After The Storm (Sequel)

By Lovergirl723

375K 7.5K 926

Liliana Garcia has always made it through anything life has thrown her way, but after so much loss and hearta... More

Nothing was the same
Unhappy Holidays
Breaking Point
Valentine's Day
How to Save a life
Jaws of Life
Trouble in Paradise
Silver Flood
First day
We hate him
His secret
Memory lane
Believe In Yourself
I have to
Not Ready
I Wish You Were Here
How Can I help
What's Going on
It Was An Accident
This Can't Be Happening
Bigger Person
Time For A Change
Best Man
Happy Again
Wedding Bells
Hard Decisions
If you love someone tell them
A Day Back
Quality Time
Back to work
The Unknown
Look Who's In Town
Turn Coat
Are you happy?
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Mom's Back
Never Ready
Leave It Behind
Unexpected News
Operation Day
Harper Avery's
Can We Talk?
Date night
Trial and Error
Couples Therapy
Crisis Mode
Good Intentions

Wrong Venue, Right Time

967 26 2
By Lovergirl723

Liliana's pov

"Lily...Lily." I could hear Jackson calling as he gently shook me, waking me out of my sleep.

"What? What time is it?" I grumbled groggily sitting up.

"Time to wake up." He chuckled making me side eye him. "I'm sorry, I had too. But we really do need to start getting ready."

Today is a big day. Alex and Jo are getting married. With everything going on with the Avery foundation and the hospital, Jackson and I have been a little distracted, but today was all about Alex and Jo, and making sure their day was perfect.

"Mmm." I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"You still tired?" He chuckled.

"Yes, I feel like we've been so busy lately we haven't gotten any rest." I grumbled as I lazily rested my chin in the palm of my hand.

"I know. Hopefully things can go back to normal soon." He said sitting on the bed beside me.

"Do you think that's even possible? For things to go back to normal?" I questioned looking over at him. Even though everything was starting to calm down, the lawsuits and slander that have happened over the last few months has changed us, especially Jackson since he's the main one who's had to deal with the ramifications.

"Probably not." He shook his head, disappointment clear in his voice. It honestly hurt to see all the stress Jackson has had to deal with due to his grandfather's actions. He didn't deserve this, but all we can do is move forward and continue to rebrand the foundation and the Avery name.
- -
A short while later I got up and we both started getting ready. The babysitter had Isabella today so for the first time in forever I had the time to curl my hair and do makeup. It honestly felt amazing. I got dressed and decided to wear a fitted pink dress with nude heels. I felt that went well with the spring theme that Kepner is aiming for, for the wedding.

"You look beautiful Mrs. Avery." Jackson smiled as he stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and gently tracing kisses down the side of my face and neck.

It's amazing that Jackson and I have been together for years now, but a simple touch from him still sent chills down my spine. I still loved him just as much, actually more than the day I married him. I'm a lucky girl.

"Don't get carried away. We have somewhere to be." I chuckled before turning around to face him. "You look really handsome yourself Avery." I smiled caressing his face before he gave me a kiss.
- -
"Wow, there are a lot of people here." I said as I glanced around the church.

"Yeah, I guess Karev and Wilson have a lot of friends we don't know about," he nodded as we took a seat beside Catherine and Richard.

"I haven't been in a church in so long." I said as I glanced around.

"Tell me about it." He agreed.

"Looks like the wedding's starting." I said as I heard the music start. We all turned our attention to the entrance as the bridal party began entering the church.

Everyone glanced at each other in confusment because we didn't recognize anyone walking down the aisle.

"Who the hell are all these people?" I frowned.

"I don't know, but April just text me asking where everyone is." He shook his head frowning at his phone.

"What does she mean? We're here." I sighed.

"I know, that's what I replied." The bridal music begins playing so we all stand up assuming we're about to see Jo walking down the aisle, but to our surprise there's a bride but it isn't Jo.

"Well I guess we're in the wrong place." Jackson huffed. "April said the site listed the wrong address. The wedding's in Bainbridge Island."

"What do we do?" Bailey whisper yells.

"Okay, let's just go one at a time." Webber suggested. "No sudden movements."

We nodded before we slowly started walking towards the exit. Once we made it out we had to rush to a ferry because that was the quickest way we would make it to the wedding venue.

After a lot of scrambling we finally made it.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, hi!" April exclaimed letting out a sigh of relief seeing us walk into the wedding venue.

"Oh my gosh April this is gorgeous ." Catherine marveled as she glanced around.

"Thank you." April smiled wrapping her in a hug.

I had to admit Kepner did an amazing job. The floral designs were detailed and beautiful. The cake was creative yet elegant, and the scenery was amazing. It was definitely impressive.

"So we're all friends here. There's no bride or groom side. Just sit wherever you feel comfortable, okay. Yeah?" April explained nervously.

"Where do you sit if you used to be in love with the bride, but then the groom beat you up and put you in the hospital." An obviously tipsy Deluca asked.

"Okay, ignore him." Carina said as she grabbed his arm forcing him to a seat.

"Kepner, it's good seeing you. I have to admit I miss having you at the hospital." I smiled as we walked over to April. She recently left the hospital to focus on providing medical care to the homeless and underserved. It was unexpected, but definitely commendable.

