making contact with the soft, golden side of the blanket, Jack literally sunk into the blanket as though it were a portal. Jack was absorbed by the blanket's portal, leaving behind only Incredible Thing in the middle of the arena. Upon seeing this, Hero stopped his onslaught and curiously looked at the blanket. A gust of wind filled the arena and flipped the blanket over, so now the golden side faced up. From the golden side of the blanket, numerous pole-like items shot out and landed all around the arena, including in front of Hero. These poles had green cloth attached to them, similar to flags. These poles were all Arrival, the flag artifact. In a flash of green, Jack suddenly appeared between the flag and him holding Bamboo Forest, the black katana.

"History Maker of Another World: Okita Souji." A black tattoo appeared below his mouth, and it looked like blood that would leak from one's mouth.

Hero tried slashing at Jack, but he got into an Iaijutsu stance before suddenly disappearing. Jack reappeared behind Hero calmly holding his sword out straight. Before Hero could turn around, a powerful slash of lightning enveloped his whole left side. Hero was confused by this while his tattoo disappeared, and Jack replaced Bamboo Forest with Basilisk, its red hilt and golden guard shone under the sabre's flames. Jack attempted a slash at Hero, and without so much as a blink, he blocked the swing. The force of the swords clashing, sent embers scattering around. For the briefest of moments, Jack saw the blade hidden beneath Basilisk's blade, which looked like a dragon's tooth that's been carved to look like a blade. Hero attempted to pierce Jack's stomach stomach, but Jack countered the swing with Sparta's shield. Jack used Baslisk to stab the ground with Basilisk. Hero was confused until a pillar of flames shot out of the ground yet Hero managed to dodge it by stepping back.

"Universe Sword Style: Eclipse." Hero suddenly disappeared from his field of vision, as if he knew exactly where his blind spot was and perfectly entered that spot.

From behind, Jack suddenly felt a presence, so he dropped both his weapons and summoned Red Coat Counter to swiftly turn around. Then he was met with a powerful impact. While he did block the initial impact, the sheer strength of the attack sent Jack flying upwards into the arena. Just before he was sent into the air, Jack heard a 'ding', signaling the use of Red Coat Counter. Jack landed with his back against the wall, and from seemingly nowhere, human sized-puppets dawning red coats and holding flintlock muskets appeared. The puppets fired at Hero, who cut all the bullets in half, only to suddenly be caught off guard by a crimson colored Lance. This Lance was followed by a jade colored one, then an azure, and followed by three lances of yellow, orange, and purple. Only the crimson Lance managed to pierce Hero's shoulder, the rest were deflected. These lances, the artifact named Flower Queen, swiftly disappeared with a wave of Jack's hand.

"Not bad, Hero, now, let me show you the power of a power I awakened recently." Jack undid the buckle on Storyteller, and began to unsheathe it. "You know, it's a power I awakened after my fight with you."

Jack fully unsheathed the sword and gripped the hilt with both hands, and Jack looked at Hero. He took in a breath and he stood still, with his left foot in front of his right foot. Jack was using his right foot as a center of balance, and his eyes suddenly began to move around frantically, as though it was during REM sleep, but with his eyelids open. Hero appeared in front of Jack, and his sword moved to deliver an upward slash. Hero's arm moved so fast it was almost invisible, yet Jack managed to not only deflect the sword, but also stagger Hero back to deliver a slash to Hero's stomach. It was a mere graze, nothing too drastic, but enough to catch the audience off guard.

"What on Desponia?" Herakles was wide eyed at the fight from his spot in the stands. "Solomon, what kind of training did you give to, Jack?"

"I'm afraid I haven't slightest clue." Solomon admitted. "I just say this power inside of him, and I trained it. Now that you mention it, there's a great probability that he has help from an unknown being. Also, he named it Day Dreamer."

"Why can't anything be normal around here?" Simo asked in a questioning tone.

"Welcome to hell, my friend." Nikola snickered.

Back to his fight, Hero was going toe to toe with him using Day Dreamer, yet he appeared to ignore the fact that Storyteller was now glowing green as Jack swung it until he suddenly summoned an unexpected artifact behind Hero. Jack let go of Storyteller with one hand and pointed at himself, confusing Hero for a moment until something suddenly struck him from behind. Hero turned his head to see the massive shield hovering over the ground, Camelot struck him. Hero jumped over Camelot to land behind the shield while the shield tried for round 2. A miniature star appeared in Hero's palm, and he launched the star towards Jack, and he used Camelot to block the projectile. While Camelot did block the projectile, out of nowhere, Jack was engulfed in a fiery ball that was so massive, he felt as though gravity was crushing him from all directions. Jack kneeled on the ground, his bones feeling like they could break at any moment.