"I miss you all too, but these homeless communities? They're huge, and they have so little access to medical care, and they really need me. It feels good." She nodded.

"I'm glad." I smiled. All we can hope for in this life is to find a purpose and happiness in life and it seems that April has found that, and I'm happy for her.

We continued to walk around and mingle. I paused for a second as I saw Maggie walk in. I was at a place where it didn't make my blood boil seeing her, but it was still a little awkward.

"You okay?" Jackson asked placing his hand on my back as he noticed me tense up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just awkward ." I nodded turning away and fixing myself a lemonade at the drink stand.

"I understand, but I'm in this marriage 100 percent with you. You know that right?" He said reassuring me.

"I know." I nodded giving him a kiss.

We took a seat as Meredith walked over to us.

"So did you find the bride and groom?" I asked her. It seemed like we had been waiting for Jo and Alex for forever, but they were no where to be found. I was starting to wonder if there would even be a wedding.

"No, but I did find Jo's shoes in Alex's room, so I think maybe they snuck off..."

"Too have sex." Jackson finished her sentence.

"Mm-hmm." Meredith chuckled.

"Can't blame them." I laughed as well.

"Um, folks? Folks, hello." The wedding coordinator said into her microphone gaining everyone's attention. "Thank you so much for your patience. The wedding officiant should be here soon, harbor traffic allowing." She nervously joked. "So, in the meantime, please continue to enjoy the canapé and, um this toast by this handsome young fellow." She smiled as she walked over to a very drunk DeLuca who was leaning against a tree drinking yet another beer.

"Oh God." I mumbled.

"No, no, no. No, no." DeLuca threw his hands up in protest.

"Yes. No, no don't be shy. Give us so words." She smiled forcefully dragging him to the middle of the aisle.

"That might not be the best choice for a toast." Meredith shook her head.

"Nope." I agreed

"Um, hi. Hi. Hello." Deluca spoke. "I'm Andrew DeLuca. I'm a coworker of Alex and Jo. Uh, well, more than a co-worker actually. Blood has been spilled between us, so that makes us family, I guess. He badly joked. "Uh, hey we're having fun. But seriously you guys, I'm happy for them, you know, "cause when two people find a moment, just like a moment you guys, of real and true love that hasn't been ripped from your claws, just screaming and bleeding, you gotta celebrate that."

"Thank you, DeLuca." Meredith smiled grabbing the microphone from him as we awkwardly clapped.

"Thank you." The officiant nodded as Meredith handed her the microphone and walked off with DeLuca.

"One more announcement. It's more of a question, really. Does uh, anyone happen to have an EpiPen handy? I, uh seem to have accidentally eaten some shrimp, and I am quite allergic." She nervously chuckled grabbing her throat. "And it just seems that my throat is just closing right now." She said before she began to collapse to the ground. We all jumped up rushing over to her.

She struggled to breathe as we laid her on her back, examining her.

"She's going into anaphylactic shock. Someone call 911." Owen instructed.

"I'm on it." Webber said rushing off to call the ambulance.

"No one had an EpiPen, but I did find a first aid kit." April said as she rushed back over opening the first aid kit.

"She's losing her airway. Any epi? Owen asked.

"Uh, I don't see see any."




"Owen, it is a wedding first-aid kit. There are Band-Aids and safety pins and Benadryl! Benadryl! Uh, it's expired Benadryl, but..." April shrugged.

"Her throats closing. We're going to have to put it in the rectum." Owen sighed.

The coordinator protested as Owen began to turn her on her side.

"Everybody turn around."  April instructed.

"We're all doctors here." Catherine sighed

"Turn around." April demanded.

We all turned as she administered the Benadryl.

"We've lost the pulse. Starting compressions." Owen said as they placed her on her back again and they began CPR.

"Ambulance is coming. It's in traffic." Webber explained walking back over to us.

"Without an airway, she'll be dead by the time it gets here." Jackson shook his here. "We need to crike her now."

"With what?" April questioned. "Uh, hey! You, you, you!" April called one of the waitress's . "Get me the sharpest knife you have, just not the one you used to cut the shrimp. Go!" April instructed before the waitress scrambled off.

Once we got the knife Jackson and Owen began to to open her airway. Alex and Jo conveniently arrived in the middle of all the chaos. With all the mishaps that had taken place, we all came to the conclusion that a wedding wasn't going to happen today.

Once the ambulance left with the wedding coordinator, we all boarded the ferry to go back home and agreed we would still just have a get together at me and Jackson's house since everyone was all dressed up and together.

"Hey Alex." I said walking over to him.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"We're going move the party to me and Jackson's place , Catherine ordering food." I smiled.

"Oh that's great. Thank you so much." He nodded.

"Also, while I was sitting I had an idea" I said as I showed him my phone. The thought of Jo and Alex not getting their wedding didn't sit right with me. While trying to come up with a solution I found out how easy it is to become an ordained minister. It literally just takes one click, so there was nothing stopping one us from officiating a wedding on the ferry.

After discussing it would Alex he agreed that he was open to the idea. I suggested that he ask Meredith to officiate. Though it was my idea, he and Mer were each other's person so if anyone should do it I felt it should be her.

Of course she agreed so we all gathered together and watched as Alex and Jo had their wedding. They're now Mr. and Mrs. Karev.

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