"History Maker: Uriel and Ariel." Jack summoned a pair of golden and crimson wings from his back, and the gravity didn't seem to affect him anymore, yet the flames burned his skin.

Jack summoned Fastest Thing along with Changeling, and to help deal with the flames, he also haz Lindwurm the dragon armor appear on his body. The armor itself looked like black samurai armor, made of black, reflective scales. The helmet even had a mask like most kinds of samurai armors, yet this mask took the form of a dragon. Jack gripped Storyteller in his right hand, Fastest Thing in his left, and clamped Changeling in his masks' jaws. With all three swords at your disposal, Jack summoned Grateful Beast. Grateful Beast was just a treasure chest with arms and legs, and the ability to consume EVERYTHING. Grateful Beast opened its mouth, and the flames began to get sucked into the chest. While Grateful Beast consumed the massive fireball, Jack dashed to where Hero last was, and thanks to Fastest Thing, he was out of the fireball in a second. Hero was caught off guard by Jack suddenly appearing in front of him, but he quickly steeled himself and his sword began to glow a golden color. Unlike the last previous times, Jack was quick enough to duck beneath the swing, barely dodging a massive wave of flames that engulfed half the arena. Jack swung all three of his swords upwards to slash against Hero's chest, getting three gnashes against Hero's chest. Hero tried cutting Jack's chest, but he shot flames out of both of his own feet to back away from Hero, who had blood dripping down his chest. Hero then did something unexpected, he pointed the tip of his blade at Jack, and only the tip of it began to glow a crimson color before suddenly shooting out a red laser that created a golf ball sized hole in Jack's side. Jack almost kneeled over, but he grit his teeth and rushed towards Hero. Jack used Golden Feast and Silver Garden to coat the weapons in a magical aura of silver ice and golden flames. Hero on the other hand coated his sword in a platinum aura.

"Final attack?" Jack asked Hero, who nodded. "Good, I don't plan on holding back either."

Jack and Hero ran towards each other, and he used a technique called 'All-Vision'. Golden rings of light appeared around his irises, and Jack could see could through Hero's skin. He saw Hero's muscle, skeleton structures, and he could even see the electrical signals that made muscles move. Jack knew exactly how Hero was going to move, but given how his sword was now glowing platinum, Jack wasn't sure if he could tank his blow, even with Lindwurm. So he summoned fossil-like bones around his body to act as armor, and at the same time, more of these bones coated all three of your swords, and Jack's sword swings began to have transparent orange t-rex skulls coating them, roaring simultaneously. As if that wasn't enough, Jack summoned London Bridge onto his hands to enhance Storyteller and Fastest Thing. As Jack began to pour more and more magic into the enhancements to your sword, the skulls began to emit something like looked like green space dust from their mouths, eyes, and noses. Meanwhile, Hero's eyes began glowing platinum as he dashed towards Jack.

"History Maker  of Another World: Samson!" Jack's wings disappeared, and they were replaced by a black tattoo that resembled muscle veins on his arms.

"Universe Sword Style: Supernova." Hero and Jack were now directly in front of each other, and both of them delivered a single powerful slash with their respective swords.

The effects of the swings were both powerful and filled half of the arena with their respective magics, yet their magics looked very different from one another. Jack's took the form of silver ice and gold flames filling your half of the arena, with bits and pieces of fossils decorating the magic. Meanwhile, Hero's took the form of a massive amount of platinum colored plasma. The glow of Hero's sword died down, and as did all of Jack's enhancements. Hero's eyes went back to normal, and Jack dismissed all of the artifacts that he was wielding. The arena was eerily silent, trying to process what had just transpired, and who won the match, but suddenly, Jack fell onto your knees while blood gushed from his stomach. Hero was about to be proclaimed the winner, until a massive splatter of blood shot out from his chest, and the Hero fell onto his chest. Jack's head hung low as he was on his knees, then he fell unconscious.

"IT'S...A DRAW?!" Maui shouted in disbelief, and the crowd murmured with confusion and debate as to who won. "WELL, LET'S GIVE OUR CONTENDERS A HUGE ROUND OF APPLAUSE, AND HOPEFULLY SOME JOB APPLICATIONS!"

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